The Use of the Lemon Pepper as a New Flavoring in Culinary
Erika Pardede, Ferlando J. Simanungkalit and Johan B. Manik
Department of Tech. of Agricultural Products, University of HKBP Nommensen, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Lemon Pepper, Andaliman, Flavouring, Cuisine.
Abstract: Lemon pepper (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.) is a perennial plant of Rutaceae family belong to endemic
plant in North Sumatera region, which fruit has been traditionally used as flavouring agent for traditional
cuisine. Its berry fruits are known to be excellent ingredient, for they give an extraordinary flavour as results
of typical fragrance which comes after crushing the fruits, and a spicy bitter and burning taste when eaten.
Lemon pepper still has a vast unexploited potential in creative cooking. In this work, we reviewed the
vernacular names, medicinal properties and traditional uses of lemon pepper and we explored some alternative
culinary uses for this aromatic plants.
Lemon pepper (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.) a
medicinal and aromatic fruit from the family of
Rutaceae is a famous spice to native Toba-Batak
population. Local name of this plant is andaliman.
These perennial plants are growing in tropical and
temperate regions and commonly found throughout
Central, South, Southeast and East Asia (Gupta and
Mandi, 2013). In Indonesia, Zanthoxylum
acanthopodium DC. is only found and naturally
grown in the Toba forest at altitudes of above 1500 m
in North Sumatera province.
The following is the taxonomy of lemon pepper:
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Spermatophyta
Sub-division : Angiospermae
Class : Dicotyledoneae
Sub-class : Rosidae
Order : Sapindales
Family : Rutaceae
Genus : Zanthoxylum
Species : acanthopodium – DC
Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.
is a perennial thorny
shrub or small tree with dense foliage and prickly
trunk and branches bearing edible fruits and leaves
with a strong and pungent taste resembling the
flavour of lemon, anise or mint. Young fruits are
rounded and green, and the seed inside are shining
black. Its fruits, seeds and leaves are edible.
Figure 1: Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.
Like many other plants of Zanthoxylum genus,
which consist about 250 species spreading all over the
world, the species of acanthopodium or lemon pepper
has been traditionally used as medicine. By local
inhabitants of Himalayan region lemon pepper have
been traditionally used for treatment in the case of
gastritis (Yonzone and Rai, 2016).
Fruits of most Zanthoxylum are rich in oil
containing large amounts of alkaloids and saturated
fatty acids. Majumder et al (2014) found at least 21
compounds in lemon pepper oil. They found that
predominant essential oil composed by eucalyptol,
limonin, carene and methyl-cinnamate, which
demonstrated promising antibacterial activity against
Staphylococcus aureus. Later, Julistiono et al. (2018)
reported that lemon pepper possesses
Pardede, E., Simanungkalit, F. and Manik, J.
The Use of the Lemon Pepper as a New Flavoring in Culinary Preparation.
DOI: 10.5220/0010514100003108
In Proceedings of the 6th Food Ingredient Asia Conference (6th FiAC 2020) - Food Science, Nutrition and Health, pages 59-63
ISBN: 978-989-758-540-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
antimycobacterial activity against Mycobacterium
smegmatis. Meanwhile, Yanti et al. (2011) found that
the extract of dried fruit by using ethanol possessed
anti-inflammatory activity after showing a significant
inhibition of selected inflammatory biomarker.
Lemon pepper fruits are known to be an excellent
ingredient owing to their extraordinary flavour as
results of typical fragrance which comes after
crushing the fruits, and a spicy bitter, stinging and
burning taste when eaten. The use of aromatic plant
in food preparation as a spice due to their aroma
and/or taste attributable to chemical compounds.
Moektiwardoyo et al. (2014) identified 29
compounds in the essential oil of lemon pepper’s
fruits. Amongst them, geranyl acetate, β-citroneol,
nerol, limonene, geraniol, caryophyllene, citronellyl
acetate and α-pinene were the predominant
compound of the fruit oil, which contributed to the
aroma of lemon pepper.
Since classical times, the
acanthopodium DC. plant or andaliman has existing
culinary uses in Batak community lived in Toba
region. It is traditionally used in various traditional
cuisine such as naniarsik, naniura, napinadar and
namargota. Apart from its contribution to the flavour,
in food system, compounds in essential oils of the
fruits of lemon pepper possessing notable antioxidant
activity. Volatile oil extracted from fruits contains
mainly limonene, citronellol, geraniol and β-
myrcene, together with other minor components.
Those essential oils had antioxidant activity by acting
as a radical scavenger (Cahyana and Mardiana, 2003).
Similarly, Suryanto et al. (2004) extracted the
phenolic compound from the fruits by using three
different solvents namely hexane, acetone, and
ethanol, and they found all three types of fruit extract
had shown antioxidant activities.
Despite the long-standing use of these lemon
pepper, the lemon pepper still has potential in creative
cooking. Until now, the use of lemon pepper in food
has been limited to fresh fruit. Meanwhile, dried spice
of lemon pepper has potentially big market share
since the fresh harvested fruits are very susceptible to
fungi and have a short storage life.
The present study was conducted to promote
research aiming at the development of lemon pepper
in culinary preparation that is possible to realize. In
this study, they are represented by example of lemon
pepper as a flavouring agent for noodle and meatballs.
Initial stage of this study was to investigated drying
temperature to produce dried lemon pepper powder.
2.1 Fruit Materials
The fruit materials used in this study were purchased
at a local market, and transported directly to the
Laboratory of Agriculture Products Technology,
University of HKBP Nommensen, Medan where this
study was conducted. Lemon pepper fruits were
sorted manually as to separate fruits from dirt, leaves
and stems, washed and drained.
Figure 2: Mature fruit of Z. acanthopodium DC.
2.2 Drying Process
Drying of fruits was carried out through the use of hot
air at four levels of temperature (40, 50, 60 and 70
Fresh fruits were dried to constant weight in an oven.
The dehydrated product was grounded until a powder
was obtained by using sieve of 80 mesh. The spice
was packed in glass jars closed with airtight cap and
stored in refrigerator without light, and subjected to
analysis. The moisture content was determined
according to AOAC method by using hot air oven at
a temperature of 105
C. Sensorics evaluation on the
intensity of aroma and taste was carried out involving
10 trained panellists selected from students in the
department of Agriculture Products Technology.
2.3 Cuisine Application
To expand the use of lemon pepper/andaliman, we
began to investigate the possible use of the ground
dried fruit (powder) of lemon pepper as flavouring
agent to noodle and meat ball. The lemon pepper
powder was produced according to the best drying
method investigated in 2.2 above.
2.3.1 Lemon Pepper-flavoured Noodle
To prepare noodle at laboratory condition, the
mixture of 250g wheat flour, 5g
6th FiAC 2020 - The Food Ingredient Asia Conference (FiAC)
carboxymethylcellulose, 1 egg and water was
combining manually to form dough. The dough was
then sheeting, combining of sheets, resting, rolling
and cutting, followed by boiling and drained. Three
levels of lemon pepper powder, 0,5%, 1% and 1,5%
(flour based) were applied for investigation.
The sensory assessment includes tasting of lemon
pepper-flavoured noodle for the intensity of the taste
and aroma, followed by overall acceptance using the
structure 5-point hedonic scale. Evaluation session
was held at room temperature and normal lighting
condition involving 12 trained panelists.
2.3.2 Lemon Pepper-flavoured Meatball
To prepare meatballs at laboratory condition, to 1 kg
chicken meat, were added tapioca flour 500g, garlic
50g, salt 20g and water 200 g. Lemon pepper was
firstly added during the mincing of meat. Minced
meat, flour, salt and garlic were mixed to form batter.
The batter was then formed into small ball-shapes in
size of 2-2,5 cm diameter, then cooked in boiling
water until the meatballs were floated. The meatballs
were then drained, cooled and packed before use.
Lemon pepper powder in the amount of 1, 2, 3, 4 and
5% of the total mass formulation were applied for
The meatballs were subjected to sensory
evaluation for colour, aroma, taste, toughness and
overall acceptability using hedonic scale rating 1-7 to
assess the differences. Sensory acceptability of lemon
pepper-flavoured meatballs was conducted using the
structure 7-point hedonic scale. Thirty untrained
assessors comprising student of Faculty of
Agriculture participated in this study.
3.1 Drying Temperature
Drying temperature significantly affected water
content, aroma and taste of the lemon pepper powder.
The initial average moisture content of fresh lemon
pepper was 67-70%. The moisture content of dried
products was 15.20%, 13.48%, 12.54% and 14.20%
when drying process took place at a temperature of
40, 50, 60 and 70
C respectively. The higher drying
temperature led to a significantly lower water content.
However, it was not the case at drying temperature of
C, for no significant different between moisture
content of lemon pepper powder when drying at 40
and 70
C. It is possibly the case hardening took place
at the level of temperature above 60
C and led to a
higher amount of water retained in the fruit during
drying time.
The dried product was characterized by a brown
colour. The darkening of the colour of dried sample
could be due to high temperature during dehydration
in addition to black colour of the lemon pepper seeds.
Figure 3: Lemon pepper powder.
Lemon pepper powder retained the intensity of its
native aromas after the drying process. According to
Prusinowska and Smigielski (2015) drying method
affect the losses of essential oils and antioxidant in
herbs and spices, and they found that freeze drying
more essential oil of dried herbs in comparing to sun
drying and oven hot air drying. Our experiment
indicates that the range of temperature 40–70
C by
using a hot air oven could preserve the native
compounds responsible for taste and aroma.
However, the intensity of aroma and taste were
decreased as drying temperature was increased and a
note of woody aroma was appeared in the powder.
Based on sensory evaluation, we decided to apply
drying temperature of 60
C to produce lemon pepper
powder used as flavouring for subsequent application
on food. This is in accordance with the finding of
Napitupulu et al. (2020) that oven drying at 54
C for
8h was the most appropriate processing method to
preserve the flavour of lemon pepper.
3.2 Cuisine Application
3.2.1 Lemon Pepper-flavoured Noodle
Noodle is one of the famous foods in Indonesia and
across Asian countries. Recently, many variations of
noodle have been developed by applying substance
that bear compound that provided functionalities.
Noodle flavoured with 0,5% lemon pepper had
only a slight taste and aroma of lemon pepper, and
leave almost no specific sensation of spicy bitter,
stinging and burning taste when eaten. Higher
concentration of lemon pepper led to a more
significant lemon pepper taste and aroma, but only at
The Use of the Lemon Pepper as a New Flavoring in Culinary Preparation
the level of 1,5% lemon pepper the natural taste
lemon pepper appeared significantly.
Hedonic rating scale showed a similar trend, as
the acceptance of panelists increase with the
increasing of lemon pepper. The noodle flavoured
with 1,5% of lemon pepper was rated as like
moderately, while lesser lemon pepper resulted in
lower liking scale. The group of panelists, which
dominated by Toba-Batak ethnic group who are
familiar with the taste and aroma of lemon pepper,
may affect the acceptance level. The result indicated
that level of lemon pepper could be possible to
increase to some level for further study.
Figure 4: Noodle flavoured with 0,5%, 1% and 1,5% lemon
The application of lemon pepper powder,
however, highlighted the colouring effect on noodle.
The noodle was darker in comparable to normal light-
yellow noodle. Colour of noodle may also affect the
acceptance of panelists, and could play as limiting
factor for application of higher level of lemon pepper
on noodle.
3.2.2 Lemon Pepper-flavoured Meatball
Meatball, known as bakso” in Indonesia, is a
popular traditional food. It can be easily found and
bought as a food street but also in restaurants. To give
variety in taste, this study tried to apply the lemon
pepper as flavouring to meatballs.
The sensory evaluation indicated that meatballs
flavoured with of 1% of lemon pepper were well
accepted. The panelists liked the colour, aroma, taste
and toughness of meatballs. However, increasing of
level of lemon pepper powder significantly reduce the
acceptance of panelists towards the all sensory
attributes tested. The colour of meatballs with 5%
lemon pepper was not acceptable. The presence of
granules of lemon pepper lead to a dull colour of
meatballs. Spicy, bitter, stinging and burning taste of
lemon pepper become more intense as the level
increase, and led to lower acceptability of meatballs.
As for the toughness of meatball, the higher
concentration of lemon pepper the easier the
meatballs to cut when chewed. It lowered the
acceptance toward the toughness. The overall
acceptance was in line with the trend of acceptability
toward each single sensory attribute.
Figure 5: Meatballs flavoured with 1% lemon pepper
Based on this hedonic test, we found that meat
balls accepted the most were the ones formulated with
1% lemon pepper powder.
The result demonstrated promising application of
lemon pepper as a flavouring agent applied to noodle
and meatballs. In order to produce lemon pepper
powder, drying fresh fruit of lemon pepper at 60
C is
suitable to preserve natural aroma and taste. The best
acceptance as flavouring was found at a level of 1.5%
lemon pepper for noodle and at a level of 1% for
meatball. Further studies are needed for exploring the
potential of lemon pepper as flavouring in more
varieties of food.
The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support
from the University of HKBP Nommensen, Medan.
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The Use of the Lemon Pepper as a New Flavoring in Culinary Preparation