for practical work, recommendations for independent
work, test control tasks , criteria for assessing stu-
dents’ achievement, and a glossary. In addition, we
suggest using the G Suite network services to cre-
ate and maintain one’s own blog based on Blogger or
Sites Creator to create and maintain a personal web-
site. With their help, future primary school teachers
have the opportunity to share their own developments
and achievements in compliance with copyright and
use the experience gained not only during training,
but also in further professional activities.
Google services allow to process text documents
in almost all formats, build charts, graphs and tables
(Google Sheets) without installing additional pro-
grams on gadgets, as well as present the results of
one’s activities in the form of self-created presenta-
All materials for independent work are placed in
the Classroom environment, the program and method-
ical support of remote forms of interaction of stu-
dents with the teacher through dialogue communica-
tion “student – content”, “student – teacher”, “student
– student” is adjusted. Studying the disciplines of
general professional training, students independently
used electronic dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference
books, textbooks, computer simulators and tests, in-
formation resources of the Internet.
An integrated approach to the modernization of ID
training for bachelors of secondary education also ap-
plies to their practical training, which has been and re-
mains an important form of the educational process.
At the time of the formative stage of the pedagogi-
cal experiment, there were two practices – educational
research and student teaching. The program of both
kinds of practice provides for trial and credit classes
in primary school subjects, and work as a teacher in
the performance of all the duties. Student teaching
practice allows students to test knowledge, skills, and
values acquired during the study period in the real
educational process. The internship lasts six weeks,
and the curriculum provides for 6 credits. One of the
main tasks of student teaching practice is to develop
the ability to use modern IDT, working as a primary
school teacher. Students were in a real educational en-
vironment where they studied the positive experience
of using IDT in primary school; analyzed lessons in
which digital educational resources were used; pro-
duced handouts for young learners using IDT and
digital demonstration materials for the lesson. Stu-
dents gained experience working with parents, in par-
ticular, provided assistance in organizing the work of
schoolchildren with electronic educational resources;
conducting public speeches to teachers and parents
with reports and messages on the use of modern in-
novative educational materials with a digital compo-
nent; formed a methodical treasury of digital educa-
tional resources for primary school.
In general, the process of training future teachers
uses a wide range of types of control measures (oral
examination, written tasks of control work, question-
naires, testing, etc.). All of them were preserved in
the experimental methodology, but supplemented by
the protection of the internship report, prepared in
the form of a presentation, and expert evaluation of
projects completed by students (methodologists and
teachers acted as experts). Projects performed by stu-
dents of the experimental group in the conditions of
online learning on the topic “Organization of online
learning of primary school students in the conditions
of restrictive quarantine measures” were evaluated.
Students had to create distance materials from one
(optional) subject of primary school. The project had
to contain methodically processed theoretical mate-
rial, as well as drawings, videos, interesting presenta-
tions, crossword puzzles, tests, interactive exercises,
etc., developed at https://learningapps.org.
Under the conditions of quarantine, students im-
plemented the developed projects in the classes as-
signed to them, where students studied distance
courses developed by trainees. Experts evaluated the
content of the developed fragment of the distance
course, the volume, compliance with the curriculum,
the form of presentation of educational material, con-
tent with interactive exercises, online tests, audio and
video materials.
Thus, in order to conduct a pedagogical experi-
ment, all forms of organization of the educational pro-
cess and types of educational activities provided for
in Article 50 of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Ed-
ucation” were modernized. This allowed organizing
and conducting an experimental test of the effective-
ness of the formation of ID-competence of bachelors
of primary education based on an integrated approach.
The purpose of the ascertaining stage of the ped-
agogical experiment was to identify residual knowl-
edge and practical skills that characterize the digital
competence of college graduates who have obtained
the educational qualification level of junior special-
ist (professional junior bachelor) and expressed a de-
sire to continue their studies at the bachelor level. At
this stage, 112 students of Bar Humanitarian Peda-
gogical College named after Mikhailo Hrushevsky,
Uman Humanitarian Pedagogical College named af-
ter T.H. Shevchenko and Khmelnytsky Pedagogical
College of Khmelnytsky Humanitarian and Pedagog-
ical Academy took part in the experiment. All of them
were entrants on the basis of basic general secondary
education, and after obtaining the degree of profes-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology