E-Learning Model with SIPDA Unimed
for German Writing Skills on COVID-19 Pandemic
Suci Pujiastuti, Ahmad Sahat Perdamean and Indah Aini
German Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts,
Universitas Negeri Medan, Jalan Willem Iskandar, Pasar V, Medan, Indonesia, 20221
Keywords: E-Learning, Writing Skills, German, FBS, Unimed
Abstract: The need for foreign language learning such as German is indispensable. To facilitate and accelerate the
learning process, the e-learning method and the German writing method with the Moodle system which are
integrated with the Unimed online learning system (SIPDA) were developed. This study aims to (1) introduce
the developed e-learning model (2) explain how to build an e-learning model for learning German. The use
of e-learning is important because students learn German online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of
31 students using SIPDA Unimed in odd semesters were involved in the research. As a result, 28 students
(93%) rated SIPDA Unimed as good, three students (7%) considered it complicated due to internet connection.
In conclusion, it is very easy to build e-learning classes with SIPDA Unimed. Many features can be used for
teaching such as news forums, topics, assignments, or video conferencing. Not only can an e-learning model
be developed, German Writing Skills teaching materials can also be made. Apart from internet problems,
students can do all the writing tasks in German relatively well.
Basak, Wotto and Bélanger (2018: 192) write that the
rise of online learning technology encourages many
creative ways of learning. Opinions can be justified
especially after the COVID-19 virus came to life and
is still among us today. Many aspects of modern life
have changed due to infectious viruses, including
how to learn. One possible way of learning is e-
learning or electronic learning. E-learning is also
often referred to as website-based learning. This
learning has a lot of content as well as online tutors or
online teachers and of course requires online learning.
With this unique character, it can be said that e-
learning is interactive learning that establishes
communication between teachers and students
without problems as long as there is a good internet
connection (Valverde-Berrocoso; Garrido-Arroyo;
Burgos-Videla; Morales-Cevallos, 2020: 9).
The term E-Learning is used to describe a diverse,
objective, and organizational arrangement of
electronic or digital media for learning, virtual
learning spaces, and blended learning or mixed
learning between face-to-face and online (Arnold, et
al., 2018: 22).
E-learning can be synchronous and asynchronous.
Synchronous means that the teacher or lecturer and
students or students communicate, learn, teach, and
interact at the same time. This works for students and
teachers who have fixed schedules, structured
planned courses, and want to interact with each other
(Shapers, 2020: 1). Active learning is also needed
even though it is done online (Tanis, 2020: 9).
Shapers (2020: 1) also states that asynchronous is the
opposite of learning synchronously. This means that
asynchronous learning is a student-centered teaching
method where teachers and students interact at
different times (Jinot, 2020: 6).
Teaching by e-learning at Medan State University
uses both types. Sometimes lecturers and students are
in the same room and time, but sometimes the lecturer
gives assignments or homework to students, and
students can work on these assignments at different
In this study, the use of e-learning with a
synchronous rather than asynchronous system was
chosen for research and teaching. There are three
classes with different teachers for each class.
Advanced writing courses are held twice a week for
one particular class. Although we use synchronous e-
learning during the semester, students can learn to
Pujiastuti, S., Perdamean, A. and Aini, I.
E-Learning Model with SIPDA Unimed for German Writing Skills on COVID-19 Pandemic.
DOI: 10.5220/0010337000003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 551-557
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
write German further on the SIPDA Unimed website,
especially at the SIPDA Faculty of Languages and
Arts. The page is available for students to use to learn
to write anytime and anywhere. Due to the pandemic,
lectures must also be flexible, because not all students
can study on time or attend lectures on the day the
course takes place. Sometimes they just get an
internet signal at night to do assignments or read
lecture materials. The theory from Shapers (2020)
helps researchers to make a clear distinction between
the two types of learning. Several previous research
results were taken for this study, especially from Eom
and Ashill (2018) and Hennes et al. (2018).
Eom and Ashill used structural equation models
to validate the success model of e-learning at the
university level (2018: 1). They explained that there
were two problems in building an e-learning model
(2018: 43), namely the dependent and independent
variables. Both e-learning models have many
dimensions. Given these two problems, they decided
to examine how critical success factors affect e-
learning, especially for students. This research has
problems that are relevant to the research conducted
because it relates to e-learning and also has the level
of research at the university. The difference between
the two types of research is in the topic. Previous
research was about validating the success of e-
learning, while the topic of research currently being
carried out is about the development of an e-learning
model. Until now there has been no research on the
topic of SIPDA for German writing skills at the State
University of Medan.
On the other hand, in this study the theory of
Hennes et al 2018 was used. They have topics on
German writing literacy as well as an overview of
how to make a diagnosis for writing skills especially
for students and make standard test procedures for
grades 4-9 (Elementary School). They believe that
currently there are no diagnostic procedures for
writing skills that are theoretically and
psychometrically guaranteed and which can be
applied in school practice in German-speaking areas
(2018: 294). That's why they wanted to develop a test
procedure and explain the progress of the procedure
in their research paper. With this procedure, the
teacher can create individual skill tests which are also
important for the writing process. The procedure also
includes an example of a scale-based rating. There
were about 541 children who participated in the
In this study, the theory of German writing from
the Hennes team was used with German variables and
writing skills. However, there is a big difference
between this study and the study from Hennes' team,
namely that the object uses students studying at a
college, not students studying in primary schools.
1.1 An E-Learning Model for Distance
Distance learning according to Shapers, 2020: 1 is as
"A form of education that provides
education to students who are not physically
present in a traditional classroom setting.
Distance learning is a way of bringing
students, teachers, and learning content
together online while they are physically
separated by time and/or space. Because
learning content and instructions are
accessible online, students have more
control over time, place, path and pace of
their learning program".
Distance learning used to be popular, and now it's
even more popular because of Covid-19. All students
must live and study at home. That is also the main
reason this research was conducted. With the
UNIMED student case studies, the distance learning
model especially for the German writing course was
designed so that students can study at home without
worry and feel comfortable. In early March 2020,
there was quite a mess for teachers or lecturers as well
as students or students to study 100% online,
especially at Universitas Negeri Medan. And now, in
October 2020, studying something online or taking
100% online courses is common and normal.
However, there are also drawbacks to distance
learning. Sokolova and colleagues stated that there
are at least 6 (six) shortcomings of distance learning
(2018: 1478), namely there are no face-to-face
meetings between teachers and students; it takes too
much time to develop teaching skills, knowledge, and
technology. In addition, the learning material must be
revised many times related to changes in learning,
sometimes the test system is less than perfect, so there
are problems with testing and assessment. In addition,
sometimes the learning materials are not up to date,
so the teacher must ensure that the material is
consistently up to date.
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
1.2 E-Learning Model with SIPDA
Unimed for German Writing Skills
Figure 1: SIPDA of Unimed.
Figure 1 shows a screenshot of the SIPDA
UNIMED. Lecturers and students can click the
faculty picture or button then the faculty SIPDA will
be displayed.
learning system at the State University of Medan
(Abbreviation: Unimed) and is integrated with the
Moodle system.
Moodle is "a learning platform designed to
provide educators, administrators and students with a
robust, secure and integrated system for creating a
personalized learning environment (moodle.org:
2020)". This means that users can access and
download software from Moodle for the desired web
server. Moodle also has many partners in cooperation
with various countries such as Canada, Indonesia,
Japan, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, or South Africa
who can assist users in building e-learning models for
a particular class.
There are seven faculties and one Postgraduate
Program or postgraduate program for Masters and
Doctorates at Medan State University. The faculties
are Language and Arts, Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Faculty of Education, Engineering, Faculty
of Economics, Sports and Social Sciences. All
faculties use SIPDA for the teaching and learning
Darari and Firdaus (2020) have studied the
development of teaching materials with SIPDA
Unimed for student learning behavior. The results
showed that the learning materials using SIPDA
Unimed were effective and had a good effect,
especially on students studying Mathematics at the
State University of Medan. SIPDA Unimed is "a form
of learning management system designed for the
lecture process at Unimed which was launched in
early 2019. SIPDA is more than just an online
learning portal, but a media communication system
between lecturers and students" (Darari and Firdaus,
2020: 2).
The study carried out had the same Learning
Management System (LMS) as the research
conducted in SIPDA Unimed but with different
subjects. Their study helped develop a model built to
obtain more information about the features and
functions of Unimed SIPDA.
Figure 2: E-learning at the Faculty of Language and Arts.
Figure 2 is a screenshot of the SIPDA Faculty of
Language and Arts with 10 (ten) buttons or images to
click. The pictures are a symbol of the faculty
department. The symbols are colourful and show the
uniqueness of each department, for example the flag
for the Indonesian, English, French, German and
some musical instruments for arts and music majors.
At the Faculty of Language and Arts, Medan State
University, students can study various subjects such
as German, French, English, Art, Dance, Languages
(Indonesian), and Music. Some courses are open to
visiting lecturers or visiting students. On the
Language and Arts Faculty e-learning site, users can
see the main menu, navigation, and calendar.
Lecturers and students can enter the e-learning page
with their identification numbers as lecturers and
students. Guest lecturers or guest students must also
log in before using the e-learning site (See Figure 2).
E-Learning Model with SIPDA Unimed for German Writing Skills on COVID-19 Pandemic
In this study, the method of e-learning development
and writing in German is used.
Figure 3: E-learning Method (Pribadi, 2020 and Ghirardini,
Figure 3 is an e-learning development method
from Pribadi (2020) and Ghirardini (2011). This
method was used for teaching planning with e-
learning. There were five steps that can be taken,
namely Determining Instructional Designers (ID),
Establishing Storyboards (Content Writers), Making
E-Learning Designs, Implementing Quality Control,
and Testing.
First, there must be an instructional designer for
the entire e-learning plan to be built. The concept
relates to course teams, learning materials,
comprehensive assessments, course time, simple and
complex assignments, quizzes, and self-made videos.
The most important thing in designing e-learning is
lesson planning based on the Semester Learning Plan
(SLP) or teaching / curriculum plan. With the SLP, all
learning materials are fixed, definite and cannot be
changed for one academic semester (Odd Semester
2020/2021), unless there are problems with the e-
learning system that can lead to changes in learning,
materials or ingredients were no longer actual.
For the second step, a storyboard for the e-
learning plan is created. The storyboard is very
important so that users do not go off track from the
goals set at the beginning of the semester or at the
learning design stage. This storyboard is contained in
Furthermore, e-learning teaching is designed such
as creating space for video or audio files, making
assignments and assessments, and uploading
feedback and assignments of students taking German
writing courses. Overall users also have to control the
quality of the e-learning site.
In the end, the e-learning model for students or
learners in odd semesters starting in early September
2020 was tested and launched. Testing the
effectiveness of e-learning with SIPDA Unimed is
still being carried out until early January 2021
through a questionnaire.
Students who have been registered who meet the
criteria come from the 2019 class. They are students
in the third semester and a total of 31 people. All
students study online and communicate with SIPDA
and communication with WhatsApp is also carried
out if the internet connection at the student's location
does not allow access to SIPDA. The interesting thing
is that students are not informed that the e-learning
model and the distribution of questionnaires are part
of the research, so that learning advanced German
writing courses can run normally, naturally and
To complement this method, the German theory
of written literacy by Hennes et al. was also used.
Writing competence is the ability to produce text
based on the appropriate target group (Hennes et al.
2018: 295). There is one main question for students
in this research framework, namely: What do you
think about online learning with SIPDA Unimed?
This simple question was asked during the 14th
online meeting in October 2020. All students have
sent answers to the researcher via WhatsApp. The
questionnaire was used as the main data. The answers
from students are the result of using SIPDA
The source of material for writing in German is
the studio book [express] by Hermann Funk and
Christina Kuhn (2018) with the German publisher
Cornelsen. The level of this book is A2 (German for
Why is there only one question? Because this
question is a process from the early stages of research.
There are many questions after the 14th online
meeting and the analysis of the answers will be used
for research and other articles.
Based on the research results, 28 students (93%) gave
the same answer to the lecturers and thought that
SIPDA Unimed, especially SIPDA, Faculty of
Language and Arts was good. There are three students
(7%) who think that the use of SIPDA Unimed is
complicated due to the bad internet. Respondents also
hoped that the rest of the online meetings would have
lots of quizzes and short videos to understand the
learning material. The task of writing German should
also be continued.
In addition to online learning questions with
SIPDA, an analysis of the results of the online
assignments was also carried out. Overall, the
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
students succeeded in doing the assignment given by
the lecturer well, and the writing score was also good.
For example, an online assignment to write number
one. For assignment 1 which has the theme Writing
Biography, ten students got an A (32%), two students
got a C (7%) and the rest (19 students) got a B (61%).
They should write a short biography of themselves or
others. They only need to write an essay or short essay
containing about 100 good and correct German
words. All essays have been placed on the first page
of the SIPDA FBS Unimed e-learning page
specifically for advanced German writing courses.
Students also have other hopes related to the
video. The videos are short, easy to understand, and
interesting. Short means only from one to three
minutes by reason of internet quota. The shorter the
duration of a video, the better it is for students
because they can save quotas.
The following pictures will also be described to
give readers an idea of how German writing courses
are organized. Teaching plans are defined and drawn
up from the start of the course. There are materials,
mid-semester exams, plans, assessments, quizzes,
assignments, feedback from lecturers, and
assignment results.
Figure 4: Subjects for the German Language Education
Study Program.
Figure 4 comes from the German Language
Education Study Program Courses section. Courses
in odd and even semesters can be accessed through e-
learning of the Faculty of Language and Arts
(Language: Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS))
Medan State University. The link is on the following
page https://elearningfbs.unimed.ac.id/ and the
current semester is the odd semester 2020/2021. In
the German writing course section, there are many
features such as forums, course administration,
editing, or uploading image or audio files.
Figure 5: German Writing Course Part 1.
Teaching materials for students must be the same
as the studio book [express] from Cornelsen publisher
(Germany) and have level A2 (German for Pre-
Intermediate), as it is the main book for students.
However, the lecturer only chooses material that has
to do with writing German grammar and writing
topics at A2 level.
In this section of the Writing course (Figure 5 and
Figure 6), lecturers can add video links for e-learning.
Unfortunately, these video files require YouTube,
which is a platform for sharing videos online, because
the maximum byte or file capacity in the SIPDA
Unimed e-learning system is only 1 MegaByte for
one file.
Figure 6: Section of Writing Courses Part 2.
Teachers can also write text or descriptions of
online meetings that are held for one semester. The
picture below is an example of an assignment in a
German writing course.
The following picture is an assignment with the
topic "Traveling" (Figure 7) made by a lecturer in
German Language Education at Medan State
E-Learning Model with SIPDA Unimed for German Writing Skills on COVID-19 Pandemic
Figure 7: Tasks with the topic "Traveling".
Students can write and submit their assignments
by posting or file online or online with a maximum
capacity of only 1 Megabyte. Assignment grades can
be added online. The assessment files are available in
Excel or simple text.
Figure 8: An assignment with the topic "Writing a
For the assignment with the topic “Writing a
Biography” (Figure 8), the lecturer can provide
explanations or teaching materials, German writing
assignments, and scores for them with feedback to
students. Everything is done online and
In conclusion, many pages and tasks in the SIPDA
Unimed e-learning integrated with the Moodle
system can be built. The advantages are as follows:
SIPDA e-learning Unimed especially from the
Faculty of Languages and Arts is designed to
teach and learn anywhere and anytime.
The Moodle system is proven and trustworthy.
Operators can build and design e-learning for
specific subjects easily and automatically.
The features used in SIPDA Unimed e-learning
are always up to date because Moodle ensures
that the system is always on track.
Integrated e-learning can be used on any
device, whether on a laptop or on a smartphone.
There is also a video conferencing feature for
SIPDA Unimed e-learning, namely BIG BLUE
BUTTON. The use of video conferencing
depends on the user's location internet access.
Internet quality is not the same for every
student. Lecturers should give them more time
to do or turn in assignments, especially if there
is no or poor internet. That is, teaching using e-
learning depends on the quality of the internet.
Activities such as assignments, attendance,
chat, quizzes, surveys, lessons, or a dictionary
can also be added to the e-learning page of the
lecturer. It functions well and can be easily
used. The development of the e-learning model
can be continued for better results.
Online assignments don't need to be
complicated, because students need a lot of
internet quota to do all online assignments and
think about the answers to questions well. It
takes time and an adequate internet quota if
students are dealing with long, convoluted and
essay-shaped questions.
Quizzes must be well organized for students,
especially those taking writing courses in
German. The lecturer must first think about the
questions, and then the answer, then the
lecturer places the questions carefully on the
SIPDA Unimed page. Multiple choice quizzes
always take longer.
The success of e-learning, especially with
SIPDA Unimed, must be supported by good
interaction and communication between
students and lecturers, SIPDA itself, between
students, and the Unimed SIPDA system. This
is in line with the results of research by
Mumpuni and Nurpratiwiningsih (2018: 1).
There are still many online meetings for
German writing courses, namely until January
2021. Lecturers must be more creative, have
high patience with both students and systems
and need time to communicate with students
and transfer knowledge.
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E-Learning Model with SIPDA Unimed for German Writing Skills on COVID-19 Pandemic