Methodology of M. Montessori as the Basis of Early Formation of STEM
Skills of Pupils
Iryna A. Slipukhina
1,2 a
, Arkadiy P. Polishchuk
2 b
, Sergii M. Mieniailov
2 c
Oleh P. Opolonets
2 d
and Taras V. Soloviov
2 e
National Center “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, 38/44 Dehtiarivska Str., Kyiv, 04119, Ukraine
National Aviation University, 1 Liubomyra Huzara Ave., Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine
Constructivism in Education, Innovative Pedagogical Technologies, Montessori, STEM, STREAM, STEAM,
Web Mapping.
The ideas of the constructivist paradigm of education continue to develop in the XXI century. In this context,
the STEM approach is being implemented very dynamically for the formation of curricula of formal and non-
formal education institutions. At the same time, M. Montessori pedagogy educational centers remain popular
in Ukraine. Based on the use of web mapping service Google Maps, the authors searched, identified and
quantitatively analyzed the distribution of educational institutions in Ukraine that use the STEM-STEAM-
STREAM approach and methodological tools of M. Montessori pedagogy. The results of data processing are
presented in the form of author’s maps and diagrams, which indicate the number of Montessori pedagogy
centers and STEM-STEAM-STREAM training centers for each region. Based on the data of the official
websites of educational institutions, an analysis of the content and organization of some Montessori centers
in Ukraine was carried out that is demonstrated by means of examples. To obtain a conclusion about the
state of development of pedagogical technologies the method of Gartner Hype Cycle is used. Comparison of
the principles of pedagogy M. Montessori and STEM approach to education reveals many common didactic
features based on the ideas of constructivism in education. In particular, we want to note the features of
active interaction of subjects of the educational process, the development of curiosity, change of the teacher
The requirement of society to form the ability and
readiness of the individual for successful socializa-
tion to withstand the challenges of the XXI century
determines the development of the variable education
in Ukraine, which is demonstrated in the reform of
education at all levels. This is supported by the au-
tonomy of educational institutions (Verkhovna Rada
of Ukraine, 2017) and, as a consequence, the devel-
opment of educational services based on a wide range
of innovative programs and methods. The STEM ap-
proach is gaining popularity in educational environ-
ment (Kramarenko et al., 2020); it is streamlined by
the support of the state (IMZO, 2016).
The pedagogical system of M. Montessori (Dy-
chkivska and Ponymanska, 2009) is acknowledged as
a classic innovative technology of education for chil-
dren from the very young age, its relevance is con-
firmed by the functioning of numerous pedagogical
centers. Note that the Montessori approach meets all
the principles of humanitarian pedagogy: the child’s
personality with all individuality, similarity and dif-
ference from other children is in the center of the ed-
ucational process (Mavric, 2020).
On the other hand, the pedagogical problem of
early detection and development of engineering abil-
ities is especially relevant in the era of rapid devel-
opment of tools and technologies. In this context,
significant help is expected from innovative learning
technologies, which include the STEM approach in
education (Krutiy and Hrytsyshyna, 2016; Marshall,
The development of the educational centers in
Slipukhina, I., Polishchuk, A., Mieniailov, S., Opolonets, O. and Soloviov, T.
Methodology of M. Montessori as the Basis of Early Formation of STEM Skills of Pupils.
DOI: 10.5220/0010922500003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 1, pages 211-220
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Ukraine is result of the society and the state demand.
Is M. Montessori’s pedagogical technology relevant
for domestic educational institutions in comparison
with the STEM-STEAM-STREAM approach? What
unites these different pedagogical systems? Up-to-
date data for the answers can be obtained through the
use of web mapping service tools Google Maps.
