oratory workshop, it is necessary to use the spec-
ified hardware configurations while checking the
performance of Asterisk servers in certain condi-
tions. It can also be used to perform various prac-
tical simulations of software and hardware;
• virtual machines application provides significant
opportunities for setting up IP telephony servers,
you can create repositories of ready-to-use virtual
machines with guest operating systems set up ac-
cording to the needs of a specific laboratory task,
and use for training purposes. The developed vir-
tual machines can be used for experimental re-
search in the field of IP telephony, because in case
of damage to the system, its recovery from the
saved state takes little time;
• a significant advantage for learning IP telephony
in computer networks using virtual machines is
the ability to run several virtual machines con-
nected to a virtual network on one host at the same
time. This feature provides significant capabilities
for creating virtual network models among multi-
ple systems on a single physical computer;
• Virtual machines increase student mobility, they
can be exported and moved to another computer,
and there the virtual machine can be started imme-
diately. This is a significant advantage of virtual-
ization during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, when
students have to study remotely. Each student can
have his own virtual laboratory;
• while using virtual machines in the training of IP
telephony control over the creation of backups,
creating snapshots of virtual machines and recov-
ery from failures significantly increase.
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology