Table 11: Test F.
F Signifik
1,48785 12,172 0,000
R= 0,603
= 0,364
Estimasi Standar Error = 1,48785
F = 12,172 pada p < 0,000
Predictors : (Constant) Debt ratio, debt to equity ratio ,
net profit margin, return on assets
Dependent Variable: Stock Price
Sources : Processed Secondary data.
From the test results in table 10, It was found that
the value of F
was 12,172> F
value, namely
df = (n-k-1) = 2.48 with a significant value of 0.000
<0.05. This can be seen from the magnitude of R =
0.603 and the Estimated Standard error of 1.48785.
From these results it can be concluded that Ho is
rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that together
all independent variables consisting of debt to asset
ratio, debt to equity ratio, net profit margin and
return on assets simultaneously have a significant
effect on stock prices.
Based on the results of research in the previous
chapter, the conclusions that can be obtained from
this study are: (i) Partially debt ratio and Net Profit
Margin have a significant positive effect on prices
(ii) Debt to Equity Ratio and Return on Assets
partially have no significant positive effect to stock
prices, (iii) Debt to Equity Ratio, Net Profit Margin,
Return On Asset simultaneously have a significant
effect on stock prices in Goods Industrial Companies.
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