write German further on the SIPDA Unimed website,
especially at the SIPDA Faculty of Languages and
Arts. The page is available for students to use to learn
to write anytime and anywhere. Due to the pandemic,
lectures must also be flexible, because not all students
can study on time or attend lectures on the day the
course takes place. Sometimes they just get an
internet signal at night to do assignments or read
lecture materials. The theory from Shapers (2020)
helps researchers to make a clear distinction between
the two types of learning. Several previous research
results were taken for this study, especially from Eom
and Ashill (2018) and Hennes et al. (2018).
Eom and Ashill used structural equation models
to validate the success model of e-learning at the
university level (2018: 1). They explained that there
were two problems in building an e-learning model
(2018: 43), namely the dependent and independent
variables. Both e-learning models have many
dimensions. Given these two problems, they decided
to examine how critical success factors affect e-
learning, especially for students. This research has
problems that are relevant to the research conducted
because it relates to e-learning and also has the level
of research at the university. The difference between
the two types of research is in the topic. Previous
research was about validating the success of e-
learning, while the topic of research currently being
carried out is about the development of an e-learning
model. Until now there has been no research on the
topic of SIPDA for German writing skills at the State
University of Medan.
On the other hand, in this study the theory of
Hennes et al 2018 was used. They have topics on
German writing literacy as well as an overview of
how to make a diagnosis for writing skills especially
for students and make standard test procedures for
grades 4-9 (Elementary School). They believe that
currently there are no diagnostic procedures for
writing skills that are theoretically and
psychometrically guaranteed and which can be
applied in school practice in German-speaking areas
(2018: 294). That's why they wanted to develop a test
procedure and explain the progress of the procedure
in their research paper. With this procedure, the
teacher can create individual skill tests which are also
important for the writing process. The procedure also
includes an example of a scale-based rating. There
were about 541 children who participated in the
In this study, the theory of German writing from
the Hennes team was used with German variables and
writing skills. However, there is a big difference
between this study and the study from Hennes' team,
namely that the object uses students studying at a
college, not students studying in primary schools.
1.1 An E-Learning Model for Distance
Distance learning according to Shapers, 2020: 1 is as
"A form of education that provides
education to students who are not physically
present in a traditional classroom setting.
Distance learning is a way of bringing
students, teachers, and learning content
together online while they are physically
separated by time and/or space. Because
learning content and instructions are
accessible online, students have more
control over time, place, path and pace of
their learning program".
Distance learning used to be popular, and now it's
even more popular because of Covid-19. All students
must live and study at home. That is also the main
reason this research was conducted. With the
UNIMED student case studies, the distance learning
model especially for the German writing course was
designed so that students can study at home without
worry and feel comfortable. In early March 2020,
there was quite a mess for teachers or lecturers as well
as students or students to study 100% online,
especially at Universitas Negeri Medan. And now, in
October 2020, studying something online or taking
100% online courses is common and normal.
However, there are also drawbacks to distance
learning. Sokolova and colleagues stated that there
are at least 6 (six) shortcomings of distance learning
(2018: 1478), namely there are no face-to-face
meetings between teachers and students; it takes too
much time to develop teaching skills, knowledge, and
technology. In addition, the learning material must be
revised many times related to changes in learning,
sometimes the test system is less than perfect, so there
are problems with testing and assessment. In addition,
sometimes the learning materials are not up to date,
so the teacher must ensure that the material is
consistently up to date.
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies