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develop recommendations for improving the forma-
tion of communicative competence of IT specialists
at higher education institutions. Vocational training
of IT professionals in the 21st century should in-
volve significant intensification of language training,
whereby synergies should be achieved through a set
of training measures of active vocational and linguis-
tic training within separate practical courses; foreign
language training should have the real-life flexible
and variable context, taking into account the field of
knowledge, its current state and sustainable develop-
ment strategies and ideas. In the vocational training
of IT professionals coherent problem modules with
elements of private, business, academic professional
and scientific communication in both oral and writ-
ten formats should be implemented. It is necessary
to emphasize that foreign language teachers need to
modify the content, forms and methods of teaching
foreign languages to meet the requirements of profes-
sional communities in order to ensure the proper level
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Content Analysis of Course Books and Online Courses for Teaching English for Specific Purposes for IT Professionals