programming and radio engineering.
The purpose of the article is to show the possibil-
ities of applying elements of robotics in the project
activity of high school students and to use the re-
sults of their work in physics lessons. To combine
robotics with physical research, the Arduino hardware
and software system was chosen as a research tool.
This complex was developed by Massimo Banzi in
2005 as a tool for students at the Interaction Design
Institute Ivrea in Ivrea, Italy, aiming to provide a low-
cost and easy way for novices and professionals to
create devices that interact with their environment us-
ing sensors and actuators (John, 2020). The name Ar-
duino comes from a bar in Ivrea, Italy, where some
of the Arduino founders used to meet. The bar was
named after Arduin of Ivrea, who was the margrave
of the March of Ivrea and King of Italy from 1002 to
1014 (Kushner, 2011). The main purpose of the de-
velopment of the complex is to teach students how to
design electronic devices, but then the capabilities of
this complex went far beyond conventional engineer-
The use of Arduino has been repeatedly addressed by
other educators. Andreev and Kulinich (Andreev and
Kulinich, 2017) examines the problem of using infor-
mation tools in the educational and research activities
of students. The educational possibilities of the Ar-
duino hardware and software complex in the context
of preparing future physics teachers to organize stu-
dents’ innovative activities are highlighted, in partic-
ular, examples are given of its use for setting and solv-
ing physical problems, as well as for students to create
their own innovative products. The authors suggest
using Arduino boards to measure temperature, light
and humidity at different points in the room. As well
as obtaining the dependence of the photoresistor re-
sistance to light and the resistance of the thermostat to
temperature. Some examples of experimentation cov-
ering various topics (light and electrical phenomena,
molecular physics) are given in their work. Somenko
and Somenko (Somenko and Somenko, 2016) analyze
the advantages of using the Arduino hardware and
computing platform to create training physical equip-
ment using electronic computing equipment. There
are advantages of the complex, such as: convenient
open source software for processing research results,
availability of component parts for the manufacture
of equipment, the ability to change the software and
component measurement equipment independently.
The example of an experiment for the study of con-
vection in a liquid is given.
Martyniuk (Martyniuk, 2014) considers actual
problems of development of methodological bases of
using microelectronic circuitry in the system of pro-
fessional training of students-physicists. He describes
the possibilities of using the Arduino platform in the
research of physics and in the design and manufacture
of new training equipment. He recommends the use of
such equipment for measuring humidity, temperature,
light, speed, distance, etc. He recommends using dif-
ferent sensors to measure the same magnitude for ac-
curate results and uses third-party software to process
experiment data. Petry et al. (Petry et al., 2016) offer
“Extracurricular project training in physics: integrat-
ing Arduino into the laboratory” with the help of the
Arduino platform, carry out experiments in physics
from optics and thermodynamics. In total, there are
11 laboratory works offered for elective classes (Petry
et al., 2016). Among the proposed works are: refrac-
tion and reflection, spherical lens, sensitive and latent
heat, thermal expansion in solids and liquids, photo-
electric energy. The authors provide examples of ex-
periments conducted by high school students.
Huang (Huang, 2015) has developed a series
of experiments, activities and lab work to study,
measure, and analyze physics phenomena in the
classroom using low-cost microcontrollers and open
source electronics. Based on his own research, he has
proposed a number of activities that demonstrate sci-
entific research using inexpensive and easily accessi-
ble electronics and equipment. Huang (Huang, 2015)
describes two experiments. The first, in mechanics,
uses a self-made device, called the “rotation”. The
second, on the topic of “Thermal phenomena”, uses a
semiconductor temperature sensor.
For the development of engineering skills it is ad-
visable to use the methods of project-based learn-
ing technology (Balyk et al., 2021; Glazunova et al.,
2021; Gryshchenko et al., 2021; Horbatiuk et al.,
2020; Iatsyshyn et al., 2020; Pavlenko and Pavlenko,
2021; Shuhailo and Derkach, 2021; Valko et al., 2020;
Vlasenko et al., 2020a), which is based on the devel-
opment of cognitive skills and abilities of students;
ability to navigate in the information space; ability
to independently construct theoretical or real mod-
els; ability to integrate their knowledge from differ-
ent fields of science; ability to think critically. Project
methods are focused on independent activity of stu-
dents (individual, pair, group) in the time allotted for
The Use of Software and Hardware Arduino for the Students’ Formation of Research and Engineering Competencies