process data obtained from the clouds. The course
also demonstrates modern automation tools for the
deployment of network and cloud infrastructures. The
cloud lab also provides great learning opportunities in
the DevNet course. In it, students can run VMs with
basic development tools, run and test their application
for a long time.
The conducted research and its statistical process-
ing have limitations. They are associated with a small
number of students have participated in the experi-
ment. This sample size did not allow us to conduct a
qualitative experiment to verify the statistical differ-
ences between the control and experimental groups.
Nevertheless, statistical processing of the question-
naire “Course feedback” given by all students (even
those who did not pass the final exam) indicates ef-
ficiency of the use of the deployed cloud laborato-
ries. Along with high-quality training materials from
the Cisco Network Academy, the students appreciated
highly the functional and widespread access to the vir-
tual objects of the cloud labs.
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology