In Table 2, it can be seen that the characteristics
of Escherichia coli colonies that grow on Eosin
Methylene Blue (EMB) media are different. The
results showed that the addition of hibiscus leaf
extract with a greater proportion could prevent the
formation of the metallic green color of Escherichia
coli colonies on Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) media.
This is evidenced by the growth of the Escherichia
coli bacteria forming colonies with dark purple cores
without metallic green on EMB media treated by a
25% waru leaves, 20% waru leaves, and 15% hibiscus
leaves. While the EMB medium was treated with 0%
waru leaves, 5% waru leaves, 0% waru leaves formed
Escherichia coli bacteria colonies which are dark
purple with a metallic green color. According to
Connie et al. (2015) on EMB media, Escherichia coli
bacteria can ferment lactose quickly and produce
acid. As a result of acidic conditions, eosin will
change color from clear to dark purple which is
usually accompanied by metallic green. This is
supported by the statement by Molita (2017) which
states that bacteria that ferment lactose from EMB
media produce colonies with dark cores with black
dots and a metallic green sheen. Escherichia coli
colonies that did not form a metallic green color on
EMB media were treated with the extract with more
mixture of leaves indicating that the lactose
fermentation process was not running optimally.
The Extract waru leaves had an antimicrobe potency
and can be categorized as an antimicrobial or a
bacteriostatic compound, it can be seen on the
resulting test using by GC-MS and inhibition zone
method. The GC-MS test result showed that the waru
had characteristic content from high to low rating, as
follows, Phytol (38,70%); Pentadecanoic acid,14-
methyl-,methyl ester (21,11%); 9,12,15-
Octadecatrienoic acid,methyl ester,(Z,Z,Z)- (8,24%);
8,11-Octadecadienoic acid,methyl ester (5,59%). The
highest proportion of hibiscus/waru leaves gave an
effect to the Escherichia coli total was highest too.
Thus, the results of the total microbial reduction test
were in line with the antimicrobial inhibition zone
test. The concentration level at 25% hibiscus leaves
treatment showed the highest total reduction of
Escherichia coli on chicken meat with a decreasing
percentage of 76.12% (inhibition zone method).
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