Development of Heads’ Personal Readiness of Vocational Education
Institutions for Managerial Activity in the Conditions of Distance
Postgraduate Education
Nataliia I. Pinchuk
1 a
, Svitlana V. Kazakova
1 b
, Yuriy O. Ushenko
2 c
, Ivan V. Pustovalov
1 d
Nataliia V. Hordienko
1 e
, Oksana L. Anufrieva
1 f
, Olena A. Prokopenko
1 g
Oleksandra I. Pinchuk
3 h
and Olga V. Fliarkovska
1 i
University of Educational Management, 52A Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 2 Kotsiubynskyi Str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 19 Kyoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
Personal Readiness, Heads of Vocational Education Institutions, Management Activities, Digitalization,
Educational Space, Distance Postgraduate Education.
The article highlights the problem of psychological features of heads’ personal readiness of vocational edu-
cation institutions to manage in the context of digitalization of educational space. The personal qualities of
vocational education heads, significant in the context of the introduction of digital technologies of vocational
training, are highlighted. The psychological features of adult education in general and postgraduate education,
in particular, are determined. Specific problems of distance learning and distance postgraduate education are
highlighted. The results of an empirical study of the peculiarities of the manifestation of indicators of heads’
personal readiness to manage in the context of digitalization are presented. Difficulties in the manifestations
of entrepreneurial activity, in assessing their effectiveness, the predominance of egocentric orientation, dif-
ferentiated attitude to others concerning the subjective, situational factors, limiting the focus on creating a
creative digital educational environment in a large number of respondents were outlined. An insufficient gen-
eral level of heads’ personal readiness of the system of vocational education for management in the conditions
of digitalization is stated. Psychological means of promoting the development of heads’ personal readiness of
vocational education institutions for management activities in the conditions of distance postgraduate educa-
tion are determined. The program of development of heads’ personal readiness of institutions of professional
education to administrative activity in the conditions of distance postgraduate education is covered. The re-
sults of the analysis of the effectiveness of the program for the development of heads’ personal readiness of
vocational education institutions for management activities in the process of psychological training in the con-
ditions of distance postgraduate education are presented.
Taking into account the current education global
trends, the complex epidemiological situation, the
introduction and duration of quarantine restrictions,
which stimulated the transition to distance learn-
ing and remote work of educational institutions em-
ployees, improving the management of educational
organizations in distance learning, has become ex-
tremely important (Shokaliuk et al., 2020; Bobyliev
and Vihrova, 2021).
At the same time, the issues of introducing e-
distance learning technologies in the practice of edu-
Pinchuk, N., Kazakova, S., Ushenko, Y., Pustovalov, I., Hordienko, N., Anufrieva, O., Prokopenko, O., Pinchuk, O. and Fliarkovska, O.
Development of Heads’ Personal Readiness of Vocational Education Institutions for Managerial Activity in the Conditions of Distance Postgraduate Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0010920400003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 1, pages 61-80
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
cational organizations at all levels are becoming more
and more relevant as a result of the formation of a dig-
ital society on the principles of open education, cre-
ating a flexible personal educational environment fol-
lowing the individual educational trajectory (Andros
et al., 2019; Bykov et al., 2020; Kyslova et al., 2014;
Smulson et al., 2012; Spirin and Vakaliuk, 2019).
The immediate information and educational space
are gaining active development, providing adults with
an increasing variety of electronic educational re-
sources and digital learning tools, radically changing
the possibilities of education, in general, and profes-
sional, in particular.
At the same time, the analysis of theoretical
sources and educational practice (Bondarchuk et al.,
2014) indicates the presence of psychological prob-
lems in the process of digitalization of educational
space: 1) the need to develop motivation for dis-
tance learning, which provides higher activity, self-
motivation and self-control of participants; 2) an in-
sufficient level of readiness to search, perceive, as-
similate, process information with the help of digi-
tal learning technologies; 3) implementation of digital
technologies and monitoring of its effectiveness tak-
ing into account the psychological characteristics and
digital competence of participants in the educational
process; 4) difficulties in determining and taking into
account the psychological characteristics of students
in the organization of distance learning through the
absence of direct contact with the teacher.
This necessitates the analysis of the characteristics
of personal factors of readiness of heads of vocational
education institutions to manage in the context of the
digitalization of educational space and on its basis the
development and testing of a program for the devel-
opment of appropriate readiness in the system of dis-
tance postgraduate education.
The heads’ personal readiness of vocational educa-
tion institutions to manage in the conditions of dig-
italization of the educational space is a component of
their general psychological readiness for professional
activity. Effective management of a vocational edu-
cation institution in today’s challenging situation in-
volves taking into account both general (due to the
general specifics of management work: informative
saturation, diversity of management functions, strict
requirements for individual professional qualities and
professionalism, etc.) and specific (due to direct con-
ditions) institution: dependence on the impact of in-
consistent decisions and recommendations of higher
education authorities, a particular contingent of stu-
dents, inclusive responsibility for the results of activ-
ities in the uncertainty of their evaluation criteria, the
excess of emotionally charged contacts with differ-
ent categories of consumers of educational services)
(Bazyl et al., 2019; Bondarchuk, 2008; Karamushka,
2004; Pikelna, 1993).
At the same time, scientific research in the field of
vocational education is mainly aimed at the develop-
ment of students, but when it comes to training teach-
ers, attention is focused on improving the methodol-
ogy of teaching subjects (Faleeva et al., 2017; Groll-
mann, 2008; Rozendaal et al., 2003; Robertson, 2008;
Nychkalo, 2017; Sergeeva, 2015); however, the is-
sue of personality constituents is not well covered, al-
though, in our opinion, they are decisive.
So, the psychological structure of personal readi-
ness as a set of personal qualities of heads of vo-
cational education that are significant for the imple-
mentation of management in the context of digital-
ization of the educational space is made up of the
following characteristics: entrepreneurial spirit, self-
efficacy, focus on business and constructive commu-
nication, an active-positive type of attitude towards
other people, and social creativity.
Entrepreneurship, as a professionally important
quality of the personality of the head of any indus-
try, determines the effectiveness of managerial func-
tions in changing, complex situations and is char-
acterized by a set of such integrative psychological
characteristics as the ability to take a reasonable risk;
innovative position in the introduction of new tech-
nologies; creative approach to problem-solving; in-
dependence of judgments, opinions, actions; flex-
ibility in choosing competitive management strate-
gies; focus on achieving significant results, the de-
sire for continuous self-development (Karamushka,
2004; Kredentser, 2011; Maksymenko et al., 2009;
Pachkovskyi, 2006), which, in our opinion, is directly
related to the introduction of the modern digital tech-
nologies in the educational process.
A vague indicator of the personal readiness of
the heads of vocational education institutions for
management in the context of digitalization is their
self-efficacy, that is, the degree of assessment of
their effectiveness, efficiency in specific activities,
their perception of their competence (Bandura, 1971;
Yanchuk, 2005).
Based on the concept of self-efficacy by Bandura
(Bandura, 1971), people who are aware of their self-
efficacy, make more efforts to complete difficult tasks
than people who have serious doubts about their ca-
pabilities. This assumption is also confirmed in the
works of modern researchers, which show the re-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
lationship between self-efficacy and career success,
professional self-realization and professional and per-
sonal development (Bondarchuk, 2008; Mogilevkin,
2007; Choi et al., 2011; DeNoble et al., 1999).
Concerning another indicator of personal readi-
ness – personality orientation - -it is worth noting that
it characterizes the head through his/her aspirations,
beliefs, interests, values, worldview and determines
his/her active and purposeful behaviour (Ananyev,
2008; Bozhovich, 2008; Heckhausen, 1967). That is,
the orientation of the personality is a complex psycho-
logical property, which is a stable system of internal
motives and life goals of a person, shows the incen-
tive factors and the vector of its aspirations. Among
the main lines of such analysis, the focus on business,
communication and oneself is distinguished, while it
is this hierarchy of focus that determines the effective-
ness of the head’s activity (Shchokin, 1993).
The effectiveness of interaction in the process of
implementing digital learning technologies is largely
determined by the type of leader’s attitude towards
other people. Indeed, in conditions of uncertainty,
constant change and high personal responsibility for
the results of the educational organization, the head
must show an active-positive type of attitude to other
people (according to Gibson et al. (Gibson et al.,
1993)), showing respect and acceptance of the inner
world of each individual, thereby providing opportu-
nities to realize their potential.
Management activity in the context of digitaliza-
tion of the educational space is closely related to the
social creativity of the individual, assumes the pres-
ence of a general ability to self-actualization; the
severity of social motivation, which reflects the in-
dividual’s need for social contacts and motivational
attitudes to communicate with other people; the de-
velopment of social imagination, which allows to
model further steps in the situation of social interac-
tion based on feedback (Popel, 2014).
Thus, the professionally important personality
traits of the educational organizations heads, which
make up the personal readiness to manage the imple-
mentation of digital learning technologies, are the ba-
sis of successful activities of heads of vocational edu-
cation in the digitalization of the educational space.
The theoretical analysis of the researched problem
allowed implementing the following, empirical, stage
of research of the psychological characteristics of the
heads’ personal readiness of vocational education in-
stitutions for management in the context of the dig-
italization of the educational space and based on it,
creating the program of development of correspond-
ing readiness in the conditions of distance postgradu-
ate education.
The study involved 230 heads of vocational education
institutions from different regions of Ukraine, who
underwent advanced training in Central Institute of
Postgraduate Education of the University of Educa-
tional Management during 2019–2020.
The following methods were used: theoretical
(analysis and generalization of the results of the-
oretical analysis of the literature); empirical: Test
for general abilities to entrepreneurship (GET TEST,
adapted by Y. Pachkovskyy) (Pachkovskyi, 2006);
Self-efficacy questionnaire (authors M. Scherer,
J. Maddux, modified by A. Boyarintseva) (Sherer
et al., 1982); methods “Determination of person-
ality orientation” (authors M. Kucher, V. Smekal)
(Nikiforov et al., 2003); Attitude to the neglected
employee” (who is given the least preference) (Least
Preferred Coworker, LPC, author F. Fiedler, adapted
by S. Kalishchuk) (Kalishchuk, 2014); “Determina-
tion of social creativity of the individual” (adapted by
N. Fetiskin, etc.) (Fetiskin et al., 2002); mathematical
and statistical (search of primary statistics, analysis
of variance ANOVA) data processing was performed
using SPSS version 17.0.
The formative stage of the study was implemented
in 2020 based on the Central Institute of Postgraduate
Education of the University of Educational Manage-
ment. 49 heads of these institutions from different
regions of Ukraine took part in the approbation of the
program of development of heads’ personal readiness
of vocational education institutions for management
in the conditions of distance postgraduate education,
of which 24 persons made experimental group and
25 – control group.
The program provided the use of modified for its
tasks and adapted to the distance form of the advanced
training group and interactive methods: training in a
virtual learning environment, group discussions and
“brainstorming” in chat, work in small groups using
messengers, interactive mini-lectures, role and busi-
ness games, method of incomplete sentences, anal-
ysis of managerial situations, project and individ-
ual creative tasks, etc (Smulson et al., 2012; Bon-
darchuk et al., 2014; Kredentser, 2011; Kazakova,
2020; Lukyanova et al., 2012).
Statistical processing of the results of approba-
tion of the program “The development of heads’ per-
sonal readiness of vocational education institutions
for management activities in the digital educational
space” was carried out according to the same meth-
ods as at the statement stage of the study using SPSS
version 17.0.
Development of Heads’ Personal Readiness of Vocational Education Institutions for Managerial Activity in the Conditions of Distance
Postgraduate Education
We conducted an empirical study aimed at studying
the psychological characteristics of the heads’ per-
sonal readiness of vocational education institutions
for management activities in the context of digitaliza-
tion of the educational space. The logic of the anal-
ysis was carried out by the selected indicators of the
studied readiness: entrepreneurship, self-efficacy, fo-
cus and constructive communication, active-positive
type of attitude towards other people, and social cre-
ativity (Kazakova, 2020).
The results of the empirical study revealed the
predominance of the following entrepreneurial char-
acteristics, significant in the context of new chal-
lenges of educational organization management in
terms of digitalization of educational space: the need
for autonomy (M = 7.9;σ = 2.1), which is man-
ifested in purposefulness, and sometimes in stub-
bornness, independence in doing the activity and
decision-making; focus on reasonable, weighted risk
(M = 7.4; σ = 1.9), which includes the ability
to accept the consequences of their choice, see the
benefits of mistakes, act in a situation of uncertainty,
and the ability to be creative (M = 7.1;σ = 1.4),
consisting of the sensitivity of heads to new ex-
periences, prone to non-trivial solutions. The
least represented were the needs for achievement
(M = 6.8; σ = 1.7) and determination and deter-
mination (M = 6.7;σ = 1.9), which indicates a lack
of self-confidence, a tendency to rely more on exter-
nal factors than on their actions.
Besides, the distribution of heads of vocational
education institutions depending on the level of their
ability to entrepreneurship was revealed (table 1).
Table 1 shows the vast majority of respon-
dents have an average level of entrepreneurial ability
(78.3%), and a low level – 16.5%. Instead, only 5.2%
of heads have a high level of entrepreneurial skills.
At the same time, according to the results of anal-
ysis of variance, a statistically significant relationship
(p < 0.01) between the indicators of entrepreneurial
activity and the age category of heads depending on
gender, which showed that heads of the younger co-
hort (up to 45 years) have a more pronounced ability
to entrepreneurship. Groups of senior men-heads and
women, regardless of age, show reduced indicators
of entrepreneurial characteristics. The presented re-
sults coincide with other studies that emphasize the
predominance of male models of entrepreneurial be-
haviour, which negatively affects the perception of
their entrepreneurial abilities in women (Sullivan and
Meek, 2012).
So, the identified ambivalence and insufficient
level of development of entrepreneurial characteris-
tics of heads of vocational education institutions can
negatively affect the management of innovative de-
velopment of the organization in general and the ef-
fectiveness of the implementation of digital learning
technologies in particular.
The next stage of the study was aimed at deter-
mining the characteristics of heads’ self-efficacy of
vocational education institutions (table 2).
As the data of rable 2, the level of activity self-
efficacy of heads is slightly higher than social (7.4
and 6.4 points on average, respectively). Comparison
of the results of other studies (Bondarchuk, 2015) al-
lowed to state slightly lower indicators of self-efficacy
in the studied heads of vocational education institu-
tions, in contrast to the heads of secondary schools.
Also, we revealed an insufficient level of self-
efficacy of heads: 30.4% of respondents have a high
level, 40.9% have an average level, and 28.7% have
a low level, which may indicate a low assessment
of their capabilities of the vast majority of heads in
achieving their goals, comparing one’s achievements
with successes, social norms and assessments of other
According to the theory of self-efficacy (Bandura,
1971), this phenomenon was considered as a leading
personal construct that forms a belief in their success
and effectiveness of actions in one or more activi-
ties. Following the researcher, even the presence of
high personal potential does not automatically guar-
antee the achievement of high results if a person does
not have faith in the ability to influence the events
of his/her own life. Conversely, even with insuffi-
ciently high abilities, but high self-efficacy a person
can achieve significant success. Therefore, of course,
the development and maintenance of confidence in the
self-efficacy of heads of vocational education institu-
tions will positively affect their psychological readi-
ness to overcome life’s difficulties, frustrations and
stresses that arise during management in the digital-
ization of educational space.
Further analysis of the results obtained by the
method of M. Kucher and V. Smekal revealed the pe-
culiarities of the orientation of heads.
So, it is established that in the hierarchy of orienta-
tion, on average, heads tend to focus on business (27.6
points on average), then on interaction (27.3 points on
average), and then on themselves (26.3 points on av-
erage), which coincides with the ideas of the authors
of the methodology of the hierarchy of orientation,
which increases the efficiency (Shchokin, 1993).
At the same time, a detailed analysis of the
methodology showed that such a hierarchy is not
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Table 1: Distribution of heads of vocational education institutions by levels of ability to entrepreneurship.
Levels of ability to entrepreneurship Number of respondents, %
Low 16.5
Average 78.3
High 5.2
Table 2: Features of self-efficacy of heads.
Types of self-efficacy Points, on average Σ
Activity 7.4 0.9
Social 6.4 1.3
General 6.9 0.9
common to all heads (table 3).
Table 3: The results of cluster analysis of indicators of per-
sonality orientation of heads of vocational education insti-
Personality orientation
1 2 3
For business 30 27 27
For interaction 26 25 30
For themselves 24 29 25
As follows from the data given in table 3, the first
cluster (21.8%) consisted of heads with the optimal
hierarchy of orientation (“for business” “for inter-
action” “for themselves”), namely a high level of
personality orientation. Such leaders are interested
in constructive solutions to business problems, sup-
port the teaching staff and individual employees on
the way to the goal, encourage them to express their
opinions and beliefs, while taking responsibility for
the case, trying to help solve problems together, able
to defend their opinions and hear the position of oth-
ers to achieve a common goal.
The second cluster (39.1%) includes respondents
with a predominance of self-orientation, which indi-
cates a low level of personality orientation of heads.
Such heads are focused primarily on direct remuner-
ation and satisfaction of their own needs, desires, in-
terests, regardless of the current situation and needs
of the institution. In case of limitations, these op-
portunities may be anxiety, irritability and aggres-
sion. This category of heads is often focused only on
themselves, their feelings and experiences; ignore the
needs of the interests of subordinates and colleagues,
try to impose their views on the team, and tend to
make hasty and unfounded conclusions about others,
and so on.
The third cluster (39.1%) included heads with a
predominance of interaction orientation and, accord-
ingly, with an average level of orientation of their per-
sonality. Such leaders focus primarily on effective in-
terpersonal interaction and joint activities, the inter-
ests of the teaching staff, which may sometimes inter-
fere with the effective implementation of production
tasks. Heads with such a focus are mainly focused on
social acceptance; depend on the group and team; feel
the need for support and commitment of others, as a
result, may give in to pressure from the team or group
of employees, regardless of their ability to problem-
solving and solve production problems for the sake of
maintaining friendly relations.
At the next stage of the empirical study, the pecu-
liarities of the manifestation of the types of the heads’
attitude of vocational education institutions with other
people were analysed(table 4).
Table 4: Type of installation of heads of vocational schools
with other people.
Type of installation Number of respondents, %
Situational-subjective 44.3
Functional & business 22.6
Hidden-negative 17.4
Neutral-indifferent 14.8
Active-positive 0.9
As evidenced by the data in table 4, the major-
ity of heads of vocational education institutions found
an insufficient level of positive attitude towards other
So, the active-positive type of installation as a
professionally important quality of specialists such
as “person-person” is characteristic of only 0.9% of
respondents. Representatives of this group show a
friendly attitude to others, willing to notice first of all
their positive qualities, which, in turn, creates an at-
mosphere of friendliness, mutual understanding and
cooperation. This type of attitude is especially rele-
vant in the situation of distance learning, limited di-
rect contact of participants in the educational process
to increase the level of psychological security of the
digital learning environment.
At the same time, a significant number of heads
(44.3%) are characterized by a situational-subjective
type of attitude towards other people, which causes
a tendency to differentiate their attitude to others de-
pending on their emotional state and feelings of ac-
ceptance by others; and also leads to sharp mood
swings under the influence of situational factors and
Development of Heads’ Personal Readiness of Vocational Education Institutions for Managerial Activity in the Conditions of Distance
Postgraduate Education
subjective factors. 22.6% of the surveyed heads
have a functional-business type of attitude, which is
manifested in a differentiated attitude towards peo-
ple consistent with their usefulness when friendliness
is shown only about “necessary” people. The survey
stated that neutral-indifferent type of attitude towards
other people have 14.8% of respondents and is man-
ifested in secrecy, lack of sincerity to others; com-
munication is formally polite but emotionally alien-
ated and superficial. Heads of latent-negative orienta-
tion (17.4% of respondents) show a tendency to notice
and emphasize mostly negative traits, qualities in oth-
ers, intolerance of these people, openly demonstrating
their negative attitude, which creates mutual hostility
and malevolence.
As the analysis of the results of the study showed
the peculiarities of the type of heads’ attitude of vo-
cational education institutions to others, only 0.9 %
of surveyed heads are characterized by a high level of
attitude towards other people, 67.0 % – medium, and
32.1 % – low (table 5).
So, the type of attitude towards other people is one
of the problem areas in the context of heads’ personal
readiness of vocational schools for management ac-
tivities in the context of digitalization of educational
It is clear that with this type of attitude of heads,
the development of motivation for staff professional
development of educational organizations in general,
and the introduction of digital learning tools is quite
An important indicator of heads’ personal readi-
ness of vocational schools to manage in the digital-
ization of educational space following the author’s
approach is the heads’ social creativity of vocational
(professional) schools, to determine which used the
appropriate method of Fetiskin et al. (Fetiskin et al.,
By the results of empirical research, an insuffi-
cient level of social creativity was found in a rather
large group of surveyed heads (table 6).
As evidenced by the data presented in table 6, a
low level of social creativity was found in 28.7%, av-
erage in 43.5%, and high in 27.8% of respondents.
Thereby, a significant number of heads of voca-
tional education institutions are characterized by a
lack of creativity in the social sphere, they have dif-
ficulty in constant social contacts and motivational
attitudes to communicate with other people; limited
in the manifestations of social imagination, which
allows predicting and modelling behaviour in situa-
tions of interpersonal interaction based on feedback,
etc. This may indicate certain limitations in creating
a creative digital educational environment, on the one
hand, due to the specifics of virtual interaction, and,
on the other - due to the position that inhibits social
interactions, because heads themselves are not able to
show an example of creative interpersonal interaction,
to be the creative environment carrier.
Summarizing the results according to all meth-
ods, we identified the levels of heads’ personal readi-
ness of vocational education institutions to manage in
the context of digitalization of educational space (fig-
ure 1).
Figure 1 presents that the heads’ personal readi-
ness of vocational education institutions to manage
in the conditions of digitalization of the educational
space is insufficiently formed.
Hence, a high level of such readiness was found
only in 20.4% of the surveyed heads, who are charac-
terized by high levels of entrepreneurial activity, self-
efficacy, social creativity; predominant focus on busi-
ness and communication as well as an active-positive
type of attitude towards other people.
The average level is set at 63.0% of heads, which
are characterized by the following: mostly average in-
dicators of entrepreneurial activity, self-efficacy, and
social creativity; predominant focus on interaction,
situational-subjective or functional-business types of
attitude towards other people.
A low level was found in 16.6% of respon-
dents, who found low levels of entrepreneurial activ-
ity, self-efficacy, social creativity; predominant self-
orientation as well as neutral-indifferent or hidden-
negative types of attitudes towards other people.
Therefore, based on the results of empirical re-
search, an insufficient level of both indicators of
heads’ personal readiness of vocational education in-
stitutions for management in the context of digitaliza-
tion of the educational process and its general level
were established, which actualize the need to develop
and test a program for psychological support of their
personal readiness in conditions of distance postgrad-
uate education.
4.1 Distance Postgraduate Education
Despite the rapid pace of social changes and scien-
tific and technological progress, it became necessary
to revise approaches to postgraduate education with
the practice of organizing periodic courses at a certain
time interval between attending refresher courses by
specialists, since this format limits the development
of a personality that can not only perceive changes
as an objective reality but also initiate innovation and
training, adequately solve the problems of our time,
respond to them, predict and change social reality.
Equally important is the awareness and consider-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Table 5: Distribution of heads of vocational education institutions by levels of the type of attitude to others.
Levels of attitude towards others Number of respondents, %
Low 32.1
Average 67.0
High 0.9
Figure 1: Distribution of heads of vocational education institutions by levels of personal readiness to manage in the context
of digitalization of educational space.
Table 6: Levels of heads’ social creativity of vocational
Levels of social creativityNumber of respondents, %
Low 28.7
Average 43.5
High 27.8
ation in the process of distance postgraduate educa-
tion of the specific features of adult learning based on
their professional experience; value attitude of listen-
ers to reality, indicators of heads’ personal readiness
for managerial activity in the conditions of digital ed-
ucational space (Smulson et al., 2012; Bondarchuk,
2014; Knowles, 1980; Conceptual bases of adult ed-
ucation development, 2018; Putsov, 2010; Eynon and
Malmberg, 2020; Lukyanova, 2019).
Therefore, postgraduate education ceases to per-
form only the traditional function of training and re-
training, it becomes a stage of adult development
aimed at improving professional activity and the de-
velopment of professional competence throughout
The specific features of adult education is a com-
plex of systematised factors of the educational pro-
cess subjects from the standpoint of the andragogical
approach, which includes: the role of the subjects of
learning and the peculiarities of their interaction as
equal partners; organization of the learning process
based on joint activities, individualization and self-
determination; active and interactive teaching meth-
ods aimed at improving the quality of education, pro-
fessional and personal growth of adults; the specifics
of educational programs based on the principle of
continuity, expediency, prospects; orientation of the
motivation of learning to meet the practical problems
of the practice of professional activity of specialists;
use of life experience, etc (Andros et al., 2019; Bon-
darchuk, 2015; Conceptual bases of adult education
development, 2018; Lukyanova, 2019).
The importance of postgraduate education in mod-
ern circumstances is due to the changing needs of the
labour market, the content and nature of work aimed
at developing professionals in the context of bringing
their professional skills in line with world standards,
time requirements, personal and industrial needs, im-
proving their scientific and cultural level, stimulation
and development of the creative and spiritual potential
of personality (Bondarchuk, 2015; Lukyanova, 2019;
Sorochan, 2002).
An important feature of postgraduate education
is its prognostic nature, because the learning process
should, on the one hand, respond quickly to trends
and prospects of education and the latest advances
in science, and on the other to widely disclose
practice-oriented training technologies students to re-
spond to challenges in professional activities.
Development of Heads’ Personal Readiness of Vocational Education Institutions for Managerial Activity in the Conditions of Distance
Postgraduate Education
All these aspects remain relevant during the intro-
duction of anti-epidemic measures in our country and
around the world, related to the spread of COVID-19,
which encouraged educational institutions at all levels
to make a mass transition to distance learning. At the
same time, the active introduction of distance learning
in postgraduate education necessitates the organiza-
tion of effective interaction of students in the virtual
educational space as a systematic and effective joint
activity based on ICT.
This helps to highlight the specific features of dis-
tance learning, among which are the following ad-
vantages: the ability to vary both asynchronous and
synchronous interaction with all partners belonging
to the virtual community; association of participants
of interaction in joint activity on the transformation
of certain objects that have for them subject-practical
and cognitive value; the emergence of new motivating
factors of virtual interaction, in particular, the novelty
of the proposed work forms, which creates a sense
of belonging to advanced technologies, reinforces the
desire to be modern.
It is also necessary to take into account the prob-
lems in the organization of distance learning, includ-
ing the following: the presence of psychological bar-
riers in some heads (especially older people) when
working with a computer; insufficient level of com-
petence in the implementation of ICT of a significant
number of teachers and students; insufficient level
of psychological and pedagogical competence of the
postgraduate education system teachers regarding the
organization of virtual interaction, etc.
At the same time, psychological and pedagogical
developments in the field of distance learning and dis-
tance education, the creation of virtual educational
space correspond to modern issues of lifelong learn-
ing as a psychological and pedagogical condition of
self-development (Andros et al., 2019; Balyk et al.,
2019; Bondarchuk, 2014; Bykov et al., 2020; Smul-
son et al., 2012; Spirin and Vakaliuk, 2019).
This approach allows talking about the funda-
mental possibility of developing in the conditions
of distance postgraduate education the heads’ per-
sonal readiness of vocational education institutions
for management activities in the digital educational
The results of the implemented empirical study
revealed an insufficient level of both indicators of
heads’ personal readiness of vocational education in-
stitutions to manage in the context of digitalization of
the educational process, and the level of their readi-
ness in general.
Difficulties in the manifestations of en-
trepreneurial activity, in assessing their effectiveness,
the predominance of egocentric orientation, differ-
entiated attitude to others concerning the subjective,
situational, useful factors, limiting the focus on
forming a creative digital educational environment
in a large number of researchers, which highlighted
the need to develop approbation of the program
of development of heads’ personal readiness of
vocational education institutions to management in
the conditions of digitalization of educational space
in the system of distance postgraduate education.
To identify the factors that hinder the effective im-
plementation of the process of heads’ personal readi-
ness of vocational education institutions to manage
management in the digital education space, it should
be noted that although the overwhelming majority of
heads understand and share the importance of intro-
ducing digital management technologies, this process
is sometimes chaotic, unsystematic in nature, besides,
many heads have a low level of initiative, enterprise
and other psychological qualities that are important
for successful management activities in the context of
digitalization of the educational space.
4.2 Description of the Program
The purpose of the formative stage of the experiment
was to design and experimental verification of the ef-
fectiveness of the program for the development of per-
sonal readiness of heads of vocational education insti-
tutions to manage in the context of distance postgrad-
uate education.
The developed program was based on a concep-
tual model of promoting the personal development of
specialists in the process of postgraduate education
(Bondarchuk, 2008), according to which the develop-
ment of heads’ personal readiness of vocational edu-
cation institutions for management in the digital edu-
cation space is carried out in four stages.
1. The preparatory stage, which actualized the
heads’ desire to develop personal readiness for
management activities in the digital educational
So, the preparatory stage of the work included: an
acquaintance of group members; determining the pur-
pose and objectives of the special course; expression
by heads of expectations from participation in a spe-
cial course; discussion and approval of work rules;
setting up activity and improving efficiency; creating
a comfortable atmosphere of interaction in a virtual
learning environment.
For this purpose, at the beginning of each meet-
ing, various forms of activity were used: self-
presentations, icebreakers, voicing actual well-being
and psycho-emotional state, exercises, etc.
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
This was achieved through the use of, for example,
icebreaker exercises “I did not expect myself to. . . ”,
modified and adapted for distance learning exercises
“Ball” and also exercises “Treasury of associations”
and the modified variant of brainstorming “Pros and
cons of digitalization of educational space”, etc.
2. Diagnostic stage aimed at the disclosure and
awareness of heads of personal characteristics and
their reflection in the results of professional activ-
At this stage, a psychological workshop was con-
ducted using the following methods: Test for general
abilities to entrepreneurship (GET TEST, adapted by
Y. Pachkovskyy) (Pachkovskyi, 2006); Self-efficacy
questionnaire (authors M. Scherer, J. Maddux,
modified by A. Boyarintseva) (Sherer et al., 1982);
methods “Determination of personality orienta-
tion” (authors M. Kucher, V. Smekal) (Nikiforov
et al., 2003); Attitude to the neglected employee
(who is given the least preference” (Least Preferred
Coworker, LPC, author F. Fiedler, adapted by
S. Kalishchuk) (Kalishchuk, 2014); “Determination
of social creativity of the individual” (adapted by
N. Fetiskin, etc) (Fetiskin et al., 2002).
3. Developmental stage, in which the development
and correction of components of heads’ personal
readiness for management in the digital educa-
tional space, using the following methods:
analysis of managerial situations, when partic-
ipants consider problematic situations of man-
agerial activity during the digitalization of ed-
ucational space, the constructive solution of
which is possible provided that there is a high
level of appropriate personal readiness of the
heads of vocational education institution;
group work to actualize the desire to help im-
prove the management of the educational insti-
tution by personal example through exercises:
“My life credo”, “Who am I? What am I?”,
“Portrait of the head of a vocational education
institution”, etc.;
business game “Vocational education institu-
tion: yesterday, today, tomorrow”, which helps
to comprehend the existing experience and
agree per the requirements of the time;
role-playing games “Guess the style of commu-
nication”, “Psychological strategies to achieve
results during the online meeting”.
4. Prognostic stage aimed at identifying and devel-
oping vectors, forms, methods and ways of fur-
ther development and self-development of heads’
personal readiness of vocational education institu-
tions for management activities in the digital edu-
cational environment.
The means of implementing the final stage were
special tasks for independent work, exercise “Wish
Basket” (members of the training group wished each
other in the form of proposals “gifts” that provide an
opportunity to improve the heads’ personal readiness
of vocational education institutions to manage in the
digital educational space), and also reflective analysis
“What did the training give me?”.
The final stage of the program was focused on
summarizing the work, filling out a feedback ques-
tionnaire, which is expected to answer the following
I. Have you participated in such events before?
II. Did your expectations for the special course come
III. What did you like most about the tasks?
IV. Did you receive new information about your per-
sonal qualities? If so, which ones?
V. Have there been any changes with you as a re-
sult of participating in the special course and if
so, which ones?
VI. Have you gained any useful knowledge? If so,
which ones?
VII. Do you plan to use the acquired skills in your pro-
fessional activity?
Hence, taking into account the results of the ascer-
taining stage of the study, the list of principles (pro-
fessional development of heads of vocational educa-
tion institutions, focus on self-knowledge and indi-
vidual’ self-development, use of active group teach-
ing methods, creative activity, partnership) and psy-
chological conditions (creation of a special social
environment of comfort and creative freedom, mu-
tual support in the group, trust, respect, activation of
adequate self-perception through reflective analysis),
which contribute to the development of heads’ per-
sonal readiness of vocational education institutions to
manage in the digital educational environment in dis-
tance postgraduate education.
