the liquid and determining the space occupied by this
liquid with a volume measured container
(pycnometer) (Ahmad et. Al, 2014). The density of
ethnobotany coconut oil with the wet extraction
method was higher (0.9195) than the ethnobotany
coconut oil with the dry extraction method. (0.9191).
According to SNI 3741-1995, the maximum density
for coconut oil is 0.921.
Herlina et al., (2017) reported that the specific
gravity of coconut oil that has been used for frying
RBC (banana chip ripe) is 0.9193. Sani et al. (2010)
reported that the density of materials is affected by
viscosity, mass of substances and dissolved solids.
Density is related (directly proportional) to viscosity.
The greater the viscosity of a substance, the greater
its density. Coconut oil which has high dissolved
solids can affect specific gravity. This results in
higher friction between particles so that the viscosity
is also higher (Sani et al., 2010).
The production of coconut oil using the dry method
produces more yields. The wet method yielded a yield
of 15.77% w / w, cake "blondo" of 11.67%, a
moisture content of 0.06%, and an oil specific gravity
of 0.9195. The dry method with hydraulic pressing
works at a pressure of 39-427 bar with an oil yield of
21.56% w / w, cake "coconut dregs cake of 33.24% w
/ w, water content of 0.04% and a specific gravity of
Thanks to the University of Jember for supporting
this research through the Innovation-Based Startup
Enterprise Grant Programme 2018/2019.
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