cialist is the independent fulfillment by the student of
scientific research, the generation, and implementa-
tion of his idea into a finished commercial product. In
the process of research, students gain knowledge and
skills of the future IT specialist among with the com-
petences of the legal protection of the results of intel-
lectual activity, technological audit, marketing, prod-
uct realization in the market of innovations. Note that
when the real-world practice is impossible for stu-
dents, game simulators that simulate real software de-
velopment processes are an alternative.
The importance and necessity of introduction of
information and communication technologies (ICT),
including game simulators, in training, are substan-
tiated in (Ahmed et al., 2013; Atal and Sureka,
2015; Baker et al., 2003; Pant and Baroudi, 2008;
Dantas et al., 2004; Karunasekera and Bedse, 2007;
Hodges and Burchell, 2003; Calder
on and Ruiz, 2014;
Caulfield et al., 2011; Clarke and O’Connor, 2012;
Dantas et al., 2004; Emam and Koru, 2008; Purna
Sudhakar et al., 2011; Jazayeri, 2004; Noudoostbeni
et al., 2009; Navarro, 2006; Sauv
e et al., 2005). ICTs
are part of every area of human activity and have a
positive impact on education, as they open up oppor-
tunities for the introduction of completely new teach-
ing and learning methods.
A significant contribution to the theory of educa-
tional games was made in (Elkonin, 1999; Klopfer,
2008; Michael and Chen, 2005; Vygotsky, 1962). At
the same time, game technologies of teaching and
use of interactive games in high school were inves-
tigated in (Alkan and Mertol, 2019; Al-Tarawneh,
2016; Buzko et al., 2018; Demirbilek and Koc¸, 2019;
Gunter et al., 2008; Jackson and McNamara, 2017;
Vieira et al., 2019; Tokarieva et al., 2019). However,
the question of the use of game simulators in the train-
ing of future software engineers remains poorly un-
Game simulators are interactive programs that fully
or partially simulate certain real processes or systems
that capture and motivate students through fun and in-
teresting game experiences, where students can per-
form different roles in a variety of realistic circum-
stances and are used in the educational process when
the real practice is impossible or inaccessible.
Software Inc is a game simulator that allows stu-
dents to try their hand at running a software develop-
ment company.
There are many ways in which a company can
achieve a dominant position in the industry. For ex-
ample, the staff of a virtual company can work on
developing editorial software for designers, business
tools for offices, video games for the console, and
even, if time and skill level allows, they can develop
their operating system.
Selling these products and complicating the tools
used in the development process (for example, the
transition from the command line to the graphical in-
terface, from 2D graphics to 3D graphics) will con-
tribute to the growth and development of the com-
pany, but to keep up with competitors, the user it is
necessary to constantly update the technical support
within the company.
So in the game simulator Software Inc students
are invited to build and design office buildings for op-
timal working conditions of their own software de-
velopment company. The game simulator allows you
to build, provide, and maintain virtual office buildings
up to ten floors high and expand workspaces in a large
virtual area of the game simulator.
In the process of game simulation, future software
engineers need to hire employees for their research,
development, production, and maintenance of quality
software, as it is necessary for the successful conduct
of competitive activities of their virtual company (fig-
ure 1).
Students also face the need to manage and train
their employees so that they are experienced and sat-
isfied with their work. The attention of future soft-
ware engineers to the needs, requirements, competen-
cies, and specializations of employees, as well as their
compatibility within teams is very important for the
successful completion of the game simulation.
During the game simulation, students can also
delegate certain important tasks (such as managing
the software development process or human resource
management) to team leaders within their company.
The main task of the game simulator Software
Inc is to set up the process of creating their software
products and franchises in a virtual company, setting
up the process of selling software, concluding agree-
ments and performing contracts, as well as obtaining
patents for developed software products.
In the process of game simulation, students need
to make decisions, for example, what software to de-
velop (figure 2), how to configure their servers for
software, how to manage software version control
systems, and even whether to start their online store.
Players need to monitor the financial condition of
the company (figure 3) because the company will be
considered successful when its profits reach $ 50,000
or double the amount from which the game simulation
To start the game you need to press the “New
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology