solidate the knowledge gained during their class work
in their native language.
The video format, which is offered by the
“LearnGerman” channel, for example (Learn Ger-
man, 2016), allows you to achieve better results in one
more direction of language work. This is a kind of
educational activity, such as home or academic read-
ing. Generally, the main goal of individual reading
is to develop perceiving skills of written foreign lan-
guage text, expanding vocabulary and deepening lin-
guistic competence. The accompaniment of audio re-
production of the available for visual perception of the
printed source contributes not only to the accompa-
nying development of the above-mentioned listening
skills, but also to the improvement of pronunciation.
Comparison of the results of text work in two groups
of students, one of which used only paper, and the
other – audiovisual, showed that the pronunciation,
and most importantly intonation, during the retelling
of certain passages of the read (and listened) story in
the second group significantly improved.
Returning to the institutions that promote German
in the world, the Goethe-Institute should be reminded
once more and noted that a significant number of its
projects on YouTube and not only there is intended
to prepare applicants for exams to confirm a certain
level of language proficiency. In collaboration with
the institute, there are also numerous printed guides
from several German publishing houses, mostly ac-
companied by interactive exercises and audio materi-
als. This logically updates the question of what is and
is there in general the prevalence of video channels
over “classical”, albeit modernized, learning tools. In
our opinion, the advantage becomes more obvious,
the higher level of language proficiency of the person
who prepares for the exam is.
According to (Goethe-Institut, 2021b), having
passed the “Goethe-Zertifikat” C1 / C2 exam, you
confirm the ability to “understand a wide range of
long, rather difficult texts, also capturing the hidden
meaning, ... flexible use of language in public and
professional life, ... easy understanding of almost ev-
erything, read or heard in German”. So, in order to
confirm the C1 / C2 level it is not enough just to speak
correctly and quickly on all well-known topics, but
you must be aware of all topics, understand the cur-
rent trends in the development of science and culture
in the world and Germany in particular, and therefore
be able to get the latest information about the coun-
try. Despite the fact that exam preparation tools are
quite often updated, so that available information at
the time of the exam may become somewhat obsolete.
It’s possible to be informed if you read periodicals
regularly, listen to radio or watch videos on television
or YouTube channels. However, only special videos
are accompanied by subtitles or full text, translations,
explanations, and exercises that convert them from the
usual source of information to the learning tool. The
“LearnGerman” channel offers, among other things,
German daily news editions, and adapted by subti-
tles for foreigners videos, which are published several
times a day, for example (Learn German, 2021).
The number of educational author channels of var-
ious content (from lexical / grammatical explanations
and audio exercises to reading / listening to literary
texts and preparation for language tests) is constantly
increasing. Informal educational videos feature a
relaxed atmosphere, relevance, and meta-language
reflection opportunity, gaining increasing popularity
due to such characteristics. Interested in learning lan-
guage may choose a teacher not only by the form of
teaching didactic material (home videos in the format
of communication tete-a-tete or recorded videos), but
also by the personal authors’ qualities. The latter, in
fact, significantly contribute to the promotion of the
language and its coverage by a broad audience. It is
rarely when a higher schoolteacher may boast thou-
sands of students from around the world who are ea-
gerly awaiting each of his lectures, often defining its
A brief didactical analysis of the general opportu-
nities and practical experience of using the materials
of several relevant in the thematic plan channels with
a quite wide permanent audience is presented below.
The author of the “Slow German” channel, Anik
Rubens, offers users of YouTube audio clips on a
wide variety of topics (biographies of prominent Ger-
man figures, national traditions and customs, domes-
tic issues, social relationships, etc.), dictated at a slow
tempo in order to ensure their better understanding.
Each lesson is complemented by full written sup-
port of the sounded text. Using the Urlaub (Vaca-
tion) (Rubens, 2015) material while studying the topic
“Travelling” by the Practical Course of German Lan-
guage (PCGL) program, in combination with self-
developed exercises to control understanding showed
that the tempo of teaching is optimal for students who
speak German at the A2 level / B1, since the vast ma-
jority of them understood the general meaning of the
heard information after the first listening, and some
nuances – after the second or the third.
The “Deutschlernen durch H
oren” channel also
produces audio tutorials (educational dialogues on
various themes, songs) and video materials. In partic-
ular, audio texts with control tasks are similar to those
used during the “Telc” language exam passing, for ex-
ample (Learn German Easily, 2020). Doing a trial test
on the YouTube platform allows you to feel the atmo-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology