Professional Training of Bachelors in Information Technologies based on
Education for Sustainable Development Principles
Serhii L. Koniukhov
1 a
, Iryna V. Krasheninnik
1 b
, Kateryna P. Osadcha
1 c
Evgeniy A. Lavrov
2 d
and Olha V. Kotova
3 e
Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, 20 Hetmanska Str., Melitopol, 72312, Ukraine
Sumy State University, 2 Rimsky-Korsakov Str., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine
Kherson State University, 27 Universytetska Str., Kherson, 73000, Ukraine
Bachelors in Information Technologies, Education for Sustainable Development, Professional Training,
Experimental Research.
The article examines the professional training of future bachelors in Information Technologies (IT) at uni-
versities in the context of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN General
Assembly, as well as the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) principles. The UNESCO documents
on education for sustainable development, scientific sources on the professional training of future IT special-
ists, as well as the integration of sustainable development into relevant educational programs are analyzed. The
methodology and results of experimental work carried out intending to overcome existing contradictions, pro-
moting sustainable development of information technology education and implementation of ESD principles
in the process of professional training of future bachelors in IT are presented. In particular, the organizational
and methodological conditions, that were implemented into the educational process, and experimental data are
presented. The effectiveness of the experimental work was proved by statistical verification of the reliability
of the obtained data.
The achievement of the Sustainable Development
Goals set in 2015 by the UN General Assembly (Gen-
eral Assembly, 2015) is linked to the training of
highly qualified professionals from all sectors of the
economy who are capable of reflection, professional
mobility and lifelong learning, aware of the responsi-
bility for the results of their activities. Such training
is based on Education for Sustainable Development
(ESD) principles.
According to UNESCO Roadmap “ESD empow-
ers learners to take informed decisions and responsi-
ble actions for environmental integrity, economic via-
bility and a just society, for present and future genera-
tions, while respecting cultural diversity. It is about
lifelong learning, and is an integral part of quality
education. ESD is holistic and transformational ed-
ucation which addresses learning content and out-
comes, pedagogy and the learning environment. It
achieves its purpose by transforming society” (UN-
ESCO, 2014, p. 12).
Intensive development of information technology
and the need to overcome the numerous challenges
facing humanity, lead to an increase in requirements
for professionals whose activities are creation, imple-
mentation and maintenance of software. The profes-
sional training of such specialists in the bachelor’s
and master’s degrees in Ukraine is carried out in the
specialities of the field of knowledge “Information
Technology”. To ensure that the level of profession-
alism of graduates of these specialities corresponds
to the requirements of society, effective procedures of
updating the content, forms, methods and means of
training should be implemented based on systematic
monitoring of the state of the industry and a balanced
combination of fundamental, applied and humanitar-
ian components of higher education.
An important area of professional work of IT spe-
cialists is the software development using an object-
Koniukhov, S., Krasheninnik, I., Osadcha, K., Lavrov, E. and Kotova, O.
Professional Training of Bachelors in Information Technologies based on Education for Sustainable Development Principles.
DOI: 10.5220/0010924300003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 1, pages 354-364
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
oriented approach, so graduates of higher education
institutions should understand its fundamental prin-
ciples, be able to use object-oriented programming
(OOP) languages, to apply existing and make their
own decisions, to decompose and compose tasks, to
document the process of building an object model,
etc. The lack of the necessary capabilities of the de-
velopers is one of the reasons for the low quality of
software products, which in some cases pose a threat
to the sustainable future. Other threats include a fo-
cus on current tasks and immediate goals, lack of un-
derstanding of global economic, environmental and
social issues, opportunities to overcome or minimize
them at the level of individual IT professionals or
businesses, the impact of IT products on the present
and future, and responsibility to future generations.
Scientists have thoroughly developed conceptual
foundations and examined some aspects of higher ed-
ucation and professional training of future software
engineers. However, insufficient attention is paid
to developing their professional competence in the
study of object-oriented programming, as well as to
acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to pur-
sue activities with a view to sustainable development
goals. Therefore, there are contradictions between the
need to combine the fundamental theoretical and thor-
ough practical training of future software engineers
as highly qualified specialists and the limited time of
studying the disciplines of the vocational training cy-
cle; the necessity of using abstraction, decomposition
and composition in the process of studying OOP and
insufficient level of abstract-logical thinking in stu-
dents; high level of complexity of OOP educational
content and insufficient readiness of higher education
students to systematic cognitive self-activity; possi-
bility to demonstrate the object-oriented approach on
the example of large projects and traditional use of
educational tasks with limited content; the society re-
quirements for the professional training of software
engineers and the students’ lack of awareness of these
requirements; lack of knowledge on sustainability is-
sues and the need to promote a sustainable future in
professional life and daily life (Koniukhov, 2019).
The other important issue is the formation of pro-
fessional competencies of bachelors in Information
Technologies in the conditions of a shortened cycle
of professional training at universities. The contra-
dictions that hinder the efficient formation of profes-
sional competences of future software engineers in
the shortened cycle of training at universities have
been identified, namely: between the requirements
for the level of training of software engineers and in-
sufficient motivation of higher education students to
study and improve their skills; between the educa-
tional needs of higher education students and the lim-
ited ability to build individual educational trajectories
and a combination of different forms of education, in-
cluding non-formal one, at universities; between the
availability of higher education students with profes-
sional competences formed during the previous level
of education, and the content of educational programs
for shortened cycle training of future software engi-
neers at the bachelor’s level at universities; between
the need to comply with the provisions of the stan-
dards of higher education in Ukraine at the bachelor’s
level and the limited period of study in the educational
programs for shortened cycle training of future soft-
ware engineers at the bachelor’s level at universities
(Krasheninnik, 2020).
Therefore, there is a need to create at higher ed-
ucation institutions the conditions for students to de-
velop appropriate professional competencies.
Purpose of the article: to present the results of
experimental work carried out to overcome the men-
tioned contradictions and to promote sustainable de-
velopment of IT education and implementation of
ESD principles in the process of professional training
of bachelors in Information Technologies.
As Mul
a et al. (Mul
a et al., 2017, p. 798) empha-
sis “The world is shaped by an education system
that reinforces unsustainable thinking and practice”.
So, it is very important to transform an education
system taking into account the aims of sustainabil-
ity and sustainable future. Education for sustainable
development principles is substantiated in numerous
UNESCO documents (UNESCO, 2014, 2009, 2016;
Tilbury and Mul
a, 2009) and discussed in (Dlouh
et al., 2017; Lobanova et al., 2020; Mul
a et al., 2017;
Vlasenko et al., 2021).
Internationally recognized ESD principles are
named by Tilbury and Mul
a (Tilbury and Mul
2009). They are the next: Futures thinking; Critical
and creative thinking; Participation and participatory
learning; Partnerships; Systemic thinking (Tilbury
and Mul
a, 2009, p. 5). Moreover, there are pointed
out key ESD learning themes (eg.: Gender equality;
Biological diversity; Ecological principles, ecosys-
tems; Natural resources management; Health and
well-being; Consumerism and ethical trade; Rural
and urban development; Corporate social responsibil-
ity) that are critically significant to the sustainable de-
velopment agenda (Tilbury and Mul
a, 2009, p. 6).
Providing quality education as one of the goals
of sustainable development is an important area of
Professional Training of Bachelors in Information Technologies based on Education for Sustainable Development Principles
modern pedagogical research. In particular, in 2020
the International Conference on Sustainable Futures:
Environmental, Technological, Social and Economic
Matters (ICSF 2020) was held, during which a work-
shop on sustainable education was held (Semerikov
et al., 2020).
In particular, interesting results are presented in
publications (Lavrov et al., 2020; Hevko et al., 2020;
Glazunova et al., 2020), which consider ways to im-
plement the problems of sustainable development in
IT education.
Implementation of ESD principles in the pro-
cess of professional training of bachelors in Infor-
mation Technologies is in different ways, in partic-
ular: deep informatization of the educational process
(Fedorenko et al., 2019); enhancing opportunities for
professional mobility and lifelong learning for IT pro-
fessionals through the development and implementa-
tion of intelligent means of recognition of qualifica-
tions and competencies obtained in different countries
and educational institutions (Osadchyi et al., 2017);
improving educational programs for the short cycle
of vocational training (Osadchyi and Krasheninnik,
2017; Krasheninnik, 2020); improving the content,
forms, methods and tools of object-oriented program-
ming learning (Koniukhov, 2019; Koniukhov and Os-
adcha, 2020); introduction of sustainability issues to
the content of educational programs (Penzenstadler
and Fleischmann, 2011; Fisher et al., 2016; Cai, 2010;
Hilty and Huber, 2018) and others.
Researchers in the field of professional training IT
specialists note that sustainable development issues
are hardly addressed in relevant university educa-
tion programs. However, software developers should
take their share of responsibility for sustainability be-
cause of the growth of IT’s productivity in combi-
nation with cutting down of life cycles and growing
resource problems of our planet (Penzenstadler and
Fleischmann, 2011, p. 454). In this regard, it is nec-
essary to determine the mechanisms for introducing
sustainable development issues into university bache-
lors in Information Technologies curricula, as well as
motivating students and teachers to address them.
Penzenstadler and Fleischmann (Penzenstadler
and Fleischmann, 2011) offer a strategy for integrat-
ing the concept of sustainability into a degree course
scheme across three stages: 1) to propose a seminar
and form a core of interested people; 2) to give a lec-
ture series for broadening the awareness for sustain-
ability; 3) to establish sustainability as a topic by in-
tegrating it into the syllabus of appropriate software
engineering lectures with teach-the-teacher seminars.
During a seminar, students should examine chosen
issue and present their topic in class. They are of-
fered such seminar topics as “Climate killer Internet?
Energy-efficient nets and systems have a notable im-
pact”, “Climate change research and software engi-
neering for climate research”, “Marketing for sustain-
ability — how can I make it matter for software engi-
neers?” etc. (Penzenstadler and Fleischmann, 2011,
p. 455-456).
Fisher et al. (Fisher et al., 2016) emphasize the
nexus between sustainability and computer science
and the necessity to integrate sustainability science
and engineering into computing education (Fisher
et al., 2016, p. 95). They consider two levels of inte-
gration of sustainability into computer science higher
education (the course level and the course component
level) and give different examples of such combina-
tion. Scientists identify the course-level integration
as introducing computer science courses that focus
on topics at the intersection of computing and sus-
tainability. These are such courses as “Computing,
Energy, and the Environment”, “Seminar on Compu-
tational Sustainability: Algorithms for Ecology and
Conservation” etc. Component-level integration is
implemented by introducing lectures, exercises, and
projects, with sustainability themes into computer sci-
ence courses that do not have a sustainability focus,
such as courses in computer organization, databases,
and artificial intelligence (Fisher et al., 2016, p. 93-
Three sustainability integration strategies are of-
fered by Cai (Cai, 2010): 1) developing a new course
named “green computing” covering selected sustain-
ability and green computing topics; 2) designing
and developing independent green computing learn-
ing modules and projects that can be easily plugged
into the existing computer courses; 3) an integrative
and transformative approach to completely re-design
some computing courses with sustainability as one of
the top priorities (Cai, 2010, p. 525-526).
Hilty and Huber (Hilty and Huber, 2018) consider
that sustainable development is an important part of
the curriculum of ICT-related study programs and
content is strongly significant to interest students in
it. They present results of an empirical investigation
to identify topics with the greatest potential to mo-
tivate students on sustainability. Researchers reveal
five clusters of such topics, namely: “ICT impacts
on sustainability”; “Material resources for ICT hard-
ware: Informal recycling”; “ICT as an enabler: Sav-
ing material and energy: Videoconferencing exam-
ple”; “Resource consumption: Global distribution”;
“Rebound effect: General concept” (Hilty and Huber,
2018, p. 652).
An example of IT students’ participation in a
project aimed solution one of sustainability tasks
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
“provide safe, non violent, inclusive and effective
learning environments for all” (General Assembly,
2015) – is given in (Kompaniets et al., 2019).
3.1 Research Statement
The ideas of education for sustainable development
were implemented in the process of research and ex-
perimental work on forming the professional compe-
tence of bachelors in Information Technologies.
The study consisted of two stages and covered
2015–2019. The main stage involved the professional
training bachelors in the field of Information Tech-
nologies by the way of learning object-oriented pro-
gramming. An additional stage was aimed formation
of professional competencies of future IT specialists
in the conditions of a shortened cycle.
The difference between the main and additional
stages was the next:
1. The main stage was attended by students who
studied in the terms of the standard period of study
(4 years).
2. The additional stage was attended by students
who studied for a reduced period of study (2
years). Most of them already had a professional
education in the field of information technology
at the level of a junior specialist.
We followed this sequence of pedagogical re-
1) comparison of the initial state of students’ profes-
sional competence in the control and experimental
groups according to certain criteria and indicators,
establishing the absence of statistically significant
2) introduction of the developed organizational and
methodological conditions for the formation of
professional competence of future IT specialists
in the learning process in the experimental group;
3) comparison of the final state of students’ profes-
sional competence in the control and experimen-
tal groups according to certain criteria and indica-
tors, establishing the presence of statistically sig-
nificant differences (Novikov, 2004, p. 10).
3.2 Main Stage Methodology
The main stage experiment was conducted during
2015–2018 at Ukrainian universities, in particular,
Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical
University. 135 computer science students have taken
part in the qualifying and forming stages of the peda-
gogical experiment. The number of the control group
(CG) was 69 people, experimental (EG) – 66 people.
In the course of this work, the levels of bache-
lors’ professional competence components identified
in (Koniukhov, 2019) were diagnosed:
motivational: a set of motives that encourage
higher education students to actively study OOP;
their interest in the in-depth study and use of OOP
in their further professional activities; readiness
for self-development in object-oriented develop-
cognitive: development of abstract-logical think-
ing; possession of techniques of formalization,
abstraction, decomposition and composition; un-
derstanding the fundamental basics of OOP and
their implementation in different programming
languages; set of theoretical knowledge of funda-
mental concepts and applied aspects of OOP;
operational: skills in object-oriented program-
ming necessary for effective professional activity;
reflexive: the ability to self-understand, analyze
and evaluate yourself as a specialist and your ac-
tions in the current situation, in the past and the
future, as well as yourself as a member of the soft-
ware development team.
Since the ECTS scale is used in the institutions of
higher education of Ukraine to evaluate students’ aca-
demic achievement, ve levels of formation of these
components of the professional competence of bache-
lors in Information Technologies have been identified:
professional: certifies the formation of a compo-
nent of professional competence at the level of an
experienced software developer and the ability of
the student to enter professional activity as a mid-
level specialist without additional training, corre-
sponds to the level “A” of the ECTS scale;
high: certifies the formation of a component of
professional competence at the level of a junior
software developer and the ability of the student
to start professional activity and independent tasks
without additional training, corresponds to the
level “B” of the ECTS scale;
sufficient: certifies the formation of a component
of professional competence at the level of the ju-
nior software developer and the ability of the stu-
dent to start professional activity and indepen-
dently perform tasks with additional training at
the enterprise, corresponds to the level “C” of the
ECTS scale;
Professional Training of Bachelors in Information Technologies based on Education for Sustainable Development Principles
low: certifies the formation of a component of
professional competence at the level of the novice
programmer and the ability of the student to begin
professional activity as a junior software devel-
oper only under the direct supervision and with
additional training at the enterprise, corresponds
to the level “D” of the ECTS scale;
critical: certifies the extremely low level of pro-
fessional competence component and the stu-
dent’s lack of ability to take up professional work
as a software developer, corresponds to the “E”
level of the ECTS scale.
In the experimental group, the educational process
was organized based on the following organizational
and methodological conditions (Koniukhov, 2019):
1. Formation of positive motivation for students to
study and apply in future professional activities
of OOP. The implementation of this condition in-
cluded a demonstration of examples of software
development practice, meetings with leading spe-
cialists of IT enterprises, organization of group
implementation of software projects, involvement
of students in the discussion of practical aspects
of the software engineering.
2. Formation of a cross-cutting content-activity line
of studying OOP within the disciplines of the vo-
cational training cycle. Within each successive
course, fundamental concepts of object-oriented
programming were repeated, and they were con-
sidered at a new level of complexity, taking into
account the specifics of a particular area of soft-
ware development.
3. Application of appropriate forms and methods of
formation in higher professional qualifications.
The implementation of this condition involved
the implementation of various types of software
projects, the use of training tasks in object-
oriented programming, interactive teaching meth-
ods and game technologies.
4. Use of modern information and communication
technologies in the process of education of stu-
dents of OOP, namely: software for educational
purposes, software development environments,
visualization tools, training management systems,
distance courses in academic disciplines and ad-
ditional specialized online resources.
Some ESD ideas were implemented during the de-
velopment of the students’ program projects. In par-
ticular, they were offered project topics such as devel-
oping programs for the statistical processing of obser-
vation data (demographic economic, meteorological,
medical, biological, etc.); development of educational
programs for students of general secondary education
institutions (simulators, didactic games, etc.); devel-
opment of programs for automation of separate pro-
duction processes for enterprises of different indus-
tries, etc. To create quality software, students had to
pre-analyze the problem given the problems of a sus-
tainable future and the goals of sustainable develop-
The measures envisaged by the pilot program
were implemented within the training disciplines
of the cycle of professional training: “Program-
ming”, “Object-oriented programming”, “Cross-
platform programming”, “Web application program-
ming and support”.
To evaluate the likelihood of the experimental data
obtained, a method of testing statistical hypotheses
was used.
The hypothesis of the absence of significant dif-
ferences in the average values of indicators of the for-
mation of components of students’ professional com-
petence in control and experimental groups was tested
with Student’s t-test.
Volumes of control and experimental groups
= 69 and n
= 66 respectively. Number of de-
grees of freedom k = 133. Critical significance of the
Student test for 133 degrees of freedom and signifi-
cance level α = 0.05: t
3.3 Additional Stage Methodology
The additional stage experiment was conducted dur-
ing 2016–2019 at Ukrainian universities, in particu-
lar, Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical
University. The research and experimental work in-
volved examining problems and contradictions, iden-
tifying ways of overcoming them, implementing or-
ganizational and pedagogical conditions for the for-
mation of professional competencies of future soft-
ware developers in the shortened cycle of training,
checking the effectiveness of the measures taken. A
pedagogical experiment has been consisted of quali-
fying and forming stages. It was carried out at various
stages among 405 Information Technologies students
of the bachelor grade majoring in 121 Software Engi-
neering, 122 Computer Science, 123 Computer Engi-
neering, who studied based on the shortened training
cycle. The control group included 207 students; the
experimental group consisted of 198 students.
In the course of this work, the levels of profes-
sional competence components of future software de-
velopers identified in (Krasheninnik, 2020) were di-
motivational: internal motivation for professional
activity in the speciality of software developer,
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
continuing education and training; at the stage of
the pedagogical experiment the analysis was car-
ried out separately by the criterion of internal mo-
tivation to continue education and advanced train-
ing and by the criterion of internal motivation to
professional activity like a software developer;
cognitive: complete acquisition of knowledge and
understanding of the disciplines of the training cy-
cle, the ability to formulate judgments based on
available information and cognitive skills;
operational: the ability to practical application of
knowledge and skills in the professional activity,
as well as to the effective organization of this ac-
communicative: abilities for effective oral and
written communication in groups with different
composition of participants and goals of joint ac-
reflexive: the ability to reflect on educational and
production activities.
Five levels of formation of these components of
the professional competence have been identified:
high: the component is formed to a sufficient ex-
tent for the implementation of conscious educa-
tional and self-educational activities, as well as
independent solution of professional problems in
the field of software development on the mid-
dle level; corresponds to level A of academic
achievements by the ECTS scale;
sufficient: the component is formed to a sufficient
extent for the implementation of conscious edu-
cational and self-educational activities, as well as
independent (or with little help) performance of
professional tasks as a junior software developer;
corresponds to the level “B” of academic achieve-
ments by the ECTS scale;
medium: the component is formed to a sufficient
extent for the implementation of educational and
self-educational activities, as well as the imple-
mentation of production tasks in the process of
professional activity as a junior software engineer
under management and with the help of experi-
enced professionals; corresponds to the level “C”
of academic achievements by the ECTS scale;
critical: the component is formed at a level suffi-
cient to perform certain types of educational activ-
ities and production tasks in the process of profes-
sional activity as a junior software engineer under
the direct guidance and control of teachers or ex-
perienced professionals; corresponds to level “D”
of academic achievements according to the ECTS
low: the component is formed at a level insuf-
ficient for effective educational and professional
activities in the speciality of software engineer;
corresponds to the level “E” (satisfactory success)
or “F” / “FX” (unsatisfactory success) of aca-
demic achievements on the ECTS scale.
In the experimental group, the educational process
was organized based on the following organizational
and methodological conditions (Krasheninnik, 2020):
formation of stable positive internal motivation to
higher education, professional activity, advanced
systematic review and updating of educational
programs for shortened cycle training of future
software developers at the bachelor’s level, taking
into account current trends in the field of informa-
tion technology and higher education;
providing future software developers opportuni-
ties for individual educational trajectories under
the conditions of the shortened cycle of profes-
sional training at universities;
application of expedient forms, methods and
means of formation of professional competencies
of future software developers under the conditions
of the shortened cycle of professional training at
The probability of the results obtained at the quali-
fying and formative stages of the experiment has been
checked using the Fisher test in combination with the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
4.1 Qualifying Stage
The empirical data obtained at the qualifying stage of
the pedagogical experiment gave reason to draw the
following main conclusions:
1) students in the control and experimental groups
found an insufficient level of professional com-
petence development: approximately one-third to
two-thirds of them demonstrated low or critical
level of professional competence;
2) the initial level of professional competence in
both groups practically did not differ (the differ-
ence between the percentage of students at each
level of education in terms of individual compe-
tence components did not exceed 3%), which tes-
tified to their homogeneity.
Professional Training of Bachelors in Information Technologies based on Education for Sustainable Development Principles
According to the results of estimation of the
motivational component of professional competence,
34.78% of students (24 persons) of CG and 34.85%
of students (23 persons) of EG revealed low or criti-
cal level. At the same time, 46.38% of students (32
persons) of CG and 45.45% of students (30 persons)
of EG showed sufficient level. So, at the end of their
first year, they understood the need for knowledge
of object-oriented programming technologies and lan-
guages and were partially motivated to further study
According to the results of the assessment of
the cognitive component of professional competence,
68.12% of students (47 persons) of CG and 68.18% of
students (45 persons) of EG have found low or criti-
cal level. This situation is to a certain extent because
the first year focuses on the study of algorithmiza-
tion, structural and procedural programming, and the
mechanisms of OOP are mostly considered indirectly
to the extent necessary for writing programs in devel-
opment environments.
According to the results of estimation of the
operational component of professional competence,
75.36% of students (52 persons) of CG and 71.21%
of students (47 persons) of EG revealed low or criti-
cal level. The reason for this is that at the end of the
first year students have initial experience writing pro-
grams with classes and objects, but they do not yet
use the full-scale OOP mechanisms.
As a result of assessing the reflexive component
of the professional competence, 47.83% of students
(33 persons) of CG and 48.48% of students (32 per-
sons) of EG revealed low or critical levels. At the
same time, 37.68% of students (26 persons) of CG
and 34.85% of students (23 persons) of EG showed
sufficient level, which testified to the partial forma-
tion of the ability to evaluate themselves as a stu-
dent, member of academic group and software devel-
opment team, as well as the results of its activities.
Valuation of the obtained data. The hypothesis
about the absence of statistically significant differ-
ences in the average values of indicators of the for-
mation of the components of students’ professional
competence in the control and experimental groups
was performed using the Student’s t-test.
The null hypothesis: there is no statistically sig-
nificant difference between the samples, the average
values of the indicators of the professional compe-
tence components of the students of the control and
experimental groups are equal.
Alternative hypothesis: there is a statistically sig-
nificant difference between the samples. the average
values of indicators of the formation of components
of professional competence of students in the control
and experimental groups differ significantly.
The results of testing these statistical hypotheses
are given in table 1.
Table 1: Results of valuation of the obtained data (qualify-
ing stage of the experiment).
Components of
professional competence
motivational 0.47 t
< t
cognitive 0.33 t
< t
operational 0.12 t
< t
reflexive 0.01 t
< t
Thus, it is proved that there is no statistically sig-
nificant difference in the levels of the professional
competence components between students of the con-
trol and experimental groups at the qualifying stage of
the pedagogical experiment, that is, the samples are
Based on the analysis of empirical data of the
qualifying stage of the pedagogical experiment, it was
concluded that the level of the professional compe-
tence of future software engineers was generally low
and critical.
To increase this level, the study of object-oriented
programming had to be organized in such a way as
to ensure the acquisition and completeness of stu-
dents’ acquisition of basic and special knowledge of
OOP (cognitive component), the effective formation
of their OOP skills and ability to use them to develop
software projects (operational component), persistent
high motivation to study OOP, its further use in pro-
fessional activity, and self-improvement in this field
(motivational component), formation of the ability to
evaluate and responsible attitude to the results of their
work and role in the team (reflexive component).
4.2 Forming Stage
The empirical data obtained during the formative
stage of the pedagogical experiment gave reason to
make the following generalizations:
1) the overall level of students’ professional compe-
tence has increased: in both groups the increase
in the number of students at the professional and
high levels, as well as the increase in the aver-
age values of the indicators of the components of
professional competence, but the changes in the
experimental group were more significant;
2) the final levels of the components of students’ pro-
fessional competence in the experimental group
exceeded the corresponding indicators in the con-
trol group.
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Based on these data, a preliminary conclusion was
made about the effectiveness of implementing the or-
ganizational and methodological conditions for form-
ing the professional competence of bachelors in In-
formation Technologies in the process of studying
object-oriented programming.
The results of the assessment of the motivational
component of professional competence revealed that
in the experimental group the percentage of students
with professional and high level was equal to 21.21%
(14 people) and 42.42% (28 people) respectively. In
the control group, there were minor changes and this
indicator was 10.14% (7 persons) and 18.84% (13
persons), respectively. A significant difference was
observed in the indicators characterizing the number
of students with low and critical levels: 6.06% (4 per-
sons) and 3.03% (2 persons) in EG; 15.94% (11 per-
sons) and 5.80% (4 persons) in CG respectively (fig-
ure 1).
Figure 1: Formation of the motivational component of stu-
dents’ professional competence (forming stage of the exper-
According to the results of the assessment of
the cognitive component of students’ professional
competence, it was found that in the experimental
group the percentage of students with professional
and high level became equal to 21.21% (14 persons)
and 36.36% (24 persons), respectively. In the con-
trol group, there were slight changes and this indica-
tor was 4.35% (3 persons) and 11.59% (8 persons)
respectively. A significant difference was observed in
the indicators characterizing the number of students
with low and critical levels: 9.09% (6 persons) and
3.03% (2 persons) in EG; 28.99% (20 people) and
8.70% (6 people) in CG (figure 2).
According to the results of the evaluation of the
operational component of students’ professional com-
petence, it was found that in the experimental group
the percentage of students with professional and high
level was equal to 19.70% (13 persons) and 40.91%
Figure 2: Formation of the cognitive component of stu-
dents’ professional competence (forming stage of the ex-
(27 persons), respectively. In the control group, there
were slight changes and this figure was 5.80% (4
persons) and 15.94% (11 persons), respectively. A
significant difference was observed in the indicators
characterizing the number of students with low and
critical levels: 9.09% (6 persons) and 3.03% (2 per-
sons) in EG; 31.88% (22 persons) and 13.04% (9 per-
sons) in CG, respectively (figure 3).
Figure 3: Formation of the operational component of stu-
dents’ professional competence (forming stage of the ex-
According to the results of the evaluation of the
reflexive component of students’ professional com-
petence, it was found that in the experimental group
the percentage of students with professional and high
level was equal to 22.73% (15 people) and 30.30%
(20 people), respectively. In the control group, there
were slight changes and this indicator was 10.14%
(7 people) and 15.94% (11 people), respectively. A
significant difference was observed in the indicators
characterizing the number of students with low and
critical levels: 6.06% (4 persons) and 3.03% (2 per-
sons) in EG; 23.19% (16 people) and 8.70% (6 peo-
ple) in CG, respectively (figure 4).
Professional Training of Bachelors in Information Technologies based on Education for Sustainable Development Principles
Figure 4: Formation of the reflexive component of students’
professional competence (forming stage of the experiment).
Valuation of the obtained data. Testing of the hy-
pothesis about the statistically significant differences
in the average values of the formation of components
of students’ professional competence in control and
experimental groups, and therefore different levels of
formation of professional competence was generally
performed using the Student’s t-test.
The null hypothesis: there is no statistically sig-
nificant difference between the samples, the average
values of the indicators of the professional compe-
tence components of the students of the control and
experimental groups are equal.
Alternative hypothesis: there is a statistically sig-
nificant difference between the samples. the average
values of indicators of the formation of components
of professional competence of students in the control
and experimental groups differ significantly.
The results of testing these statistical hypotheses
are given in table 2.
Table 2: Results of valuation of the obtained data (forming
stage of the experiment).
Components of
professional competence
motivational 2.85 t
> t
cognitive 6.09 t
> t
operational 5.32 t
> t
reflexive 2.87 t
> t
Thus, the statistically significant differences in the
levels of components of students’ professional com-
petence in control and experimental groups at the
formative stage of the pedagogical experiment were
proved. So, we can conclude that the average differ-
ence is not accidental, but is the result of the imple-
mentation of the proposed organizational and method-
ological conditions for the formation of professional
competence of bachelors in Information Technologies
in the process of studying object-oriented program-
4.3 Additional Stage
At this stage of research, the survey method was used,
the content of the disciplines of the cycle of profes-
sional training of bachelors in Information Technolo-
gies was updated taking into account the goals of sus-
tainable development, the implementation of educa-
tional projects was organized. The survey was con-
ducted using a modified Olsson questionnaire (Ols-
son, 2018).
At the formative stage of the experiment, posi-
tive changes at the levels of formation of the com-
ponents of professional competencies of future soft-
ware engineers have been recorded. In the exper-
imental group, these changes have been more pro-
nounced and at the end of the experiment, there have
been significant differences between the control and
experimental groups. The share of participants in
the experiment with a sufficient and high level of
formation of the motivational component of profes-
sional competencies (the criterion of formation of in-
ternal motivation to continue education and training)
in the control group has increased by 12.08%, in
the experimental group it has increased by 26.76%;
the motivational component (the criterion of forma-
tion of internal motivation for professional activity of
a software engineer) has increased by 13.52% and
26.77%, respectively; the cognitive component has
increased by 5.80% and 19.70%, respectively; the
operational component has increased by 10.63% and
23.23%, respectively; the communicative component
has increased by 4.83% and 23.23%, respectively;
the reflexive component has increased by 15.46% and
28.78%, respectively.
Research conducted in 2015–2019 has shown that the
introduction of sustainable development issues into
the content of curricula influenced positively the qual-
ity of training for IT specialists at universities. Of
greatest importance is the incorporation of students’
educational and scientific projects, when they have
the opportunity to get acquainted with the problems of
sustainability and the sustainable development goals
(SDG) as well as to offer ways of solving them, in par-
ticular, through the development of specialized soft-
Therefore, at the end of the experiment, it was
decided to continue the work on integrating the con-
tent of IT education in Bogdan Khmelnytsky Meli-
topol State Pedagogical University with sustainabil-
ity issues. We followed the recommendations out-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
lined in (Fisher et al., 2016; Cai, 2010; Hilty and Hu-
ber, 2018). In 2020, individual conversations were
held with educators of the Department of Informat-
ics and Cybernetics to determine the most promising
approaches to achieve this goal. As a result, it was
found that component-level integration and course-
level integration (according to Fisher et al. (Fisher
et al., 2016) classification) are the most expedient.
The first approach is the simplest to implement
since it only involves updating the content of training
courses and introducing additional topics or modules,
as well as changing the types of training activities.
Such work has already been partially carried out dur-
ing the 2015–2019 experiment as part of the training
of bachelors in Information Technologies. Therefore,
at the next stage, changes were made in the content of
the master’s training courses, as well as in the topic of
diploma projects. Besides, engaging students in the
research funded by a grant from the Ministry of Edu-
cation and Science of Ukraine (No. 0120U101970) to
achieve SDG 4 “Quality Education” also helps raise
their awareness of sustainability issues.
The second approach was decided to be imple-
mented by introducing new disciplines of students
free choice, the content of which is fully devoted to
the problems of sustainability. This direction presup-
poses the formation of completely new content, there-
fore such courses are now at the development stage.
The transformation of society to meet the goals of sus-
tainable development is impossible without the active
participation of each citizen. Training for such activ-
ities should be undertaken at educational institutions
of all levels based on Education for Sustainable De-
velopment principles.
The realization of the goals of education for sus-
tainable development in the process of professional
training of bachelors in Information Technologies im-
plies deep informatization of the educational process,
enhancement of opportunities for professional mobil-
ity and lifelong learning, improvement of educational
programs, the introduction of issues of sustainability
and content.
In the process of experimental work, attention was
paid to acquaint students with the goals and objec-
tives of sustainable development. We believe that it is
advisable to direct further research on the implemen-
tation of disciplines and individual modules aimed at
familiarizing students with the problems of a sustain-
able future and understanding of their role in solving
these problems in IT curricula.
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology