lar via the Internet.
The effectiveness of IT-based traditional learning
is measured primarily by the educational result, which
is associated with students’ personal and professional
development and, consequently, their competent and
charitable social activity especially during the global
In the context of the COVID-19 lockdown on-
line education becomes the sole and reliable means of
training people in active science-based counteraction
to the coronavirus pandemic (Semerikov et al., 2020).
There is no doubt about the urgency of such train-
ing for students in the systems of secondary, high,
higher, and postgraduate education, as well as in the
systems of non-formal adult education and youth or-
ganizations, etc. The volunteer potential of youth or-
ganizations remains far from being fully explored.
The least represented in the scientific discourse
are the theoretical principles of future volunteers’
distance training and online development of youth
club members’ readiness for the development and
implementation of volunteer projects to help people
during the lockdown. This should be done to im-
prove youth volunteers’ ineffective work in some re-
gions of Ukraine in 2020. Thus, youth volunteer
activities were not aimed at normalizing the mental
and emotional condition of people with low stress-
resistance and increased anxiety and were not based
on the achievements of gerontology, gerontopsychol-
ogy and other sciences when interacting with the
elderly, and special psychological, pedagogical and
medical knowledge when interacting with children
with disabilities. This was due to the young volun-
teers’ lack of competencies in the system planning
and implementation of appropriate social work. In
fact, there is a contradiction between the social de-
mand for youth organizations’ (formal and informal)
high competence in providing effective volunteer as-
sistance to people in lockdown and the youth club
managers’ unpreparedness for online work. The rea-
sons for this unpreparedness, among others, include
the lack of scientific requirements and recommenda-
tions for the content and methods of young volun-
teers’ online training. Hence, it is imperative to de-
termine the content and methods of young peoples’
online training in projecting and implementing vol-
unteer work during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The system of psychological and pedagogical prin-
ciples and recommendations for fighting coronavirus
infection, which is very important for youth volun-
teering during the lockdown, has been updated in the
online manual “Psychology and pedagogy in fighting
the COVID-19 pandemic” (Kremen, 2020). Kabysh-
Rybalka (Kabysh-Rybalka, 2020) has formulated the
psychological principles of volunteer work to check
the disease spread and promote hygienic care during
the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the rules for safe
and effective behavior in the lockdown.
The methodology, theory and improvement of
social projecting in the broadest sense have been
the subjects of close consideration by a number of
scientists in the late twentieth century (Antonyuk,
1986). Particular attention to social projects has
been paid by Bezpalko (Bezpalko, 2010) (basic ap-
proaches to social projecting and its features; de-
velopment, text design and implementation of social
projects); Pometun (Pometun, 2003) (training young
people in social project implementation); Lesnikova
(Lesnikova, 2005) (promoting adolescents’ social ini-
tiative through project activities).
Our study was guided by the theoretical princi-
ples of ICT-based learning (Gurzhii and Bykov, 1980;
Papert, 1987; Polat, 2004; Robert et al., 2017; Spirin
et al., 2019). The aim of the study was to explore the
content, principles and methods of distance education
with the use of special technologies. Unfortunately,
the use of information and communication technolo-
gies (ICT) in volunteers’ training, especially in con-
ditions of a lockdown, has not received an in-depth
coverage in scientific literature. Moreover, the manu-
als, books and guides, the volunteer movement orga-
nizers used in their work even before the pandemic,
were few and quite superficial.
Responding to current challenges, educational in-
stitutions in Ukraine have to revisit distance learn-
ing technologies. According to the Shevchenko
(Shevchenko, 2020), there is an urgent need for teach-
ers’ training in using special educational programs,
such as Moodle (Mintii, 2020), Google Classroom
(Bondarenko et al., 2020), Google Hangouts, Mi-
crosoft Teams, Skype, Cisco Webex, etc (Pavlenko
and Pavlenko, 2021). It should be noted that a
number of educational institutions have developed
specialized online systems, in particular, based on
cloud technologies (e.g., the Electronic Campus
(https://ecampus.kpi.ua/) on the basis of the National
Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic
Institute named after Igor Sikorsky”) to store teaching
materials and organize online teachers-students com-
munication (KPI, 2020). Although online education
has a number of drawbacks (Polonska, 2020; Morska,
2020; Song et al., 2004), it has also unarguable ad-
vantages (Cojocariu et al., 2014; Singh and Thurman,
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology