Analysis of the Sw-420 Vibration Sensor Performance on Vibration
Tools by using a Fuzzy Logic Method
Ikhwan El Akmal Pakpahan, Poltak Sihombing, and Mahyuddin K. M. Nasution
Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Science, University of North Sumatera, Medan,
Keywords: Arduino uno, fuzzy logic, sw-420, vibration analysis, vibration sensor.
Abstract: Vibration sensor Sw-420 is one of the most widely used sensor modules because it is easy to learn and to
install. This sensor is also compatible with Arduino Uno microcontroller board. This sensor has two types of
output, namely digital output (0/1) and analog output (voltage). However, for specific purposes such as
security and industry, more than just vibration detection is needed. The system used must be smart to
distinguish vibrations due to errors / damage or just technical / accidental errors. The vibration received by
the sensor must be classified properly. In this study, the fuzzy logic method as a decision support system to
help determine the appropriate vibration classification was applied. The reason for using the fuzzy logic
method was that it is flexible, easy to understand, and is able to produce values that are more specific than
just 0 and 1 values according to the needs of the SW-420 vibration sensor. With the fuzzy logic method, it
can be seen that the sensor can classify vibrations into 5 levels, very weak, weak, moderate, strong and very
Vibration is something that is often found in everyday
life. When an object vibrates, it affects not only the
object itself but also the objects around it. Apart from
physical contact, a vibration can also be detected from
the sound generated through the vibration. This
happens because these vibrations create friction for
the surrounding objects and the object itself. Through
a vibration, information about what is happening with
the object can be received so that humans can
estimate the possibility of what is happening due to
these vibrations.
The vibrations that occur will have different
effects on different objects. A large tremor on the side
of a cross-city road may not have a significant effect
as it is common (many large capacity cars pass). But
vibrations of that magnitude would be a big problem
if they happened under a quiet house and away from
the streets. Because it requires a system or a tool to
classify the vibrations that occur in order to determine
whether the vibration is a problem that needs to be
resolved or not and how to solve it.
For many years, Fuzzy Logic has been considered
as a control algorithm with The Fuzzy Logic
Controller. This controller has been widely utilized
for the active vibration control of engineering
structures. The capability of using fuzzy control
strategies in vibration control of civil engineering
structures with active control systems was established
by focusing on the seismic response of frame
structures due to multiple earthquake records with an
active mass driver system as a control device on the
top story Azizi. M., Ejlali. R. G., Ghasemi. S. A. M.,
Talatahari. S. (2019).
Research by Julio Fajar Saputra, et al. (2018)
show the advantages of using LoRa (Long Range)
connections for wider distances. LoRa-based data
communication testing uses LOS and NLOS
scenarios, data emergence is measured using a web
data center. The drawback is that it requires greater
costs and more complex programming because it uses
two microcontrollers, namely Arduino Uno and
Raspberry Pi.
Widya Purnamasari and Romi Wijaya's (2017)
research shows the advantages of using more than one
sensor to increase security as well as a way to monitor
which parts of the vibration are detected. This system
is also equipped with a database that is useful for
storing data and processing time. The drawback lies
in the use of a PC for monitoring. PC is not a device
that has high mobility so it will indirectly force users