target audience; ability to work in a team.
• Partial search. The study material is presented
by the teacher in part (a certain part of the topic),
and the rest of the students work independently.
However, the teacher directs the work of appli-
cants with questions or pre-selected tasks to pre-
vent errors in their activities or found the wrong
• Research. The method is quite difficult to use
because it requires additional training from the
teacher and is quite time-consuming. Provides in-
dependence of students in the study of a particular
topic or theoretical aspect, its practical implemen-
tation in cloud-based learning technologies Co-
Calc, Wolfram Alpha, or the study of additional
topics related to the topic of the course, but not
considered due to time constraints on learning dis-
cipline. Researching the problem develops the
ability to conduct research, the ability to use hard-
ware and specialized cloud services, obtain addi-
tional data and interpret them, the ability to work
independently, all together are components of pro-
fessional competencies formed at the appropriate
level of a successful future statistician.
The means of forming the professional competen-
cies of future bachelors of statistics, which are speci-
fied in the presented methodology using cloud-based
learning technologies, include CoCalc and Wolfram
Alpha, textbooks or teaching materials, as well as
computers (laptops, tablets, smartphones) with an ac-
tive connection to the Internet.
The result of the proposed methodology is the
formed professional competencies of future bachelors
of statistics at a high level, as well as the success-
ful application of skills to use CoCalc and Wolfram
Alpha to perform practical work in the professional
Therefore, according to the research, the most appro-
priate, convenient, and effective cloud-oriented learn-
ing technologies for the formation of professional
competencies of future bachelors of statistics by the
manifestation of all criteria are cloud-oriented learn-
ing technologies CoCalc and Wolfram Alpha. The
general structure of the methodology of using cloud
learning technologies for the formation of profes-
sional competencies of future bachelors of statistics
is described. In the future, it is planned to describe in
more detail the individual components of the method-
ology of using cloud learning technologies for the for-
mation of professional competencies of future bache-
lors of statistics, in particular the forms of use and
forms of organization of the educational process.
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology