Most teachers are aware of this form of organiza-
tion of the educational process, but only a few have
used its elements in their professional activities or
for self-education. However, nowadays teachers must
quickly and effectively use the latest technologies,
methods and forms of learning and studying.
The creation of an educational portal with
methodological and didactic materials, Ukrainian e-
encyclopedias, multimedia textbooks and interactive
online resources was provided within the reform of
education and science, to help teachers to cope with
everything (KMU, 2018).
1.2 Related Works
The National Report on the Status and Prospects of
Education Development in Ukraine points out that
“effective development of education is possible only
if all components of pedagogical systems, including
informational and educational environments of ed-
ucational institutions, are modernized based on the
implementation of anthropocentrism paradigms and
equal access to the quality education. Among the
important directions as for the development and im-
provement of the education system, the problems of
informatization of the educational process are of par-
ticular importance, it allows expanding and deepen-
ing the theoretical knowledge base and creating effec-
tive computer-based methodological systems of edu-
cation” (MON, 2016).
The primary task, defined in the Concept of Digi-
tal Economy and Society of Ukraine for 2018–2020,
is the formation of a thorough national policy of digi-
talization of education as a priority component of ed-
ucation reform, one of the main directions of which
is the development of distance education using cogni-
tive and multimedia technologies (Verkhovna Rada of
Ukraine, 2018).
Bykov (Bykov, 2008) notes that among the most
modern educational technologies that have actively
declared themselves at the end of the 20th century and
have become really widespread in developed coun-
tries nowadays there are distance learning technolo-
gies that support and provide distance education. Be-
sides the distribution of the world educational space
takes place and distance education plays a leading role
in this process, significantly diversifying the market
of educational services.
The scientific researches of Ukrainian and foreign
scientists cover theoretical, methodical, technologi-
cal, as well as practical aspects of providing distance
learning of pupils, students, teachers and others. Thus
Bykov and Shyshkina (Bykov and Shyshkina, 2014),
Kukharenko (Kukharenko, 2013a,b; Kukharenko and
Oleinik, 2019) and others analyzed the available nor-
mative implementation of distance education and the
recommendations for the formation of draft docu-
ments “Regulations on distance learning in the system
of general secondary education” and “Standard regu-
lations on the resource center of distance education in
the system of general secondary education” are devel-
The peculiarities of the organization of distance
learning and the requirements for the usage of dis-
tance learning platforms in the institutions of post-
graduate pedagogical education were determined in
(Petrenko et al., 2020). The basics of the use of dis-
tance learning technologies in the training of future
specialists and teachers in particular were described
in (Bondarenko et al., 2018; Shokaliuk et al., 2020;
Tryus and Herasymenko, 2021). The pedagogical and
information support of distance learning is character-
ized in (Havrilova et al., 2019; Kravtsova et al., 2020;
Kushnir et al., 2020).
At the same time, the problem of distance learn-
ing for students of general secondary education is not
fully resolved. There are some researches, dedicated
to the technology of the organization of mass dis-
tance learning in the whole at the level of teachers
of individual subjects (student-tutor), each of them
worked relatively isolated from colleagues (volumes
and deadlines coordination).
Instead, Reynolds (COVID-19 and Extended On-
line Learning, 2021) notes that during the quarantine
period, the so-called “emergency distance learning”
is introduced, which is not identical to distance learn-
ing. The scientist notes that “the main purpose of such
kind of training is to provide temporary reliable ac-
cess to studying and pedagogical support during the
crisis, but not to create a reliable educational ecosys-
tem. This is a triad situation: extraordinary and ac-
countable goals, students’ expectations of teacher as-
sessment and evaluation. Mostly lower in quarantine
conditions” (COVID-19 and Extended Online Learn-
ing, 2021).
We partly agree with Reynolds (COVID-19 and
Extended Online Learning, 2021), as an outbreak of a
coronavirus pandemic, according to epidemiologists,
can last for several years; moreover, outbreaks and
other infections, unknown to mankind, are also not
ruled out. So, it is really necessary to organize an ef-
fective system of distance learning for students during
the quarantine, elements of which can be successfully
used in traditional and inclusive education.
Nowadays, under such special conditions (for
education organizers, teachers and students) as
(Reshchuk and Lukashova, 2020): lack of opportu-
nity to use other forms of education, lack of access to
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology