1. The use of ICT in the course of vocational prepa-
ration of future teaching engineers encourages the
increase of their motivation to learning, particu-
larly, because of the possibility of autonomous
choice of the mode of working up with apps,
the diversification of types of independent work,
thanks to the computed visualisation of the study
2. The availability of programmatic means with the
educational purposes and the capabilities of the
modern computed graphics and various tools of
demonstrativeness forms and develops the repre-
sentational thought of future teaching engineers.
3. The application of pedagogical programmatic
means, including EEMC, encourages the shaping
of the informational culture of students and their
readiness for the wide usage of ICT and tools in
their future professional activity.
Developed authorial EEMC “Construction of car”
was appraisingly estimated by the experts according
to the majority of criteria. Prospects of its further en-
hancement suppose for the perfection of its follow-
ing criteria: the possibility of selection of the de-
gree of complexity of study material and testing tasks,
the provision of the individual educational trajectory,
the possibility of giving feedback during the learn-
ing process, the facility of using and management of
multimedia tools, and the further approbation of the
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology