lined in (Fisher et al., 2016; Cai, 2010; Hilty and Hu-
ber, 2018). In 2020, individual conversations were
held with educators of the Department of Informat-
ics and Cybernetics to determine the most promising
approaches to achieve this goal. As a result, it was
found that component-level integration and course-
level integration (according to Fisher et al. (Fisher
et al., 2016) classification) are the most expedient.
The first approach is the simplest to implement
since it only involves updating the content of training
courses and introducing additional topics or modules,
as well as changing the types of training activities.
Such work has already been partially carried out dur-
ing the 2015–2019 experiment as part of the training
of bachelors in Information Technologies. Therefore,
at the next stage, changes were made in the content of
the master’s training courses, as well as in the topic of
diploma projects. Besides, engaging students in the
research funded by a grant from the Ministry of Edu-
cation and Science of Ukraine (No. 0120U101970) to
achieve SDG 4 “Quality Education” also helps raise
their awareness of sustainability issues.
The second approach was decided to be imple-
mented by introducing new disciplines of students
free choice, the content of which is fully devoted to
the problems of sustainability. This direction presup-
poses the formation of completely new content, there-
fore such courses are now at the development stage.
The transformation of society to meet the goals of sus-
tainable development is impossible without the active
participation of each citizen. Training for such activ-
ities should be undertaken at educational institutions
of all levels based on Education for Sustainable De-
velopment principles.
The realization of the goals of education for sus-
tainable development in the process of professional
training of bachelors in Information Technologies im-
plies deep informatization of the educational process,
enhancement of opportunities for professional mobil-
ity and lifelong learning, improvement of educational
programs, the introduction of issues of sustainability
and content.
In the process of experimental work, attention was
paid to acquaint students with the goals and objec-
tives of sustainable development. We believe that it is
advisable to direct further research on the implemen-
tation of disciplines and individual modules aimed at
familiarizing students with the problems of a sustain-
able future and understanding of their role in solving
these problems in IT curricula.
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Professional Training of Bachelors in Information Technologies based on Education for Sustainable Development Principles