Features of Implementation of Augmented and Virtual Reality
Technologies in the Psycho-correctional Process of Development of
Emotional Intelligence of High School Students in Terms of Professional
Hanna B. Varina
1 a
, Kateryna P. Osadcha
1 b
, Svetlana V. Shevchenko
1 c
Olena G. Glazunova
2 d
Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, 20 Hetmanska Str., Melitopol, 72300, Ukraine
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 15 Heroyiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine
Augmented Reality, Interactive Technologies, Emotional Intelligence, Visualization, Professional Self-
identification, Professional Orientation, Empathy, Emotional Awareness, Self-Motivation, Emotional
Trends of modern society development, boom of the computer technologies, globalization and informatization
affect all areas of public life, including education. In the conditions of transformational and epidemiological
changes the significance, aim and mission of modern education include not just gaining basic knowledge
and necessary skills and abilities but also the development of a cultural code, an independent approach to
acquiring new knowledge, cultural values, and new forms of the activity. Currently, to solve this problem,
innovative methods are used; these methods contribute to more effective acquisition of new knowledge with a
high degree of students’ involvement in the educational process. These methods also include augmented and
virtual reality technologies, i.e. they can be both a learning tool and the research objectives. The paper presents
a practice-oriented model of introducing the components of augmented and virtual reality in the process of
developing the high school students’ emotional intelligence at the stage of their professional self-identification
as a key factor of the development of professional self-awareness. An empirical study of high school students’
emotional intelligence, based on the elements of augmented and virtual reality, which was carried out before
piloting the program showed the following results the majority of students are dominated by a low level
of emotional intelligence. The least pronounced is the ability to manage both their own emotional state and
the emotions of other people. In particular, we have to emphasize a tendency of high school students of
social type of professional self-identification to recognize the emotions of other people. Participants with a
realistic type of professional self-identification have a low level of empathy; those having the entrepreneurial
type of professional self-identification have low scores on the scale of emotional management. As a result of
approbation of the components of augmented and virtual reality, it was found out that the level of intrapersonal
emotional intelligence significantly increased among the respondents with a social orientation of professional
self-identification. The priority task of designing a comprehensive program for the introduction of augmented
reality in the modern educational space is to increase ergonomics, safety of the use of augmented and virtual
reality elements in the process of development of high school students’ key life competencies.
The need for innovative changes in the modern edu-
cational system is determined by the fact that in to-
day’s informational society, the main conditions for
the well-being of everyone are the knowledge, gained
through unhindered access to information, and the
ability to work with it. In today’s world, advanced
technologies, which include information and com-
munication technologies and augmented reality tech-
nologies play a key role in the economic development
of society, providing new incentives to increase the
Varina, H., Osadcha, K., Shevchenko, S. and Glazunova, O.
Features of Implementation of Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies in the Psycho-correctional Process of Development of Emotional Intelligence of High School Students in Terms of
Professional Self-determination.
DOI: 10.5220/0010928700003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 2, pages 85-100
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
competitiveness of the individual. Recently, there has
been a rapid development of augmented reality tech-
nologies (Kramarenko et al., 2020). According to
Zijadic et al. (Zijadic et al., 2020), the market for
applications, using elements of augmented and vir-
tual reality, will expand annually, in particular, due
to the emergence of new areas of their use, including
the sphere of education. Recent studies of show that
the market for educational software in 2019 was $ 9.9
billion (Liu, 2020). Forecasts suggest that the educa-
tion software market will amass worldwide revenues
of around 10.4 billion U.S. dollars in 2021. Should
this forecast hold, it would represent a year-on-year
growth of over 200 million dollars. Estimates sug-
gest that this trend of strong growth will continue for
years to come, reaching 11.3 billion dollars by 2024
(Liu, 2020). This indicates the active implementation
and use of software in all areas of education. Social
changes that take place in society at the level of global
processes are more evident than the processes that oc-
cur in the mind, psyche, and inner state of the individ-
One of the main tasks of education in secondary
school is the development of creative thinking of the
individual, who is able to adapt to the conditions
of new life and responsible for self-education, self-
control and self-improvement (Vlasenko et al., 2020).
However, the process of choosing a life and profes-
sional path becomes very difficult for today’s youth,
who are not ready to respond properly to the sur-
rounding conditions, manage their emotions, assess
their personal potential, and overcome the difficulties
caused by changes in society. Emotional readiness
for the professional activity is considered to be a con-
scious readiness of a specialist to apply the emotional
competencies necessary for the constructive solution
of professional tasks. In this regard, it is very impor-
tant to study the impact of emotional intelligence on
the professional self-identification, in particular the
ability to understand, manage and control your own
emotions depending on the situation. At the same
time, the issue of identifying ways and methods of
diagnosis and development of emotional intelligence
as an integrative component of high school students’
effective professional self-identification is quite com-
plicated. The main problem is a constant change of
the configuration and dominant means of information
Modern teenagers are representatives of a new
generation. These teenagers have got into the
whirlpool of rapid technological development and so-
cial changes. A typical representative of this genera-
tion is a child who learns how to use YouTube before
he or she learns to read and write. The best leisure
activities for these children are surfing the Internet,
social networking and watching videos. At the same
time, parents and education in general face a new dif-
ficult task to find something that will motivate, in-
spire and reveal the talent of each individual. Repre-
sentatives of new generation will no longer be able to
imagine the world without virtual and augmented re-
ality, smartphones, e-books, mobile devices. Accord-
ingly, the methods of influencing and developing per-
sonal resources of the younger generation also require
global changes, taking into account trends in science,
technology and information capabilities of the mod-
ern educational environment. Taking into account the
high school students’ individual and age psychologi-
cal characteristics, the priority of the research is an in-
troduction of innovative augmented reality technolo-
gies into the development of younger generation’s
emotional intelligence.
Modern scientific research is focused on the combi-
nation of innovative technologies in science and tech-
nology, taking into account the personality’s individ-
ual typological characteristics. Emotional readiness
for professional activity is considered to be a con-
scious readiness of a specialist to apply emotional
competencies necessary for the constructive solution
of professional tasks. In this regard, the study of
the impact of emotional intelligence on professional
self-identification, in particular the ability to under-
stand, manage and control their emotions depend-
ing on the situation becomes more and more rele-
vant. Modern scientists consider emotional intelli-
gence to be one of the factors of the ability for pro-
fessional self-identification. The level of emotional
intelligence development will determine to what ex-
tent a person is able to adapt to the chosen profession,
achieve certain outcomes and realize their own pro-
fessional and personal potential. Scientists pay con-
siderable attention to the analysis of the relationship
between the emotional sphere of an individual and
his or her psychological well-being and health, abil-
ity to maintain stability and prevent personal and pro-
fessional burnout (Grover and Furnham, 2021). Sci-
entists have found out that the sufficient level of the
emotional intelligence development acts as a buffer
in the manifestation of the negative effects of stress.
It helps to stabilize the emotional state and prevent
mental disorders such as psychopathy. Dave et al.
(Dave et al., 2019) in the longitudinal study empiri-
cally established the relationship between emotional
intelligence and motivation to continue learning af-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
ter school, i.e. to get higher education. According
to the (Dave et al., 2019), emotional intelligence is,
first of all, a complex combination of emotional self-
perception and personal trends associated with the
perception, understanding, use and management of
their own emotions and emotional states of other peo-
Scientists assign a significant role to the emotional
intelligence as a factor which increases the personal-
ity’s motivational component. In the empirical study,
lin Tam et al. (lin Tam et al., 2021) prove a correlation
between the level of emotional intelligence develop-
ment, increased motivation and improved academic
performance. Scientists also confirm the interdepen-
dence of the level of emotional intelligence devel-
opment and academic achievements with the behav-
ioral and emotional component of professional devel-
opment. The results of the empirical research showed
that emotional intelligence had a significant direct im-
pact on the behavioral and emotional involvement in
the process of learning (Thomas and Allen, 2021).
Thus, this empirical and practical research allows us
to conclude that functional characteristics of emo-
tional intelligence are represented by a system of
emotional attitudes to themselves as the knowers, to
the world and other people, and these features are re-
flected in social interaction. Emotional intelligence
should be considered in the context of the category of
“activity”, because it is developing and is manifested
in the activities, in the process of communication and
interaction with other people. Therefore, emotional
intelligence is an important integrative component of
the process of successful career guidance.
Increased interest in the research and development
of emotional intelligence has allowed us to expand the
idea of traditional tools and take into account trends
in the development and implementation of innovative
ICT not only in the educational process but also in
modern psychological practice. Accordingly, in order
to optimize the process of studying the level of emo-
tional intelligence of children, Narimani et al. (Na-
rimani et al., 2019) suggest to use MSCEIT (Mayer
Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test) one
of assessment tools, which uses the approach to the
evaluation of the effectiveness of the emotional intel-
ligence realization. To make the evaluation process
more exciting and interesting for the children, the re-
searchers gamified the whole process. Researchers
have developed and implemented a mini-game, the
main task of which is to measure the emotional in-
telligence of children, focusing on the game partic-
ipants and facilitation tasks, which are presented in
MSCEIT. The emotional component, as an important
constant of social interaction, has made it possible
to update research related to the introduction of the
emotional component in various artificial intelligence
systems. Thus, researchers have found out that the
emotional coefficient is still absent in the current gen-
eration of interactive chat bots. According to the sci-
entists, it leads to a decrease in the quality of com-
municative and social interaction, and can also lead
to the emotional rigidity of users. Accordingly, the
study describes the stages of development of a block
of such agents, i.e. the ability to respond with a cer-
tain emotion to the input text, which contains a certain
emotion and improves the process of understanding
the information environment (Shankar et al., 2021).
Other studies are devoted to the multimodal recog-
nition of emotions in the process of developing the
emotional intelligence of users (Shah et al., 2021).
Because of the fact that people express emotions not
only in speech, but also by the voice tone and fa-
cial expressions, the developers used the functions of
three modes text, audio and video, and tested dif-
ferent fusion techniques to combine models. Shah
et al. (Shah et al., 2021) proposed a new architecture
specifically designed for dyadic conversation, where
each person is modeled using a separate network that
shares an emotional context. Researchers also ana-
lyze the degree of students’ emotional intelligence de-
velopment depending on the perception of emotions
displayed by virtual instructors. Lawson et al. (Law-
son et al., 2021) found out that students were able
to distinguish positive emotions from negative ones;
they considered the teaching of positive instructors to
be more effective, more reliable, more human and at-
tractive. In addition, students who saw positive emo-
tional reactions from virtual instructors, indicated that
they tried to pay attention to the lesson and enjoyed it
more than those who saw negative emotions displayed
by virtual instructors.
Having analyzed the priority of using modern
ICT in the process of professional self-identification
and personality development, we consider the study
(Tkachuk et al., 2021), aimed at the identification of
the effectiveness of the methods of audience response
systems and mobile tools for practical training in the
university, to be an innovative one. Researchers have
analyzed Ukrainian and foreign research works on the
use of mobile ICT in education. The authors have de-
veloped methods for applying audience response sys-
tems using Plickers and mobile tools for multimedia
development based on augmented reality tools. Sci-
entists’ comparative assessment of the functionality
of audience response systems and mobile tools for
the development of multimedia based on augmented
reality provides an opportunity to state the effective-
ness of the use of appropriate augmented reality tech-
Features of Implementation of Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies in the Psycho-correctional Process of Development of
Emotional Intelligence of High School Students in Terms of Professional Self-determination
nologies in the process of optimization and individu-
alization of academic learning (Tkachuk et al., 2020).
In the context of individualization of the professional
and personal development taking into account the in-
dividual psychological characteristics of students, it
is important to study the implementation of a concep-
tual model of learning based on the combination of
AR and VR technologies with adaptive learning sys-
tems. The authors substantiate the use of VR and AR
technologies as a special information environment,
which is used in accordance with the identified domi-
nant types of thinking and intellectual abilities of stu-
dents (Osadchyi et al., 2020). In Europe and the USA,
the use of AR and VR technologies is actively car-
ried out in psychotherapeutic practice, in psycholog-
ical counseling and psychocorrection. In particular,
in 2008 in Brussels (Belgium) the International Asso-
ciation for Cybertherapy and Rehabilitation was cre-
ated, which publishes its own journal – CyberTherapy
& Rehabilitation. Members of this association con-
tribute to the creation, implementation and promotion
of new AR and VR technologies in clinical practice.
AR and VR methods in psychotherapy are considered
as complementary to traditional. Taking into account
the increased interest and achievements of scientists
and practitioners in the field of use of augmented re-
ality systems and applications for the optimization of
cognitive processes, intelligence, emotional and vo-
litional sphere of personality, the issue of analyzing
the development of emotional intelligence using mod-
ern ICT and design of a comprehensive program of
traditional psychotechnologies and augmented real-
ity technologies in the process of developing the high
school students’ emotional intelligence at the stage
of their professional self-identification is becoming a
relevant one.
Interdisciplinary research was conducted as part of
the research work carried out at the expense of the
general fund of the state budget: Adaptive system for
individualization and personalization of future profes-
sionals’ training in the conditions of blended learn-
ing”, state registration number: 0120U101970. A
comprehensive interdisciplinary study was conducted
in the framework of scientific cooperation between
STEAM-laboratory, Laboratory of Psychophysiolog-
ical Research and Laboratory of Health Psychology
of Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogi-
cal University. Methods used in the research pro-
cess are: analysis of theoretical sources, study of
advanced psychological and pedagogical experience
of foreign and domestic teachers on the implemen-
tation of competence-based and personality-oriented
approach in the educational process, development of
emotional intelligence of future students at the stage
of professional self-identification; methods of gener-
alization and conceptualization to formulate the main
provisions of the study; design and modeling of an
empirical construct of a combination of traditional
and innovative AR/VR technologies in the diagnostics
and development of high school students’ emotional
intelligence; generalization and evaluation of results.
Theoretical and empirical study of the development
of components of high school students’ emotional
intelligence at the stage of their professional self-
identification based on the elements of augmented re-
ality was conducted on the basis of Bogdan Khmel-
nitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University from
2019 to 2020. The piloting study was attended by
high school students from Melitopol (educational es-
tablishment No 16, secondary school No 7, 14), fu-
ture university entrants. Participation in the study was
voluntary, conducted with the consent of parents or
guardians. The sample is representative. The total
number of participants was 93 people (girls and boys)
aged 15 to 17 years. The study was conducted in sev-
eral stages:
1. Analysis of the theoretical and methodological
foundations of the process of emotional intelli-
gence development in the scientific literature.
2. Construction of a structural-logical model of de-
velopment of components of high school stu-
dents’ emotional intelligence at the stage of their
professional self-identification with the use of
augmented reality technologies.
3. Development, planning and implementation of a
diagnostic procedure for the identification of the
degree of participants’ emotional intelligence de-
velopment using the latest computer system for
psychophysiological testing HC-psychotest (Va-
rina and Shevchenko, 2020). Empirical research
was carried out in several stages:
Organizational stage: the choice of diagnostic
techniques, the formation of a group of experi-
ment participants.
Research stage: the first stage of empirical re-
search was aimed at the identification of the
role of high school students’ emotional intel-
ligence and the level of their professional self-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Analytical stage: the second stage of empirical
research which includes quantitative and quali-
tative analysis of the obtained data, correlation
4. Development and piloting of a comprehensive
program for the high school students’ emotional
intelligence development.
In the context of the analysis of theoretical mod-
els of personality’s emotional stability the structural
components of this phenomenon have been analyzed.
In scientific psychology the first model of emotional
intelligence was constructed in 1990 by Mayer et al.
(Mayer et al., 2016). Emotional intelligence meant
“the ability to follow your own and others people’s
feelings and emotions, to distinguish them from each
other and to use the information obtained to guide
your actions and thinking” (Mayer et al., 2016).
Emotional intelligence was viewed as a complex
construct that included the abilities of three types:
the recognition and expression of feelings, the abil-
ity to regulate emotions, the ability to use emotional
information in the mental process and life. Final ver-
sion of the model of emotional intelligence by Mayer
et al. (Mayer et al., 2016) is presented as a model of
abilities, in which emotional intelligence is the abil-
ity to process information contained in emotions; to
identify the meaning of emotions, the relationship be-
tween each other; to use emotional information for
thinking and decision making. In the structure of
emotional intelligence within the model of abilities
there are four groups of abilities called “branches”:
identification (perception, recognition) of emotions,
the role of emotions in solving problems, under-
standing and analysis of emotions, conscious emotion
management. This model of emotional intelligence
laid the foundations for the concept of emotional in-
telligence developed by Goleman (Goleman, 1998),
who supplemented the existing model with personal
abilities: enthusiasm, perseverance and social skills
(Cherniss et al., 2006).
According to Di Fabio et al. (Di Fabio et al.,
2012), emotional intelligence is a set of all non-
cognitive abilities, knowledge and competencies that
give an individual the opportunity to successfully
overcome various life situations. Di Fabio et al.
(Di Fabio et al., 2012) identified five areas of com-
petence. These areas are identical to five components
of emotional intelligence. Each component contains
1. The process of self-knowledge: awareness of your
own emotions, confidence, respect for yourself,
wish for independence and self-actualization.
2. Developed interpersonal communicative skills:
empathy, interpersonal relationships, social re-
3. Ability for the adaptation: to solve problems, be
flexible and to keep in touch with the real world.
4. Ability to manage a stressful situation: to be re-
sistant to stress, to control impulsivity.
5. Predominant mood: happiness, optimism.
Analysis of the scientific literature allows us to
identify the components of emotional intelligence are:
self-awareness (awareness of their social status and
their vital needs), self-control (awareness and eval-
uation of the subject of their actions, mental pro-
cesses and states), empathy (understanding of emo-
tional state, penetration - compassion in the experi-
ence of another person), relationship skills (actions
that are formed by repetition, which are characterized
by a high level of assimilation), motivation (motiva-
tions that cause activity of the body and the individual
as a whole and determine its direction).
The main aspects of professional self-
1. Professional self-determination is the selective at-
titude of an individual to the world of professions
in general and to a specific chosen profession.
2. The core of professional self-determination is a
conscious choice of profession, taking into ac-
count its features and capabilities, the require-
ments of professional activity and socio-economic
3. Professional self-determination is carried out
throughout the professional life: the individual
constantly reflects, rethinks his professional life
and asserts himself in the profession.
4. Actualization of professional self-determination
of the individual is initiated by various events,
such as graduation from secondary school, voca-
tional school, advanced training, change of resi-
dence, certification, dismissal, etc.
5. Professional self-determination is an important
characteristic of the socio-psychological maturity
of the individual, his need for self-realization and
Based on the results of theoretical analysis, we
have developed a personalized model of emotional in-
telligence development, taking into account students’
individual typological features (figure 1). The model
is based on the following principles: principle of the-
ory and practice balance, humanization of education,
subjectivity, professional orientation, individualiza-
tion, choice of individual educational path, situational
learning, educational reflection, systematic learning,
Features of Implementation of Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies in the Psycho-correctional Process of Development of
Emotional Intelligence of High School Students in Terms of Professional Self-determination
fundamentality. The purpose of designing the model
is, on the one hand, social order of the society: the
need for competitive professionals, on the other hand,
future professionals’ need for effective personal and
professional development.
Criteria for the effectiveness of the developed
model is its compliance with the stated goals and ob-
jectives, as well as recorded changes that occur with
participants in the process, namely the positive dy-
namics of emotional intelligence and its components
in high school students; development of empathy,
self-esteem, self-confidence; development and opti-
mization of communication skills, which are reflected
in communication and interpersonal skills; develop-
ment of socio-psychological competence; ability to
navigate in social situations, understand other people,
choose and implement adequate forms of communi-
cation; willingness to understand and accept another
person’s behavior.
Taking into account the priority prospects for the
use of innovative computer technology in psychodi-
agnostic practice, the analysis of the development
the emotional stability components was conducted
on the basis of the Laboratory of Psychophysiolog-
ical Research and STEAM-laboratory. In the Lab-
oratory of Psychophysiological Research, in order
to address issues of professional selection and ca-
reer guidance diagnostics, scientists used the follow-
ing set of HC-psychotests. “Candidate” is an effec-
tive and easy-to-use tool for professional orientation
and professional selection, which allows you to as-
sess the level of the manifestation of professionally
important psychophysiological qualities and profes-
sional competencies, as well as to predict the further
development of the specialist and conduct in-depth
professional psychodiagnostics. The study was con-
ducted in a group mode, using the program of HC-
psychotest. During the study, the same conditions
that affect the test results were created: the content
of the test material; complexity of questions; time al-
lotted for answers. Indicators for the choice of meth-
ods were the following: their compliance with the cri-
teria of reliability and validity, age characteristics of
the participants, adequacy (Varina and Shevchenko,
2020). The following methods were used in the em-
pirical study: theory of career choice (Holland, 1974),
questionnaire of emotional intelligence “EMIN” (Li-
oussine, 2003), technique of emotional intelligence
(Hall, 2007). To identify the level of relationship
between emotional intelligence and professional self-
identification, as well as tolerance for uncertainty, we
used correlation analysis (Pearson’s correlation coef-
ficient), Mann-Whitney’s statistical criterion.
Thus, according to table 1, we found out that most
students tend to have a profession of social and artis-
tic types. The social type of professions predominates
among the students of the 11th grade. For the 10th
grade students the artistic type of professional self-
orientation is more characteristic. This indicates the
lack of a clear choice of direction of further employ-
Table 1: Indicators of values in the sample according to J.
Holland’s technique.
Names of the scales General 10th grade11th grade
Realistic type 5.3478 5.0938 5.6842
Intellectual type 6.4130 6.5000 5.4737
Social type 8.0000 8.0312 9.1053
Conventional type 6.3478 6.6250 5.9474
Entrepreneurial type 7.8261 7.5938 8.0000
Artistic type 8.1304 8.5625 8.7368
Therefore, according to table 2, we provide a more
detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the
obtained indicators. On the scale of InterU (under-
standing of your own emotions), we received an av-
erage score of 24.12. This is the average rate for
this scale (23–26). This score is also within a norm
in all groups of respondents. On the scale of In-
terM (management of other people’s emotions), we
received an average score of 19.65, which is also an
average indicator, within the norm (18–21). Accord-
ing to the scale of IntraU (understanding of your own
emotions), we received an average score of 16.49 with
the norm (17–21), which is slightly below the norm.