Specific features of such a social environment in
terms of distance learning are:
1) the organization of virtual joint activities of heads
of vocational education institutions, during which
they realize themselves as creative individuals;
meet higher human needs; at the same time
through the organization of joint, interdependent
activity there is an effect of group feeling of use-
fulness for another with raising of self-worth;
Development of Heads’ Personal Readiness of Vocational Education Institutions for Managerial Activity in the Conditions of Distance
Postgraduate Education
2) joint formation of group norms and principles of
interaction of humanistic orientation in the virtual
learning environment, among which was voiced
the establishment of partnerships during participa-
tion in the program, sincerity, emotional openness
and trust in each other, acceptance of another per-
son as a value; tolerance, positive attitude, lack of
criticism, active involvement in the group creative
3) social and spiritual enrichment in remote joint
activities, the joint experience of a sense of be-
longing to the peculiarities of professional cul-
ture, discussion of issues of professional self-
determination, the mission of the head of voca-
tional education, etc.;
4) intensification of mental, emotional and be-
havioural components of joint activities through
collective action in the digital learning environ-
ment with a public demonstration of results, such
as project activities;
5) establishing feedback in the process of joint ac-
tivities between its participants (chats, conversa-
tions, group forms of communication, etc.) to en-
sure the process of self-awareness with the help of
6) implementation of a system of special tasks that
determine the acceptance and playing of a social
role (head of a vocational education institution)
with certain characteristics that correspond to a
person focused on improving management in the
digitalization of the educational space (Krylov,
The next task of the formative stage of the ex-
periment was to identify and develop adequate and
optimal forms and methods of work that would best
meet the objectives of the study and take into ac-
count the features of distance postgraduate educa-
tion. Herewith, we took into account that the heads’
training methods of vocational education institutions
should be characterized by efficiency and practical-
ity, encourage constructive communication, promote
the ability to solve management problems in the dig-
ital educational environment, stimulate new ideas,
develop heads’ ability to self-knowledge and self-
understanding, cultivate tolerance, respect for the in-
dividual characteristics of each person.
The choice of the most optimal forms and methods
of training of heads of vocational education institu-
tions was based on the fact that they should be charac-
terized by efficiency and practicality, encourage con-
structive communication, promote the ability to solve
management problems in the digital environment, be
open to new ideas and active in their implementa-
tion, develop the ability of heads to self-knowledge
and self-understanding, cultivate tolerance, flexibility,
and respect for the individual characteristics of each
person (Bondarchuk et al., 2014; Kredentser, 2011;
Kazakova, 2020; Bondarchuk, 2015).
Based on our practice and the specifics of adult
education in the process of distance learning in mod-
ern conditions, we believe that it is appropriate to
apply adapted to distance learning group and inter-
active methods: training in a virtual learning envi-
ronment, group discussions in video conferences and
“brainstorming” in chat, work in small groups in the
created rooms of the distance learning environment,
interactive mini-lectures using multimedia presenta-
tions, role and business games, method of incomplete
sentences, analysis management situations and their
discussion, project and individual creative tasks, etc
(Bondarchuk et al., 2014; Bondarchuk, 2008; Kara-
mushka, 2004; Kredentser, 2011; Mogilevkin, 2007;
Kazakova, 2020).
The main form of implementation of the program
of heads’ personal readiness to manage in the digi-
talization of educational space was chosen training,
because of its focus on the practical development of
material, when in the process of modelling specially
set situations students have the opportunity to de-
velop and consolidate the necessary knowledge and
skills, experience and approaches used in the work,
understand the state of development of personal readi-
ness and identify its psychological problems, personal
qualities, features of interaction with others. With the
help of training exercises in a virtual learning environ-
ment, heads learn the features of remote perception by
others of their personal qualities, behaviour, manage-
rial actions. Overcoming psychological difficulties,
correction of restrictions, correction of shortcomings
in interactive interaction at a distance are carried out;
ways of his/her personal growth are developed.
Inclusion in the program group discussions in
chat capabilities used for updating the free exchange
of digital learning environments thoughts, ideas and
knowledge between stakeholders to provide feedback,
reducing resistance to adopting the opposite position
through group reflection, eliminating bias in assess-
ing others through public statements, enabling heads
to demonstrate their competence by meeting the need
for respect and recognition.
The use of group discussions contributed to the
development of motivation to use such a technique
in managing a vocational education institution, ex-
panding ideas about the possibilities of interpersonal
interaction and creating effective team cooperation
in a virtual environment, expanding and deepening
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
knowledge about the peculiarities of heads’ personal
readiness to manage of the educational institution in
the context of digitalization of the educational space,
updating aspirations to improve the management ef-
ficiency of their educational institution, to strengthen
the desire to implement innovative forms and methods
of personality development, to understand the condi-
tions and ways of developing personal qualities that
are important in the context of the digitalization of
the educational space.
Besides, we took into account the fact that the
use of group discussions in training, following the
Pakhalyan (Pakhalyan, 2006) opinion, promotes em-
pathy, allows noticing in each unique and original per-
sonality, changes the attitude of participants to others
through the emergence of new active social interac-
tions, which becomes especially relevant in the digital
educational environment.
To expand the variability of tasks for students in
a special training course, one of the options of group
discussion was used – the method of “brainstorming”
as a common group way of problems-solving by gen-
erating new ideas by participants, which stimulates
creative activity, creativity, enrichment of construc-
tive experience, search and development of new, non-
standard solutions, saving resources, time and energy
of the team and its members.
Also, the brainstorming was carried out follow-
ing the rules (unlimited number of ideas, lack of crit-
icism and evaluative judgments, equality of partici-
pants) and contributed to the development of toler-
ance skills and group integration in a digital environ-
The training program included a list of tasks for
brainstorming in the chat: “Specifics of management
of vocational education in the digital educational
space”, “Basic tools for personal development of sub-
jects of the educational process in distance learning”,
“The role of creativity in entrepreneurial activity vo-
cational education”, etc. Moving on, in addition to
joint development of group work rules in the virtual
learning environment, heads had the opportunity to
expand understanding and understanding of the con-
tent and specific features of management in the digital
educational space, conditions and ways of personal
development of distance learning, as well as aware-
ness of emotionally motivated orientation of manage-
ment activities in the digital educational environment.
The inclusion of short interactive mini-lectures in
group discussions has intensified the development of
the heads’ personal readiness of vocational education
institutions to manage in the context of digitalization
of the educational space by expanding psychological
knowledge about the advantages and problems of the
virtual educational environment, the peculiarities of
the attitude of leaders to distance education, to man-
aging a vocational education institution in a distance
format, in distance education services and the pecu-
liarities of their provision, for the personal readiness
of the head of a vocational education institution for
management in the context of digitalization of the ed-
ucational space and its development, the features of
the manifestation of its components: self-control in
communication and general abilities for entrepreneur-
ship, determining the orientation of the personality,
self-efficacy, etc. (Bondarchuk et al., 2014).
Effective, in our opinion, in the conditions of
a distance postgraduate education, is a modified
method of group interaction as work in small groups
for example, group work to analyze the implementa-
tion of distance learning in the educational process
from the point of view of various subjects – students,
parents, teachers, administration, etc., when the par-
ticipants, having united within the learning environ-
ment in mini-groups, discussed the advantages and
disadvantages of distance education and developed
proposals to improve the effectiveness of the imple-
mentation of these changes.
It was also useful to involve role-playing and busi-
ness games in the process of training interaction in
the form of online conferences, which contributed
to modelling the system of social relations, reducing
emotional stress due to the verbalization of the exist-
ing situation, solving problem situations by teaching
the ability to see and analyze the problem from differ-
ent points of view, the formation of real partnerships
with others based on cooperation and correction of the
difficulties of personal development of leaders.
The essence of the role-playing game consisted in
the fact that heads in a situation of remote interac-
tion temporarily “assumed” a certain social role and
demonstrated such behavioural models that, in their
opinion, correspond to this role. Participants in the
role-playing game had the opportunity to make mis-
takes and learn from them without much risk, got the
opportunity to find out what other listeners see and
feel, what reactions they cause in others with their
attitude and behaviour. Thus, the role-playing game
provided an educational function, creating models of
distance interaction of listeners in conditions of equal-
ity in a dialogical partnership and the like.
As part of our program, we used role play to im-
prove the skills of effective communication and inter-
personal interaction of students during management
activities (Kazakova, 2020). At the same time, we
took into account the possible limitations of this form
of conduct and the shortcomings of the method itself:
an excess of visual images, an increase in the pro-
Development of Heads’ Personal Readiness of Vocational Education Institutions for Managerial Activity in the Conditions of Distance
Postgraduate Education
portion of emotional rather than rational judgments,
a certain artificiality of the procedure, the unrealistic
scenario of the game, frivolous attitude of the par-
ticipants, etc. At the training, heads were offered
the following role-playing game – “Online Meeting”.
Among the participants, the leader and his/her three
deputies were elected, who conditionally participated
in the meeting, other members of the group acted as
observers. Participants were invited to discuss the
plan of work of the institution in the conditions of
quarantine, analyze the difficulties connected with it
and outline ways of increase of efficiency of rendering
of distance educational services.
Besides, our program used business games as a
method of finding solutions in a conditional prob-
lem situation related to the heads’ professional ac-
tivities and as a method of active learning that con-
tributes to the development of decision-making skills
in the heads of vocational education institutions in
non-standard situations, as well as a means of testing
abilities to work out and improve existing organiza-
tional and managerial processes (Kredentser, 2011).
Thus, we have proposed a business game “Insti-
tution of vocational education: Yesterday, Today, To-
morrow”. The trainees were divided into three corre-
sponding mini-groups, each of which was combined
in a virtual learning environment using Viber messen-
ger to develop common positions, and then the results
were presented to the whole group, followed by their
The participants were offered the following in-
structions: 1) by creating a new group in the mes-
senger, to jointly analyze the conditions of activity
of vocational education institutions and the factors of
ensuring their effective activity yesterday, today and
in the future; 2) determine the basic requirements for
the personality of the head who successfully imple-
mented, carries out and will manage the institution
under appropriate conditions. Thus, the heads had the
opportunity to realize the importance and relevance
of the development of the heads’ personal qualities,
apply a set of knowledge gained on the defining char-
acteristics of the head’s personality for the successful
implementation of management, as well as the skills
and abilities acquired for the development of personal
readiness for management in modern conditions of
distance learning.
In the training program, we used methods aimed
at developing the ability to perceive, understand and
constructively evaluate ourselves and other people.
During training sessions with the help of exercises
specially adapted to distance conditions, such as
“However, you ...”, “Who am I? What am I?”, par-
ticipants received verbal and non-verbal information
about how other people perceive them, how these
ideas coincide with their own, acquired the skills of
deep reflection, semantic and evaluative interpretation
of the object of perception.
In the program of the special course, we used exer-
cises of a projective nature: drawing, analysis of man-
agerial situations, etc. Projective methods as compo-
nents of training work stimulated a thorough study
of their resources in the heads of vocational educa-
tion institutions, as the process of creating any cre-
ative product is based on such psychological func-
tions as productive imagination, active perception,
fantasy and symbolization. Therefore, we considered
the projective image, first of all, as a projection of the
head’s personality as a symbolic expression of his/her
attitude to management in modern conditions, digital-
ization of the educational process, vocational educa-
tion institutions, etc.
It should be noted that the use of projective tech-
niques contributed to an overall positive attitude,
which manifested itself in interest, involvement and
spontaneity. For example, students, using a drawing,
created a portrait of the head of a vocational educa-
tion institution, capable of balanced risk or capable of
innovations, and the like.
A striking example of the use of the incomplete
sentences method was our modified exercise “Cre-
ative” (Kredentser, 2011), which contributed to the
creative approach in the process of communication
with colleagues in the implementation of digital ed-
ucational technologies, encouraging themselves and
others to generate creative ideas, when participants
were invited to express in the chat as many creative
ideas to solve the list of proposed situations in the dig-
ital educational environment.
Also, in the training program used for the situ-
ations analysis (a detailed analysis of the problem
of professional situations). The application of this
method allowed participants to more clearly articulate
their difficulties in mastering new types of behaviour,
realize their role in this situation and evaluate their ac-
tions. Heads had the opportunity to analyze and dis-
cuss situations they face or may face in the actual pro-
cess of managing a vocational education institution.
They evaluated, predicted, analysed different options
for the consequences of the heads’ behaviour. In par-
ticular, the following situations were proposed:
Your deputy expressed concern about the deterio-
rating mood, decreased motivation to teach in the
teaching staff of the institution during quarantine
restrictions. What are your actions?
Within two to three months, not very positive re-
views have been written on social networks about
the specifics of organizing distance learning in the
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
institution you run. What are your actions?
The advantages of the situation analysis method
include the development of the heads’ skills of vo-
cational education institutions for a comprehensive
analysis of the actual problems of the activities of the
institutions they manage, taking into account many
factors (the development of skills of creative and crit-
ical thinking, making balanced, collegial decisions,
the development of skills of cooperation and group in-
teraction in the digital educational environment, etc).
The program of the special course included diag-
nostic methods that were used for self-diagnosis by
participants, and to study the effectiveness of the pro-
Applied exercises that contributed to the devel-
opment of heads’ personal readiness of vocational
education institutions per our identified indicators
were developed personally by the authors or modi-
fied following the purpose and objectives as well as
the specific implementation of remote special course
(Bandura, 1971; Bondarchuk, 2008; Frager and Fadi-
man, 2012; Karamushka, 2004; Kazakova, 2020; Kre-
dentser, 2011; Mogilevkin, 2007; Pakhalyan, 2006).
To enhance awareness, deepen reflective analysis
and consolidate a positive attitude towards oneself,
confidence in one’s effectiveness, constructive experi-
ence gained by participants in the process of the train-
ing process, the program includes individual tasks for
independent work. Hence, heads were asked to ana-
lyze how the head’s confidence in their effectiveness
in the digital education space affects the quality of
management activities in the institution in which they
work; write an essay on the topic “The head of a vo-
cational education institution is the leader in the im-
plementation of distance education in the region”; de-
velop a plan for the digitalization of the educational
space, taking into account the specifics of the insti-
tution per year, while providing possible decision-
making options; analyze their personal readiness as
the head of a vocational education institution for man-
agement activities in the context of digitalization of
the educational space and draw up an individual pro-
gram for its development.
The program is designed for 30 hours (includ-
ing 12 hours of classroom training and 18 hours of
individual work) and was implemented in the for-
mat of a special course “Development of heads’ per-
sonal readiness of vocational education institutions
for management in the digitalization of education
space” using the BigBlueButton platform (http://bbb.
The content of the program consisted of two train-
ing modules (Module 1. “The head’s personal readi-
ness of a vocational education institution for manage-
rial activity in the conditions of digital educational
space: essence and indicators”; and Module 2. “The
development of head’s personal readiness of a voca-
tional education institution for managerial activity in
the conditions of digital educational space”), which
fully contributed to achieving the goal of the forma-
tive stage of the research.
Consequently, there is a need to disclose the con-
tent of the program for the development of heads’
personal readiness of a vocational education institu-
tion for management activities in the digital education
space following the selected modules.
Within the framework of the implementation of
the first module “The head’s personal readiness of
a vocational education institution for managerial ac-
tivity in the conditions of digital educational space:
essence and indicators” the main forms of group work
(group communication, discussions, mini-lectures,
individual tasks, diagnostic other actions) were iden-
tified, which best help solve such issues:
actualization of the needs of participants in im-
proving the efficiency of management in the digi-
talization of educational space;
systematization and deepening of the idea of pro-
fessionally important head’s personality traits of a
vocational education institution, significant in the
digital education space;
development of heads’ beliefs about their value,
efficiency, controllability and managerial compe-
tence in professional life;
improving understanding of the processes of self-
regulation in complicated communicative situa-
tions in the digital education space.
Working in the virtual learning environment on
the platform began with a discussion of organiza-
tional issues, namely defining the purpose and objec-
tives of training, studying the expectations of partici-
pants, discussing the rules of group interaction, help-
ing to adjust to constructive communication, increase
group cohesion, reduce psychological discomfort re-
motely, etc. For this purpose, at the beginning of
each meeting, using various forms of activity (self-
presentations, icebreakers, voicing the actual well-
being and psycho-emotional state, psycho-gymnastic
exercises), which set participants to support a positive
group atmosphere, providing opportunities for indi-
vidual and group reflection.
This was achieved by using, for example, ice-
breaker exercises, when participants took turns con-
tinuing the phrase: “No one knows that I . . . ”.
Whether performing a modification of the exercise
“Who am I”, during which heads recorded three
items, and then presented the results in the form of
Development of Heads’ Personal Readiness of Vocational Education Institutions for Managerial Activity in the Conditions of Distance
Postgraduate Education
a mini-presentation “Subordinates think I am . . . Stu-
dents think I’m. . . In fact, I am. . . ”. Or participation
in a modified and adapted for the remote environment
version of the game “The ball”, in which participants,
passing the conditional ball in the chat to the next,
continued the phrase: “I am an effective head of a vo-
cational education institution because . . . ”, “For me,
it is important to have a team in the institution because
. . . ”, “If there are difficulties in the work, I am . . . ”,
etc. After each exercise, there was a discussion about
the state of health, the current emotional state, which
helped to strengthen the personal and group reflection
of heads.
To exploring expectations, heads were asked to
answer questions in general notes: “What are your
expectations from the special course?”, “What ques-
tions are most relevant to you in the context of the
topic of the special course?”.
Actualization of theoretical aspects of heads’ per-
sonal readiness was carried out by including in the
program content of a special course of mini-lectures
and messages from the trainer with the subsequent
group discussion and other practical tasks: “The pur-
pose, objectives and structure of the special course”,
“The role of entrepreneurship in the structure of
heads’ personal readiness of vocational education in-
stitutions for management activities in the context of
digitalization of educational space”, “Personality ori-
entation as an important head’s professional quality in
a digital educational environment”, etc.
To intensify the group discussion, we used the re-
sults of the method of incomplete sentences, which
served as material for discussion in group discus-
sions: “The digital educational environment of a vo-
cational education institution is . . . ”, “The head’s per-
sonal qualities of a vocational education institution in
the modern digital environment are. . . ”, “Competitive
strategies for managing a vocational education institu-
tion in the digital space are. . . ”, “The most important
aspects in the process of interaction with the team in
the digital education space are. . . ”, etc.
The answers were recorded in a chat, then high-
lighted on a slide in a virtual learning environment
and discussed by all participants. In the course of the
discussion, the facilitator received special encourage-
ment from the answers, which emphasized the impor-
tance of personal qualities that are important in man-
agement in the digital education space.
Implementing the tasks of the first module, the
program of the special course included “brainstorm-
ing” “Rules of the vocational education institution
in the digital environment” with subsequent group
discussion, when participants wrote in general notes
all possible options to support psychologically com-
fortable digital space of the educational organiza-
tion which they manage. It should be noted, that
heads were very active and inspired to make propos-
als based on their experience, as well as finding non-
standard, creative ideas for creating and maintaining
a favourable digital environment.
In our opinion, the inclusion of the entrepreneur-
ship development unit in the program contributed to
the awareness of the heads of vocational education in-
stitutions of the need to develop entrepreneurial activ-
ity as a necessary professional quality of an educator
in modern conditions of digitalization of educational
space. This task was achieved by group discussions
in chat and audio and video presentations “The main
characteristics of the entrepreneurship of the head and
staff of the educational organization”, the generaliza-
tion and discussion in an interactive mini-lecture us-
ing a multimedia presentation “The essence and im-
portance of entrepreneurship in the activities of heads
and staff of vocational education institutions”.
In particular, increased interest and active involve-
ment were caused by the implementation of a mod-
ified version of the exercise “Identification of inno-
vation in the process of digitization of educational
space” (work in small groups with further discussion)
(Kredentser, 2011), during which participants were
asked to develop a plan for innovative changes re-
lated to development digitization of the educational
environment by items: 1) The purpose of innovative
change; 2) Available resources for implementation;
3) Risks of implementation; 4) Plan for the imple-
mentation of innovative changes; 5) Demonstration of
innovative personality traits.
Participants in small groups formulated the goal
of the jointly chosen innovative change; analysed the
existing and imagined opportunities for project im-
plementation, as well as deterrents, restrictive and
inhibitory circumstances that could potentially affect
the success of implementation; developed a step-by-
step plan for introducing innovative change; listed the
necessary head’ personality traits for the effective im-
plementation of digital innovations in the educational
process. In the end, audience member presented the
results of the joint work of their group to the whole
audience in a virtual learning environment, other par-
ticipants acted as experts and wrote on the board of
joint notes key, in their opinion, the position.
To increase self-confidence, develop confidence in
the effectiveness of their actions, the ability to see in
themselves and other positive qualities served exer-
cise “Name differently”, which was performed indi-
vidually with further discussion in the group. At the
first stage of the exercise, heads were asked to make
a list of 10 own qualities that do not like themselves.
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
The next step was to find situations where this quality
would have the opposite meaning. For example, not-
ing that the head is lazy, the phrase continues: “but I
save resources”.
The final stage of work on the program of this
module contained tasks for independent work: per-
formance of individual exercise “Creation of “flower”
of own entrepreneurship”, modified according to the
purpose of a special course and adapted to conditions
of distance postgraduate education (Krylov, 2000).
Each participant of the program was asked to draw
a flower, like a daisy, and on each petal to write down
those characteristics of entrepreneurship of the head
of a vocational education institution, which, in his
opinion, are important in the digitalization of educa-
tional space, which served to build a personal profile
of entrepreneurship. Then, if desired, participants in
the learning environment presented the results, there
were a discussion and feedback.
The results of processing the above methods of
the first module were used in the process of work-
ing on the second module of the program “The de-
velopment of the heads’ personal readiness of a vo-
cational education institution for managerial activity
in the conditions of digital educational space”, aimed
at improving the personal qualities of heads in the
field of vocational education, important in the con-
text of improving management following the require-
ments of today’s digital educational environment by
solving the following tasks:
improving skills of effective interaction in a vir-
tual learning environment, creating a favourable
environment by establishing positive feedback;
systematization and deepening of perceptions
about the role of entrepreneurship in the manage-
ment of vocational education, the possibility of
using a creative approach in solving difficult life
and professional situations;
expanding the repertoire of constructive manage-
ment actions through the use of flexible compet-
itive strategies in the context of digitalization of
educational space;
development of skills to receive and provide feed-
back and support in difficult professional manage-
ment situations.
To consolidate and develop constructive personal
innovations of the program participants, within the
framework of this module the use of various interac-
tive training forms (group discussion, work in small
groups, role-play, exercises, etc.) was envisaged.
Consequently, the search for internal resources to
overcome complex management situations, increase
the variability of effective self-regulatory strategies,
as well as the development of skills to adequately
express their emotional states, and thus the develop-
ment of a reflective attitude towards others, helped
the method of incomplete sentences: “I am in-
spired by. . . ”, “I am happy. . . ”, “I am glad. . . ”, “I
soothing. . . ”, “I am worried about. . . ”, “I am con-
cerned. . . ”, “I am sad from. . . ”, etc.
The training exercise in our modification “How
entrepreneurship manifests itself in the work of the
head of a vocational education institution” (Kre-
dentser, 2011) aimed to deepen the understanding
and importance of the main characteristics of en-
trepreneurship of the education head, such as follow-
ing: persistent motivation and persistence in achiev-
ing goals, activity, initiative, independence and inno-
vation in the personal, social and professional aspects
of life. So, the participants in the general chat wrote
or in an audio or video address talked about the ac-
tions of an enterprising person to demonstrate these
qualities in life, and suggested ways to develop them.
To develop a reflective position, self-
understanding, conscious modelling and design
of management activities of heads of vocational
education institutions used a modified exercise
“Technique of personality development” (Frager
and Fadiman, 2012), in the process of which the
following instructions were given: 1) split the sheet
in half, write on the left the personality traits they
would like to get rid of (preferably at least five), on
the right write the opposite trait they would like to
get; 2) identify the traits that participants would like
to acquire in the first place, analyze what can be done
immediately to get closer to the ideal state, how to
To improve the ability to creatively use available
resources in the process of interaction in the digital
education space following the objectives of the sec-
ond module was the inclusion in the program of a spe-
cial course of business and role-playing games “On-
line Meeting”, the essence of which is given above.
Analytical work in small groups on the joint
project “Portrait of a successful head of a vocational
education institution in the digital educational space”
(Bondarchuk, 2008) helped to summarize the expe-
rience of significant characteristics of the personality
of the head in the digital educational space, skills to
tolerantly express their thoughts and approach to solv-
ing problems, maintaining partnerships, friendly rela-
tions, opportunities to show their talents and creativ-
ity. To do this, rooms were created for group work
in a virtual learning environment, where participants
had the opportunity to discuss and identify common
key positions, recording and editing them in a com-
mon chat room, and then presented the results of their
Development of Heads’ Personal Readiness of Vocational Education Institutions for Managerial Activity in the Conditions of Distance
Postgraduate Education
projects to the whole group and discussed the results.
Completing the special course program to gain a
positive experience from participating in the training
and creating a situation of success, a modified ex-
ercise “Wish Basket” (Bondarchuk, 2008) was pro-
posed, which was implemented in two stages. At
the first stage, each participant in the chat prescribed
wishes to others, putting them in an imaginary basket.
In the second stage, each head chose a number from
1 to 23 (according to the number of participants), and
the trainer read inspiring phrases of the following con-
Life is preparing something extremely pleasant
for you!
Love yourself as you are!
Make yourself a gift, you deserve it!
You will definitely be lucky soon!
You are unique, just believe in it!
You are able to achieve much more!
You will definitely be lucky! etc.
At the same time, the generalization of the
gained experience, conscious living of one’s personal
achievements in the training process, isolation and
transfer to real managerial situations of key skills of
interaction with subjects of educational process in
digital space was facilitated by group discussions to
determine the most vivid impressions of the training,
the main conclusion of the program; questionnaire to
provide feedback to the trainer on the quality of con-
tent, level of organization and usefulness in practice.
4.3 The Results of the Analysis of the
Effectiveness of the Program
The developed program for the development of heads’
personal readiness of vocational education institu-
tions to manage in the context of digitalization of ed-
ucational space was based on a combination of ed-
ucational, training and developmental aspects, obser-
vance of the basic rules of group work, carrying out of
rituals at the beginning and the end of each employ-
ment, verbalized reflection that created favourable
conditions for the development of aspects of the per-
son to a context of the researched problem.
Approbation of this program was carried out dur-
ing 2020 based on the Central Institute of Postgradu-
ate Education of the University of Educational Man-
agement in the form of a special course. The pro-
gram of the special course covered 47 heads of voca-
tional education institutions from different regions of
Ukraine, of which 23 people formed an experimental
group and 24 – a control group. The homogeneity of
the experimental and control groups according to the
initial data on the development of personal readiness
and socio-demographic characteristics was ensured.
In the experimental group, the implementation of
the program of heads’ personal readiness of voca-
tional education institutions for management activ-
ities in terms of digitalization of educational space
was carried out holistically, systematically, under psy-
chological conditions, principles provided by cer-
tain methods, techniques and techniques of training.
Forming experiment ended control testing.
In the control group, classes were conducted
under the traditional curriculum of heads’ profes-
sional development of vocational education institu-
tions, with only two diagnostic sections before and
after the formative experiment.
Statistical processing of the results of approbation
of the program “The development of heads’ personal
readiness of vocational education institutions to man-
agement in the digitalization of educational space”
was carried out according to the same methods as
at the ascertaining stage of empirical research using
SPSS software package, version 17.0 for Windows.
Analysis of the results of the implementation of
the program for the development of psychological
readiness of heads of vocational education institutions
for management activities in the context of digital-
ization has shown its effectiveness in developing the
heads’ personal readiness in this category (table 7).
So, the criterion χ
revealed that the participants
of the experimental group between the results of the
first and second sections were recorded statistically
significant differences in the levels of heads’ personal
readiness for management in terms of digitalization of
educational space compared with participants in the
control group (p < 0.05).
Also, among the participants of the experimental
group between the results of the first and second sec-
tions on the G-criterion of signs were recorded statis-
tically significant differences in the levels of personal
readiness: an increase in the number of subjects with
a high level of development from 20.8% to 54.1%,
and a decrease the number of respondents with a low
level from 16.7% to 4.2% (p < 0.01).
The participants of the control group did not show
such positive dynamics in the indicators of readiness.
So, as can be seen from table 7, the participants of the
control group according to the results of the first and
second sections were recorded statically insignificant
differences in the levels of personal readiness. In par-
ticular, the number of surveyed heads with a low level
of 16.0% to 8.0% decreased, but these differences are
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Table 7: Quantitative indicators of levels of heads’ personal readiness of vocational education institutions before and post the
formatting experiment (
– differences are statistically significant at the level p < 0.01).
Levels Groups (number of respondents, in %)
of personal before the formatting experiment (1st cut) post the formatting experiment (2nd cut)
readiness experimental group control group experimental group control group
Low 16.0 16.7 8.0 4.2
Average 60.0 62.5 68.0 41.7
High 24.0 20.8 24.0 54.1
not statically significant.
It is noteworthy that the leaders members of
the experimental group after the formative experiment
have changed the severity of the focus on the case
compared with the participants of the control group
(figure 2).
Figure 2 shows that the level of heads of the ex-
perimental group focus on the case is higher than the
heads of the control group (p < 0.05).
Besides, along with the growth of entrepreneurial
skills, social creativity, etc., according to the partic-
ipants in the final questionnaire, the ability to better
understand the qualities of education heads, important
in the context of digitalization of educational space;
positive attitude towards other people.
Indeed, heads, who participated in the program of
personal readiness for management in the digitaliza-
tion of educational space, had a pronounced ability
to a more positive vision of others, greater awareness
of the peculiarities of interaction in the digital educa-
tional environment compared with the control group.
The effectiveness of the program for the develop-
ment of heads’ personal readiness for management in
the digitalization of the educational space is also evi-
denced by the results of the generalization of the feed-
back questionnaire conducted at the end of the special
course. Specifically, 91.7% of respondents in the ex-
perimental group rated the level of their effectiveness
due to participation in the program on theoretical and
practical achievements as high, and 8.3% as aver-
Responding to the questionnaire, the respondents
said that participation in the program helped them ex-
pand their theoretical knowledge about the develop-
ment of personal readiness as a professionally impor-
tant quality necessary for successful digitalization of
educational space in the institution, to a better un-
derstanding of themselves, developed skills of self-
control and constructive communication.
In response to questions about the establishment
of successful interpersonal interactions in the digi-
tal learning environment in the experimental group,
95.8% of respondents noted its high level, and 4.2%
– medium.
All respondents in the feedback questionnaire
unanimously stated that they plan to use in their pro-
fessional activities the knowledge gained through par-
ticipation in the program of development of their per-
sonal readiness to digitize the educational space in the
So, during the approbation in the conditions of
distance postgraduate education, the efficiency of the
program of development of heads’ personal readiness
of vocational education institutions to managerial ac-
tivity in the system of digital educational space is con-
The article substantiates the content and components
of heads’ personal readiness of vocational education
institutions (entrepreneurship, self-efficacy, focus and
constructive communication, active-positive type of
attitude towards other people, and social creativity),
important for management in the digitalization of ed-
ucational space.
The results of the empirical research revealed an
insufficient level of both indicators of heads’ personal
readiness of vocational education institutions to man-
age in the context of digitalization of the educational
process, and the level of their readiness in general.
Ascertained difficulties in the manifestations of en-
trepreneurial activity, in assessing their effectiveness,
the predominance of egocentric orientation, differen-
tiated attitude to others depending on subjective, situ-
ational, useful factors, limiting the focus on creating
a creative digital educational environment in a large
number of subjects.
The specific features of distance postgraduate ed-
ucation in the context of changes in the field of ed-
ucation in recent years are highlighted (combination
of synchronous and asynchronous interaction in the
virtual learning space, the presence of motivating fac-
tors to unite participants in joint distance activities,
the possibility of using interactive forms of distance
interaction, the need to develop information and com-
munication competence), and also the possibilities of
development of personal readiness for management in
Development of Heads’ Personal Readiness of Vocational Education Institutions for Managerial Activity in the Conditions of Distance
Postgraduate Education
Figure 2: Peculiarities of the expression of focus on the case in the participants of the experimental and control groups of
heads of vocational education institutions after the formative experiment (p < 0.05).
the conditions of digitalization of educational space
through distance postgraduate education.
The program of development of heads’ personal
readiness of vocational education institutions to man-
agerial activity in the system of digital educational
space is developed and realized in the conditions of
distance postgraduate education. The content of the
program consisted of two training modules and was
designed for 30 hours (1 ECTS credit) using the Big-
BlueButton platform.
The principles (professional development of heads
of vocational education institutions, focus on self-
knowledge and self-development of the individual,
the use of active group teaching methods, creative ac-
tivity, partnership) and psychological conditions (cre-
ating a special social environment, an atmosphere of
emotional comfort and creative freedom, mutual sup-
port in the group, trust, respect, activation of adequate
self-perception through reflective analysis) for the de-
velopment of heads’ personal readiness of vocational
education institutions for management activities in the
digital educational environment in terms of distance
postgraduate education are substantiated.
The effectiveness of the author’s program on the
development of heads’ personal readiness of voca-
tional education institutions for managerial activity in
the conditions of digitalization of educational space
in the conditions of distance postgraduate education
is proved. This is evidenced, in particular, by a statis-
tically significant increase in levels of heads’ personal
readiness, as well as the positive dynamics of its de-
velopment in all components of the participants of the
experimental group in contrast to the control.
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology