to be responsible and manage only educational activ-
ities. It is necessary to move to a full range of man-
agement in various areas:
• marketing of the school (information, image pol-
icy, admission campaign);
• financial (ensuring such a state that funds are al-
ways enough for all costs in full and at the right
• HR-management (to form an initiative and self-
supporting team, which prevents moments of
emotional burnout and recession).
Only in this case can we talk about the introduc-
tion of real autonomy and full management of the en-
tire educational system.
However, building an effective internal gover-
nance mechanism is not yet possible guarantees the
successful operation of the school as a whole. Af-
ter all, any school significantly depends on the exter-
nal environment and the influence of all stakeholder
groups. The main such groups are other schools of
different levels (both relevant and related), clients
(students, parents), business as sponsors and as future
employers for educational services, with the founders
and authorities in the field of education.
Heads of schools take care of external communi-
cation. Because strong interaction and balance of edu-
cational programs must be built between different lev-
els of education, so as to ensure a progressive and con-
tinuous learning process. After all, youth who enters
the formal education system at 2 years and leaves it at
19-25 years, must clearly understand where and how
to move in adult life, must be able to earn their skills,
knowledge, be professional and acquire basic compe-
tencies (competencies in understanding of business).
This approach means that there can be no “gaps”
in approaches, forms of learning at the intersection
of educational levels. For example: the last year of
kindergarten corresponds to the 1st grade of school,
9th grade – with the 1st year of college. Graduation
from the 11th grade of the school opens opportuni-
ties for study in the first year of universities and high
Today, as in previous years, there is a big discrep-
ancy between the last classes of school and the first
months of study in university. Lecturers spend signif-
icant resources on adapting first-course students in-
stead of effectively teaching them specialized disci-
plines and developing professional skills.
A similar situation arises between the 9th grade
and the 1st year of VET. With the difference that
the vocational education system often works to re-
store the student’s motivation and try to direct him to
adult life — because he did not fit into the “classical
schemes” of schooling.
In interaction with the market of educational ser-
vices, two key issues should be in focus. First, un-
derstanding what exactly the applicant for educational
services, his parents, wants. Secondly, a clear answer
to what exactly the community should allocate funds
from the public budget intended to finance the school.
Regarding the first, the content of educational pro-
grams cannot be the same from year to year. On the
contrary, it should be flexible, relevant to today’s de-
mands of young people. And the teachers themselves
must also be modern, in demand in their subjects.
Regarding the second position, the value of ed-
ucational services for the client, community (urban,
rural, district, regional or national), an explanation of
why budget funds are spent and what areas of training
they should be allocated to benefit from it should be
constantly confirmed communities.
It is worth working with business as equal part-
ners. Elevation in the status of the head of a school
opens opportunities for greater maneuverability in in-
teraction with business, as both parties are free to
make their decisions in search of mutually beneficial
proposals. For business, first of all, schools are inter-
esting from the point of view of the employer and the
ability to quickly find employees. This is an interac-
tion in the dimension of the labor market. And, if the
school can fully satisfy the requests for training, the
support from the business is provided.
If not, the dialogue will not take place. It will be
easier and even cheaper for a business to train a spe-
cialist than to retrain someone. The possibility of such
an alternative should be constantly considered by the
head of the school.
Another source of interaction with business is the
provision of mediation services in the search for em-
ployees (the provision of employment services in the
context of the labor market). Education organizations
have practically ready and motivated employees. And
there is an opportunity to test and find the right em-
As for the state, it is essential to ensure “trans-
parent” rules of the game (regulatory system), which
will determine the working mechanisms for all par-
ticipants in the educational process and stakeholders.
Therefore, there is a need for internal and external se-
curity. This is especially important for Ukraine.
This understanding of the prerequisites for build-
ing the internal and external economic environment
of the school contributes to the successful learning
and further restructuring of the school on the basis of
organizational, financial, personnel, academic auton-
Strategic Branches of Economic and Managerial Training of Principals in Ukraine using Business-simulations