Having analyzed this indicator in groups, we found
out that in the 11th grade it is low. On the scale of
IntraU (management of your own emotions), the av-
erage score on the sample is 12.59, which is also be-
low the norm (from 13 to 15), this figure is low in
all groups. It can be explained by the fact that high
school students do not have the skills to control their
emotions because of developmental stage correspond-
ing to their age. According to the IntraE scale (con-
trol over expression), we obtained an average score of
10.34, which is within the norm (from 10 to 12), but
in the 11th grade it is on the border between low and
medium level (low level 7–9, medium level 10-
12). The obtained data tell us about the low level of
control over expression, which may be due to the age
range of the respondents.
On the scale of InerEI (interpersonal EI), we ob-
tained an average score on the sample of 43.60, which
is a medium level (40–46), this indicator remains
medium for all groups participating in the study. Ac-
cording to the scale of IntraEI (intrapersonal EI), we
received an average score of 39.82 with a norm (39–
47). In the 11th grade, this figure is 36.05, which is
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 1: A comprehensive model of high school students’ emotional intelligence development at the stage of their profes-
sional self-identification.
Features of Implementation of Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies in the Psycho-correctional Process of Development of
Emotional Intelligence of High School Students in Terms of Professional Self-determination
Table 2: Quantitative indicators according to the “EMIN” technique by D. V. Lusin.
Names of the scales General 10th grade 11th grade
InterU (understanding of other people’s emotions) 24.12 25.19 23.47
InterM (management of other people’s emotions) 19.65 20.47 18.79
IntraU (understanding of your own emotions) 16.49 16.31 14.68
IntraM (management of your own emotions) 12.59 12.72 11.21
IntraE (control over expression) 10.34 10.72 9.11
IntraEI (interpersonal emotional intelligence) 43.60 45.50 41.68
IntraEI (interpersonal emotional intelligence) 39.82 40.38 36.05
UE (understanding of emotions) 40.33 41.31 37.63
ME (management of emotions) 43.11 44.56 40.63
General score 83.81 86.38 78.26
also below normal rate. According to the UE scale
(understanding of emotions), the average score on the
sample was 40.33, which is the medium result with
the norm (40–47), in the 11th grade this figure is
37.63. On the scale of ME (management of emo-
tions), the average result is 43.11, which is within the
normal rate (40–47). The total general scale is 83.81,
which is also within the normal rate (79–92). For a
more detailed study of the levels of high school stu-
dents’ emotional intelligence, we used N. Hall’s tech-
nique of emotional intelligence (table 3).
On the scale of managing your own emotions, the
average figure is 0.44. It is low for the entire sam-
ple. It can be explained by the age characteristics of
high school students. The self-motivation scale is also
quite low. The general figure is medium – 6.3 (7 and
below is considered to be a low level), it is slightly
below the norm for each of the studied groups. On
the scale of empathy, the average score is 7.59. It is
on the border between medium and low levels. Hav-
ing analyzed this indicator in detail, we see that in the
10th grade the score on the empathy scale is 9.84 and
it is the normal rate. In the 11th grade, the score on
the empathy scale is 7.68 and it is on the border be-
tween medium and low levels. The average score on
the scale of recognition of other people’s emotions is
also on the border between medium and low levels, it
is 7.09 points. In the 11th grade this indicator is low
(6.63), but in the 10th – it is medium (8.59).
To prove the hypothesis that the participants with
a high level of emotional intelligence will have a
more detailed professional self-identification, which
in most cases will be aimed at the professions of
social type, we used the Pearson correlation coeffi-
cient. The calculation was done using the statisti-
cal software package SPSS 16.0. According to the
obtained data, it was identified that on the scales of
the social type of professional self-identification of
recognizing other people’s emotions the connection
was established at the level of 0.01 (0.276). People
with a social type of the profession understand well
the emotional state of others because the fact how
skillful the employee is depends of the understand-
ing of other people’s wishes. For further employ-
ment in the social sphere, you need to have a high
level of ability to recognize the emotions of other
people, and understand when and where they can
be displayed. A slight positive shift of 0.05 (0.228)
has been established between realistic type scales of
professional self-identification and self-management.
People of realistic type prefer professions where you
need to be able to control your emotions. People
with a realistic type of professional self-identification
are usually emotionally stable, focused on today, rea-
son rationally. As a result, the negative relationship
of 0.01 (-0.278) between the realistic type of pro-
fessional self-identification and empathy is expected.
They do not need to understand other people’s emo-
tions. That is, people with a realistic type of profes-
sional self-identification rarely have a high level of
empathy. Participants of entrepreneurial type of pro-
fessional self-identification have demonstrated a sig-
nificant negative relationship with the scale of self-
management, it is at the level of 0.01 (-0.333). Peo-
ple of this type of professional self-identification are
very active. They do not need to clearly control their
emotions. The tendency of people of artistic type
of professional self-identification to recognize other
people’s emotions has been confirmed, positive cor-
relation, found at the level of 0.05 (0.259), indicates
that people of artistic type understand the emotions of
others very well. Also the respondents of the artistic
type of professional-identification have a well devel-
oped intuition and imagination. Communicating with
others people, they rely on their immediate feelings,
which leads to a correlation of 0.05 (0.260) between
the artistic type of professional self-identification and
emotional awareness. Based on their own feelings,
they easily understand the emotions of other people.
They also develop empathy, understanding of other
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Table 3: Quantitative indicators of the values in the sample according to N. Hall’s technique.
Names of the scales General 10th grade 11th grade
Emotional awareness 7.75 8.34 10
Management of your own emotions 0.44 0.84 -0.31
Self-motivation 6.3 6.78 6.84
Empathy 7.59 9.84 7.68
Recognition of other people’s emotions 7.09 8.59 6.63
people’s emotional states by facial expressions, ges-
tures, posture, and tone of voice. This is confirmed
by statistics, namely a slight correlation of 0.05
(0.273) between the empathy scales and the artistic
type of professional self-identification was identified.
