of ontologies; 2) the number of defects; 3) the
speed of addition of already created ontologies.
Based on the analysis of the results, it should be
noted that by all criteria the indicators of students
of the experimental group, where the process of
designing computer ontology of the subject area
of the discipline is carried out on the basis of the
proposed scheme of ontology and methodology
based on the use of computer ontology system (in
our case, web-oriented environment WebProt
were higher than the indicators of the students of
the control groups who carried out design using
declarative programming languages.
6. The continuation of scientific research on the
given problem is useful in the study of the de-
pendence of constructed hierarchy concepts in the
computer ontology of the subject discipline and
the development of ontologically managed infor-
mation systems on their basis.
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology