Experimental Verification of Efficiency of the Formation of Information
and Digital Competence of Bachelors of Primary Education based on an
Integrated Approach
Olga G. Yaroshenko
1 a
, Olena D. Samborska
2 b
and Arnold E. Kiv
3 c
Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine, 9 Bastionna Str., Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine
Bar Humanitarian and Pedagogical College named after Mykhailo Hrushevsky, 1, Hrushevsky Sq., Bar, 23000, Ukraine
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O.B. 653, Beer Sheva, 8410501, Israel
Basic Forms of Educational Process, Control and Experimental Groups, Educational and Methodological
Support, Future Primary School Teachers, Information and Digital Training, Integrated Approach, Levels of
Information and Digital Competence, Modernization.
The article deals with the organization, process and results of the experimental verification of the integrated
approach to the modernization of information and digital training of future primary school teachers, which
was theoretically grounded in the research. The experiment, which took place in some pedagogical colleges,
involved the main forms of the educational process (classes, independent work, practical training, and tests),
and included the study of the author’s elective course “Modern Information and Digital Technologies in the
Educational Process of Primary School”. Appropriate methodological support has been developed for the for-
mative stage of the pedagogical experiment. It consists of an electronic textbook “Modern Information and
Digital Technologies in the Educational Process of Primary School”, lesson plans, tasks for independent work
and undergraduate pedagogical practice, test tasks of various types for current and final control, algorithms
for practical work, and project topics. The educational process was based on electronic teaching aids such as
slide libraries, video clips, interactive exercises and illustrations, electronic textbooks, including the author’s
teaching aids to the module “Google services in the work of primary school teachers”. The two-year forma-
tive stage of the pedagogical experiment, which was attended by control and experimental groups of future
bachelors of secondary education, confirmed the positive impact of the integrated approach on modernization
of information and digital training of future primary school teachers and proved its effectiveness. During the
period of its implementation, the levels of formation of cognitive, operational and value components of stu-
dents’ ID competence in the experimental group were significantly higher compared to the levels in the control
group. Students in the experimental group were better prepared to conduct online training of primary school
children in the conditions of quarantine restrictions caused by respiratory disease COVID-19. The statistical
evaluation of the results of formation of students’ ID competence in the conditions of realization of the in-
tegrated approach to modernization of ID training at the bachelor’s level of higher education carried out by
criterion 2 proved its efficiency.
For the informatized high-tech society, the
widespread introduction of information and dig-
ital technologies (IDT), their acquisition of the status
of a component of the internal quality assurance sys-
tem of education has become a characteristic feature.
The training of higher education students with the
use of IDT is now mandatory, and in a pandemic, its
role has increased considerably. The need to improve
educational systems using innovative IDT, modern
technical means of communication and implemen-
tation of innovative activities is emphasized by the
Concept of Information Policy for Development and
Promotion of the Information Society (UNESCO,
2003), National strategy for the development of
education in Ukraine until 2021 (Verkhovna Rada
of Ukraine, 2013), and Conceptual principles of
Yaroshenko, O., Samborska, O. and Kiv, A.
Experimental Verification of Efficiency of the Formation of Information and Digital Competence of Bachelors of Primary Education based on an Integrated Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0010926800003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 1, pages 644-652
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
pedagogical education in Ukraine and its integration
into the European education area (osvita.ua, 2004).
Each educational branch has its own peculiarities
of using IDT. In institutions of higher pedagogical
education, they consist in the fact that in addition
to teaching students with a variety of tools, devices,
programs, monitoring learning outcomes, prospective
teachers are also prepared for effective use of IDT in
their future professional activities. Graduates should
have the ability to transfer the acquired knowledge
and skills to schoolchildren, taking into account their
age and individual characteristics.
Under the conditions of implementing the State
Standard of Primary Education (KMU, 2018), the Na-
tional Strategy for Education Development in Ukraine
for 2012–2021 (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2013),
the Concept of implementation of state policy in the
field of general reform secondary education “New
Ukrainian School” for the period up to 2029 (os-
vita.ua, 2016), the need to modernize future teachers’
training and bring educational programs in line with
the needs of the digital economy and information ed-
ucational environment is emphasized.
The analysis of scientific papers showed that
the use of IDT in the educational process is the
subject of study by many researchers (Andriievska,
2019; Drokina, 2016; Hurzhii and Lapinskyi, 2015;
Kuzminska et al., 2019; Morze and Strutynska,
2021; Morze et al., 2017; Onishchenko, 2015, 2016;
Petukhova, 2009; Spirin, 2013; Upatova, 2018, 2019).
In (Krumsvik, 2014; Lavrentieva et al., 2020; Mc-
Garr et al., 2021; Porl
an and S
anchez, 2016; Røkenes,
2016; Vlasenko et al., 2019), information and digital
training of future teachers is positioned as one that en-
sures the quality of higher education and is important
for developing their professional competence. Based
on the purpose and objectives of our research, detailed
analysis was given to the papers related to training fu-
ture primary school teachers using IDT and to their
readiness to use ICT in the educational process of pri-
mary school.
Andriievska (Andriievska, 2019) analyzed train-
ing future primary school teachers to use informa-
tion and communication technologies in professional
activities at the didactic level, and substantiated the
essence of their readiness for this component in pro-
fessional activities. The researcher developed a model
of training future primary school teachers to use in-
formation and communication technologies in their
professional activities, created the appropriate edu-
cational and methodological support, as well as de-
scribed meta-subject ID skills and their types at the
primary school level, and tested the model experimen-
Drokina (Drokina, 2016) identified the structural
components of information competence of future pri-
mary school teachers and substantiated the structural
and functional model of its formation in the process
of professional training. The researcher structurally
presented the information competence of the future
primary school teacher with information-cognitive,
information-methodical, information-computer com-
ponents and professionally important psychological
and pedagogical qualities of future primary school
teachers. The analysis showed that both researchers
focus on methodological training of students for the
use of IDT in primary education, and focus more on
the result of training bachelors of primary education
in the form of readiness to use IDT in the educational
process of primary school and the graduates’ informa-
tion competence.
Onishchenko (Onishchenko, 2016) proved that the
formation of future primary school teachers’ informa-
tion competence depends on the informatization of
higher pedagogical education.
As in the previous studies, in the monograph and
the dissertation of Petukhova (Petukhova, 2007, 2009)
attention is focused on the result of developing future
primary school teachers’ IT competence. It is note-
worthy that the researcher revealed the specific fea-
tures of the use of IDT depending on the information
and communication environment of students’ profes-
sional training.
Upatova’s research was devoted to the system of
methodical training of future primary school teach-
ers and identifying their readiness for realization of
professional methodical activity that “provides ... use
of modern pedagogical technologies, methods, recep-
tions and ways of effective training and education of
younger schoolchildren” (Upatova, 2019, p. 41). The
fact that during the experimental work the teachers
winners of the professional competition “Teacher of
the Year” – conducted a master class with students on
the topic “Using IDT at different stages of the lesson
in primary school”, and during the internship students
mastered modern methods of primary education, in-
cluding methods of using IDT in the educational pro-
cess of primary school” (Upatova, 2019, p. 29), shows
that the researcher pays attention to the information
and digital training of future primary school teach-
ers. However, IDT and targeted ID training of stu-
dents were not the main priorities of the research.
Without lowering the value of scientific achieve-
ments of the above-mentioned researchers, it should
be noted that the modernization of the training of
bachelors of primary education, which would com-
prehensively cover all forms of organization of the
educational process, has not yet been the subject of
Experimental Verification of Efficiency of the Formation of Information and Digital Competence of Bachelors of Primary Education based
on an Integrated Approach
targeted pedagogical research. Therefore, the forma-
tion of information and digital competence as learn-
ers’ key competence (Shokaliuk et al., 2020) remains
a topical task of the theory and methodology of pro-
fessional education.
