of European cultural heritage sites (Commission eu-
eenne, 2019a).
3D model design enables assessing technical and
physical properties of a modelled object before creat-
ing a real sample. The methods of studying a model
allow analysing its size, material and package con-
The concept of an object or a project is mainly
exemplified by videos or pictures based on 3D graph-
ics. This sets constraints on viewing, as static pictures
cannot enable plot change or detailed examination.
Modern potential of 3D graphics and computer
hardware capacity enable processing complex scenes
on-line without reducing rendering speed and quality.
This has evoked professionals’ interest to 3D visual-
ization in various activity spheres.
In architecture and bridge engineering, wider ap-
plication is given to virtual buildings with inside
walks and virtual cities. Photorealistic reconstruc-
tion of objects makes it possible to work with object
models in museum, reconstruction and commercial
projects and while studying (Borodkin, 2015).
Maintaining and promulgation of cultural heritage
are essential for modern society. Development of
computers and 3D graphic tools enables preserving
cultural achievements not only as pictures or pho-
tographs but also as models in their original form or
as electronic replicas of real-life objects (Rumyantsev
et al., 2011).
A great number of architectural monuments have
disappeared without any sizes, drafts or photographs
left. For such historical objects, graphic reconstruc-
tion as a scientific study is the only means of iden-
tifying the lost or destroyed architectural object of a
certain time period. Graphical reconstruction of ar-
chitectural historical heritage reflects the whole bulk
of knowledge concerning it available to date (Rozhko,
In recent years, there have been numerous mu-
seums including the virtual ones with their exhibits
being computerized objects. Museums of this kind
enable obtaining detailed information on historical
achievements, getting to know their origin and facili-
tating cultural development of society.
Therefore, the study of 3D technologies for the
graphic reconstruction of architectural objects by fu-
ture IT specialists is one of the topical areas of re-
search into the problem of their professional training.
Nowadays, innovative technologies of 3D graphics,
modeling and design enable restoring lost historical
objects. Analysis of the degree of investigation re-
veals only certain aspects of 3D modelling covered in
modern scientific literature.
A significant amount of scientific and pedagog-
ical research is devoted to the consideration of the
problem of using 3D technologies in the process of
training future IT specialists. Technologies for se-
lecting software for 3D modelling and methods of
working with them are described by Osadcha and
Chemerys (Osadcha and Chemerys, 2017). The is-
sues of 3D modeling in architectural design are re-
vealed in (Borodkin, 2015; Rumyantsev et al., 2011;
Rozhko, 2013).
3D modeling as a design and architecture tool is
indirectly touched upon in (Danylenko, 2005).
Despite this, works devoted to the problems of
theory and methods of engineering and graphic train-
ing of students (Bakum and Morozova, 2015; Lavren-
tieva et al., 2021). The issues of professional train-
ing of future IT specialists was examined in (Babkin
et al., 2021; Ozhha, 2012; Osadchyi et al., 2019; Se-
merikov et al., 2020; Varava et al., 2021).
However, the problem of studying 3D technolo-
gies by future IT specialists has its own both theoreti-
cal and methodological features, since it requires con-
sideration in the context of a specifically graphic type
of activity. For the qualitative formation of students’
practical skills in modelling and printing 3D objects,
it is necessary to introduce the study of such technolo-
gies as an obligatory component of their educational
process (Hevko et al., 2020b, 2021).
The features of creating and using 3D models of
historical architectural objects in the educational pro-
cess are considered in (Milkova et al., 2019; Maietti
et al., 2019). The works (Butnariu et al., 2013; Kot-
siubivska and Baranskyi, 2020; Riabokon, 2002) are
devoted to the study of the capabilities of 3D mod-
elling tools in the tasks of computer reconstruction of
objects of historical and cultural heritage.
At the same time, it is worth noting that integral
scientific approaches to the method of using 3D tech-
nologies in the graphic reconstruction of architectural
objects, as a component of the professional training
of future IT specialists, are not sufficiently disclosed.
Thus, analysis of the scientific literature makes it
possible to draw conclusions about the need for fur-
ther scientific research on 3D technologies for the
graphic reconstruction of architectural objects and the
development of appropriate guidelines for training fu-
ture specialists.
The relevance of this problem made it possible to
determine the aim of the paper – to reveal the effec-
tiveness of the method of teaching future IT- special-
ists modern 3D technologies of graphic reconstruc-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology