Based on the results of electromagnetization testing
of RON 90 fuel types with bioethanol mixture
variations, the following results are obtained:
1. There is a decrease in exhaust emissions (CO
and HC) from engines that use a mixture of
RON 90 + bioethanol which is affected by the
treatment of electromagnetic fields
(magnetization) of the fuel.
2. The effect of electromagnetization can
increased combustion efficiency which is
shown by the increase in emission carbon
dioxide and decrease in emission oxygen from
3. The best composition of fuel and engine speed
to produce complete combustion with low
exhaust emission is E20 (20% Bioethanol with
80% RON 90 at 3000 rpm), the effect of
electromagnetization fuel E20 at 3000 rpm can
decrease approximately 47.37% carbon
monoxide emission, increase approximately
26% carbon dioxide, and decrease
approximately 33.2 % oxygen emission.
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Yamaha, 2020. Spesifikasi sepeda motor 4 langkah.
Retrieved from https://www.yamaha-