Association Rule Analysis using CT-Pro and Hash-based
Algorithm in Violence Case of Children
Amir Hamzah Siregar
, Maya Silvi Lydia
and Sutarman Wage
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Association Rule Mining, CT-Pro, Hash-Based, Frequent Itemset.
Abstract: The searching technique for frequent itemset patterns in finding support and confidence values with the a
priori algorithm association rule method has a weakness in performance (because it has to read the database
repeatedly in determining frequent itemset). This becomes a serious problem if the database is large, reading
the database repeatedly results in very high processing times for a long time to generate support & confidence
values. A special approach in analyzing association rules using CT-Pro and Hash-Based is needed. CT-Pro
has a CFP-Tree data structure that allows a faster search for frequent itemset where the number of paths or
trees that are built was compressed. Hash-based works with a hashing technique where the database was only
read in the first iteration by entering the candidate itemset in the hash table. The test results were carried out
with 3% support and 15% confidence, CT-pro formed 22 rules and an execution time of 0.25 seconds, while
Hash-based formed 22 rules and an execution time of 0.75 seconds. A new pattern of crime that was found
with the highest confidence and support was when an act of sexual harassment resulted in physical torture
with a confidence of 59%, a support count of 34, and a lift ratio of 1.29.
In the law number 23 of 2002 regulates the protection
of children (someone under 18 years of age).
Violence perpetrated against children is behavior that
is abusive either by parents or adults. Based on data
from the Office of Women's Empowerment and Child
Protection of North Sumatra Province, the P2TP2A
Unit (Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment
of Women and Children) states that the total number
of violence against children in 2018 was 991 cases,
then in 2019 there were 587 cases from 33 districts. It
is hoped that the police, which functions as a public
safeguard, is able to respond to the phenomenon and
be able to take action and uncover crimes committed
against children by using an analysis of several habits
that often occur simultaneously with several crimes
against children. Such analysis can be performed
using the Rule association technique.
The association rule is a method in data mining
that looks for a set of items that often appear
simultaneously (Si et al.2019), (Shaban et al. 2018),
(Muhajir et al. 2020). The algorithm that is often used
in the process of association rules is apriori. The
Apriori algorithm performs the process of extracting
information from the database in order to generate
association rules (Ali et al. 2019). Problem solving in
the process of extracting information from a database
is done by processing the frequent itemset to generate
support. Confidence. Support is the level of
dominance of an item / itemset in the database, while
confidence is the conditional relationship between
two items (Sitnikov et al. 2018). In the case of finding
patterns of crimes against children, support is used to
calculate the number of each type of crime committed
and confidence is used to find the relationship
between the types of crimes committed over a period
of time. So that the results are expected to be able to
find a pattern of crime in children based on previous
patterns. To generate support and confidence values,
Apriori must read the database repeatedly and
generate a large number of frequent itemsets and a
large number of association rules. This resulted in a
very high processing rate so that the achievement of
support and confidence values took quite a long time
to complete (Naresh et al. 2019). Apart from Apriori,
there are several other algorithms for finding frequent
itemsets including FP-Growth, CT-Pro, Hash-Based,
Apriori Cristian Borgelt.
Dhivya and Kalpana (2010) conducted research
on the performance of CT-Apriori and CT-Pro to
show the speed of data execution in the form of
Siregar, A., Lydia, M. and Wage, S.
Association Rule Analysis using CT-Pro and Hash-based Algorithm in Violence Case of Children.
DOI: 10.5220/0010338800003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 565-573
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
performance curves. From the results of this study it
was found that the CT-Pro was superior to the CT-
Apriori algorithm by using the retail sales transaction
dataset research. The CT-Pro and CT-Apriori
algorithms are better than the basic algorithms,
namely FP-Growth and Apriori. The difference in
performance between CT-Pro and CT-Apriori is more
influential at the lower threshold.
Gupta (2011) conducted a study in the form of a
comparison of FP-Tree based algorithms, including
COFI-Tree, CT-PRO and FP-Growth. Where FP-
Growth takes a recursive approach while COFI Tree
and CT-PRO take a non-recursive approach. Then in
terms of FP-Growth structure, make FP-Tree, COFI
Tree uses a two-way FP-Tree structure, and CT-Pro
forms a Compressed FP-Tree (CFP-Tree). In terms of
data execution speed, CT-PRO is better than FP
Growth and COFI-Tree.
Aguru and Rao (2017) conducted research on
Hash-Based using rehashing techniques with retail
sales transaction research data. When the process of
finding the address in the hash table occurs a collision
(there is more than 1 itemset having the same hash
address) and the rehashing function is used to solve
the problem. At the end of their research, Aguru et al.
Compared the length of execution time between
Apriori and Hash-Based using the rehashing
technique, the results of which the Hash-Based
rehashing technique were faster than Apriori's. Hash-
Based with rehashing technique with support 20 has
a long execution time of 22, while Apriori with
support of 20 has a long execution time of 53.
Based on the previous discussion, the CT-Pro
algorithm and the Hash-Based algorithm are able to
streamline the data execution time, in this case the
frequent itemset search. In this study, the search for
patterns of crime in children using the CT-Pro
algorithm and the Hash-Based algorithm is expected
to show better performance so that the achievement
of support values and confidence values does not
require a long time and the association rules that are
formed are not too many. This study also aims to
analyze the performance of the CT-Pro algorithm and
the Hash-Based algorithm to search for frequent
itemsets and generate association rules to get the best
performance comparison of the two methods.
In this study, a method to find new patterns of crime
in children was developed. The CT-Pro algorithm
association rules method and the Hash-Based
algorithm are used by comparing the number of
association rules and the length of data execution.
From the prepared dataset, 150 data sets on crimes
against children were obtained from the Office of
Women Empowerment and Child Protection of North
Sumatra Province P2TP2A unit (Integrated Service
Center for Women and Children Empowerment). The
data is converted into binary numbers, namely the
data format in the form of 0 & 1. Each data is
processed using the CT-Pro and Hash-Based
algorithms. The results are used to find new patterns
of crime in children, and get a comparison of the time
in finding the association rules and the number of
rules generated between the CT-Pro algorithm and the
Hash-based algorithm.
2.1 Association Rule
Association rule is a data mining technique to identify
the relationship between multiple items in a dataset
(Siswanto et al., 2018). Association rules are
generally of the form "if - then", with the antedecent
representing "if" and "then" representing the
consequent (Shaban et al., 2018). The importance of
an association rule can be determined by two
parameters, namely support and confidence (Segatori
et al., 2018). Support is a measure or number of
occurrences of items simultaneously. Confidence is a
measure or percentage that states the relationship
between the two items (Nomura et al., 2020).
The steps for finding association rules are divided
into three stages (Ghazanfari et al. 2020).
1) Frequent itemset analysis
In this stage the process of searching for frequent
itemset where the requirements are to meet or be
greater than the minimum value of support
(minsupport) in the database (Han et al., 2019). The
support value formula as follows:
Support =
   
  
X 100
2) The formation of association rules
Frequent itemsets are generated before the
formation of association rules provided that the
pattern value must be greater than the minimum
confidence (minconfidence) (Ren et al., 2018). The
confidence value formula as follows
Confidence =
   ,
   
X 100
3) The search for lift ratio
Lift ratio is a measure or unit that states whether
or not an association rule is strong. The value
generated from the lift ratio calculation is used to
determine whether a rule is valid or not (Li et al.,
2019). The size of the lift ratio is in the range of
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
values from 0 to infinity. (Zahrotun et al., 2018). The
lift rasio value formula as follows:
Lift Ratio =
 ,
  ,
The benchmark confidence value using the formula:
Benchmark Confidence=
Nc =Total of transactions with items as a consequent
N =Total transactions from the dataset.
2.2 CT-Pro
The flow stages of the CT-Pro algorithm include:
1) Looking for frequent itemset, where the
process is selecting data against a
predetermined database with the minsupport
limit. Furthermore, the frequency value of each
item is calculated to produce a Global item
2) Build a CFP-Tree, where the process is to sort
frequent items in descending order based on
existing Global item values and form a Global
3) Doing the frequent itemset mining process, for
each item in the ordered Global item table.
Search for nodes associated with these items in
the Global CFP-Tree. Furthermore, local
frequent items are used to build local item
tables. Based on the local item table that has
been formed then the Local CFP-Tree is built
and frequent itemset is formed according to the
items that have been mined from the Local
2.3 Hash-based
The stages of the Hash-based algorithm are:
1) Determining the minsupport value as the
threshold condition for generating frequent
itemset and then confidence as the threshold
condition for generating the association rule.
2) C1 (Candidate 1) generation based on support
calculations. Before entering each itemset into
the bucket in the hash table, the hashing process
for 1 itemet candidate must be done. The
formula for the hashing process is
h{x} = {order of item x} mod n.
h = bucket address in the hash table
n = sum of addresses, (n = 2 m + 1)
m = total number of items
3) After performing the hash calculation, the
result is C1. Itemset aims to get the hash
address after calculation with the hashing
formula. Itemset occupies hash addresses and
becomes notes, then builds links that point to
items that contain the itemset in sequence to
form a link list. Then the itemset is filtered
based on the minsupport value to produce L1
(Large 1).
4) The results from L1 are then combined and
hashed into a hash table with the formula: H{k}
= {{order of x} * 10 + order of y} mod n. If a
collision occurs, it means that more than one
itemset has the same hash address. The thing
that must be done is rehashing with multiple
addresses 2 times the previous number with the
h{k} = {{order of x} * 10 + order of y} mod j.
Note j is the number of addresses after adding.
{j = 2 * m + 1} m is the number of addresses in
the hash table before adding. The addition of
the hash table address is carried out until the
collision between itemset is no longer found. If
the result of the bucket count value is greater
than or equal to the minsupport value, the L1
combination qualifies to be included in the
candidate from Large itemset-2 (C2). Next is
building table L2 from table C2 where the
process is the same as building L1 from table
C1. For searching 3-itemset use a different
formula is:
H(k) = ((order of X) * 100 + (order of Y) * 10
+ order of Z) mod j.
Order of Z states the order of items from the
third item.
3.1 CT-Pro
In this study, 150 datasets in the form of crime data
on children from the Office of Women's
Empowerment and Child Protection of North
Sumatra Province, P2TP2A unit were used. The data
was converted in the form of binary numbers, namely
the data format is in the form of 1 & 0. The value is 1
if there is a crime criterion in the case and a value of
0 if there is no crime criterion in the case. For
example, in the first case there were crimes PF, PE,
PN and TR.
Association Rule Analysis using CT-Pro and Hash-based Algorithm in Violence Case of Children
Table 1: Data Conversion.
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
5 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
7 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
8 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
11 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
12 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
13 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
15 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
17 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
19 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
20 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
Physical Torture = PF, Sexual harassment = PS,
Emotional Torture = PE, Abandonment and Neglect
= PP, Rejection = PN, Giving Terror to Children =
TR, Isolating Children = MA, Giving Bad Influence
to Children = PB, Exploitation = EP.
The next step was to create a Global item table
where each item was filtered with a predetermined
minsupport value of 10%. Furthermore, the data were
sorted from the largest to the smallest frequency
(descending) until a global item table is formed. The
PE itemset with the largest support count, namely 15,
get global ID 1.And PB itemset with the smallest
support, namely 2, with global ID 8.
Table 2: Global item.
Global ID Itemse
1 PE 15
2 PF 12
3 PS 9
4 TR 6
5 PP 5
6 PN 3
7 MA 2
8 PB 2
Then perform data mapping, mapping is data
mapping against the global ID table in table 2. In the
first case there was cases of PF, PE, PN and TR
where the global IDs of the cases were 1, 2, 4 and 6.
The next step is to build a Global CFP-Tree by
following the following processes. (i) Forming a new
node for each item in the global item table; (ii)
Accessing each item in the itemset, if the item in the
itemset is currentNode, then the number in the current
node is added by one, but if the item is not the same
as currentNode, a new node will be created for the
item. (iii) Each time the process of creating a new
node, setting the next and prev attribute values is
done; (iv) The process continues until all items are
After the Global CFP-Tree is formed, the mining
process was carried out. In carrying out the Global
item table mining process, data was sorted based on
data from the smallest to the largest frequencies. At
this stage, take the PS (Sexual Harassment) data for
example with a support count of 9, the sixth smallest
data based on the global item table. The next step was
to find nodes that have links to PS in the Global CFP-
Tree, hereinafter referred to as Local frequent items
and used to build a Local item table then a Local CFP-
Tree was built as shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1: Local CFP-Tree.
Then from the Local CFP-Tree, the PS frequent
itemset was obtained:
Sexual harassment (PS).
Physical Torture(PF) - Sexual harassment(PS),
Emotional torture (PE) - Physical torture (PF),
Emotional torture (PE) - Sexual Harassment
Emotional torture (PE) - Physical Torture
(PF)-Sexual harassment (PS).
Based on the frequent itemset, the confidence
value with a minconfidence 60% was calculated.
For example, from the frequent itemset (PS-PF-PE)
to search for the combination and calculate the
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
confidence value. The following is the calculation
result of the confidence value for several itemset:
1. Confidence (Sexual harassment => Physical
    
 
= 4 / 9 = 0.44 * 100 % = 44 %
2. Confidence (Physical Torture => Sexual
    
 
= 4 / 12 = 0.33 * 100 % = 33 %
3. Confidence (Sexual harassment => Emotional
    
 
= 7 / 9 = 0.77 * 100 % = 77 %
4. Confidence (Emotional torture => Sexual
    
 
= 7 / 15 = 0.46 * 100 % = 46 %
5. Confidence (Physical Torture => Emotional
    
 
= 10 / 12 = 0.83 * 100 % = 83 %
6. Confidence (Emotional torture => Physical
    
 
= 10 / 15 = 0.66 * 100 % = 66 %
7. Confidence (Sexual harassment => Physical
Torture => Emotional torture).
  ,    
 
= 3 / 9 = 0.33 * 100 % = 33 %
8. Confidence (Physical Torture => Emotional
torture => Sexual harassment).
  , , 
 
= 3 / 12 = 0.25 * 100 % = 25 %
9. Confidence (Emotional torture => Sexual
harassment => Physical Torture).
      
 
3 / 15 = 0.2 * 100 % = 20 %
After obtaining a rule that meets the minimum
confidence which the rule has a minsupport> 10%
and a minconfidence> 60%. The result is that there
were 3 itemsets that meet these rules, namely PE-PF,
PS-PE, PF-PE. Furthermore, benchmark confidence
(BC) was calculated to obtain the lift ratio value.
Where the benchmark confidence was generated by
dividing the number of consequent occurrences (Nc)
then divided by the number of data (N). From these
results, the lift ratio was then searched by dividing the
value of confidence and benchmark confidence. The
result, if an act of emotional abuse is committed then
there is no crime of physical torture. Confidence:
66%, Support count: 10 and Lift Ratio: 1.1, if a crime
of sexual harassment is committed then a crime of
emotional torture will occur. Confidence: 77%,
Support count: 7 and Lift Ratio: 1.02, if the crime of
physical torture is committed then there will be no
crime of emotional torture. Confidence: 83%,
Support count: 10 and Lift Ratio: 1.10. From the
calculation results obtained in the lift ratio value table
obtained and successfully formed which has a value
greater than one (lift ratio> 1) indicates that the rule
is strong and valid. And vice versa if (lift ratio <1), it
indicates that the rule is not strong or invalid.
3.2 Hash-based
Hash-based processes were tested using the same data
as many as 150 datasets in the form of child crime
data. The stage of the hash-based algorithm is to
determine the value of minsupport and
minconfidence as a threshold condition, minsupport
>10% and minconfidence >60%. To simplify the
calculation of the hash table, each item requires a
sequence of items in the data which is used to
represent the values in the calculation. For example
the Emotional Torture itemset with Initial PE in the
order of 1, following is the order of the items that have
been determined in Table 3.
Table 3: Order of item.
Initial Itemset Order
PE Emotional Torture 1
PF Physical Torture 2
PS Sexual Harassment 3
TR Giving Terror to Children 4
PP Abandonment and Neglect 5
PN Rejection 6
MA Isolating Children 7
PB Giving Bad Influence to Children 8
EK Exploitation 9
The generation of C1 was carried out based on the
calculation of support count. Before entering each
itemset into the bucket in the hash table, the hashing
process for the 1-itemset candidate must be done with
Association Rule Analysis using CT-Pro and Hash-based Algorithm in Violence Case of Children
the formula h{x} = {order of item x} mod n. Address
lookup in the hash table for 1 itemset:
h (Emotional Torture) = (1) mod 19 = 1
h (Physical Torture) = (2) mod 19 = 2
h (Sexual Harassment) = (3) mod 19 = 3
h (Giving Terror to Children) = (4) mod 19 = 4
h(Abandonment and Neglect) = (5) mod 19 = 5
h (Rejection) = (6) mod 19 = 6
h (Exile Children) = (7) mod 19 = 7
h (Bad Influence) = (8) mod 19 = 8
h (Exploitation) = (9) mod 19 = 9
After performing the hash calculation, the itemset
gets the hash address. Itemset occupies hash
addresses and becomes notes, then builds links that
point to items that contain the itemset sequentially
until the link list is formed. Then the itemset was
filtered based on the minsupport value, which is
>10%, itemset that has a support value> 10% will
produce L1 (Large 1). The result of the itemset with
the highest support was PE, which is 15 Count with
index 1 and the lowest support itemset was PB, which
is 2 Count with index 8. Itemset Large 1 is shown in
Table 4.
Table 4: L1 (Large 1).
Index Itemset Support
1 PE 15
2 PF 12
3 PS 9
4 TR 6
5 PP 5
6 PN 3
7 MA 2
8 PB 2
The large 1 table is data sorted from the largest to
the smallest frequency (descending) after going
through the selection process at C1 (Candidate 1).
The results from L1 are then combined and hashed
into the hash table with the formula: H {k} = {{order
of x} * 10 + order of y} mod n.
Address lookup in hash table for 2-itemset:
h (PE, PF) = ((1) * 10 + 2) mod 19 = 12
h (PE, PS) = ((1) * 10 + 3) mod 19 = 13
h (PE, TR) = ((1) * 10 + 4) mod 19 = 14
h (PE, PP) = ((1) * 10 + 5) mod 19 = 15 *
h (PE, PN) = ((1) * 10 + 6) mod 19 = 16
h (PE, MA) = ((1) * 10 + 7) mod 19 = 17*
h (PE, PB) = ((1) * 10 + 8) mod 19 = 18*
h (PF, PS) = ((2) * 10 + 3) mod 19 = 4
h (PF, TR) = ((2) * 10 + 4) mod 19 = 5
h (PF, PP) = ((2) * 10 + 5) mod 19 = 6
h (PF, PN) = ((2) * 10 + 6) mod 19 = 7
h (PF, MA) = ((2) * 10 + 7) mod 19 = 8*
h (PF, PB) = ((2) * 10 + 8) mod 19 = 9
h (PS, TR) = ((3) * 10 + 4) mod 19 = 15*
h (PS, PN) = ((3) * 10 + 6) mod 19 = 17 *
h (PS, PB) = ((3) * 10 + 8) mod 19 = 0*
h (TR, PN) = ((4) * 10 + 6) mod 19 = 8*
h (PP, PN) = ((5) * 10 + 6) mod 19 = 18*
h (PP, MA) = ((5) * 10 + 7) mod 19 = 0 *
In the calculation above, a collision is found,
which means there is more than one itemset that has
the same hash address. In this calculation, the
collision is at the 0 address (PS, PB) with (PP, MA),
the 8th address (PF, MA) with (TR, PN), the 15th
address (PE, PP) with (PS, TR), and the 17th address
(PE, MA) with (PS, PN), the 18th address (PE, PB)
with (PP, PN). If a collision occurs, the first thing to
do is check or check the available bucket address. If
after checking is done and an indication is found that
the hash table has been filled, then rehashing with
multiple addresses 2 times the number of previous
addresses must be done with the formula:
h {k} = {{order of x} * 10 + order of y} mod j,
j is the number of addresses after adding. {j = 2 * m
+ 1} m is the number of addresses in the hash table
before adding.
h (PE, PF) = ((1) * 10 + 2) mod 39 = 12
h (PE, PS) = ((1) * 10 + 3) mod 39 = 13
h (PE, TR) = ((1) * 10 + 4) mod 39 = 14
h (PE, PP) = ((1) * 10 + 5) mod 39 = 15
h (PE, PN) = ((1) * 10 + 6) mod 39 = 16
h (PE, MA) = ((1) * 10 + 7) mod 39 = 17*
h (PE, PB) = ((1) * 10 + 8) mod 39 = 18*
h (PF, PS) = ((2) * 10 + 3) mod 39 = 23
h (PF, TR) = ((2) * 10 + 4) mod 39 = 24
h (PF, PP) = ((2) * 10 + 5) mod 39 = 25
h(PF, PN) = ((2) * 10 + 6) mod 39 = 26
h (PF, MA) = ((2) * 10 + 7) mod 39 = 27
h (PF, PB) = ((2) * 10 + 8) mod 39 = 28
h (PS, TR) = ((3) * 10 + 4) mod 39 = 34
h (PS, PN) = ((3) * 10 + 6) mod 39 = 36
h (PS, PB) = ((3) * 10 + 8) mod 39 = 38
h (TR, PN) = ((4) * 10 + 6) mod 39 = 7
h (PP, PN) = ((5) * 10 + 6) mod 39 = 17*
h (PP, MA) = ((5) * 10 + 7) mod 39 = 18*
It was also found that collisions at the 17th
address for (PP, PN) with (PE, MA) and the 18th
address for (PP, MA) with (PE, PB) still occurred. To
solve this problem, the same formula is used again.
h (PE, PF) = ((1) * 10 + 2) mod 79 = 12
h (PE, PS) = ((1) * 10 + 3) mod 79 = 13
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
h (PE, TR) = ((1) * 10 + 4) mod 79 = 14
h (PE, PP) = ((1) * 10 + 5) mod 79 = 15
h (PE, PN) = ((1) * 10 + 6) mod 79 = 16
h (PE, MA) = ((1) * 10 + 7) mod 79 = 17
h (PE, PB) = ((1) * 10 + 8) mod 79 = 18
h (PF, PS) = ((2) * 10 + 3) mod 79 = 23
h (PF, TR) = ((2) * 10 + 4) mod 79 = 24
h (PF, PP) = ((2) * 10 + 5) mod 79 = 25
h (PF, PN) = ((2) * 10 + 6) mod 79 = 26
h (PF, MA) = ((2) * 10 + 7) mod 79 = 27
h (PF, PB) = ((2) * 10 + 8) mod 79 = 28
h (PS, TR) = ((3) * 10 + 4) mod 79 = 34
h (PS, PN) = ((3) * 10 + 6) mod 79 = 36
h (PS, PB) = ((3) * 10 + 8) mod 79 = 38
h (TR, PN) = ((4) * 10 + 6) mod 79 = 46
h (PP, PN) = ((5) * 10 + 6) mod 79 = 56
h (PP, MA) = ((5) * 10 + 7) mod 79 = 57
The addition of the hash table address is carried
out until the collision between itemset is no longer
found. Each address is filled with 1 itemset then the
combined L1 (L1 * L1) results are then distributed
into the address bucket. From the hash table, the
calculation of support for frequent 2-itemset using the
support formula is performed. The results show that
the PE, PF itemset with address 12 has a support
percentage of 50% and a support count of 10 from the
total data of 20 cases. The complete calculation result
of frequent 2-itemset or C2 can be seen in Table 5.
Table 5: Frequent 2-Itemset (Tabel C2).
Address Itemset Count N Support
12 (PE, PF) 10 20 50 %
7 20 35 %
5 20 25 %
15 (PE, PP) 4 20 20 %
16 (PE, PN) 3 20 15 %
17 (PE, MA) 1 20 5 %
2 20 10 %
4 20 20 %
4 20 20 %
25 (PF, PP) 3 20 15 %
26 (PF, PN) 1 20 5 %
27 (PF, MA) 1 20 5 %
1 20 5 %
5 20 25 %
36 (PS, PN) 1 20 5 %
38 (PS, PB) 1 20 5 %
46 (TR, PN) 1 20 5 %
1 20 5 %
2 20 10 %
From Table 6, the itemset which has a minsupport
value of >10% is then carried out to produce frequent
2-itemset or L2. Followed by looking for the
confidence formula value as follows:
     
  
X 100
If the minconfidence value is > 60% then the value
below the minconfidence will be eliminated. From
this calculation, there is one itemset that has a value
of> 60% itemset, namely PE, PF with a number of
support counts A and B of 10 and support count A of
15. Then proceed with the calculation of benchmark
confidence and lift ratio to find out whether the rule
is valid or not. . Based on the calculations carried out,
it can be concluded that those who meet minutes
support> 10%, minimum confidence> 60% and lift
ratio> 1 are as follows: If an act of emotional torture
(PE) is committed then there will be no crime of
physical torture (PF). Confidence: 66%, Support
Count: 10 and Lift Rasio 1.1.
Next, to look for frequent 3-itemset, L2 results are
combined and hashed into a hash table with the
formula: H(k) = ((order of X) * 100 + (order of Y) *
10 + order of Z) mod j.
Based on the first test conducted with data from
150 cases, the CT-Pro algorithm obtained minsupport
= 15% and minconfidence = 50% with 2 rules
generated by the number of rules, and 0.06 seconds
execution time. Meanwhile, Hash-Based generates 2
rules, with an execution time of 0.41 seconds. The
second test was carried out with the CT-Pro algorithm
with minsupport = 10% and minconfidence = 40%
with the number of rules generated as many as 8 rules
and an execution time of 0.07 seconds. Meanwhile,
Hash-Based generates 8 rules, with an execution time
of 0.43 seconds.
The following are the complete results of the
comparison test between the CT-Pro algorithm and
the Hash-Based algorithm:
Table 6: Comparison Results.
CT-Pro Hash-Base
Time Rule Time
1 15 50 2 0.06 2 0.41
2 10 40 8 0.07 8 0.43
3 7 30 13 0.11 13 0.48
4 5 20 20 0.16 20 0.58
5 3 15 22 0.25 22 0.73
Execution time comparison chart:
Association Rule Analysis using CT-Pro and Hash-based Algorithm in Violence Case of Children
Figure 2: Execution Time Comparison Result.
The results of the conducted tests shows that the
smaller of the given minsupport and the
minconfidence values, the longer the data execution
time will be (since more association rules were
formed). Conversely, the higher the given minutes
support and the minconfidence values, the faster the
data execution time will be (since fewer association
rules were formed). In this study, the CT-Pro
algorithm was proven to work well. This can be seen
from the CFP-Tree data structure where the number
of nodes built was very limited so that data execution
was faster. Meanwhile, the Hash-Based algorithm
selects data in the generation process C1 (candidate
1) and L1 (Large 1) and so on, using the hashing
formula. In the hashing calculation process, each item
must have a different address. If there is the same
address (collision), then re-hashing is done by adding
the number of addresses, which is 2 times the
previous number plus 1. In the calculation of the
dataset above, there were several collisions so that
there was an addition of the address. This causes the
Hash-Bases process to take a long time to execute
From the comparison test results between the CT-Pro
algorithm and the Hash-Based algorithm, it can be
concluded that the CT-Pro algorithm produces a
faster or better processing time than the Hash-Based
algorithm. The conducted test results shows that a
minimum support and confidence of 3% and 15%,
respectively, and CT-Pro produces 22 rules with an
execution time of 0.25 seconds were obtained. The
result is faster than the Hash-Based algorithm which
generates 22 rules with an execution time of 0.73
seconds. This difference occurs due to collisions
which cause an increase in the number of addresses
in the hashing process. A new crime pattern with the
highest support and confidence was found if there
was an act of sexual harassment where there would be
physical torture with a confidence of 59%, a support
count of 34 and a lift ratio of 1.29.
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Association Rule Analysis using CT-Pro and Hash-based Algorithm in Violence Case of Children