Almost 120 years of implementation of Montessori
pedagogical ideas around the world are reflected
in numerous scientific works (Smith, 1911; Allen,
1913; Paton, 1915; Levy and Bartelme, 1927; Stern,
1930; Claremont, 1952; Montessori, 1961; Drenck-
hahn, 1961; Beck, 1961; Stendler, 1965; Denny,
1965; Argy, 1965; Roeper, 1966; Denny, 1966; Git-
ter, 1967b,a, 1970; Morra, 1967; Cohen, 1968; Edg-
ington, 1970; Edwards, 2002; Lopata et al., 2005;
Rathunde and Csikszentmihalyi, 2005; Lillard and
Else-Quest, 2006; Lillard, 2012; Lillard et al., 2017;
Dohrmann et al., 2007; Beatty, 2011; Whitesgarver
and Cossentino, 2008; Dodd-Nufrio, 2011). The ideas
also prove the relevance in the XXI century: from
the earliest works on the introduction of Montes-
sori methods as a didactic tool for speech devel-
opment of preschool children and teaching them to
read and write (Dychkivska and Ponymanska, 2009),
through the study of sensory and motor skills, game
techniques to stimulate communicative activity of
preschoolers as a basis of speech skills. The need
for integrative techniques based on the STREAM ap-
proach is revealed in the work of Krutiy and Hryt-
syshyna (Krutiy and Hrytsyshyna, 2016). Mavric
(Mavric, 2020) emphasizes on the importance of ped-
agogical ideas of M. Montessori for educational sys-
tems of the XXI century exploring the didactic as-
pects of personalized instructions; in particular, she
points to the dual role of the teacher as “knowledge
facilitator who offers advice and is a training spe-
cialist” at the same time. The same work shows the
best academic results of the pupils comparatively to
other public or private primary schools, in particu-
lar, in mathematics and physics (Mavric, 2020). Es-
sential for the Montessori teaching method is the dy-
namic interaction of the triad “child, teacher, environ-
ment (prepared situations)”. Remarkable is compre-
hension of the Montessori Method proposed by Mar-
shall (Marshall, 2017) in the context of two impor-
tant aspects: educational materials and the way in
which the teacher and the design of the prepared en-
vironment promote independent interaction of chil-
dren with these materials. It also draws attention
to confirmed over time significant adaptability of the
On the other hand, socio-economic processes and
challenges of the XXI century determine the problem
of high-quality technical and technological teaching
of the younger generation: the STEM abbreviation
is actively used in all spheres of our life to describe
processes in the agro-industrial complex, medicine,
energy, robotics, IT market, transport, industry, and,
above all, in education.
The abbreviation STEAM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Arts / All, and Mathematics) is widely
used nowadays to indicate that the technology is
used to study not only technical sciences but also
arty disciplines, for example, industrial aesthetics,
industrial design, 3D modeling, architecture, cin-
ema (Stetsenko, 2016). Another important area is
the STREAM approach in education (Science, Tech-
nology, Reading + WRiting, Engineering, Arts and
Mathematics) aimed at early education of the culture
of engineering thinking and the formation of pupils’
skills in technology, science, reading and writing, en-
gineering , art and mathematics. This approach is in-
tended to form critical thinking of preschool and pri-
mary school children; according to the age character-
istics, mainly emotions are used to motivate the chil-
dren to learn (Krutiy and Hrytsyshyna, 2016). In gen-
eral, the key aim of STEM-STEAM-STREAM ap-
proaches to curriculum development is to expand the
consciousness of participants of the educational pro-
cess, help to actively respond to changes in reality but
not “direct transfer” of knowledge (IMZO, 2016).
At the same time, according to Lapon (Lapon,
2020), the methods based on the ideas of M. Montes-
sori are focused on the education of respect for learn-
ing, encouraging the child’s curiosity through realistic
experience, creativity and self-understanding.
In order to determine the probable “points of
contact” of the STEM / STREAM approach and
M. Montessori’s methodology, we will consider their
peculiarities of educational process. According to
the description of Dychkivska and Ponymanska (Dy-
chkivska and Ponymanska, 2009), M. Montessori’s
method is aimed at studying five aspects of life: prac-
tical life skills, sensory, mathematics, speech develop-
ment (reading and writing), space education (history,
time, nature). The child’s independence and free-
dom is at the center. Possibility for pupils to make
mistakes, analyze them, seek help from more expe-
rienced pupils or the teacher. This technique effec-
tively encourages the development of critical thinking
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
and forms the skills of finding creative approaches to
problems solving (Lapon, 2020).
A long time of research and practical implemen-
tation of methods based on the ideas of M. Montes-
sori showed that it is most effective at the early stages
of child development. This leads to the assumption
about its similarity with STEM and STREAM ap-
proaches aimed at early career guidance of new gen-
erations, deepening skills, creating opportunities for
research work, conducting scientific and technical ac-
tivities and more.
The aim of the article is to clarify the roots of com-
mon features of Montessori pedagogy and teaching
methods based on the STEM-STEAM-STREAM ap-
proach. Subsequent aim is a comparison of their ap-
plicability in the educational space of Ukraine based
on data web mapping service Google Maps.
To compare educational technologies in Montes-
sori schools and STEM-STEAM-STREAM educa-
tional centers, the analysis of scientific literature and
data from open sources is used, which demonstrate
the current practical aspects of the implementation of
these methods in Ukraine.
An important indicator of the activity of the use
of the above mentioned innovative learning technolo-
gies is the public demand for running of the related
centers of education. For this purpose, the search and
identification by means of the web mapping service
of the Google Maps system was used. An example
of the result of such a search is shown in figure 1;
it demonstrates a screenshot of the Google Maps ap-
plication for a search inquiry for the keywords “Zhy-
tomyr Montessori School”, “Zhytomyr Montessori
Kindergarten”, “Montessori Zhytomyr”.
Comparisons of the system of free education of
M. Montessori and STREAM-approach in education
reveal many common features, in particular:
focus on the formation of certain skills, their con-
junction with knowledge of the world around,
self-awareness and own role in society;
the possibility of effective implementation of
these technologies at all stages of child develop-
joint activities of teacher and pupil aimed at solv-
ing practically significant problems;
use of acquired skills in everyday life with an ap-
proximation for future professional activity;
promoting communication and team spirit;
development of interest to certain actions, sub-
jects, and the process of new knowledge obtain-
introduction of creative and innovative ap-
proaches in the educational process;
preparing the student for future successful so-
cialization and the formation of lifelong learning
4.1 The Paradigm of Constructivism in
Education as the Basis of Similarity
of Methods
The similarity of these pedagogical technologies, the
implementation of which separates 100 years, should
be evaluated as a practical embodiment of the con-
structivist paradigm of education; its origins are in the
interdisciplinary field of philosophy, psychology, so-
ciology and education (Bada, 2015). Note that the de-
velopment of constructivism as an evolutionary epis-
temology began with the works of von Glasersfeld
(von Glasersfeld, 1995), Piaget (Piaget, 1980), Vy-
gotsky (Vygotsky, 1962) and others. The main idea
of this philosophical trend in the context of learning
and teaching concerns the mutual influence of partici-
pants of the educational process and learning environ-
ment (Komar, 2006): knowledge is formed through
active social interaction and communication where
shared experience is developed; learner builds during
the learning process a new understanding and concept
of the learning environment.
The important role of the paradigm of con-
structivism for the functioning of the digital edu-
cational environment is pointed out by Tchoshanov
(Tchoshanov, 2013). Lee and Lin (Lee and Lin, 2009)
demonstrate the paradigm application in the context
of distance and blended learning emphasizing that
the aim of any methodological system is not trans-
fer of knowledge in a ready form but creation of ped-
agogical conditions for successful self-development
of learners according to their own educational tra-
jectory. In addition, the paradigm of constructivism
is characterized by personal orientation and respect
for students, promoting independence, teamwork, at-
tention to the formation and development of skills to
solve problems of different sources (Dagar and Yadav,
2016), i.e. flexible skills or skills of the XXI century.
Note that STEM education, as well as the method
of M. Montessori, in addition to scientific and tech-
Methodology of M. Montessori as the Basis of Early Formation of STEM Skills of Pupils
Figure 1: Search for Montessori centers in the city of Zhytomyr using the search and mapping service Google Maps.
nological components of education, focused on cre-
ative development of personality, critical thinking, in-
dependence in decision-making, empathy for society
and other characteristics that are key skills of the XXI
Another important feature characteristic of the
STEM / STREAM approach in teaching and meth-
ods of M. Montessori is the use of toys (from sim-
ple to technically and technologically oriented) and
game techniques to acquire new knowledge and skills
(Marshall, 2017). They teach to master the laws of
nature, the idea of how our world works and how to
explore the surrounding space, first of all, by impro-
vised means. In general, the gamification of the edu-
cational process is one of the driving forces of these
learning technologies (Buzko et al., 2018; Fedorenko
et al., 2021).
4.2 Analysis of Web Mapping Data
About Montessori Centers in
The compliance of educational service centers was
checked by researching the content of the Institutions
site. Based on a detailed analysis of all the results pro-
vided by the system for each of the inquiries and the
separation of those that do not use the principles of the
pedagogical system of M. Montessori, a map showing
all institutions of formal and non-formal education of
public and private property that fully or partially de-
clare the use of these principles of learning was drawn
up (figure 2).
As can be seen in figure 2, the largest number of
Montessori centers operating in Ukraine is concen-
trated in the capital and western regions (Lviv and
Volyn), the smallest part is determined in the east-
ern regions of the country. The study showed that
there are 60 centers in the central regions, 24 in the
eastern regions, 75 in the western regions, 45 in the
northern regions, and 47 in the southern regions. The
significant number of Montessori centers in Kharkiv
(14) and Cherkasy (12) regions is obviously due to
the presence of powerful centers in these regions such
as pedagogical universities. This method is the least
popular in Luhansk, Zakarpattia and Khmelnytsky re-
In order to identify the features of modern edu-
cational environments of M. Montessori schools, we
analyzed the online content of the proposals of such
educational centers, which are highly valued by net-
work users (one example from the relevant region
of Ukraine). Let us briefly consider the educational
proposals of some of them. Thus, the Center for
Child Development mini-kindergarten “Lviv Montes-
sori School” implements a program for children 6–
12 years old and is a full-time educational institu-
tion where, in addition to standard subjects, chil-
dren study supplementary subjects: physics, chem-
istry, worldview, art of photography, painting, chore-
ography, piano, and have thematic excursions (Face-
book, 2021b). An important feature of the pedagogi-
cal methodology of this school, as stated on the web-
site of this educational institution, is the use of ac-
tive self-assessment by pupils, cooperation (children
of different ages spend a significant amount of time
together, they have to work together to solve differ-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 2: Distribution of Montessori pedagogy centers in Ukraine.
ent problems). Based on this, pupils do not get ready
for the sake of assessments, but because they are in-
terested in learning and exploring the world around
Another example of effective implementation
of Montessori’s ideas in practice is the program
of the Center for Child Development Anthill” in
Ternopil, which combines traditional forms and meth-
ods of working with younger pupils and the so-called
“events” in a prepared environment where pupils can
choose activities, interact with children of other ages,
independently study the objects of this environment
(Facebook, 2021a).
Montessori New Age School has a “Montessori
class”, which is equipped with a complete set of
Montessori materials for comprehensive and harmo-
nious development of children and is divided, like the
STEM learning space, into several functional areas;
some of them are designed to develop a variety of
practical skills, improve motor skills and coordina-
tion. Also, there are materials for the development of
sensory sensations, speech, mathematical abilities, as
well as acquaintance with the world around (Montes-
sori New Age School, 2021). It is also emphasized
the importance of the role of the teacher: “conducts
constant observation and ... knows at what stage of
development each child is, what occupation should be
offered to him for a further step forward”. Attention
is drawn to the significance of the mixed-age groups
of Montessori New Age School, which creates opti-
mal conditions for the social upbringing of children
on the principle of a large family and folk pedagogy.
The mission of the New Age School is to create a spe-
cial educational environment in which children learn
through their own experiences and feelings.
The study showed that the activities of Montes-
sori pedagogy centers in Ukraine are mainly fo-
cused on the education and training of preschool chil-
dren. Some example is the Montessori World full
cycle school in Kharkiv (, 2021),
which uses an interdisciplinary approach to designing
courses and curriculum subjects with a special em-
phasis on preparing children through practical activi-
ties for real life. Among the training courses are the
following: writing and project activities (for example,
spelling is studied on topics that interest children: hu-
man structure, animal habitat, rivers or volcanoes of
different continents); publication of a school newspa-
per studies to keep the audience’s attention, present
the project, ask questions, gain experience in public
speaking. Due to special manuals and didactic mate-
rials, children can divide the whole into parts, solve
geometric problems and prove theorems. The course
“Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy” is aimed primarily
at experimental activities, creating projects that are
the foundation for in-depth study of these sciences at
high school, the course “History and Geography” uses
elements of museum pedagogy. Communicating with
teachers of Karazin University in classes on “Botany
and Zoology”, children observe plants and insects,
care for animals in their own “living space” and grow
plants. During classes “Financial knowledge and
Methodology of M. Montessori as the Basis of Early Formation of STEM Skills of Pupils
management” pupils learn to put financial and eco-
nomic aims, manage finances and plan a budget, in
particular, through outings, excursions, teamwork at
fairs, holidays, purchasing products. The course Art
and Painting” includes regular master classes on felt-
ing wool, origami, etc. Besides, it is aimed at de-
veloping practical life skills and social responsibility:
children develop menus, prepare dinners, set the ta-
ble, wash dishes, clean the classrooms, clean up the
forest of rubbish, sort garbage, and hand over waste
paper. In this Montessori environment, pupils partic-
ipate individually and in groups. Classes are divided
into thematic areas: mathematics, languages, geog-
raphy, history, biology, space; there is a laboratory.
Due to this the learning approach is realized: teach
the child to think, find solutions, make discoveries,
search for information and be able to apply it when
It should be noted that most educational institu-
tions that use Montessori’s ideas are private, such as
the Clever Kids Elementary School in Kyiv. In addi-
tion to the annual curriculum in accordance with the
standard, for each child, taking into account the gifts
and flaws of the pupil, his abilities, main interests,
age goals, phase of character development, and level
of ability to control emotions and interact with the
team is worked out a personalized curriculum (Clever
Kids, 2021). Particular attention is paid to the forma-
tion of project activities skills that promote children’s
interest in research, skills of planning and organiz-
ing their working time, critical, analytical and abstract
thinking skills, and teamwork. Among the pedagog-
ical tasks of the Clever Kids are also assistance in
the pupil potential development, development of in-
dependence and self-sufficiency of thinking, respect
and empathy for others, responsibility and leadership
qualities. There are created conditions for the devel-
opment of children based on their individual step and
biological rhythm, formation of skills of independent
work, promoting the initiative in the choice of ma-
terials, stimulating the development of self-discipline
skills, cooperation with parents and more. Emphasis
is placed on the importance of the activities of teach-
ers, whose mission is to find ways to inspire children
to learn. Such support allows children, first of all,
to gain confidence and strive to perform tasks con-
stantly without fear of failure. Emphasis is placed on
the gradual complication of tasks, which creates op-
portunities to go through the process of aim setting
and experience of personal victory.
Thus, the study of information about Montessori
education centers in Ukraine showed that the modern
interpretation of pedagogical postulates for socializa-
tion and upbringing of the child is indisputable and
can resolve the contradictions associated with the im-
plementation in practice of the basic requirements for
the modern educational process: individualization, re-
liance on sensitive periods, the priority of personal in-
dependence, the ability to make choices and respect
the choices of others, freedom and discipline in dif-
ferent age communication, etc.
Our study showed that there are more than 250
educational institutions in Ukraine that use the meth-
ods and principles of teaching Maria Montessori.
For comparison, in Germany there are about 1000
preschool institutions and 400 schools operating on
the basis of Montessori pedagogy: gymnasiums are
40 percent, general schools 25%, primary 20%
and real schools – 15% (Priboschek, 2020). Thus, the
ideas and pedagogical system of M. Montessori re-
main relevant in the education of the XXI century.
4.3 Analysis of Web Mapping Data
Centers in Ukraine
For comparison, a map of the development of STEM-
STEAM-STREAM centers was created in a similar
way (figure 3).
Our research showed that there are more than 190
teaching centers in Ukraine that use STEM-STEAM-
STREAM technologies. 45 STEM centers are func-
tioning in the central regions, 9 centers in the east re-
gions, 62 centers in the western regions, 41 centers
in the northern regions, 30 centers in the southern re-
gions. This is due to the fact that STEM education in
Ukraine is only gaining popularity, and their largest
number we have only in large cities (Kiev, Lviv). The
smallest number of STEM institutions is located in
the eastern and southwestern regions.
The obtained data on the development of educa-
tional centers in Ukraine based on the pedagogy of
M. Montessori and STEM-STEAM-STREAM cen-
ters are presented in the form of diagrams (figures 4,
The development of Montessori pedagogy, which
is presented on figure 4, shows that the Montessori
concept is widely known in Ukraine. Nonetheless,
since this practice is used only by private schools
and kindergartens, it is not available for many chil-
dren and its percentage is small in some regions. The
largest centers and networks of STEM centers and
Montessori schools are located in Kyiv.
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 3: STEM-STEAM-STREAM centers in Ukraine.
Figure 4: Quantitative distribution of Montessori pedagogy centers in Ukraine.
The analysis of the peculiarities of M. Montessori
methodology and STEM approach in education re-
vealed their common origins from the constructivist
philosophy in education. The relevance of these
ways in formal and non-formal education in Ukraine
is demonstrated by investigation using web mapping
service Google Maps. It creates grounds for the con-
clusion about the possibility of their harmonious com-
plement: organizational and pedagogical condition of
their operation is creation a special learning environ-
ment capable to adaptation to personal ideals and cog-
nitive needs of participants of the educational process
favorable in the context of the development of soft
skills (Sultanova et al., 2021; Varava et al., 2021).
We have noted supplementary didactic features of
Montessori technology characteristic for STEM tech-
focus on the formation of a permanent interest to
the processes and phenomena in the world, the
development of curiosity based on research us-
ing the steps characteristic to the scientific method
and the process of engineering design;
Methodology of M. Montessori as the Basis of Early Formation of STEM Skills of Pupils
Figure 5: Quantitative distribution of STEM-STEAM-STREAM centers in Ukraine.
changing the role of the teacher, shifting the
emphasis to motivation for productive activities,
stimulating development, creating a pedagogical
ecosystem of formation the scientific picture of
the world in the minds of students and, at the same
time, key skills of the XXI century.
A comparison of the created maps provides
grounds for concluding that the Montessori method-
ological system has adapted to the rapid development
of machinery and technology in the XXI century; the
popularity of STEM educational centers is growing
rapidly in Ukraine (almost 200 new centers in 10
years). The use of the Gartner Hype Cycle method
to describe this process (Gartner, 2019) suggests that
Montessori pedagogy is now on a “plateau of produc-
tivity” and that STEM approaches in education are in
a state of active implementation, which corresponds
to “innovation trigger” and approach the “peak of in-
flated expectations”.
STEM technologies of teaching and pedagogical
ideas of M. Montessori harmoniously complement
each other, especially in the context of forming the
ability to successful self-development based on main-
taining the relationship between the child and the de-
velopmental subject-spatial environment (M. Montes-
sori), which at the present time can be digital (STEM).
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