In our previous publication (Yaroshenko et al.,
2020), the content and component composition of in-
formation and digital competence (IDC) of the future
primary school teachers, the essence of the integrated
approach to modernization of information and digi-
tal training of bachelors of primary education were
substantiated. The theoretical foundations of train-
ing bachelors of primary education based on the in-
tegrated approach revealed in it were taken as a basis
of development of a technique of a formative stage
of pedagogical experiment on verification of its effi-
The purpose of the article is to prove the efficiency
of the integrated approach to modernization of infor-
mation and digital training of future primary school
teachers in the conditions of real educational pro-
cess of pedagogical colleges at the first (bachelor)
level of higher education. The integrated approach
to the modernization of information and digital train-
ing of bachelors of primary education concerns the
content of curricula and lectures, plans of practical
and seminar classes, organization of students’ inde-
pendent work, pedagogical practices and control mea-
sures (Yaroshenko et al., 2020). There is to be consis-
tently revealed what has been done for each position
to provide ID training for students based on the inte-
grated approach and to create appropriate educational
and methodological support of the educational pro-
The content of disciplines “Information and Com-
munication Technologies, Technical Means of Teach-
ing”, “Practical Course of Informatics with Elements
of Programming”, “Methods of Teaching Informatics
Education” is supplemented by information on pro-
fessionally oriented use of IDT in the educational
process of primary school and the possibility of us-
ing network services as pedagogical tools. The list
of learning outcomes has been expanded due to the
following abilities: to use learning tools that in-
volve IDT; to implement IDT to ensure the qual-
ity of student learning; to conduct educational ac-
tivities in the digital educational environment, taking
into account the educational needs and characteristics
of students; to monitor students’ educational activi-
ties, their progress in learning and provide appropri-
ate support with digital tools; to adjust and adapt the
educational process on the basis of data obtained with
the help of digital technologies; to use digital services
to create electronic documents and organize online
events to communicate with students and parents; to
be aware of the role of digital resources in the life of
citizens and society.
The elective course “Modern Information and
Digital Technologies in the Educational Process of
Primary School” was added to the required disciplines
of the ID training cycle available in the curriculum. It
is aimed at developing students’ information and dig-
ital competence in the conditions as close as possi-
ble to the real educational process of primary school.
Such conditions were created by means of developing
cognitive tasks, the implementation of which required
visiting a general secondary education institution ei-
ther to do the tasks, or to verify the reliability of the
The colleges have created a system of digital edu-
cation consisting of:
information resources (media, video, audio, bib-
lio resources, photo, graphics, educational portals,
Internet sites);
telecommunications (network and mobile envi-
ronments, media, postal services);
educational process management systems (user
authorization, testing, content, ratings, personal
and collective information spaces site, blog,
chat, forum, mail, database).
Two credits were allocated to study the course
“Modern Information and Digital Technologies in the
Educational Process of Primary School” (36 hours of
classroom classes and 24 hours of independent work).
The final control measure was held in the form of a
test. The content is represented by four logically com-
plete modules:
module 1. Theoretical and methodological principles
of informatization of primary education
and digital competence of pedagogical
module 2. Development of teachers’ digital intelli-
gence: a guide to digital tools in the effec-
tive management of the educational pro-
module 3. Google services in the work of primary
school teachers;
module 4. Digital technologies in management, orga-
nizational and methodical work of primary
Objectives of the course “Modern Information and
Digital Technologies in the Educational Process of
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Primary School” are to deepen students’ understand-
ing of the scientific principles of building the educa-
tional process using information and digital technolo-
gies; to form higher education students’ skills of op-
timal use of IDT in working with younger students;
to find out the influence of the educational and in-
formation environment on various aspects of the de-
velopment of the student’s personality; to deepen the
knowledge of methods of application of information
and digital technologies in the educational process of
primary school.
Another feature of this course is the high pro-
portion of creative (project) tasks. The topic of the
projects is the development of electronic teaching
materials (presentations, demonstration digital teach-
ing materials, which can be used in primary school
lessons during pedagogical practice). The educational
process of primary school is designed with the use of
information and digital technologies in lessons on var-
ious subjects and extracurricular activities.
While studying the discipline “Modern Informa-
tion and Digital Technologies in the Educational Pro-
cess of Primary School” along with traditional teach-
ing aids, the author’s electronic manual presented in
digital form is used for the module “Google services
in the work of primary school teachers”. With its help,
students mastered the content of the module with the
same name. The manual contains a brief description
of the main theoretical material, examples of practi-
cal tasks, exercises for independent work; tasks for
self-control, including tests. The manual has a con-
venient navigation; with its help which students can
easily move to the section they need.
The electronic manual also contains tasks that in-
volve student group work using network services.
During the group learning activities, the resource po-
tential of social networks and mobile applications is
used, which allows students to create a group for free
communication, online exchange of information and
access to the Internet resources. While working, small
groups gain access to Google Drive, which downloads
all the information needed to complete a group task,
giving access to each member of the group, allowing
them to work together to create a presentation, make
adjustments, suggest ideas, discuss them, and share
Working in small groups using network services,
students have the opportunity to work with other ap-
plications and platforms, including messengers such
as Skype, Viber, Zoom, Telegram, to create chat
groups, which is quite convenient when performing
group projects or group tasks.
In the manual “Modern Information and Digital
Technologies in the Educational Process of Primary
school” considerable attention is paid to student in-
dependent work, which is the main form of develop-
ment of students’ competence in the time free from
compulsory education. Independent work is orga-
nized using the Google Classroom service. All ma-
terials for independent work are placed in the Class-
room environment, software and methodical support
of remote forms of interaction of students with the
teacher through dialogue communication ”student
content”, “student teacher”, “student student” is
adjusted. Tasks with use of technology of electronic
training (E-learning) are offered for students’ inde-
pendent work.
Doing the elective course “Modern Information
and Digital Technologies in the Educational Process
of Primary School” proved to prepare students of the
experimental group for pedagogical practice in dis-
tance learning, introduced in spring 2020 through re-
strictive anti-epidemic measures to prevent the spread
of the respiratory disease COVID-19. Under the cir-
cumstances, the students were able to organize online
learning for schoolchildren, help teachers create and
select tasks, grade, comment and organize effective
communication with primary students and their par-
ents in distance learning.
Lectures were diversified by interactive work with
students, they applied problem-based learning; ex-
panded teaching aids using interactive whiteboards,
phantoms, cases, tests, videos; conducted lectures-
presentations, dual lectures, lectures-consultations
and lectures-press conferences.
The use of audiovisual media, digital devices,
telecommunications, video computer systems, mul-
timedia, interactive whiteboards, and virtual reality
media has become mandatory in practical classes.
The content of tasks for group and individual ac-
tivities was expanded due to professionally oriented
tasks related to the use of IDT in school educational
process, introduced modeling and conducting in the
classroom parts of lessons (micro-teaching) using ID-
tools, as well as lessons the didactic purpose of which
was development of students’ digital literacy. Educa-
tional communication of students in practical classes
was provided by organizing group learning activities,
and using game modeling of pedagogical situations to
develop practical skills.
In the context of the implementation of an inte-
grated approach, independent work has also under-
gone significant changes. It involved the use of e-
learning technology. In order to use them during the
study of the course “Modern Information and Dig-
ital Technologies in the Educational Process of Pri-
mary School”, an electronic teaching kit was created
which included syllabus, lecture course, instructions
Experimental Verification of Efficiency of the Formation of Information and Digital Competence of Bachelors of Primary Education based
on an Integrated Approach
for practical work, recommendations for independent
work, test control tasks , criteria for assessing stu-
dents’ achievement, and a glossary. In addition, we
suggest using the G Suite network services to cre-
ate and maintain one’s own blog based on Blogger or
Sites Creator to create and maintain a personal web-
site. With their help, future primary school teachers
have the opportunity to share their own developments
and achievements in compliance with copyright and
use the experience gained not only during training,
but also in further professional activities.
Google services allow to process text documents
in almost all formats, build charts, graphs and tables
(Google Sheets) without installing additional pro-
grams on gadgets, as well as present the results of
one’s activities in the form of self-created presenta-
All materials for independent work are placed in
the Classroom environment, the program and method-
ical support of remote forms of interaction of stu-
dents with the teacher through dialogue communica-
tion “student – content”, “student – teacher”, “student
student” is adjusted. Studying the disciplines of
general professional training, students independently
used electronic dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference
books, textbooks, computer simulators and tests, in-
formation resources of the Internet.
An integrated approach to the modernization of ID
training for bachelors of secondary education also ap-
plies to their practical training, which has been and re-
mains an important form of the educational process.
At the time of the formative stage of the pedagogi-
cal experiment, there were two practices educational
research and student teaching. The program of both
kinds of practice provides for trial and credit classes
in primary school subjects, and work as a teacher in
the performance of all the duties. Student teaching
practice allows students to test knowledge, skills, and
values acquired during the study period in the real
educational process. The internship lasts six weeks,
and the curriculum provides for 6 credits. One of the
main tasks of student teaching practice is to develop
the ability to use modern IDT, working as a primary
school teacher. Students were in a real educational en-
vironment where they studied the positive experience
of using IDT in primary school; analyzed lessons in
which digital educational resources were used; pro-
duced handouts for young learners using IDT and
digital demonstration materials for the lesson. Stu-
dents gained experience working with parents, in par-
ticular, provided assistance in organizing the work of
schoolchildren with electronic educational resources;
conducting public speeches to teachers and parents
with reports and messages on the use of modern in-
novative educational materials with a digital compo-
nent; formed a methodical treasury of digital educa-
tional resources for primary school.
In general, the process of training future teachers
uses a wide range of types of control measures (oral
examination, written tasks of control work, question-
naires, testing, etc.). All of them were preserved in
the experimental methodology, but supplemented by
the protection of the internship report, prepared in
the form of a presentation, and expert evaluation of
projects completed by students (methodologists and
teachers acted as experts). Projects performed by stu-
dents of the experimental group in the conditions of
online learning on the topic “Organization of online
learning of primary school students in the conditions
of restrictive quarantine measures” were evaluated.
Students had to create distance materials from one
(optional) subject of primary school. The project had
to contain methodically processed theoretical mate-
rial, as well as drawings, videos, interesting presenta-
tions, crossword puzzles, tests, interactive exercises,
etc., developed at https://learningapps.org.
Under the conditions of quarantine, students im-
plemented the developed projects in the classes as-
signed to them, where students studied distance
courses developed by trainees. Experts evaluated the
content of the developed fragment of the distance
course, the volume, compliance with the curriculum,
the form of presentation of educational material, con-
tent with interactive exercises, online tests, audio and
video materials.
Thus, in order to conduct a pedagogical experi-
ment, all forms of organization of the educational pro-
cess and types of educational activities provided for
in Article 50 of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Ed-
ucation” were modernized. This allowed organizing
and conducting an experimental test of the effective-
ness of the formation of ID-competence of bachelors
of primary education based on an integrated approach.
The purpose of the ascertaining stage of the ped-
agogical experiment was to identify residual knowl-
edge and practical skills that characterize the digital
competence of college graduates who have obtained
the educational qualification level of junior special-
ist (professional junior bachelor) and expressed a de-
sire to continue their studies at the bachelor level. At
this stage, 112 students of Bar Humanitarian Peda-
gogical College named after Mikhailo Hrushevsky,
Uman Humanitarian Pedagogical College named af-
ter T.H. Shevchenko and Khmelnytsky Pedagogical
College of Khmelnytsky Humanitarian and Pedagog-
ical Academy took part in the experiment. All of them
were entrants on the basis of basic general secondary
education, and after obtaining the degree of profes-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
sional junior bachelor they continued their training at
the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education with a
reduced period of study (120 ECTS credits).
Before the formative stage of the pedagogical
experiment, the participants of the statement stage
formed a control (54 people) and experimental (58
people) groups. The training of students in the con-
trol group was carried out according to the estab-
lished method, and in the experimental, it was based
on an integrated approach to training modernization.
The formative stage of the pedagogical experiment
lasted 2 years. At the stage, it was necessary to study
such disciplines of information and digital training
as “Practical Course of Informatics with Elements of
Programming” and “Methods of Teaching Informat-
ics Education”, an elective discipline “Modern Infor-
mation and Digital Technologies in the Educational
Process of Primary School” and do teaching and un-
dergraduate practices.
Special for the formative stage of the pedagogi-
cal experiment was the fact that throughout the period
of its implementation, college students were under the
active influence of the educational environment of pri-
mary school, in person and remotely interacted with
students and teachers of primary school. Prospec-
tive teachers studied the course “Modern Information
and Digital Technologies in the Educational Process
of Primary School” included in the variable part of
the curriculum; higher education students carried out
classroom and independent work as described above.
Group learning activities were optimally combined
with frontal and individual work. A mandatory task
of all types of practices was the systematic use of in-
formation and digital technologies in the educational
activities of educational institutions of the first degree
(Yaroshenko et al., 2020).
The initial and final results of the formation of stu-
dents’ ID-competence during the formative stage of
the pedagogical experiment are shown in table 1.
The dynamics of the formation of components of
ID-competence of higher education students, during
the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment is
analyzed using histograms of figures 1–3.
In figure 1, it can be seen that after the formative
stage of the pedagogical experiment the number of
students with a high level of cognitive component of
ID competence in the experimental group increased
by 25.8% and there were 25.9% less students with an
average level. In the control group, the number of stu-
dents with a high level of formation of the cognitive
component of ID competence increased only by 7.4%.
One third of students in the control group (35.2%) had
an average level of cognitive component of ID compe-
tence, which is 12.8% more than in the experimental
Figure 2 shows that during the formative stage of
the pedagogical experiment the number of students
with a high level of formation of the operational com-
ponent of ID competence in the experimental group
increased by 34.5% and at the same time the number
of students with an average level of the studied phe-
nomenon decreased by 34.5%. In the control group,
all the three levels underwent inconspicuous changes
(changes ranged from 1.8% to 3.7%).
Comparison of diagnostic data on the levels of for-
mation of the value component of ID competence of
students in control and experimental groups (figure 3)
indicates a tendency to change the levels of forma-
tion of ID competence, which took place in the pre-
viously considered cognitive and operational compo-
nents. Thus, in the experimental group, the number
of students with a high level of formation of the value
component of ID competence increased by 38%. The
number of students with an average level decreased by
34.5%. In the control group, students with an average
level of the value component formation of ID compe-
tence dominated (46.3%), and only 20.4% of higher
education students had a high level of the value com-
The results of the formative stage of the peda-
gogical experiment were processed using statistical
evaluation by the criterion χ
. Using the formula
for calculating the empirical value χ
= 7.13 was ob-
tained. After comparing the obtained value with the
critical value given in the statistical tables, the ratio
= 7.13 > χ
= 5.99 was obtained, which indi-
cates the statistical reliability of the results of the for-
mative stage of the pedagogical experiment.
Thus, the results of the pedagogical experiment in-
dicated the effectiveness of ID-competence formation
of bachelors of primary education based on an inte-
grated approach.
1. Based on the analysis of the scientific publica-
tions, it was found out that the ID training of stu-
dents of higher pedagogical education has its pe-
culiarity. Its essence is that the IDT is both a
means of professional training of students, and the
subject of comprehensive study for further effec-
tive use of the IDT in future professional activi-
ties. The interconnectedness determines the for-
mation of future primary school teachers’ ability
to use information and digital technologies in the
educational process of primary school, in order
to develop digital literacy of primary school chil-
Experimental Verification of Efficiency of the Formation of Information and Digital Competence of Bachelors of Primary Education based
on an Integrated Approach
Table 1: The results of the initial and final measurements of students’ ID competence in the control and experimental groups.
ID competence components Levels
Control Experimental
Initial Final Initial Final
People % People % People % People %
Cognitive High 12 22.2 16 29.6 11 19 26 44.8
Sufficient 16 29.6 19 35.2 19 32.8 19 32.8
Average 26 48.2 19 35.2 28 48.3 13 22.4
Operating activity High 11 20.4 12 22.2 12 20.7 28 48.3
Sufficient 17 31.5 18 33.3 18 31 21 36.2
Average 26 48.2 24 44.4 28 48.3 8 13.8
Value High 13 24.1 11 20.4 10 17.2 32 55.2
Sufficient 13 24.1 18 33.3 22 38 20 34.5
Average 28 51.8 25 46.3 26 44.8 6 10.3
Fig. 1. Dynamics of formation of the cognitive component of ID competence of control and
experimental group students
In figure 1, it can be seen that after the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment
the number of students with a high level of cognitive component of ID competence in
the experimental group increased by 25.8% and there were 25.9% less students with an
average level. In the control group, the number of students with a high level of
formation of the cognitive component of ID competence increased only by 7.4%. One
third of students in the control group (35.2%) had an average level of cognitive
component of ID competence, which is 12.8% more than in the experimental group.
Fig. 2. Dynamics of formation of operational-activity component of ID-competence of control
and experimental group students
Figure 1: Dynamics of formation of the cognitive component of ID competence of control and experimental group students.
2. The developed educational and methodical sup-
port of the integrated approach to modernization
of information and digital training of future bach-
elors of primary education is described. It applies
to all major forms of educational process. In the
experimental teaching, it was implemented in the
content of curricula and lectures, plans of prac-
tical and seminar classes, students’ independent
work, pedagogical practices and control activities.
3. The experiment was aimed at confirming the ef-
fectiveness of implementing the integrated ap-
proach to the formation of future primary school
teachers’ ID competence. It was based on the
systematic use of information resources (media,
video, audio, library, photo, graphics, educational
portals, websites), telecommunications (network
and mobile) environment, media, postal services);
educational process management systems (user
authorization, testing, content, ratings, personal
and collective information spaces such as site,
blog, chat, forum, mail, database).
4. It was proved that the elective course ”Modern
Information and Digital Technologies in the Ed-
ucational Process of Primary School” is a sys-
tem forming factor in the integration of knowl-
edge, skills and values acquired by students. In
the context of the restrictive anti-epidemic mea-
sures caused by COVID-19, this was particularly
topical. Students who successfully completed the
course created distance-learning materials for pri-
mary school subjects. They demonstrated the
ability to organize the educational process using
the platform Google Classroom for distance and
blended learning.
5. The obtained results of initial and final measure-
ments of levels of formation of components of stu-
dents’ ID competence in control and experimental
groups proved methodical expediency of organi-
zation and carrying out of pedagogical experiment
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Fig. 1. Dynamics of formation of the cognitive component of ID competence of control and
experimental group students
In figure 1, it can be seen that after the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment
the number of students with a high level of cognitive component of ID competence in
the experimental group increased by 25.8% and there were 25.9% less students with an
average level. In the control group, the number of students with a high level of
formation of the cognitive component of ID competence increased only by 7.4%. One
third of students in the control group (35.2%) had an average level of cognitive
component of ID competence, which is 12.8% more than in the experimental group.
Fig. 2. Dynamics of formation of operational-activity component of ID-competence of control
and experimental group students
Figure 2: Dynamics of formation of operational-activity component of ID-competence of control and experimental group
Figure 2 shows that during the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment the
number of students with a high level of formation of the operational component of ID
competence in the experimental group increased by 34.5% and at the same time the
number of students with an average level of the studied phenomenon decreased by
34.5%. In the control group, all the three levels underwent inconspicuous changes
(changes ranged from 1.8% to 3.7%).
Fig. 3. Dynamics of formation of the value component of ID competence of control and
experimental group students.
Comparison of diagnostic data on the levels of formation of the value component of ID
competence of students in control and experimental groups indicates a tendency to
change the levels of formation of ID competence, which took place in the previously
considered cognitive and operational components. Thus, in the experimental group, the
number of students with a high level of formation of the value component of ID
competence increased by 38%. The number of students with an average level decreased
by 34.5%. In the control group, students with an average level of the value component
formation of ID competence dominated (46.3%), and only 20.4% of higher education
students had a high level of the value component.
The results of the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment were processed
using statistical evaluation by the criterion χ
. Using the formula for calculating the
empirical value χ
=7,13 was obtained. After comparing the obtained value with the
critical value given in the statistical tables, the ratio χ
=7,13 >
= 5.99 was
obtained, which indicates the statistical reliability of the results of the formative stage
of the pedagogical experiment.
Figure 3: Dynamics of formation of the value component of ID competence of control and experimental group students.
which experimental factor was the integrated ap-
proach to modernization of ID training of future
bachelors of primary education. During its imple-
mentation, ID competence of students in the ex-
perimental group was formed more successfully,
and they achieved better indicators of the forma-
tion of cognitive, operational and value compo-
nents of the studied phenomenon than the stu-
dents of the control group. Statistical evaluation
of the results of the pedagogical experiment using
the criterion χ
proved the reliability of the ob-
tained results, and, consequently, the effectiveness
of modernization of ID training of future primary
school teachers based on the integrated approach.
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology