followed by K3 69.4; K1 66.4; K2 62.1; K6 is 57.5
and the lowest was on treatment K5 average 57.1
kcal. The treatment K4 showed a significant
difference with all other treatments, while treatment
K1 with K3 and treatment K5 with K6 was not
significantly different. (Auliana, 2001), stated the
energy value of a food can be determined using the
Atwater factor, where each gram of fat, carbohydrates
and protein were equivalent to 9, 4, and 4 calorie
respectively. The results in Table 1 showed a
significant difference compared to studies
(Moniharapon et al, 2014) and (Moniharapon et al,
2016). Furthermore, it was reported that the caloric
value of fish sauce ranged from 130.1 to 165.0 kcal
with an average 149.3 kcal. While, the calorie value
of Bango soy sauce as comparison was ranged 137.3
- 163.1 kcal with an average 148.6 kcal (Moniharapon
et al, 2014). When compared with Bango soy sauce,
the calorie value was 60 kcal.
The nutrition content of fish sauce i.e. water, protein,
fat, ash, and carbohydrate, treated by washing without
atung solution, added 15% salt, at fermentation range
3 days, (K1) were 61.42%, 5.68%, 0.32%, 5.86%,
and 10.19%; respectively with a calorie value 66.4
kcal. Fish sauce with the same as previous treatment
but 4 days of fermentation (K2) were: 63.26%,
5.36%, 0.72%, 5.53%, and 8.55% respectively with a
calorie value 62.1 kcal. The nutrition content of fish
sauce i.e. water, protein, fat, ash, and carbohydrate,
treated by washing without atung solution, added
20% salt, at fermentation range 3 days, (K3) were
63.34%, 5.62%, 1.08%, 5.87%, and 9.31%
respectively with a calorie value 69.4 kcal. Fish sauce
with the same as previous treatment but 4 days of
fermentation (K4) were: 60.42%, 5.53%, 0.71%,
5.94% and 12.22% respectively with a calorie value
77.4 kcal. The nutrition content of fish sauce i.e.
water, protein, fat, ash, and carbohydrate, treated by
washing without atung solution, added 20% salt, at
fermentation range 2 days, (K5) were 62.32%,
3.51%, 0.61%, 4.92%, and 9.39% respectively with a
calorie value 57.1 kcal, and the nutrition content of
fish sauce i.e. water, protein, fat, ash, and
carbohydrate, treated by washing atung solution,
added 20% salt, at fermentation range 2 days (K6)
were: 57.66%, 3.62%, 0.30%, 5.91% and 10.07%
with a calorie value 57.5 kcal.
4.1 Suggestion
For further research, its necessary to exploit the red
tuna meat (tuna loin waste) to diversified products
such as nuggets and fish burgers. It is also necessary
investigate the effectiveness of atung solutions with
concentrations lower than 4%.
Thank you to the Directorate General of Research
Strengthening and Development. Ministry of
Research and Technology/National Research and
Innovation Agency for funding this research by
contract No: 077 / SP2H / PPM / DRPM / 2020.
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