sary to obtain reliable results.
3. In the educational model experiment, it is impos-
sible to take into account all the requirements for
a scientific biological experiment, therefore, it is
necessary to rely only on its essential features.
Further work on studying the possibilities of a model
experiment in training of the students of 11 grade and
students-biologists in true replication, as well as the
essence of technical and biological replication, we
can see in the following. It is necessary to develop and
approbate web pages to model the structure of a very
large population under the influence on its numerous
generations of such factors as natural selection, gene
flow, gene drift, mutations.
The modelling of the genetic structure should
be fully automated. The initial platforms for
improvement of methodology will be the exist-
ing web pages http://mybio.education/mod/exp3/en/
index.html (Model experiment 2. Study of the genetic
structure of the population under the influence of nat-
ural selection), http://mybio.education/mod/exp4/en/
index.html (Model experiment 3. Modelling the ef-
fect of gene flow on the genetic structure of the pop-
ulation), http://mybio.education/mod/exp5/en/index.
html (Model experiment 4. Modelling the effect of
random processes on the genetic structure of the pop-
ulation, modelling the drift of genes
), providing one
of the stages of work with material objects.
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The Problem of the Limitations of the Educational Model Experiment on Population Genetics and Its Solution