principles of open science. And CoCalc tools may be
considered to be open science tools that have didactic
potential in the learning process.
The given chronology clearly demonstrates creation
and adaptation of the digital environment on the ba-
sis of particular needs and practical tasks of group of
students, teachers and researchers in interdisciplinary
researches and educational process. As the digital en-
vironment is constantly evolving, research cannot be
considered exhaustive. We intend to integrate the con-
figuration of CoCalc and the curricula of individual
disciplines for a deeper training material understand-
ing and to expand the means of professional compe-
tencies forming of future specialists in various fields
of education and science. CoCalc tools enhance stu-
dents’ ability to organize and perform teamwork by
implementing a joint project task. Thus, if the cloud
service is used, the indicators of scientific research
improve, the educational process becomes more open,
appropriate to human needs and content relevant.
Given the growing popularity of free software and
a wide range of CoCalc applications and services, it
should be noted that there is need to develop teaching
materials for Computer Science and Mathematics.
The use of cloud services leads to the emergence
and development of learning forms, focused on joint
learning activities on the Internet. Cloud services
should be used in Mathematics teachers training as a
means of: communication; cooperation; data storage
and processing, which should be the subject of fur-
ther research. It is advisable to focus further research
on the dissemination of open science approaches to
Mathematics teachers training process.
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology