ment of science and education and, accordingly, com-
prehensively protect and support these areas of activ-
ity. In our opinion, such support includes direct bud-
get financing, certain tax benefits, a system of incen-
tives and support for investment in research and de-
velopment, and so on. Note that a striking example of
innovative mental activity is the development and cre-
ation of software in the case when the results of such
activities are the subject of public use, have signs of
openness and focus on increasing and improving the
heritage of mankind. Such intellectual, creative activ-
ity meets universal needs and can be used in educa-
The principle of social responsibility is a social
phenomenon, which is a voluntary and conscious im-
plementation, use and observance by the subjects of
social relations, regulations, social norms both to the
general doctrine of educational development and to
the implementation of specific steps of its implemen-
tation. This principle is directly related to the in-
formatization of education (Fedorenko et al., 2019).
The process of using free software must comply with
both legal and social norms, which is of particular im-
portance in the educational process. Responsible atti-
tude to the results of scientific, practical, creative and
intellectual activities should be an important factor in
the humanization of education and upbringing of a so-
cially responsible member of society.
Defining the role and place of free software in the
process of informatization of education, we note that
the use of free software in the training of pre-service
teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sci-
ence at the current level of informatization of educa-
tional activities plays a special role in terms of form-
ing a certain level of information culture and intel-
lectual development. and in terms of forming a sci-
entific worldview, understanding the essence of the
practical orientation of computer science disciplines.
At the same time, the level of such training in the
future should enable pre-service teachers of Mathe-
matics, Physics and Computer Science in the process
of their professional activity to create and implement
new technologies, even those whose theoretical basis
may not yet be developed during training.
The main features of modern information society
are: introduction of information to different spheres
of life; concentration in the field of information and
intellectual services of more than 40–50% of the pop-
ulation; development of general theory of information
society; exponential growth of knowledge and accu-
mulation of information; combining computer sys-
tems into a single information environment through
means of communication; creating information in a
digital code; extremely high development of produc-
tion of technology and telecommunication technolo-
gies and means of communication requires a radical
change in the field of education through information
and adequate response to the demands of the informa-
tion society.
According to the Law of Ukraine on the National
Informatization Program, informatization means a se-
ries of interrelated organizational, legal, political, so-
cioeconomic, scientific-technical, manufacturing pro-
cesses aimed at creating conditions aiming to meet
the information needs of citizens and society through
the creation, development and use of information sys-
tems, networks, resources and information technol-
ogy that are based on the use of modern computer
and communications technology (Verkhovna Rada of
Ukraine, 1998).
Computerization is driven by industry trends, in-
cluding the informatization of education, by defini-
tion of Bykov (Bykov, 2010), is a set of interrelated
organizational, legal, socio-economic, scientific-
methodological, scientific, technical, manufacturing
and administrative processes aimed at meeting infor-
mation, computing and telecommunication needs of
subjects of the educational process. Informatization
of education is associated with a wide introduction
of methods and means of ICT in educational system,
the creation on this basis of computer-based infor-
mation and communication environment, filling this
environment with electronic research, education and
management of information resources enabling enti-
ties to carry out the educational process, provide ac-
cess to environmental resources, to use its tools and
services for solving various problems.
Let’s define the role and place of free software in
the informatization of education. The use of free soft-
ware in preparation at the present level of informa-
tization of educational activity plays a special role
in preparation of pre-service teacher of Mathemat-
ics, Physics and Computer Science in the formation
of a certain level of informative culture and intellec-
tual development as well as in the formation of a sci-
entific outlook, understanding the essence of practi-
cal orientation of informatics disciplines. The level
of this training should equip pre-service teacher and
make them to be able to create and implement new
technologies theoretical framework of which might
yet not be developed while they are still in their train-
One of the steps of informatization of educational
process, improving the quality of training of pre-
service teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Com-
puter Science, enhancing teaching and learning and
scientific and research activities, the disclosure of cre-
ative potential, the increasing role of self-education,
Theoretical Bases of Application of Free Software in Preparation of Pre-service Teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science