Performance of A Star with Dynamic Programming Algorithms in
Determining the Shortest Route
Henny Yusnita
, Muhammad Zarlis
and Sawaluddin
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Faculty of Math and Natural Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Keywords: Shortest path, dynamic programming, shortest route.
Abstract: A Star's algorithms tend to perform better when combined with heuristics. By implementing the heuristic
function-based Best First Search (BFS) search mechanism, the system will find the shortest path from the
origin to the destination nodes. In the Dynamic Programming algorithm, the search for the shortest route
was based on interconnected stages by loading the route to be searched. In this study, a combination of the
A Star algorithm and Dynamic Programming methods was used. Testing of A Star Algorithm with Dynamic
Programming in the search for the shortest route from Pasar Petisah to Pasar Lau Cih was chosen. The
results of the study found that the A Star - Dynamic Programming algorithm produced the shortest distance
of 14.12 Km.
The A Star algorithm is a development of the
Dijkstra algorithm. To get the best results, a route
search design by analyzing inputs and testing
potential routes is carried out. In general, this
algorithm uses traversal graphs and possible routes
when searching for a route around a node. The basic
characteristic of the algorithm used is the application
of the Open List. The Open List is a node that has
probably been skipped, has never been traversed, or
is not a dead-end route. The Close List is an
impassable node, such as a dead end or has been
passed. Thus, the Close List function aims to re-
analyze nodes that have been passed previously.
Therefore, the route search algorithm becomes faster
and does not repeat itself indefinitely. The closest
route search algorithm will stop when the destination
node has been found or the node in the Open List no
longer exists. Implementation of Close List and
Open List in finding the shortest route with a small
number of nodes becomes less productive, which
leads to the use of more complex algorithms (Taufiq,
Sharma & Pal (2015) compared the closest route
search using the A Star algorithm and Dijkstra's
algorithm. This study shows that the A Star
algorithm performs better than the Dijkstra
algorithm in all cases, where weights and distances
are not limited. The A Star algorithm is proven to
provide the best search results compared to others.
Further research entitled Guided Hybrid A Star Path
Planning Algorithm for Valet Parking Applications
was piloted by Sedighi (2019). This research
presents an innovative and computationally efficient
approach to combining the search engine and the
famous Hybrid A Star with visibility diagrams in the
search for the shortest possible non-holonomic path
in a hybrid (continuous discrete) atmosphere for
valet parking. In the study, the Visibility Diagram
was applied to introduce a cost saving function as
well as for the Hybrid A Star algorithm.
Furthermore, the shortest path found is used to
provide the correct waypoint so that Hybrid A Star
can plan the optimal route by taking into account
non-holonomic constraints. This method has been
researched extensively with results 40% faster than
the Hybrid A-star algorithm or an average of 20%.
Karova & Penev's (2016) conducted a
comparative study between A Star Algorithm and
backtracking algorithms to find the shortest route of
a maze. The results reveal that the backtracking
algorithm can be used effectively in small mazes
with few constraints. Likewise, it can also trace the
shortest route for a shorter time. For larger size and
number of obstacles in the maze, the algorithm
produces the best results. In several trials, this
Yusnita, H., Zarlis, M. and Sawaluddin, .
Performance of A Star with Dynamic Programming Algorithms in Determining the Shortest Route.
DOI: 10.5220/0010335700003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 536-542
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
algorithm produced a shorter route in a shorter time
compared to the other two algorithms. The genetic
algorithm can be applied in some cases, where the
computation time required is shorter compared to the
shorter route. Obstacle removal will be simulated
during the real-time search process starting from
10% to 30%. With such an algorithm, the robot will
be able to move in a dynamically changing
In his research entitled Improving A Star
Hierarchy Algorithm for Optimal Parking Path Plan
from Large Parking Spaces, Cheng & Yan (2014)
revealed that optimal parking lane planning in a
large parking area. The optimal evaluation index is
determined in a short period of time and then
increases. Given the situation, the corresponding
evaluation function is well developed by the A Star
plus algorithm, which results in better, more
efficient and more accurate searches. The evaluation
index in the parking lane planning from the parking
lot is the optimal time rather than the optimal
distance. The algorithm must be able to avoid
congested roads at the same time. The experimental
results show that the built algorithm can effectively
plot different optimal path information with
additional attributive data parameters.
Dynamic Programming is a method for finding
the shortest route by dividing the search area and
stages. In this case, the route obtained from each
region is considered a series of fastest paths that
support each other. Dynamic Programming can
identify and solve multiple problems, including
work scheduling, optimal operation division,
shortest route, and workforce size. When getting
optimal results, the Dynamic Programming
algorithm applies the principle of optimality by
dividing the problem into several parts called stages.
The set is then resolved with optimization until all
cases are resolved. The best decision is a decision
body made of all stages, also called optimal
decisions (Fawwaz, 2019).
This study aims to determine, analyze, and study
how the Dynamic Programming algorithm works
integrated with the A Star algorithm to identify the
shortest route on a city graph with certain
limitations. Solve the shortest route problem using
advanced recursive dynamic programming. The
route discussed in this study is the route from Pasar
Petisah to Pasar Lau Cih. However, it does not
discuss road congestion, road sections, road
conditions and road priorities. The routes covered in
the analysis are land routes with good conditions
that can be traversed by motorized vehicles.
The AI applied in this research is the Dynamic
Programming algorithm to find a path when
attacking opposing participants in a game. Police
figures are tested in a game. From 10 experiments,
he obtained 90% success in finding the shortest and
optimal path with the Dynamic Programming
algorithm (Fawwaz, 2019).
Dynamic Programming (DP) is an optimization
algorithm that can be applied in everyday life. The
DP algorithm is carried out in several stages so that
problems can be perceived through a series of
interdependent decisions. In solving the problem, the
DP algorithm carries out two approaches, namely
Forward and Backward so that the problem can be
resolved as a whole by using these two procedures.
Even though the final optimal value is the same, the
achievement of the optimal value at each stage
between the Forward and Backward approaches is
different. Differences in absolute optimal values are
obtained under the same conditions if resolved using
Forward and Backward strategies (Kamal, 2017).
In this study, the proposed strategy provides a
popular file-to-cache combination that maximizes
the likelihood of optimal cache being found with
pseudo-polynomial time complexity. For these
purposes, the resource algorithm is known as the
0/1-Knapsack problem assuming that files are
cached without the partition being used (Ayenew,
The A Star algorithm is a classic, efficient
algorithm for searching the shortest path on a graph.
The productivity of the algorithm depends on an
evaluation function that estimates the heuristic value
of the shortest path from the starting point to the
destination. If you know the coordinates of the
vertices (x, y), the heuristic value of the shortest path
becomes the distance. This study presents the Index-
Based A Star algorithm which aims to solve the
shortest path problem on directed and weighted
graphs with unknown vertices of coordinates. The
development is done by using three indexes for each
node, namely the earliest, second, and newest arrival
index. Thus, the lower limit and upper limit of the
shortest distance from the starting point to the target
are based on these three indices. This algorithm
makes use of the earliest arrival index to define the
evaluation function of the A Star algorithm and
applies three indexes to unused nodes to improve
algorithm performance. Compared with the A Star
algorithm, the additional time and space complexity
of the experimental results proves the effectiveness
of the proposed design (Lie, 2018).
The investigation aims to find out how the A Star
algorithm determines the shortest route during traffic
Performance of A Star with Dynamic Programming Algorithms in Determining the Shortest Route
jams. The results of the experiment provide a more
realistic picture of the A Star algorithm process in
determining the closest path (Syukriyah & Solihin,
1.1 A Star Algorithm
Nils Nilsson developed the A star algorithm in 1964
based on Dijkstra's algorithm with the name A1
algorithm. In 1967, Bertram Raphael refined the first
algorithm to become the A2 algorithm. However, in
1968, Peter E. managed to prove the supremacy of
the A2 algorithm over the previous version. Thus,
the A2 algorithm is claimed to be the most optimal
algorithm in finding the closest route and is renamed
to A Star. Based on time, the A Star algorithm is
better than Dijkstra's algorithm which uses a
heuristic search function. The A Star algorithm is the
most frequently used algorithm in route finding and
graph exploration, which plots the most efficient
paths between points called nodes. This algorithm
looks for a path or route very efficiently where this
algorithm is also developed from the basic method
of Best First Search (Syukriyah, 2016).
The main principle of the A Star algorithm is to
find the shortest path from the starting point to the
destination node which underlies the shortest
distance and lowest cost. This algorithm process
begins by placing A at the starting point and entering
all neighboring nodes, without the obstacle attribute
with A into the Open List. Then, the system
identifies the smallest H node value in the Open
List, and then moves A to the smallest H node value.
The nodes before A are stored as the primary of A
and are then classified into a Closed List. If another
node has been relocated adjacent to A but is not a
member of the Open List, that node will be
categorized as Open List. After that, compare the
existing G value with the previous one. If the
previous G value was smaller, then A will return to
the starting position. Node is designed to enter the
Close List. These steps can be rerun until a solution
is found or no other nodes are available in the Open
List. Figure 1 illustrates how the concept of the A
Star algorithm works.
Figure 1: A Star Algorithm.
The Star algorithm has two main functions when
determining the best solution. The first function is as
g (x) which functions to calculate the total cost
(distance or time) required from origin to destination
nodes. The second function is as h (x) to estimate the
total cost estimated from origin node to destination
G(n) =
 𝑌𝑛
H(n) = |X(target) – X(n)| + |Y(target) – Y(n)| (2)
F(n) = G(n)+F(n) (3)
1.2 Dynamic Programming
Dynamic Programming was first introduced by
Richard Bellman in the 1940's. This describes the
problem-solving process, where the desired solution
is the most optimal, often referred to as the global
optimal (Ayenew, 2018). The optimal substructure
means that the optimal solution for the previous sub-
problem can be used to find the optimal solution for
the problem at hand. In the graph, for example, the
shortest path from origin to destination node can be
found by first calculating the shortest subpath from
all neighboring origin nodes to the destination node
and then using the shortest subpath to obtain the
shortest complete path. There are three stages in
problem solving with an optimal substructure,
1. Break the problem into smaller sub-problems,
2. Find the optimal solution to the sub-problem
using these three steps recursively,
3. Use the optimal solution for the sub-problem
to build the optimal solution for the problem
at hand.
The problem-solving process is continued by
dividing it into smaller parts until a simple case can
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
be solved quickly. Dynamic Programming is a
method of solving problems by breaking down
solutions into groups (stages). Problem solving can
be observed from a series of interrelated decisions.
Dynamic Programming emerged because of its
ability to analyze and document the results at each
stage using multiple tables for more detailed
solutions. The characteristics of problem solving
with Dynamic Programming can be described as
1. Several possible options,
2. Solutions at each stage are built from the
results of the completion of the previous stage,
3. The algorithm takes optimization
requirements and limits and limits the number
of options to be considered at each stage.
In Dynamic Programming, optimal decisions are
made on the principle of optimality. If the total
solution is optimal, then the solution part to the k-
stage must also be optimal. (Plancher, 2017).
In the principle of optimality, if you work from
stage k to stage k + 1 we can use the optimal results
from stage k without having to return to the initial
stage where the cost at stage k + 1 is the cost
generated in stage k plus the cost from stage k to
stage k + 1 as shown in Figure. 2.
Figure 2: Principle of Optimality (Munir, 2013).
Dynamic Programming has the following
1. The problem is divided into stages where only
one decision is taken per set.
2. Each stage consists of a corresponding state
and its state is a number of possible inputs at
that stage.
3. The solution of each stage is declared with a
status corresponding to the status of the next
step in the next step.
4. The cost at each stage increases regularly as
the number of stages increases.
5. The value at each stage depends on the current
6. The solution at each stage does not depend on
the solution made in the previous stage.
7. The recursive relation marks the solution of
each state at stage k, which provides the best
solution for each state in the previous stage.
There are 2 (two) approaches in Dynamic
Programming, namely:
1. The forward or up-down approach,
2. Backward or bottom-up approach.
For example x1, x2,…, xn represent the decision
variables that must be made respectively for stages
1, 2, ..., n, then:
1. Dynamic Programming Forward moves from
stage 1, continues to stage 2, 3, and so on until
stage n where the sequence of decision
variables is x1, x2, ..., xn.
2. Dynamic Programming backward moves from
stage n, continues backward to stages n - 1, n -
2 and so on until stage 1. The set of decision
variables is xn, xn-1, ..., x1. stage k + 1 =
(costs generated in stage k) + (costs from
stage k to stage k + 1), k = 1, 2, ..., n - 1.
While the principle of optimality in backward
dynamic programming is the cost at stage k = (costs
generated in stage k + 1) + (costs from stage k + 1 to
stage k), k = n, n - 1, .., 1.
Following are the steps to develop the Dynamic
Programming algorithm:
a) Perform the structural characteristics of the
optimal solution,
b) Recursively determine the optimal solution
c) Calculate the optimal solution value for forward
or backward,
d) Develop optimal solutions.
As for the principle, Dynamic Programming is
based on multi-stage graph. Each node in the graph
represents a state, while V1, V2, ... represent a stage.
Figure 3 shows a multi-stage process.
Figure 3: Multi-Stage Graph.
