Design and Prototype Mold of Carbon Composite Electrode for
Synthesis Graphene with Electrochemical Exfoliation Method
Isnanda Nuriskasari, Agus Edy Pramono, Hamdi and Dendy Arista
Mechanical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Prof. G. A. Siwabessy, Depok, Indonesia
Keywords: Graphene, Electrode, Mold, Carbon Composite, Electrochemical Exfoliation.
Abstract: Graphene is a new material that has special electrical, thermal, magnetic, optical, mechanical and chemical
properties. The method for synthesis graphene that is currently being developed is through the electrochemical
exfoliation because it has the advantages of a fast, environmentally friendly manufacturing process, and low
costs in the production process, and the resulting low defect value of the graphene material. One of the most
important component for syhnthesis graphene with this method is electrodes. Electrodes at this method act as
a source of carbon for synthesis graphene. Most of the researcher use graphite (sheet, rod, and flakes) as a
electrodes for this method. This research aims to synthesis graphene with electrochemical exfoliation with
carbon composite as a electrode. This paper is the first stage at this research to design and create a mold of
carbon composite electrode. The result of the first stage of this research is using material ST 37 that have
thick 5mm to create mold of carbon composite electrode, the shapes of this electrodes is block with dimension
15 x 1 x1 [cm].
The advantages of graphene material properties
because of it is a thin sheet (nanoparticle scale), but
have high strength and electrical and thermal
conductivity. The thermal conductivity of graphene is
five times greater than copper, but the weight of the
graphene material is four times lower than copper and
the electrical conductivity of graphene is equivalent
to copper. Graphene has a lower density than steel,
but the strength of graphene can reach up to fifty
times that of steel. In addition, graphene has a very
high surface area of up to 2,500 m
/ g (Liu et al.,
2019). Therefore, many researcher have research on
graphene materials for application in the energy
sector, one of which is to store energy such as
batteries, solar cells and supercapacitors.
Nowdays, a graphene synthesis method that is
more environmentally friendly is being developed,
namely the electrochemical exfoliation method. The
electrochemical exfoliation method has advantages in
terms of a fast, environmentally friendly, and low cost
manufacturing process in the production process
(Ramadhan et al., 2019). This method produces
graphene flakes that have a smaller defect value
because the electrochemical removal of the graphite
layer requires a lower agitation intensity to disperse
the graphene compared to other liquid phase methods
(Mir & Shukla, 2018). The synthesis of graphene with
the electrochemical exfoliation method requires 3
components, there are an electrolyte solution, an
electrode as well as a carbon source, and an electric
One of the most important component for
synthesis graphene with electrochemical exfoliation
method is electrodes. This research aims to synthesis
graphene with electrochemical exfoliation with
carbon composite electrode. (Pramono et al., 2012)
have researched on the electrical conductivity of
carbon-carbon composites from coal tar and coconut
shell waste. The results showed that the increase in
density of the carbon-carbon composite material had
an effect on the increase in the conductivity of the
electrical material.
Based on those explanation, in this paper, the
research focuses on design and create a mold of
carbon composite electrode. The shapes of electrodes
that will use for synthesis graphene is a block with
dimension 15 x 1 x1 [cm]. This research will also tests
on the molds that have been created to produce carbon
composite electrodes for graphene synthesis, then the
electrodes will be tested on initial test for act as a
source of carbon to synthesis graphene with
electrochemical exfoliation method.