more. Remote virtual chemical laboratories have
the advantage of conducting qualitative experi-
ments, and simulation VCL – quantitative chemi-
cal experiments.
7. Virtual chemical laboratories in some cases can
be used as a replacement for a real chemical ex-
periment, if for some reason it’s implementation
is impossible.
8. Virtual chemical laboratories provide an opportu-
nity to safely and economically implement the de-
velopment of research competencies of students
through the use of experimental chemical prob-
lems, which can be performed entirely in virtual
mode or in simulator mode with subsequent im-
plementation in the form of a naturaly experiment.
9. Virtual chemical laboratories are a rather labile
learning tool that can be used at almost any stage
of the lesson: at the beginning, at the stage of
learning new knowledge, at the stage of consol-
idation of knowledge and at the stage of testing,
as well as for independent and homework. In the
case of proper organization of work with them,
the student has the opportunity to perform learn-
ing research at any time and in any place.
10. The best option for quality support of learning re-
search activities of students in chemistry by solv-
ing experimental chemical problems (including
distance learning) in the study of topic “Solu-
tions” is a combination of two types of virtual
chemical laboratories – remote (for qualitative ex-
periments) and simulation (for quantitative exper-
11. Currently, a set of virtual laboratory works has
been created, consisting of seven problems in the
simulation VCL Virtual Lab and two experimen-
tal problems in the remote VCL. Currently, a set
of virtual laboratory works has been created, con-
sisting of seven problems in the simulation VCL
Virtual Lab and two experimental problems in the
remote VCL.
12. The created virtual laboratory works were intro-
duced into the educational process of several ed-
ucational institutions in Kryvyi Rih during 2019
and received mostly positive feedback from both
chemistry teachers and students. This makes it
possible to say that virtual chemical laboratories
have a high potential for organizing and improv-
ing the learning research activities of students in
chemistry while studying the topic “Solutions”
and need further improvement taking into account
the results of its implementation in the school ed-
ucational process.
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology