Experience of using ICT Tools for Monitoring the Psychological
Component of the Quality of Teacher’s Activity of the Higher Education
Olena I. Bondarchuk
1 a
, Valentyna V. Balakhtar
2 b
, Kateryna S. Balakhtar
1,2 c
Valeriy O. Kyrichuk
1 d
, Nataliia O. Yakubovska
2 e
, Serhii E. Ostapov
2 f
and Tamara V. Grubi
3 g
University of Educational Management, 52A Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi University, 14 Rivnenska Str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str., Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine
Quality of Education, Monitoring of the Quality of Education, Psychological Component of the the Quality
of Education, ICT Tools, Psychodiagnostic.
The focus of the current research is on the quality of education as a multifaceted category, and the monitoring
of the quality of education – as a purposeful and specially organized system of studying, assessment, analysis
of data on the state of education of students. Emphasis is on the psychological component of monitoring the
quality of education, which involves creating a positive socio-psychological atmosphere for participants in
the educational process, both students and teachers. Creating a comfortable atmosphere allows teachers to
perform their work effectively, and higher education institutions implement the main task of ensuring the
quality of teaching staff. The article highlighted the experience of monitoring the psychological component
of the quality of higher education using various ICT tools Google services, specially created websites for
professional psychological diagnostics, author’s programs of psychological testing (“Comprehensive diagnosis
of psychosocial development of the teacher’s personality using a computer program “Personnel Ψ””), etc.
This study aims to study current conditions, namely the development of digital technologies. The need to use
electronic resources (Google services) has increased, which allows you to create text documents, presentations,
spreadsheets, forms, drawings, programs and other documents. In order to provide the monitoring of the
quality of the psychological component of higher education teachers’ activity, Google Forms was elaborated
to obtain information about the psychological state and satisfaction with the quality of educational services
by the participants of the educational process, their relationship, the socio-psychological climate in higher
education and others, amongst to respond to social and educational change on time.
In the current conditions of the information society,
ICT make changes in all spheres of human life. Re-
lationships between people, organizations, and each
other acquire a new format under the influence of
various factors: media technology, social media, In-
ternet, COVID-19 pandemic and more (Velykodna,
2021; Velykodna and Frankova, 2021). Information
technology enables more intensive communication,
and information may be transmitted to one person or
a large community.
ICTs are especially important for education. Af-
ter all, just educational institutions shape society,
helping to increase the pace of its economic, socio-
cultural, political, psychological development, pro-
fessional development and education of an intellec-
tual elite capable of perceiving, using and produc-
ing new information (B
ukbaykal, 2015). Today’s
challenges require not only new knowledge, informa-
tion but also strategic reform of higher education in
Bondarchuk, O., Balakhtar, V., Balakhtar, K., Kyrichuk, V., Yakubovska, N., Ostapov, S. and Grubi, T.
Experience of using ICT Tools for Monitoring the Psychological Component of the Quality of Teacher’s Activity of the Higher Education Institutions.
DOI: 10.5220/0010924700003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 1, pages 400-415
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Ukraine, due to “the emergence and rapid develop-
ment of information technology, commercialization,
increasing global competition, the effects of the coro-
navirus pandemic, etc” (Saukh, 2020).
One of the leaders of the information society the-
ory, Masuda (Masuda, 1990), argued that: in the in-
formation society there will be no official restrictions
on educational institutions; information networks will
replace existing education systems; this will reduce
the gap between developed and underdeveloped re-
gions; the main form of training will be self-study,
and the teacher will act as a consultant on various web
platforms; the importance of adult education is grow-
ing; replacement of mass education with an education
system that meets individual skills and preferences of
the individual (Masuda, 1990, p. 289).
Special attention, as noted in the EFA Global
Monitoring Report 2005 “Education for All The
Quality Imperative” is paid to the conceptualiza-
tion of the quality of education (UNESCO and EFA
Global Monitoring Report Team, 2004, p. 36), the
importance of control and compliance with European
standards of educational quality in the information
society. It will allow individuals not only to re-
ceive a quality education but also to be more inde-
pendent, plan and control their professional devel-
opment, and continuously self-progress (Hope and
Hope, 1997, p. 11). At the same time, continuity of
education is an important element of it, a condition
that will promote self-development, self-education,
self-improvement and self-realization of the individ-
ual throughout life. In particular, the World Declara-
tion on Higher Education for the 21st Century states
that teachers in higher education “should not only act
as a source of knowledge but also give priority to in-
stilling in students the ability to learn, the ability to
take the initiative” (Asatiani, 2018).
The quality of education as a key factor in the
country’s sustainable development plays an important
role in creating an European educational space. The
high-quality education itself is an important tool for
the creating of the key competences that are signifi-
cant for the present, the development both of the in-
dividual and society, the state as a whole, by ensuring
the social and economic growth of the country.
The education right of each individual was regu-
lated by Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and
the adoption of the Incheon Declaration “Education-
2030: Ensuring of Inclusive and Equitable Quality
Education and Lifelong Learning for All” has been
set out the fundamental principles for global educa-
tion development by 2030 (UNESCO, 2015).
The COVID-19 pandemic has made adjustments
to the activities of educational institutions and accel-
erated the digitalization of educational systems (Pol-
hun et al., 2021). However, the increased use of digi-
tal media has significant limitations. According to the
Rome Ministerial Communique, “higher education
should take the lead in studying and advising on over-
coming and overcoming these constraints, ensuring
cooperation and closer dialogue between countries,
higher education institutions and systems and with the
wider higher education community”. Higher educa-
tion institutions have the main “potential to stimulate
significant change – improving the knowledge, skills
and competencies of students and society to pro-
mote sustainable development, environmental protec-
tion and other critical tasks. Building an inclusive, in-
novative unified open education program will ensure
equal access for all to quality education; use of inno-
vative teaching, learning and assessment methods, in-
formation tools that will promote international coop-
eration and reforms; exchange of knowledge and mo-
bility of both students and teachers” (EHEA, 2020).
The quality of education is considered to be the
heart of education for all (Madani, 2019), positively
influencing on the changes in student learning (af-
fective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains) and
personal and professional potential (Welzant et al.,
The introduction of ICT in the educational pro-
cess provides the quality implementation of teach-
ers, training of students, the formation of their pro-
fessional competence in the information society, the
development of intellectual and creative potential,
which depends on the level of personal qualities such
as motivation, success, self-esteem, subjective locus
of control (Balakhtar, 2018). Therefore, updating the
experience of using ICT tools to monitor the psycho-
logical component of the quality of higher education
teacher is extremely important today.
The introduction of ICT in the educational pro-
cess of higher education institutions reflects one of the
most important trends in the global information soci-
ety. ICTs can be both an object of study and a learning
tools (Semerikov et al., 2021). In other words, there
are two ways of their formation: the study of com-
puter science (Ponomareva, 2021) and the use of ICT
in professional activities (Kramarenko et al., 2021).
According to Vakulenko (Vakulenko, 2003), ICT of
education are “a set of software, hardware, computer
and communication tools, as well as methods and in-
novative methods of their application to ensure high
efficiency and informatisation of the educational pro-
ICT are appropriate and effective for assessing
learning outcomes, create new opportunities for in-
dividualization and differentiation of the educational
Experience of using ICT Tools for Monitoring the Psychological Component of the Quality of Teacher’s Activity of the Higher Education
process, allows you to easily and quickly adapt to
the new requirements of the monitoring of the quality
of education, ensuring the creation of an optimal en-
vironment for educational services, understanding of
human behaviour in the social environment, life cycle
development and interaction between biological, psy-
chological, socio-structural, economic, political and
cultural factors of the educational process (Balakhtar,
The monitoring is an integral part of the man-
agement of the quality of education; a means of in-
formation diagnosing in the process of carrying the
managerial decisions, analysing the educational ac-
tivities, predicting the changes in the educational pro-
cess etc. The alteration of the living conditions places
the new demands on the quality of education, which
requires the study and evaluation of education indica-
tors, the monitoring of the quality of education as a
major driver of personal growth and development, as
well as the consideration of psychological factors of
higher education quality that contribute to the devel-
opment of the creative and safe environment in higher
education institutions (Bondarchuk, 2017).
Modern ICT is characterized by the presence of
a globally voluntarily integrated system of computer
networks (web) and its services (e-mail, www, etc.),
which allow you to quickly obtain the necessary infor-
mation (testing using Google Forms, online surveys,
forums, etc.). Digital data is easy to account for, sta-
tistical analysis and more. However, nowadays, de-
spite the relevance of monitoring studies in the edu-
cation system, there are no uniform requirements for
their organization and application. There are also no
general criteria for assessing the quality of education
and the ability to take into account the direct impact
of monitoring as a tool, a method of influencing the
quality of education. This effect can be both direct
and indirect.
Thus, the direct influence of the technology of im-
plementation of monitoring methods and its subject
area, and indirect allows taking into account the re-
sults of monitoring in management decisions, correc-
tion of the activities of participants in the educational
process (Bazhenov et al., 2015, p. 104).
It is expedient to conduct monitoring research:
to ensure the quality of educational activities and
the quality of education;
to develop strategies, policies and procedures for
ensuring the quality of education;
to study the needs of participants in the educa-
tional process;
to manage educational activities in higher educa-
tion institutions, etc.
Thus, the monitoring works as a tool for correct-
ing the educational process, the activities of all partic-
ipants in the educational process (both teachers and
students), ensuring the quality of education and the
conditions of its implementation.
The quality of educational process and the effec-
tiveness of the knowledge provided are impossible
without diagnostics and monitoring, among which the
diagnostic forms are questioning and testing. From
this perspective, Google services attracts our attention
as an innovative tool of cloud technology, which let
us control, collect, summarize and analyse the infor-
mation through questionnaires (surveys) using simple
online forms (Google Forms), view the spreadsheets,
and visualize the survey results in graphs and charts
for further analysis.
Google Forms is utterly convenient tool, the
online-service for forming the feedback forms, tests
and surveys in order to organize the remote inter-
action of participants and experts in the framework
of the assessment of the quality of higher education.
These are the complex sets of questionnaires or com-
puter programs that provide personality testing, de-
termining its psychosocial suitability for work, study.
Complexes may be used to determine the opportuni-
ties for professional and personal growth, status and
psychological compatibility of team members, learn-
ing, selection and distribution of specialists in institu-
tions and organizations, etc.
Monitoring the quality of teachers of higher educa-
tion institutions contains an information system that
is constantly updated and replenished based on con-
tinuous monitoring of the state and dynamics of the
main components of educational quality on a set of
defined criteria to develop management decisions to
correct undesirable imbalances based on analysis of
collected information and forecasting the further de-
velopment of the studied processes (Serhiyenko and
Sorokina, 2013).
Monitoring makes it possible to collect and ana-
lyze information to study and evaluate the quality of
education and educational activities and make deci-
sions on the development of the educational process
based on the analysis of identified typical features and
trends. It is the methods of online assessment (on-
line tests) that have significant advantages (Wen and
Tsai, 2006) because they make it possible to mea-
sure and evaluate student performance, acquaintance,
guide the educational process, accelerate the reporting
process, and so on. Online tests help ensure privacy
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
and are more economical.
In general, monitoring studies of educational
problems using online applications for testing origi-
nated in the 1970s in the United States (G
ul et al.,
2015). The results of the research showed signifi-
cant advantages, namely: impartiality of assessment,
speed of controlled validity of the test, accuracy,
scope, and the possibility of international scope.
Mills et al. (Mills et al., 2005), Russell et al. (Rus-
sell et al., 2003) have confirmed correlations between
online forms and offline forms of testing to measure
intelligence and personality abilities. There were no
significant differences between the test results. We
are impressed by the opinion of Pellegrino et al. (Pel-
legrino et al., 1987) concerning the use of stable and
mobile objects in research through computer tech-
nologies (drawing, recording the reaction time of the
answer to test tasks, etc.
Reliability, the validity of online tools (reliable,
valid data gathering instrument) while studying the at-
titude of teachers to educational activities, to methods
of online assessment on the Internet substantiated by
ul et al. (G
ul et al., 2015).
The quality of education is a problem that worries
the whole world community. The qualities of edu-
cation as a component of the “Education for All” pro-
gram is a broad concept and without single interpreta-
tion defining its essence, content and components by
now, moreover, but as Haddad and Demsky (Haddad
and Demsky, 1995) claim, it depends on the policy of
the state. Quality education includes: students, edu-
cational environment, content, process and results.
The Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” reg-
ulates the quality of higher education as “the level
of knowledge, skills, abilities and other competencies
acquired by a person, which reflects its competence
following higher education standards” meets the stan-
dards of higher education, ensures the acquisition of
quality higher education and promotes the creation of
new knowledge” (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2015).
“National Education Glossary: Higher Education”
defines the quality of (in) higher education as “a char-
acteristic of higher education that reflects the compli-
ance of learning outcomes, educational processes and
institutional conditions with the current goals of per-
sonal development and society” (Zakharchenko et al.,
The concept “quality” is constantly influenced by
economy, politics, culture, so it should be flexible, ca-
pable of changing during the evolution of education
and progress (Glasser, 1990). For instance, change-
ability, fairness, efficiency and quality are often used
as synonyms (Glasser, 1990).
The quality of education as a multifaceted cate-
gory by its essence covers various aspects (philosoph-
ical, pedagogical, psychological, social, economic,
etc.). Thus, the quality is understood as the norma-
tive level to which the product of enlightenment cor-
responds (Shamova et al., 2002); the level of achieve-
ment of certain goals and objectives of education, set
of indicators characterizing various aspects of the ed-
ucational process (content of education, forms and
methods of teaching, etc.) (Shishov and Kalney,
2000) and others. The quality of education is about
the value of education (with reference to its contri-
bution to the learning process and its outcome) (Ba-
balola, 2004).
Control and monitoring of the quality of educa-
tion, continuous monitoring of the educational pro-
cess in order to identify its compliance with the de-
sired result and determining, where necessary, cor-
rective and developmental measures, are the impor-
tant tasks of monitoring aimed at the systematic col-
lection, processing, storage and dissemination of in-
formation on the state of education, forecasting with
reason of objective dynamics data and the main ten-
dencies of its development and science-based recom-
mendations making to take the managerial decisions
according to the improving the efficiency of the edu-
cation industry functioning; the current adjustment of
higher education institution’s activity (ENQA, 2015)
The monitoring of the quality of the teachers’ ed-
ucational activities in higher education institutions in
accordance with the public requirements and stake-
holders’ needs provides a purposeful and specially or-
ganized system of continuous (regular and planned)
observation (study), measurement, evaluation, analy-
sis of data on various aspects of teachers’ professional
activity, consequently, the forecasting, the develop-
ment of science-based recommendations for timely
management decisions due to the improving the qual-
ity of the educational process and results.
2.1 The Monitoring Psychological
Component of the Quality of Higher
Monitoring the quality of higher education deter-
mines the state and effectiveness of the educational
process in higher education institutions, its compli-
ance with the requests of society and the individual;
alongside, provides an opportunity to anticipate fur-
ther steps to improve its quality.
According to the “Standards and Recommenda-
tions for Quality Assurance in the European Higher
Education Area” (Balakhtar, 2019), higher educa-
tion institutions are in charge of the competence of
Experience of using ICT Tools for Monitoring the Psychological Component of the Quality of Teacher’s Activity of the Higher Education
teachers and providing them with a favourable envi-
ronment. Creating a comfortable atmosphere allows
teachers to perform their work effectively and higher
education institutions implement the main task of
ensuring the quality of teaching staff.
Monitoring the procedures for ensuring the qual-
ity of education in higher education should, first of
all, give a clear answer to the question of creating
a positive socio-psychological atmosphere for partic-
ipants in the educational process, both students and
teachers. After all, the quality of the educational pro-
cess depends on the teaching staff. Therefore, to en-
sure the quality of higher education, the leadership
of the Free Economic Zone should create an environ-
ment in which the teacher: values his/her professional
skills, seeks to improve, develop, generate original
ideas, and implement them in the educational pro-
cess. Moreover, the teacher wants students to inten-
sify their activities; to develop tolerance; to form crit-
ical thinking, their worldviews and so on (Vasyliuk
et al., 2019). These and many other issues need spe-
cial attention of the Free Economic Zone.
Monitoring of quality assurance procedures in
higher education institutions should give a clear an-
swer to the question of how clear, transparent and
fair the enrollment procedures are; opportunities for
the professional development of teachers; ways to
stimulate scientific activity, conducting research; mo-
tivation to implement innovations, creative teaching
methods and the use of new technologies.
Monitoring is one of the most crucial tools which
changes the information space, improves efficiency,
objectivity and accessibility of information, allows
identifying problems that have arisen in the process of
achieving educational goals; identifying trends in ed-
ucation to develop appropriate educational policies,
and identify psychological atmosphere in the educa-
tional institution. Thus, monitoring serves as a mech-
anism for ensuring quality education.
The higher education quality as transformative
process leads to a focus on psychological factors of
quality of higher education which contribute to the
development of a creative and safe educational en-
vironment (Bondarchuk, 2017). The psychological
component of the monitoring of the quality of edu-
cation involves the providing the information about
the psychological status and satisfaction with the
quality of educational services of the participants of
the educational process, their relationship, the socio-
psychological climate in higher education institu-
tions, etc.
The criteria of this component are: satisfaction of
the requests and needs of the listeners, and indicators:
1) the level of satisfaction of the requests and needs
of the listeners;
2) the relevance of the training content to the listen-
ers’ professional needs and the stakeholders’ re-
quests of as a whole;
3) the listeners’ psychological status and level of sat-
isfaction with the quality of educational services;
4) the nature of the relationship between the partic-
ipants of the educational process and the level of
satisfaction with them;
5) the socio-psychological climate in higher educa-
tion institution as an indicator of the level of
development of organizational culture (Babalola,
2004, p. 6).
Therefore, it should be indicated, as the educa-
tional practice shows, the regular study and the as-
sessment of the data is directly or indirectly carried
out mainly by the first three indicators.
Hereat, the analysis of data on the relevance of the
quality of education to the requests not only of lis-
teners, but also of stakeholders, as a whole, indicates
the expediency of intensifying the processes of self-
education, self-knowledge and self-development of
education workers, improving their qualification. In
particular, this is evidenced by the results of a large-
scale study made by us during 2014–2019 (about
1000 respondents from all regions of Ukraine who
passed the advanced training at the Central Institute
of Postgraduate Education of University of Educa-
tional Management) the attitude of the education in-
stitutions’ employees to their psychological compe-
tence, by which the ambivalent character was re-
vealed (ENQA, 2015). In particular, assessing pos-
itively the results of the acquisition of psychologi-
cal competence in higher education institutions, the
respondents-educators mainly note its need to influ-
ence other participants of the educational process.
Simply a small part of the listeners (less than 10%)
remarks the expediency of using the acquired knowl-
edge for introspection, reflection of the process of
their professional and personal development.
In regards to the indicators “the nature of the re-
lationship between the participants of the educational
process and the level of satisfaction with them”; as
well as the “the socio-psychological climate as an in-
dicator of the level of development of organizational
culture”, they were, despite all actuality, practically
not monitored. Thus, the psychological component
of the monitoring of the quality of education is not
fully implemented and requires the special study, the
procedure of which is greatly facilitated by the use of
Google services.
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
2.2 ICT Tools in the Educational
It is well known that ICT are currently considered
to be a wide range of digital technologies used to
create, transmit, disseminate information and provide
services (Internet, e-mail, software, psychodiagnostic
etc.). Google services include many concepts (infras-
tructure, platforms, software, data, etc.).
In the study, we will understand ICT as a set of
various technological tools and resources used to en-
sure communication, ensuring the quality of educa-
tion and the quality of educational activities, creation,
dissemination, storage and management of informa-
tion by determining the most complete and optimal
content of personal competence of participants, their
professional knowledge, skills, abilities and qualities
(Balakhtar, 2018). In particular, you can use tradi-
tional Google services, and supplementary specially
designed websites for professional psychological di-
agnosis (Kremen and Bykov, 2013), author’s psycho-
logical testing programs, for example, “Comprehen-
sive diagnosis of psycho-social development of the
pedagogical worker with the computer program “Per-
sonal Ψ” (V. Kyrichuk) and others.
According to Burlachuk (Burlachuk, 2008), com-
puter psychodiagnostic is a research field that in-
volves the usage of computer technology to exam-
ine and analyze the results, likewise the development
and application of computer tests. This research area
aimed at developing tools and methods of computer
psychological diagnostics, accompanied by the boost
of fundamentally new types of research and work-
ing methods with psychological information (Maksy-
menko and Kokun, 2019).
Maksymenko and Kokun (Maksymenko and
Kokun, 2019) substantiated the theoretical, method-
ological and practical principles of designing diag-
nostic websites to ensure the practical implementa-
tion of remote (online) professional psychological di-
agnostics. According to scientists, compliance with
the policies proposed by them guarantees psycholog-
ical diagnosis websites: attracting visitors, maintain-
ing the required level of their confidence and interest;
provides anonymity, clarity, convenience and ease of
use; has a high information value, richness of content
and scientific nature; allows to differentiate respon-
dents and help to receive feedback from them.
The main function of Google services is to meet
the users’ needs required the remote processing and
storage of data (Kremen and Bykov, 2013). Google
services is a full-fledged educational tool which en-
ables most effectively to create the own online space
and form a personal educational environment for
teachers and students of higher education institutions.
Google services is a flexible cost-effective model that
can be easily and quickly adapted to new software
requirements, supporting the standardization of such
software and various applications, simplified mainte-
nance through centralized updates. Moreover, they
are supported by various devices (tablets, laptops,
desktops, etc.) of teachers and students; can be used
both in educational institutions and abroad; enable to
save time and increase security through the remote
control and maintenance, etc. (Spirin and Vakaliuk,
2019). Using Google services enables to develop
the digital competency (the ability to consciously and
critically use the digital society technologies), as well
as the information and communication competence as
a person’s ability to use information and communica-
tion technology in practice to meet individual needs
and solve the socially significant, in particular, profes-
sional tasks in a subject area (Bakum and Morozova,
2015; Vlasenko et al., 2019; Moiseienko et al., 2020;
Bondarchuk et al., 2020).
There are many types of Google services, but in
the context of the problem under study we are inter-
ested in the service of the Google Drive cloud storage
that can help organize the monitoring of the quality
of education etc. In order to work with it, the Gmail
account should be created. The browser-based ap-
plication is available for free to create any number
of Google Forms (web pages) that host a form or a
questionnaire. Google Forms opens up an extremely
wide field of opportunity and creates an opportunity
to achieve the stated goal in a short time and collect
answers to your questions.
2.3 The Monitoring Procedure of the
Quality of the Psychological
Component of the Educational
Therewith, the improvement of the internal system of
the ensuring with the monitoring of the quality of edu-
cation in higher education institutions, we have com-
piled a series of express methods (based on Google
Form) on the indicators “the nature of the relationship
between the participants of the educational process
and the level of satisfaction with them”, “the socio-
psychological climate in higher education institutions
as an indicator of the level of development of organi-
zational culture”, etc. scientifically-based recommen-
dations for further improvement of the quality of the
educational process in the educational institution by
the psychological component.
Google Forms permits: to make the question-
Experience of using ICT Tools for Monitoring the Psychological Component of the Quality of Teacher’s Activity of the Higher Education
naire available to respondents as soon as it is created,
upon it can be edited, meanwhile the questions can
be opened and analysed; to embed it on a site page,
distribute it through mobile networks, where it can be
filled by potential respondents; the service automati-
cally to generate a spreadsheet to collect and process
the responses to the author of the form, and to display
the results of the survey as a spreadsheet (or filtered
list) which has all the features and capabilities of a
regular Google chart; the service to make it possible
to view the answers of all the respondents and sep-
arately each of them individually without a spread-
sheet, but with the appropriate statistics in the dia-
grams and graphs data given in qualitative and per-
centage values formats; to summarize the answers in
graphical and numerical format.
We have created the Google Forms (ENQA,
2015), namely “The Quality of the Educational Pro-
cess: the Psychological Component” containing four
techniques. The first method due to the assess-
ment the psychological atmosphere in the unit (team)
proposes to choose the opposite by contents pairs
of words (by A. Fiedler), which allows describing
the nature of interpersonal relationships in the unit
(Fetiskin et al., 2002).
The respondent chooses the correct answer for
him/her and puts a mark in each pair (1 to 7),
thereby choosing closer to the right or left word,
which indicates a more pronounced sign of interper-
sonal relationships in the unit, such as “agreement” or
“disagreement”, “satisfaction”, “dissatisfaction”, etc.
(figure 1).
Figure 1: The interface of Google forms for learning the
quality of the educational process.
The screenshot highlights the title of the study
“The Quality of the Educational Process: the Psycho-
logical Component”, as well as the Method 1 instruc-
tion for the respondents to determine the psychologi-
cal atmosphere in the team.
During the implementation of the second method-
ology for the diagnosis of psychological atmosphere
in a small production group (authors V. Shpalyn-
skyi, E. Shelest) (Bondarchuk, 2018), in the adapta-
tion of O. Bondarchuk), on a 5-point scale, the re-
spondents rate the degree of their favourable climate
for the team (goodwill, trusting relationships, joy for
success of colleagues, relations with management, ad-
herence to rules in the team, etc.) (figure 2).
Figure 2: The interface of Google forms for learning the
psychological climate (Method 2).
Referring to figure 2 the Method 2 “Rate the pro-
posed statements on the 5-point scale by the algo-
rithm” is shown on the previous screenshot:
1 point – strongly disagree;
2 points – disagree;
3 points – hard to say;
4 points – agree;
5 points – completely agree.
Based on the answers of the respondents, the
Google Forms gives an opportunity to determine the
level of favourable (high, above average, average, be-
low average and unfavourable) psychological climate
in the team.
Likewise, the Methods about learning the group
cohesion (Sisor Index, adapted by O. Bondarchuk)
and the psychological security of the educational en-
vironment, allowing determining the level of the psy-
chological security in the educational environment
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
(by I. Baeva, modified by O. Bondarchuk (Bon-
darchuk, 2018)), (The Methods 3 and 4 respectively)
were applied.
After filling in the Google Form, the respondent
must click the button “Submit” (figure 3).
Figure 3: The interface of the “Submit” function.
Referring to figure 3 the screenshot shows the op-
tion of choosing the answers for the employee’s pro-
tection “From the unfriendly attitude of the adminis-
tration” and “How satisfied are you with your life as a
whole?”. The “Submit” function is visible at the end.
After receiving the answers, we are able to review
them, create a spreadsheet or chart where it is possi-
ble to examine the statistics for each question, analyse
appropriately, evaluate etc. The results of the answers
can be obtained in the form of the linear scale figure 4
or diagrams figure 5.
The example of the analysis of the answers in the
form of the linear scale to the question “Would you
go to another unit if this opportunity happened (with-
out changing other conditions)?” and “What are the
relationships between the members of your unit?” is
given in figure 4.
The results of the study provide the following an-
swers to the question “yes, I would strongly like
to move”, “I do not know, it is hard to say”, “would
rather move than stay”, “see no difference”, “most
likely would stay in to my unit”, “would strongly like
to stay in my unit”.
The analysis of the results enables to make a deep
analysis of the psychological conditions, as well as
facilitate the development of recommendations, pro-
grams for improving the social and psychological cli-
mate in the educational institution.
Figure 4: The statistical analysis of the answers to the ques-
tions in the form of the linear scale.
The analysis of the results enables to make a deep analysis of the psychological conditions, as well as facilitate the
development of recommendations, programs for improving the social and psychological climate in the educational
Thus, in particular, the analysis of the results of the pilot survey of the Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National
University and SHEI “University of Educational management” teachers, the case of which is given in Fig. 5., allows to
conclude about the significant problems of the psychological assurance of the quality of education, nevertheless, as it is
seen from the figure, just 47.8 % of teachers consider the relations in the team as favourable. 25% of respondents would
change the jobs. It is quite problematic to provide a student-centred approach to the organization of the educational
process in such situation
Accordingly, it is urgent to develop the special psychological and managerial measures to minimize the revealed
negative tendencies in the activity and interaction of higher education institutions teachers.
Fig. 5. The statistical analysis of the answers to the questions in the form of diagrams.
Figure 5: The statistical analysis of the answers to the ques-
tions in the form of diagrams.
Thus, in particular, the analysis of the results of
the pilot survey of the Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi
National University and University of Educational
Management teachers, the case of which is given
in figure 5, allows to conclude about the significant
problems of the psychological assurance of the qual-
ity of education, nevertheless, as it is seen from the
figure, just 47.8% of teachers consider the relations
in the team as favourable. 25% of respondents would
change the jobs. It is quite problematic to provide
a student-centred approach to the organization of the
Experience of using ICT Tools for Monitoring the Psychological Component of the Quality of Teacher’s Activity of the Higher Education
educational process in such situation
Accordingly, it is urgent to develop the special
psychological and managerial measures to minimize
the revealed negative tendencies in the activity and in-
teraction of higher education institutions teachers.
To ensure the psychological component of the
quality of higher education and its diagnosis, the
teacher of the Department of Management Psy-
chology of University of Educational Management
V. Kyrichuk developed a computer program “Com-
prehensive diagnosis of psychosocial development of
the teacher “Personnel – Ψ”.
The comprehensive program allows for person-
ality testing determining psychosocial suitability for
work in various fields of science and production, op-
portunities for professional and personal growth, sta-
tus and psychological compatibility of team members
and more. It is practicable to use the complex also for
the study, selection and distribution of specialists in
institutions and organizations.
The program allows you to direct testing in differ-
ent directions (figure 6):
1. “Data” This section allows you to enter personal
data, edit data on existing staff, save and down-
load data from a file.
2. “Polls” – The section includes questionnaires and
allows you to print them, i.e.:
personality type;
features of interpersonal relationships;
features of professional-pedagogical activity;
socio-psychological attitudes;
personality orientation;
motives and motivation of activity;
leadership and leadership styles;
3. “Forms” The section includes answer sheets and
allows you to print them.
4. “Testing” The section allows you to enter the
results of blank testing.
5. “Dialogue” – This section allows you to test with
questions on the monitor screen.
6. “Characteristics” The section includes test re-
sults, allows you to view and print text and
graphic characteristics of the tested persons
7. “Statistics” The section includes statistical in-
formation for the team and also allows you to se-
lect staff for various social and psychological cri-
teria for the study.
8. “Conclusions” The section includes problems
and potentials of one or a group of respondents,
as well as to design an algorithm for solving prob-
lems through potentials.
9. “Options” This section allows you to configure
the technical parameters of the program.
10. “Help” The section includes help with the pro-
Figure 7 shows an example of a test interface
with the input of results into the database of the
program for processing. Besides, it is possible to
view and print statistical data according to the socio-
psychological guidelines of the team, which is sorted
by social indicators or selected in the section “Selec-
tion of persons for statistics”.
The program includes a group of techniques
(questionnaires) that allow you to obtain diagnostic
information that lets you quantitatively and qualita-
tively compare the individual (group) with other indi-
viduals (groups) according to some psychological and
social parameters.
The program allows testing in the form of a simple
dialogue with the user: to study the motives and mo-
tivations of the individual, professional traits, aspira-
tions and preferences, leisure activities, opportunities
to work in a team, etc (figure 8).
It is acceptable to see the graph on the vertical axis
shows the number of people who correspond to one
of the levels of motivation, and on the horizontal axis
four types of motivation. The table shows the level of
motivation for each person separately.
The program generates a personality characteris-
tic based on the results of all passed tests. The char-
acteristic or type of personality contains a description
of the vital qualities as a bunch of the most devel-
oped abilities; analysis the possibilities of realization
of qualities in practice. The program also determines
the features of the teacher’s thinking (theoretical or
practical); communication; peculiarities of value, mo-
tivational, cognitive spheres; ability to work in a team;
leadership qualities, etc (figure 9).
The computer program “Personnel Ψ enables
to determine the psychological portrait of the team on
the teachers’ individual characteristics in the team of
higher education (figure 10).
The psychological portrait takes into account the
following indicators:
personality type (12 types),
orientation (orientation can be determined as for
individual and for the team as a whole)
interpersonal relationships (authoritarianism,
moderation, dependence, aggression, ability to
cooperate, altruism, etc.),
priority values (process, result, altruism, selfish-
ness, work, freedom, power, money),
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 6: The interface of complex diagnostics of psycho-social development of individual educational worker using a com-
puter program “Personnel - Ψ”.
teacher as a professional (value priorities, psycho-
emotional style, self-esteem, teaching style),
motivation (aspiration, success, willingness to
take risks, avoidance of failures, etc.),
management style (authoritarian, passive, demo-
leadership (leadership, management styles and
self-management in the team),
driving style (levels of truthfulness for each indi-
vidual and in the team as a whole)
The program saves data about respondents, cre-
ating a database. In the section “Statistics” you
can search and elect staff according to socio-
psychological criteria.
According to the selected parameters, the program
formed a portrait of the individual or group of respon-
dents as a whole, which makes it possible to predict
and project the rise of business and interpersonal re-
lationships of the individual in the team (figure 11).
Figure 11 shows the graph on the vertical axis
shows the number of people who correspond to a cer-
tain type of orientation, and on the horizontal axis six
types of orientations. The percentage of types of ori-
entations in the team is also shown. The table shows
the focus on each person separately.
The computer program “Personnel Ψ accord-
ing to the test results offers to review the problems
and potential capabilities of the person and the whole
team (figure 12, figure 13).
Figure 12 shows that the program analyses the ex-
isting problems in the teaching staff, alongside de-
termines the number of people who have another
case. The program presents the following: inse-
curity in their abilities; tendency to self-oppression,
obedience, submission to all, passivity; lack of con-
formism, criticism, ability to find common ground;
hyper-responsibility, sacrifice in the interests of others
to the detriment of oneself; indifference to the prob-
lems of others; insufficient interest in the work pro-
cess; lack of confidence, perseverance, desire to suc-
ceed; there is no independence in decision-making;
the need for help and support; excessive desire to
work; unstable self-esteem; excessive self-demand;
feelings of dissatisfaction with work, anxiety, fear,
insecurity; lack of manifestation to help others; too
much self-sacrifice for the benefit of others and to the
detriment of oneself; deep experience of failure, de-
viation from a moderate, realistic lifestyle; insensitiv-
ity when communicating with people; initiator of the
conflict, organizer of opposition to any leader, etc.
In addition, the program allows you to determine
the potential of the teacher and the entire teaching
staff of the educational institution (figure 13): the
ability to organize the work of the group, the tendency
to leadership; loyalty to others; self-confidence, inde-
pendence to have one’s own opinion; conformism in
adapting adequately to the situation; desire for coop-
eration, tendency to compromise; attention to the con-
cerns of others, emotionality, desire to support others;
Experience of using ICT Tools for Monitoring the Psychological Component of the Quality of Teacher’s Activity of the Higher Education
Figure 7: The testing interface with entering the results into the database of the program to be processed.
Figure 8: The testing interface in the form of a simple dia-
logue with the user.
the process of work captures on a par with the end
result; confidence, persistence in achieving the result;
the presence of positive selfishness for the benefit of
oneself and others; persistent desire to work; the abil-
ity to independently choose a decision or action; pur-
posefulness, the presence of strong-willed qualities; a
sense of the reality of receiving and spending money;
a positive psycho-emotional state increases work effi-
ciency; property of positive self-education; adequate
assessment of success in activities and status in the
team; confidence in situations of achieving real goals;
realism in choosing goals in order to achieve success;
The program allows testing in the form of a simple dialogue with the user: to study the motives and motivations of
the individual, professional traits, aspirations and preferences, leisure activities, opportunities to work in a team, etc.
(Fig. 8).
It is acceptable to see the graph on the vertical axis shows the number of people who correspond to one of the levels
of motivation, and on the horizontal axis four types of motivation. The table shows the level of motivation for each
person separately
The program generates a personality characteristic based on the results of all passed tests. The characteristic or type
of personality contains a description of the vital qualities as a bunch of the most developed abilities; analysis the
possibilities of realization of qualities in practice. The program also determines the features of the teachers thinking
(theoretical or practical); communication; peculiarities of value, motivational, cognitive spheres; ability to work in a
team; leadership qualities, etc. (Fig. 9).
Fig. 9. The interface of generating the program characteristics based on the results of all tests passed
The computer program “Personnel – Ψ” enables to determine the psychological portrait of the team on the teachers
individual characteristics in the team of higher education (Fig. 10).
The psychological portrait takes into account the following indicators:
(12 types),
al and for the team as a whole)
lue priorities, psycho-emotional style, self-esteem, teaching style),
styles and self-management in the team),
Figure 9: The interface of generating the program charac-
teristics based on the results of all tests passed.
high risk appetite; close acceptance of students’ inter-
ests and problems; high degree of acceptance of one-
self and others, good psycho-emotional state; lack of
supremacy, authoritarian tendencies, etc.
After testing, it is possible to view and print the re-
sults, also the computer program “Personnel – Ψ” of-
fers socio-psychological guidelines for both the indi-
vidual and the team of teachers, in general (figure 14).
Thus, monitoring the quality of the psychological
component of educational activities in higher educa-
tion institutions using the computer program “Person-
nel Ψ showed the feasibility and effectiveness of its
The program allows not only to explore the psy-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 10: The interface “Psychological portrait of the
team” of the computer program “Personnel – Ψ”.
Figure 11: The interface of the “Statistics” section of the
computer program “Personnel – Ψ”.
chosocial development of teachers but also identify
problems, offer socio-psychological guidelines, tak-
ing into account the potential of the individual (of the
team), improve the quality of education and educa-
tional activities in higher education.
2.4 Appraisal of ICT as a Tool for
Monitoring the Quality of
In nowadays conditions, the importance of lifelong
learning is growing, which gives impetus to the de-
velopment of new models, ICT, which contribute to
the emergence of both new approaches to learning
and new forms and methods of interaction (Balach-
eff, 1993).
ICT is not only a tool for learning that allows you
to solve real problems of the educational process, us-
ing simulation systems to analyze situations (Hampel
et al., 1998), but also provides an enabling environ-
ment that helps teachers and students create a climate
of collaborative knowledge building, thereby chang-
ing their traditional roles (Bottino et al., 1999) and
forming a new understanding the process of teach-
Figure 12: The interface of the section “Statistics”: “Prob-
lems of the team”.
Figure 13: The interface of the section “Statistics”: “Poten-
tial opportunities”.
ing, learning, developing methods to transform these
new views into educational practice (Forcheri and
Molfino, 2000).
Among the advantages of using ICT, in particu-
lar for monitoring the psychological component of
the quality of education in higher education insti-
tutions, scientists (Maksymenko and Kokun, 2019;
Bykov et al., 2019; H
ansgen and Perrez, 2001) iden-
increase the efficiency of activities due to (due
to) the speed of data processing and the ability to
cover a large amount of research (scale) in a short
time by simultaneously testing many respondents;
the ability to focus on solving exclusively profes-
sional problems;
clarity, reliability and validity of research and ex-
Experience of using ICT Tools for Monitoring the Psychological Component of the Quality of Teacher’s Activity of the Higher Education
Figure 14: The interface of the program section “Personnel
Ψ” “Socio-psychological guidance”.
clusion of data processing errors that can be made
by manual calculation of the original data;
standardization of diagnostic conditions due to the
same instructions for all respondents;
the possibility of both presentation and re-
examination of the survey results separately by
each respondent and all together;
the ability to be more precise and more open to re-
spondents during testing due to the confidentiality
and automation of testing;
opportunity to enrich the experience of teachers
with the help of a computer, interpretation of test
the ability to collect statistical data of the respon-
dent (team) and store test results for a long time;
re-diagnose, analyze and compare data.
Oleg Kokun substantiated the theoretical, method-
ological and practical principles of development of di-
agnostic website design for the practical implementa-
tion of the computer for professional psychological
diagnosis personality (on the Internet). Researcher
claim that adherence to the principles defined by
them guarantees: attracting visitors and maintaining
a certain level of their confidence and interest; ensur-
ing anonymity, clarity, convenience and ease of use;
high information value, content and scientific nature
of websites; differentiation of respondents and assis-
tance in obtaining feedback. Scientist have developed
websites for professional psychological diagnostics,
which have been implemented and tested in practice
(http://prof-diagnost.org, http://hr-test.org).
The sites have different orientations and con-
tribute to the solution of various research tasks: psy-
chophysiological support of becoming a specialist
by the type of professions “person-person”; study
of psychophysiological patterns of professional self-
realization of the individual; adaptation of the scale
of psychodiagnostic methods, occupational stress and
the scale of occupational disability, etc.
The monitoring of the quality of education with
Google Forms enables swiftly to get the feedback
from the participants of the educational process on
the quality and outcomes of the educational activ-
ity. This is evidenced, in particular, by the valida-
tion of the Google Forms created in the pilot study,
which confirmed the efficiency in obtaining infor-
mation, analysing the quality and percentage values
in graphical and numerical format, reaching a large
number of participants in a short time.
It is noteworthy, that the data from a Google
Forms spread sheet is easily imported into other
spreadsheets (including SPSS) with aim of in-depth
processing of results using factor, cluster or regres-
sion procedures and other kinds of statistical analysis.
Based on the evaluation of the monitoring results
of the quality of education, a set of corrective and
developmental measures is determined in accordance
with the conceptual goals and objectives of the func-
tioning and transformation of the educational system
presently (Fetiskin et al., 2002).
Consequently, the usage of Google services, the
Google Forms notably, contributes to the improve-
ment of the internal system of the ensuring the mon-
itoring of the quality of education, the development
of science-based recommendations for the further im-
provement of the quality of education in higher edu-
cation institutions with the psychological component,
and furthermore, the improvement the competitive-
ness and attractiveness of educational institutions in
regard to the analysis of their resources.
The documents and spreadsheets, created by us-
ing Google services, are stored on a Google servers
(or can be saved to a file) (Kondratenko et al., 2016),
which is one of the key benefits of the program, since
the access to the given data may be entered from any
computer or mobile phone connected to the Internet.
Furthermore, the obtained resources can be used
to adjust the management system in the educational
institutions, managing goals, vision, mission, the ed-
ucational environment (Sranamkam, 2014), as well as
to increase motivation and efficiency (Lukina, 2007),
to train a person to learn and apply modern interna-
tional relations.
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
The authors describe research related to monitor-
ing the psychological component of higher educa-
tion quality through the introduction of ICT in edu-
cation a set of various technological tools and re-
sources used to ensure communication, quality of ed-
ucation and quality of educational activities, creation,
dissemination, preservation and management infor-
mation by determining the most complete and optimal
content of the formation of personal competence of
participants in the educational process, their profes-
sional knowledge, skills, abilities and qualities. These
are Google services, specially created websites for
professional psychological diagnostics, author’s pro-
grams of psychological testing (Comprehensive diag-
nostics of psychosocial development of the pedagog-
ical worker’s personality with the help of the com-
puter program “Personnel Ψ”), etc. ICT capabili-
ties open up a vast range of possibilities, allow you to
create sites, programs, text documents, presentations,
spreadsheets, forms, drawings and other documents.
The organization of monitoring the quality of the
psychological component of education using Google
Forms allows not only to determine the nature of rela-
tionships between participants in the educational pro-
cess and their level of satisfaction, and the socio-
psychological climate as an indicator of organiza-
tional culture but also to make management decisions
and forecast the educational environment; promptly
intervene and make appropriate adjustments to the
learning process; specifically, plan work on the rel-
evant problem in higher education institutions; to cre-
ate conditions for comparison of own estimation of
activity of pedagogical collective with independent
Thus, there is an urgent need to develop a reli-
able and effective set of tools for holistic and opera-
tional monitoring of the quality of education through
Google services, not only for the psychological com-
ponent but also for all criteria and indicators of higher
education, which determines the prospects for further
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