student’s educational activity led to improving the ed-
ucational process in the field of programming. We
implemented flexible management of student’s edu-
cational activity with timely turn from the direct man-
agement to co-management and subsidiary manage-
ment. We observed that such methods supported the
efficiency of learning.
Analysis of obtained experimental data in context
of our theoretical framework has given the base for
such conclusions:
• signs for student’s introspection as a characteris-
tic of his/her learning activity was suggested: 1)
student’s success in testing there own programs;
2) student’s success in testing and evaluation of
the program code of other participants of the ed-
ucational process – our pedagogical observations
showed that introspection measured by this way
positively influenced to students self-management
• students’ competency in introspection is impor-
tant as for self-management of their independent
work as for solving practical tasks in the field of
programming, so it should be improved, and ed-
ucational tasks should always content some sub-
tasks on introspection;
• some students are not ready to manage their own
learning activity, sometimes the type of manage-
ment of student’s educational activity should be
timely turned back to direct management – us-
ing direct management of learning activity for stu-
dents with low competence in introspection gave
them possibility to master the educational mate-
• students’ introspection did not influence on effi-
ciency of their learning activity under direct man-
agement; more over, some students with high
level of introspection did not carry out the tasks
under direct management enough carefully; so
the improving management of students’ indepen-
dent work from direct management through co-
management and subsidiary management to self-
management is the important task of educational
Further work in the field of computer-oriented
management of students’ independent educational ac-
tivity we see in developing new methods of stu-
dents’ progress from direct management through co-
management and subsidiary management to self-
management in information and communication edu-
cational environments, in introduction of these meth-
ods into various educational disciplines as well as
studying pedagogical and psychological conditions to
increase students’ motivation for self-management of
own educational activity.
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology