Figure 3: This caption has one line so it is centered.
The diagram above is the result of a Preliminary
Study conducted by the author in the development of
solid electrolytes by reviewing material
modifications, the method used and the conductivity
value resulting from each synthesis result. Based on
the diagram, the authors assume that for further
development Lithium Titanium Phosphate (LTP)
materials can be obtained from Li4P2O7 and TiO2
using LiI Doping. Meanwhile, the synthesis method
used can use the solid state reaction method.
Lithium-ion Batteries bear several vulnerabilities
caused by its liquid electrolytes, especially in terms
of safety and life cycle. To anticipate this
vulnerability, solid electrolytes were developed as a
substitute for liquid electrolytes and t lithium ion
batteries into an all-solid state battery. Solid
electrolytes can be obtained from several inorganic
materials which have the characteristics of high
conductivity values at room temperature and stable
electrochemical properties and have a high level of
security. Based on the preliminary study conducted in
this paper, Lithium Titanium Phosphate has good
potential by modifying the appropriate synthesis
method and the addition of doping. To be used as a
basis for solid electrolytes in lithium ion batteries.
This research was supported by the Capacity Building
Program of the Faculty of Defense Technology,
Indonesia Defense University.
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