country. The urgency is that land rights are found for
indigenous people (indigenous people or indigenous
people or native peoples) who naturally need legal
protection that automatically attaches to customary
rights, so legal policy on ulayat rights will
automatically be responsive.
The day's dense activities in government offices,
in banking, and in cities that take up all day work
(must be in an ac room so that the comfort of work is
not hot) after work to go home to a place where there
is a lot of vehicles so they choose to live near work.
Houses that are densely populated, such as living in
flats, in densely populated places, small houses do not
have a yard with a common courtyard in a densely
populated urban apartment, this is a necessity to visit
areas (tours) with original natural environments and
beautiful panoramas.
Scientifically, the beschikkingsrecht (ulayat
rights) of the customary law community is quite
interesting in the reform era. Because the issue of
customary land in Indonesia during the New Order
era was very much dominated by land policies that
tended to be centralized and ignored the rights of the
indigenous peoples of the land to land. This situation
is reversed at this time after the fall of the New Order
power in Indonesian politics (21 May 1997) which is
more directed to efforts to decentralize the land
sector, mutatis mutandis the conservation of
indigenous peoples' rights to land. The broader
implication is the increasingly heated discussion
about the problem of Covid-19, which during this
pandemic, there is no vaccine, viruses that cannot be
seen with the eye and lack of education in customary
land areas and lack of medical equipment and
personal protection such as masks and sanitaizer. The
high price of masks that are produced in accordance
with health standards and were empty in the
community was taken over by home mask products
that were not in accordance with health standards.
Communities who live from generation to
generation, an environment that is close to their
original nature is formed from habits that are carried
out, namely the customs adhered to by the indigenous
community whose daily social activities are carried
out as law for all people who live permanently and
who visit these areas must adapting to the cultural
customs here led by the Customary Chairman. The
government accepts rules established and
implemented by indigenous people, called Perdes.
Guides with a distinctive culture, the tourists who
come from local visitors and visitors to foreign
tourists as well as domestic tourists accept the local
The customary rights of indigenous peoples to
land in Indonesia which note bene are a developing
country, even now it can be called a developing
country. The urgency is that land rights are found for
indigenous people (indigenous people or indigenous
people or native peoples) who naturally need legal
protection that automatically attaches to customary
rights, so legal policy on ulayat rights will
automatically be responsive.
As time goes by, more and more visitors,
regulations and management only by customary
leaders and local communities (lacking skills both
from management science and / or from resources and
science). Lack of tourism education so that tourism
development becomes slow and lacks management.
This is because the government is closed down by the
local Customary leader who feels the Customary
leader as the government will seize land and the
environment that has been controlled from generation
to generation from several degrees of descent from
one family. However, the government is not tired of
providing promotions and socializing, inviting
discussions, creating village clusters, inviting
meetings, inviting comparative studies of regions
whose tours are known to the world such as the Island
of the Gods, Denpasar Bali. Becoming the patron of
the Dewata Denpasar Bali island, the government and
its people work together because each region that
lives in a family, establishes associations, foundations
and / or forms of legal entities where this legal entity
is used to hand over leases of part of the community's
land to be managed modern and tourism-class tourism
awesome world. Government cooperation with
investors to lease a portion of local customary land is
managed by using management rights by investors
and the lease of native land does not disappear
because the form of rent to investors and rent goes to
associations made by indigenous peoples of the same
Regions can exercise control by making a
regulation called Regional Regulation (Perda),
abbreviated and written as (Perda), and Regional
Government confirms the policy decided by Perda.
The difficulty of changing habits is that the customary
leader and the local community acknowledge and
practice habits so that the regional regulation must be
firm so that it is carried out by the customary leader
in the area being led. Thus the government does not
make dualism of health regulations and protocols in
order to improve health and regional income as well
as reform the entire tourist area so that visiting the
term is like a king in tourist sites.