Several problems in the Multi-Layout Graph related
to Dynamic Programming are categorized as
Performance of A Star with Dynamic Programming Algorithms in Determining the Shortest Route
1. Stage (k) is the process of selecting the
destination node as shown in Figure 3; there
are five stages.
2. The status associated with each stage is a node
in the graph
1.3 Research Design
The research design is to analyze the Dynamic
Programming method - A Star to find the shortest
route. The research design is presented in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Research Design.
Initially the user enters the route as data input
and the initial process is carried out by the route
processing software. After the processing of the
route is complete, the search results performed using
the A Star algorithm produce the shortest route
distance. Combination with Dynamic Programming
algorithm is then performed.
1.4 Problem Identification
Based on the previous explanation, the problem lies
with the A Star algorithm which finds the shortest
possible route according to the standard rules
regardless of the whole problem. This algorithm
works thoroughly against all available alternatives.
So as to produce solutions and processing time for
relatively small problems, which are less than
optimal. Like the A Star algorithm in finding a
solution for each iteration, it forms two arrays: Open
and Close List as temporary data stores that require
memory resources.
This study discusses the shortest route search
method with the Dynamic Programming algorithm
on the A Star algorithm on a dataset in the form of a
route between the Petisah market to the Lau Cih
market. There are several possible routes to the
intended destination, namely through the Captain
Patimura-Jamin Ginting road, through the Captain
Patimura road - Dr Mansyur-Setia Budi Street and
Captain Patimura Street - Jamin Ginting Street -
Harmonika-Setia Budi Street. Following are the
steps to analyze the shortest route search using
Dynamic Programming on the A Star algorithm:
1. Perform a search for the shortest distance
using the A Star algorithm.
2. Perform a search for the closest distance with
the A Star-Dynamic Programming algorithm.
3. Perform an analysis to evaluate which of the
two methods above gives the best results.
3.1 Results
The optimal route search test results for each
algorithm can be seen in table 1, table 2 and table 3.
1. Testing Results with A Star Algorithm
Table 1: Test Results of A Star Algorithm.
o Route Distance (Km)
1 Route -1 15.2
2 Route -2 14
3 Route -3 15
4 Route -4 14
Average 14.57
2. Testing Algorithm with Dynamic
Table 2: Results of Testing Dynamic Programming
o Route Distance (Km)
1Route-1 14.7
2 Route -2 14
ut Routes
Preprocessing Route Data
Algorithm Analysis
A Star Method
Research Conclusions
Search The Nearest Routes
Dynamic Programming
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
3 Route -3 14.2
4 Route -4 14
Average 14.22
3. Testing algorithm with Dynamic
Programming - A Star.
Table 3: Test Results of Dynamic Programming - A Star
o Route Distance (Km)
1 Route -1 14.5
2 Route -2 13.3
3 Route -3 14.7
4 Route -4 14
Average 14.12
3.2 Discussions
In the Table 1, the search process for the shortest
distance from the separating market to the Lau Cih
market was carried out with four routes using the A
star algorithm, the test process for each route is
carried out 10 times so that the test results are
obtained with an average of 14.57 km. In Table 2,
the search process with Dynamic Programming
algorithm was also carried out by testing each route
10 times with the four routes so that an average of
14.22 km was obtained. Table 3, In the Dynamic
Programming - A Star algorithm, the testing process
is carried out on each route 10 times on the four
routes, so that an average of 14.12 km is obtained.
From the test results of each algorithm above
through the route through Pasar Petisah to Pasar Lau
Cih Medan with the testing process carried out 10
times on each route, it is found that Dynamic
Programming - A Star is the most optimal route with
an average distance of 14.12 Km. as shown in Table
Table 4: Route Optimum Distance of Each Algorithm.
No Algorithm Distance
1 A Sta
2 D
namic Pro
3 Dynamic Programming - A
From Table 4, the optimal distance for each
algorithm can be plotted as in the graph in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Optimum Distance of Each Algorithm.
From the graph above, it can be seen that
Dynamic Programming - A Star algorithm is the
most optimal route with an average distance of 14.12
By using these three algorithms, it can be concluded
that the shortest route from Petisah market to Lau
Cih Medan market is as follows; the optimal route
distance between the two zones is 14.12 km. The
results of the three searches show that the closest
distance is almost the same, but not significantly
different. This is because the route you are looking
for is a road with low complications or a limited
number of nodes. The analysis of the three methods
above requires further research that needs to be done
by further researchers by adding more nodes and the
weight of the congestion and difficulties when
crossing the route.
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CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies