Learning Motivation and Time Management using Collaborative
Knowledge Creation in Higher Education
Iis Mariam
, Nidia Sofa
, Endah Wartiningsih
Nining Latianingsih
Business Administration Department, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Depok, Indonesia
*Corresponding author
Keywords: Motivation, Time Management, Collaboration Knowledge Creation
Abstract: The education and culture regulations regarding national higher education standards governing how the
curriculum concept to support learning is carried out is very different from the previous regulations. The
concept of an independent campus and independent learning is part of students' rights to get three semesters
of learning outside campus. To answer the concept of an independent campus, universities must
immediately prepare a curriculum so that it is adaptive and responds to changes. From the curriculum,
students must also have good motivation and time management in participating in learning. The problem in
this research is that learning motivation and time management have not been fully used in the learning
process when viewed from the concept of collaborative knowledge creation. The purpose in this research
was to analyze student how to learn motivation, and time management applied to learning in the Covid-19
era, and whether the concept of collaborative knowledge creation was used to support the learning process.
The research method used is mixed methode with data collection techniques using a questionnaire.
Respondents in this study were 100 students of Politeknik Negeri Jakarta with samples obtained using
purposive random sampling. The results showed that student learning motivation during the Covid-19 era
provided high learning outcomes. time management helps in completing course assignments, more
regularly, the atmosphere of learning becomes fun. Another result is that personal characteristics and
individual learning styles are important in the application of time management. is to get good grades and
pass on time. Collaborative knowledge creation concept used in learning process and produce quality of
learning more easy and fun in higher education.
Learning motivation and time management in the
current digital transformation era has an impact on
the learning process of the student that must be
prepared and obeyed. During the covid-19 era, the
learning process used distance learning, and this
situation has changes and different with the learning
process as usual. The transformation in learning
process has an impact not only for the teacher but
also for the student itself in optimizing learning
motivation as well as efficient and effective time
management. The learning process carried out by e-
learning currently demands an effective and efficient
use of time more meaningful. In higher education
learning activities carried out online require material
preparation and learning strategies that are
appropriate and still attractive to students.
Polytechnic as vocational education facing online
learning has resulted in changes in learning methods
and strategies that must be easily accessed by
students wherever they live. The problem that arises
in the conditions of online learning for polytechnics
is that student learning motivation must remain high
and time management is still used to support quality
learning processes. Another problem that arises in
that when the student do not have a schedule to carry
out a work activity, your time is not used optimally
and does not provide a use value so that time
become unproductive. The purpose of this study was
to analyse learning and motivation of the student
during Covid-19? Does time management help make
the learning process easier? How collaborative
knowledge creation be used to support learning
motivation and implementation of time management
in learning process? To answer the problems and
Mariam, I., Sofa, N., Wartiningsih, E. and Latianingsih, N.
Learning Motivation and Time Management using Collaborative Knowledge Creation in Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0010513600003153
In Proceedings of the 9th Annual Southeast Asian International Seminar (ASAIS 2020), pages 54-57
ISBN: 978-989-758-518-0
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
objectives of this study, research was conducted on
students from polytechnics. Based on Legault and
Pelletier (2006) the influence of motivation level in
learning such as the ability to believe in the effort
how the student can learn, the unawareness of the
worth and characteristic of the academic taks using
in school. Refer to Eilan and Sharon (2003) and
Peeter and Rute (2005) describes that time
management used in the learning process will have
an impact on effective results. Time management
implemented in learning process for monitoring and
evaluation, setting goals and utilizing time that gives
positive results. Jackson (2009) have an argue that
the basic of time management have the set realistic
goals for learning, organized, delegate, relax and
recharge, and also can stop feeling guilty. Compare
with Adams and Blair (2019); Konig & Kleinmann
(2010) time management is an effort to optimized
opportunites through skills and knowledge to carry
out activities in an organization, including learning
that provides useful values and results. However in
education, based on Sahito, Zaifarullah and
Vaisanen (2017) the role of teachers, leaders of
academic institutions and human resources it to
provide opportunites for teacher how to improve
their knowledge and skill of time management make
learning process more satisfaction, have a good
motivation, professionalism increases and also more
meaningful. Covey (2004) described that personal
success in learning as a process to organized and
execute around and priorities. In workplace, based
on Rombe (2016) time management describe about
how to self management,and also oneself to better
manage time consuming activities. The stages in
collaborative knowledge creation based on Du
Chaternier, et., al., (2009) can be implemented in
learning process with using externalizing and
sharing, interpreting and analysing, negotiating and
revising, and combining and creating in
Mixed methods used in this research, such as
quantitative and descriptive qualitative (Cresswell,
2017) where qualitative methods are used to
describe the results of the questionnaire received and
quantitative methods are used do determine the
sample of respondent. The data collection techniques
used a questionnaire consist of two dimension such
as learning motivation and time management with
collaborative knowledge creation concept and
distribute questionnaire with used google form. The
questions in questionnaire in this research used
Likert scale with contains statement strongly agree,
agree, not agree, strongly not agree. The respondent
in this research are student of Politeknik Negeri
Jakarta , and selections of responden using non
probability sampling and determine the sample
according to Slovin formula:
Explanation of the formula above: N is the number
of samples and N is the total number of
combinations which E is the sampling error.
Referring to the Slovin formula, the following
calculations are obtained:
 ..  ,
From the formula above, for the benefit of this
research can be describe that the maximum sample
of size is 10%, its means that 99 people rounded up
to 100 people become of sample.
This research analyse how collaborative knowledge
creation can be used to support learning motivation
and time management in learning process. This
results describe how respondent answered for
strongly agree (SS), agree (S), not agee (TS), and
strongly not agree (STS). There are three question
research, first question how the student’s learning
motivation during covid-19 era? For the first
question student learning motivation in Covid-19 era
has a target of passing for all courses/subject. The
answer is 42% agree with the statement.
Figure-1 Learning motivation of the student
Learning Motivation and Time Management using Collaborative Knowledge Creation in Higher Education
The second question for student motivation to learn
at this time, beside pass the exam they also getting
high grades and GPA have the highest answer is
64% agree with the statement, its mean that GPA
still dominan in achieving the study.
Figure-2 Student Motivation having GPA
The second question research is time management.
The firs question is a person's learning style will
affect learning outcomes from the application of the
concept of time management, and the highest
answer, 59%, agrees with the statement that learning
style will affect in learning process. This statement
same with opinion from Eilan and Sharon (2003),
Peeter and Rute (2005) that time management used
in the learning process in higher education have an
impact on effective results. Figure-3 can see below.
Figure-3 Learning style of the students
The second question research is time management
help make the learning process more easier? For
answer this question, learning process have for
openness to learn new strategies in learning the
student can affect the success of time management
behaviour an make easy for the student, and the
highest answer is 67% agree with the statement. This
results related with Jackson (2009) and Claessens
et.al., (2007) that time management have the set
realistic goals, become more organized, delegate,
relax and recharge, and also can stop feeling guilty
in learning process. The results can see in figure-4.
Figure-4 Strategies in learning process
Time management made learning activities more
enjoyable and respondents agree (70%) that fun
learning will give better results in studying in higher
education. See figure-5.
Figure-5 learning activities
The third question research that collaborative
knowledge creation used to support learning
motivation and time management, refer to Rombe
(2016) and Gea (2014) that one of the impact of time
management in workplace, it is a mechanism which
plays a central role in the exercise of personal
agency by its strong impact on thought, concern,
motivation and also actions. In time management,
compare with employees performance and standards
implementation of employee strategy, review work
plan how managers should review the work plans
regularly for getting things off mind, how to decide
on priorities and tasks are done accordingly and
divisions are corrected and recorded for
organization. This condition can be adapt and adopt
especially in polytechnic student how they can used
time management in learning process. Based on
Gopalan et.al., (2017) and Sahito & Vaisanen (2017)
the motivation also as describes how human
beeing’s can make the inspiration and achievement
in organization. From that point, collaborative
knowledge creation implemented for externalizing
and sharing when learning process and motivation
provided added value, interpreting and analysing
ASAIS 2020 - Annual Southeast Asian International Seminar
when the student have a problem in learning process,
negotiating and revising, and combining and
creating as a form of learning motivation. The
limitation in this research is not examining the
factors that cause time management to be ineffective
and efficient, including determining the priority
scale in carrying out learning activities in
Learning motivation during the Covid-19 period was
important in producing quality learning concepts.
Motivation does not only come from intrinsic but
also extrinsic which also affects learning patterns.
Meanwhile, time management has made the student
in learning process easier, has a pleasant learning
atmosphere, and does not cause stress. The concept
of collaborative knowledge creation used in learning
process and produce quality of learning more easy
and fun in higher education.
We would like to say our high thanks to UP2M
Politeknik Negeri Jakarta who has provided funding
to support for decentralized scheme research until
this research finished.
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