Table 1: Results of the answer to the question “Name three
words that come to mind when you say “human improve-
Group of
1st year
Immortality, business, bioengineer-
ing, biology, biotechnology, biohacking,
bioethics, the fight against cancer cells,
the future, eternity, power, perhaps
only education, opportunities, neces-
sity, endurance, genetics, genetically
ideal people, genetic diseases, genius,
genetic engineering, genome, money,
kindness, longevity, eugenics, univer-
sal soldier, social stratification, life,
health, perfection, danger, emperor, cy-
borg, colonization, treatment, longevity,
better life, mechanism, dream, brain-
computer interfaces, science, inequality,
novelty, morality, education, opportuni-
ties, danger, perfection, absence of dis-
eases, increase of mental abilities, ben-
efit, help, vice, posthumanism, revolu-
tion, limits, problem, progress, pros-
thesis, processor, development, adapta-
tion, superiority, break, solution, risk,
self-development, superintelligence, in-
creased life span, superman, superin-
telligence, strength, death, perfection,
ability, old age, with perseverance, hap-
piness, transhumanism, mind, civiliza-
tion, chipping, chips, evolution, ecol-
ogy, experiment
Group of
4th year
Safety, biotechnology, neurointerface,
diseases, future, HIV, power, oppor-
tunities, longevity, eugenics, ideality,
change, immunity, end of the world,
I will not see, inaccessibility, victory
over hereditary diseases, the appearance
of “superpowers” in a person, obstacle,
progress, prosthesis, against nature, de-
velopment, regression, editing the hu-
man genome, birth, complexity, im-
provement, technology, stability, physi-
cal condition, perfection, ethics
Group of
5th year
CRISPR/Cas, adaptation, upgrade,
botox, genome, eugenics, cure, lipo-
suction, not now, useful, risks, self-
development, superman, improvement,
what will God say?, enhancement
noted that the students who studied were more in-
clined to understand the social consequences and
risks of biological innovations than others. We ex-
plain this by the content of the discipline, which
considered the history of biology, the direction of
development of modern branches of biology, as
well as the forms of education used. This was
mentioned above when explaining the results of
answers to individual questions;
• to assess the level of formation of terminal and
instrumental values among students of biological
specialties seems to us a global large-scale issue.
It is unambiguous that it is impossible and im-
practical to make a quantitative assessment of the
formed values. The need for a qualitative assess-
ment rests on the question of whether the values
formed through the educational process should
differ among students of biological specialties. In
other words, should different terminal and instru-
mental values be formed in students – future biol-
ogists and students – future teachers?
Summing up, we note that our further research in the
direction of the value meanings of biological educa-
tion posed more questions than answered. We can
only assert unequivocally that the training of future
biologists, including those who will continue their
professional activities in the field of education, must
include a thorough bioethical training. It will allow
future biologists-scientists and future biology teach-
ers to navigate the present and future world, to make
informed choices, and make informed decisions.
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The Values of Biological Education from the Point of View of 2020 Events (or Biotechnological Human Improvement through the Eyes of