2.1 E-Government
(Septiani, 2020) states that The application of e-
government in the era of globalization is needed to
ensure the realization of transparency, efficiency,
speed of information delivery, affordability of
government services to the public and
business.Therefore, it can be said that the role of e-
government in providing basic services to the
community is one of the indicators of development.
The advantages of implementing e-government are
the creation of a better business climate and have an
impact on improving the economy, transparency, ease
of access, local revenue, and better service delivery
(UNDESA, 2016).
The characteristic implication of good corporate
governance is transparency in the management of
transfer funds. This is confirmed by research results
(Arwati & Latif, 2019) which state that financial
transparency through the implementation of e-
government affects trust and integration of public
service systems. Meanwhile (Alfiyah, 2019) stated to
create a more effective government. Further (Nurdi &
Nurdin, 2019); (Nurhakim, 2014); (Wirawan, 2020)
is intended to facilitate and encourage the creation of
a democratic, transparent and accountable
The characteristic implication of good corporate
governance is transparency in the management of
transfer funds. This is confirmed by research results
(Arwati & Latif, 2019) which state that financial
transparency through the implementation of e-
government affects trust and integration of public
service systems. Meanwhile (Alfiyah, 2019) stated to
create a more effective government. Further (Nurdi &
Nurdin, 2019); (Nurhakim, 2014); (Wirawan, 2020)
is intended to facilitate and encourage the creation of
a democratic, transparent and accountable
2.2 Good Governance
The characteristic implication of good corporate
governance is transparency in the management of
transfer funds. This is confirmed by research results
(Arwati & Latif, 2019) which state that financial
transparency through the implementation of e-
government affects trust and integration of public
service systems. Meanwhile (Alfiyah, 2019) stated to
create a more effective government. Further (Nurdi &
Nurdin, 2019); (Nurhakim, 2014); (Wirawan, 2020)
is intended to facilitate and encourage the creation of
a democratic, transparent and accountable
The principles of good governance according to
UNDP in (Mardiasmo, 2004) include: community
participation, upholding the rule of law, transparency,
responsiveness, consensus-oriented, equality,
effectiveness and efficiency, accountability, and
strategic vision. Transparency is one of the principles
of good governance. Transparency is built on the
basis of the free flow of information, all government
processes, institutions, and information need to be
accessed by interested parties and the information
available must be sufficient to be understood and
monitored (Coryanata, 2012).
Transparency becomes the foundation of people's
hopes in managing transfer funds from the Central
Government to the Provincial, Regency, and City
Governments in East Kalimantan as a guarantee for
good governance practices. Therefore, to overcome
the constraints of the low performance of local
governments in providing public services in
managing transfer funds, researchers used the e-
government dimension as an independent variable,
while the dependent variable was good governance.
The e-government dimension is measured by system
quality (X1), information quality (X2), service
quality (X3). adopted from (DeLone & McLean,
2003). Meanwhile, one dimension that represents
good governance adopts part of (IGI, 2014), namely
transparency (Y). The problems to be resolved in this
article are: "Does the quality of the system, the quality
of information, and the quality of service partially and
or simultaneously have a significant effect on the
transparency of the management of transfer funds?".
Based on the results of previous research, the
hypothesis proposed in this study are:
H1: system quality, information quality, and
service quality partially have a significant
effect on the transparency of the
management of transfer funds to the
provincial, district, and city governments in
East Kalimantan.
H2: the quality of the system, the quality of
information, the quality of service
simultaneously have a significant effect on
the transparency of the management of
transfer funds to the provincial, district, and
city governments in East Kalimantan.