3.3 Deterioration Handling
From the research results, detailed deterioration
handling in the road segment can be seen in table 4 in
appendix. However, as described above, for
economical and efficiency, an overlay is a right step.
The results of condition assessment of Jalan Raya
Babelan based on the International Roughness Index
(IRI) and Pavement Condition Index (PCI) using
Roadroid application shown that the value of IRI
obtained between 6.31 (moderate) - 33.81 (heavy
deterioration) which is 90% heavy deterioration
According to the survey on Jalan Raya Babelan
Sta 0+000 to 2+000 using Pavement Conditions
Index (PCI), there are some types of deterioration
such as (corner breaks/corner cracks), divided slab,
seal joint damage, lane/shoulder drop-off, linear
cracking, polished aggregate, popouts, punch-out,
corner spalling, and joint spalling with high severity.
The deterioration handling that should be done to
the Jalan Raya Babelan are cracks seal, full-depth
patch, slab replacement/reconstruction, reseal joints,
grove surface, overlay and partial-depth patch
corresponding segments.
However, for economical and efficiency most of
the Jalan Raya Babelan needs to be included in the
minor reconstruction program, by repairing the
deterioration that occurred in the form of the
pavement overlay.
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