When using Mann-Whitney statistical criterion in two
groups with low and high emotional intelligence, it
was found out that groups with a high level of emo-
tional intelligence have a higher tendency to the intel-
lectual type of professional self-identification. People
of this type of profession constantly use their intel-
lectual abilities. But talking about the conventional
type, on the contrary, in the groups with a high emo-
tional intelligence the tendency to choose the profes-
sions of this type is lower than in the groups with a
low level of emotional intelligence. This is due to the
fact that representatives of the conventional type of
professional self-identification feel the lack of need
to express emotions. But the entrepreneurial type of
emotional intelligence development is almost not af-
fected. Both groups with low and high levels of emo-
tional intelligence can choose this area of professional
self-identification. Participants who choose the artis-
tic type of professional self-identification still have a
fairly high level of emotional intelligence.
According to the results of the Mann-Whitney U-
criterion, a statistical discrepancy was found out only
in the social type of professional self-identification
(table 4). We also revealed that people with a high
level of emotional intelligence have a clearer focus
on professional self-identification, while those with
a low level of emotional intelligence choose several
predominant professions. Accordingly, the dominant
psychodiagnostic study established the dominant role
of emotional intelligence in the process of conscious
choice of future profession.
Based on the established relationships and con-
cept of career guidance in the process of high school
students’ professional self-identification, on the basis
of the Laboratory of Health Psychology and with the
support of leading STEAM-laboratory specialists, re-
searchers developed and piloted a comprehensive pro-
gram “Development of high school students’ emo-
tional intelligence”. Virtual and augmented reality
is designed to provide a person’s contact with infor-
mation reality, as close as possible to ordinary reality
(Rashevska and Soloviev, 2018), which contributes to
the simultaneous integration of cognitive processes,
motivational and emotional spheres of the individ-
ual. As a result of the implementation of augmented
and virtual reality technologies, sensory-perceptual,
visual, sensory parameters are preserved and even en-
hanced; the user here deals with superimages: three-
dimensional, extremely distinct, which can be influ-
enced, viewed from different angles. In a virtual sit-
uation, the developer retains and generates in relief
only those properties of objects that are necessary for
the implementation of the goals of the software prod-
uct, in particular, the impact on the emotional compo-
nent of intelligence.
The corresponding process of integration and im-
pact of augmented and virtual reality technologies is
presented in figure 2.
The 40 hour program is designed for blended
learning. During September 2020, 4 hours of class-
room work and 6 hours of interactive work in the
Google Classroom system per week were carried out.
Based on the model of emotional intelligence de-
velopment (figure 1), structural psycho-correctional
sessions have been developed, which include tradi-
tional psychological technologies and AR/VR tech-
nologies. Special technical equipment of STEAM-
laboratory was used for realization of virtual and aug-
mented reality constructs. There is a minimum set
of equipment required to implement such an integra-
tive approach: the required number of smart phones
and VR helmets; tablet; mobile devices; computers;
Wi-Fi router, Internet access; remote update system;
instructional videos for interactive lectures and soft-
ware; touch panel. The training program consists of
10 classes of 4 hours each (table 5). The augmented
and virtual reality applications used in the presented
program have both free and paid content. As part of
the formative experiment, based on the implementa-
tion of the research project Adaptive system for in-
dividualization and personalization of future profes-
sionals’ training in the conditions of blended learn-
ing”, as well as the expanded innovative material and
technical base of the STEAM laboratory, a program
for the development of emotional intelligence of high
Features of Implementation of Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies in the Psycho-correctional Process of Development of
Emotional Intelligence of High School Students in Terms of Professional Self-determination
Table 4: Differences in professional self-identification according to Mann-Whitney U-criterion between two groups with high
and low levels of emotional intelligence.
Realistic Intellectual Social Conventional Entrepreneurial Artistic
Mann-Whitney U 394.5 369.5 306 369.5 418 398.5
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) 0.426 0.247 0.036* 0.243 0.654 0.462
– connection is significant at the level of 0.05 and lower
Figure 2: Scheme of implementation of augmented and virtual reality technologies in the context of the development of
emotional intelligence of the individual.
school students was implemented in conditions of vo-
cational guidance work. Our task was not so much to
trace the complex impact of augmented and virtual re-
ality technologies in conjunction with traditional psy-
chotechnologies on the emotional state of an individ-
ual, but to determine whether they have an impact on
the emotional component of intelligence. The corre-
sponding comprehensive program was implemented
in the experimental group from September to Novem-
ber 2020. 45 high school students took part in the
training sessions.
The main mechanism for the implementation of
augmented and virtual reality technologies in the psy-
chocorrectional professor of the development of emo-
tional intelligence is based on the mechanisms for re-
ducing a certain emotional state situationally tied to
specific objects and events embedded in individual
applications. This approach is traditional and cor-
responds to European counterparts. This is the use
of methods of cognitive and behavioral (behavioral)
therapy, which among the majority of practicing psy-
chologists are considered the most effective. The im-
pact on the client’s personal experiences was carried
out through repeated repetition of emotionally col-
ored situations with an avatar or object. In essence,
this program implements systematic desensitization
a phased immersion of the client in a situation that
causes a certain emotional state from the simplest to
the most exciting image. The images were as close to
real ones as possible, the subjects had access to high
interactivity and animation. Virtual and augmented
reality, created by visualizing three-dimensional ob-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
jects using computer graphics, animation and pro-
gramming methods, is a product of not only infor-
mation, but also psychological technologies. Modern
methods of constructing a time-varying virtual envi-
ronment also make it possible to register the position
of the observer in it, which opens up new research op-
portunities for experimental and applied psychology
and equips it with methods that have a number of ad-
vantages over traditional laboratory instruments. The
first of these benefits is environmental validity. With
the help of augmented and virtual reality systems, it
is possible to create not only unreal (”other”) worlds,
but also an environment “similar to the real world”
and at the same time, which is especially important, to
control all parameters of the experimental situation.
The second is flexibility. The environment of aug-
mented and virtual reality is programmable, which al-
lows you to plastically change the parameters of ob-
jects and events occurring with them. It is possible to
present a variety of variable stimuli (both stationary
and moving) and accurately track the movements of
the observer in virtual space. The third is the possibil-
ity of polymodal stimulation. Augmented and virtual
reality systems allow simulating visual, tactile, audi-
tory images at the same time, which is hardly achiev-
able in traditional psychological research. Simulta-
neous influence on the sensory-perceptual system ac-
tualizes a number of sensations and emotional states.
The fourth advantage is the ability to fully record the
behavioral reactions of the observer.
According to the implemented BYOD concept
(“Bring Your Own Device”) when organizing classes
using mobile learning technology, respondents can
use their own gadgets with the necessary software
installed (Feng et al., 2020; Doargajudhur and Dell,
2020). The introduction of elements of AR/VR tech-
nologies in the training process provides an opportu-
nity to deeply influence the emotional world of the
individual; it stimulates the ability to visualize and
reproduce certain emotional states with augmented
and virtual reality technologies; provides the possi-
bility of close immersion in students ’own emotional
world, its active knowledge and emotional develop-
ment, self-regulation, stress resistance and the ability
to understand the emotional world of another person
(Vandana et al., 2020). Within the framework of psy-
chological support of professional self-identification,
the introduction of augmented and virtual reality tech-
nologies provides an opportunity for “real” immer-
sion in a certain type of professional activity, “trying
on” the profession in relation to students’ own indi-
vidual capabilities and preferences. Increase of the
participants ’motivation and interest in individual and
group work is also an important feature of the process
of implementing AR/VR technologies in the psycho-
correctional process. According to the results of the
implementation of the training program using the ele-
ments of augmented and virtual reality, certain pos-
itive changes in the intrapersonal and interpersonal
components of emotional intelligence of high school
students were revealed. accordingly, positive changes
are reflected in the overall index of emotional intelli-
gence (figure 3 (a, b)).
The reliability of the results obtained on the
change in the general level of emotional intelligence
was tested using the criterion of signs G. Two hy-
potheses were formulated. H
the shift towards
changes in the level of emotional intelligence after ap-
plying a complex program using augmented and vir-
tual reality technologies is accidental. H
the shift
towards changes in the level of emotional intelligence
after applying a complex program using augmented
and virtual reality technologies is not accidental.
Typical shift is positive (18), atypical 4,
= 4, G
= 6 (found using the table of crit-
ical values of the sign criterion), G
< G
, which
means that the alternative hypothesis H
should be ac-
cepted, p < 0.05.
According to the results of the data presented in
figure 3 shows the positive dynamics of the develop-
ment of components and the overall index of emo-
tional intelligence in high school students.
After the introduction of a comprehensive pro-
gram with elements of augmented and virtual real-
ity, there is a significant increase in the ability to un-
derstand their own and others’ emotions and manage
them in the respondents of the experimental group.
The ability to understand emotions means that re-
spondents can effectively recognize emotional states,
ie establish the very fact of the presence of emotional
experience in themselves or in another person; can
identify the emotion, or establish what kind of emo-
tion is felt by a high school student or another person,
and find a verbal expression for it; understand the rea-
sons that caused this emotion and the consequences to
which she will lead.
The ability to manage emotions means that re-
spondents can control the intensity of emotions, es-
pecially to suppress excessively strong emotions; can
control the external expression of emotions; can, if
necessary, arbitrarily evoke one or another emotion.
Both the ability to understand and the ability to
control emotions can be directed to both one’s own
emotions and the emotions of others.
Thus, we can talk about raising the level and dom-
inance of high and medium level intrapersonal and
interpersonal components of emotional intelligence.
These two options involve the actualization of differ-
Features of Implementation of Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies in the Psycho-correctional Process of Development of
Emotional Intelligence of High School Students in Terms of Professional Self-determination
Figure 3: Dynamics of development of emotional intelligence of high school students of the experimental group (n = 45):
a) the percentage of development of emotional intelligence of high school students to participate in a psycho-correctional
program with elements of augmented and virtual reality; b) the percentage of the development of emotional intelligence of
high school students after the formative influence.
ent cognitive processes and skills.
There was no significant quantitative difference in
the indicators of emotional intelligence in the control
group of respondents.
The use of augmented and virtual reality technolo-
gies provides high school students with new opportu-
nities and prospects aimed at practice-oriented learn-
ing, promotes personal development and improve the
quality of self-education, provides opportunities for
the internalization of personal experience. In the con-
text of professional self-determination provides an
opportunity to bring high school students closer to
real ideas about the future profession, to reduce the
impact of social and psychological labels in the pro-
cess of choosing future professional activities.
The use of reality technologies brings science to
life, reproduces real life situations, helps to create
fictional spaces for unsolved problems. It creates
new opportunities for mastering practical skills, pro-
vides research experience, reveals the inner poten-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
tial of the individual on the path to self-knowledge
and self-development, makes activities a bright pro-
cess, prevents distractions, increases motivation in
decision-making, affects the emotional and cognitive
sphere of personality, helps more to understand com-
plex concepts, definitions, properties, which through
emotional coloring are formed into a single plane of
future professional activity.
Modern digital technologies based on VR/AR
form the main criteria for professional selection,
such as focus on the practical component of future
activities, productivity, competitiveness, stress, in-
creased concentration and attention, information re-
trieval, motivation, information competence and com-
prehensive assessment of academic achievement , im-
proving the development of spatial, creative abilities
and memory. The influence of augmented and virtual
reality technologies on sensory channels promotes the
activation of hemispherical interaction of the brain,
which directly affects the emotional sphere.
Thus, emotional intelligence is a two-component
construct, which consists of intrapersonal (ability
to understand and manage your own emotions)
and interpersonal (ability to understand and man-
age the emotions of other people) components. The
role of emotional intelligence in professional self-
identification is viewed as the ability to identify your
own emotions and manage them in order to achieve
the goal. According to the results of an empirical
study of high school students’ emotional intelligence
indicators, it was found out that the majority of high
school students have a low level of emotional intelli-
gence. Analysis of the results of empirical research
has shown that the least pronounced is respondents’
ability to manage both their own emotional states
and the emotions of other people. According to the
results of the study, we found out that the partici-
pants with the social orientation of professional self-
identification have a high level of interpersonal emo-
tional intelligence. In particular, high school students
of social type of professional self-identification are
prone to recognize the emotions of other people. We
also revealed that participants with a realistic type
of professional self-identification have a low empa-
thy level. Respondents with the entrepreneurial type
of professional self-identification have low scores on
the scale of managing their emotions. Based on the
results of a diagnostic study, conducted in groups us-
ing the computer complex HC-psychotest, the train-
ing “Development of emotional stability” was devel-
oped and piloted. An innovative trend in the imple-
mentation of training is a comprehensive combination
of traditional psycho-correctional and developmental
technologies and AR/VR technologies.
The use of training and psychocorrectional pro-
grams of programs with components of augmented
and virtual reality, specially aimed on personality
changes, has a significant impact on the modifica-
tion of functional personality structures (for example,
emotional intelligence). Such programs can be used
in the course of continuing education for adults. With
their sufficient operationalization, the students them-
selves are able to reduce anxiety, reduce fears and
negative emotions, stimulate positive emotional states
by working individually and including self-regulation
mechanisms. As a result of feedback from respon-
dents, it turned out that the greatest impact on abilities
is exerted, first of all, by didactic programs with ele-
ments of augmented and virtual reality, under the in-
fluence of which the formation of intellectual abilities
is stimulated, as well as cognitive style through the
actualization of positive emotional states. The imple-
mentation of traditional psychotechnologies and ele-
ments of virtual and augmented reality increase the
level of reflexivity in cognitive activity and informa-
tion processing. Correctional programs with compo-
nents of augmented and virtual reality for the devel-
opment of emotional intelligence in high school stu-
dents contribute to a positive change in the conscious
assessment of judgments about emotionally colored
components of the situation, harmonization of the
structure of the relationship between connotative and
denotative meanings (meanings and meanings) within
individual consciousness. The process of personality
action in these programs also changes unconscious at-
titudes. Prospects for further research are the analy-
sis of the impact of innovative technologies of aug-
mented and virtual reality on the psychological char-
acteristics of man in the educational space.
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Table 5: Training program “Development of emotional intelligence” based on the use of AR/VR technologies.
Topic of the
Objectives Psychological techniques and
AR and VR
1. Emotional
competence as a
vital resource
acquaintance with the training program;
ground rules for group interaction; identi-
fication of participants’ expectations; self-
diagnosis of emotional intelligence; inform-
ing about the emotional sphere of a person;
modeling the image of emotionally compe-
tent individual
brainstorming, art therapy, clus-
tering, moderation, facilitation,
role play, feedback
Graffiti Paint
VR. Art Ther-
apy. Neu-
roNation Ease:
Mindfulness &
2. The world
of feelings and
“acquaintance” with the world of feelings
and emotions; development of emotional
self-awareness and competencies: observa-
tion of the flow of emotions, bodily sensa-
tions, thoughts; identification (recognition,
naming), analysis of your own emotions,
feelings; understanding of the reasons for
their occurrence
brainstorming, art therapy, gestalt
therapy, interactive mini-lecture,
identification technique, case-
study, technique of influencing
the emotional state through
changing body positions - “psy-
chological sculpture”, meditative
exercises, self-training, technique
of emotional introspection, music
VR Maze.
VR Mission
Moodpath -
Depression &
Anxiety Test.
Wild Symphony.
3. What can
we do with
responsibility for your own emotional re-
actions, self-controlled behavior and will-
ingness to manage your own emotions in
the steady and emotionally tense life sit-
uations; development of emotional self-
regulation competencies: adjustment of in-
tensity and evocation of desired emotions,
restoration of emotional balance, resistance
to immediate desires and emotions; verbal-
ization of emotions and feelings; perception
and understanding of nonverbal body lan-
guage and movements; choice of authentic
and adequate to the situation ways of emo-
tional self-expression.
psychogymnastics, art therapy,
emotional recharging tech-
nique, moderation, technique
of metaphorical expression of
feelings, technique of “Me-
expression”, technique of verbal-
ization of partner’s feelings, role
play, “aquarium”, technique of
restoring emotional balance with
the help of images, technique
of separating “Me” from emo-
tions, technique of working with
emotions “7-P”
VR Thrills:
Roller Coaster
360. VR
Heights Phobia
VR - Spider
Phobia Horror.
VR Relax Travel
4. Psychophys-
iological self-
regulation of
techniques and methods of psychophysiolog-
ical self-regulation, release of muscle ten-
sion (breathing, muscle relaxation, medita-
tion, etc.)
interactive mini-lecture, self-
training, relaxation and visual-
ization techniques, psychogym-
nastics, meditative breathing,
physical exercises, technique
of freeing unwanted emotions,
self-suggestion techniques
Thisissand - Art,
Creativity & Re-
laxation. Relax
River VR.
5. Life po-
sition. World-
view and self-
awareness of life values, beliefs about your-
self and others; influence of life position on
destiny; uniqueness of each person’s picture
of the world; development of tolerant attitude
towards others
interactive mini-lecture, art
therapy, facilitation, brainstorm-
ing, transformation game using
metaphorical maps
activities for
brain, DEVAR
4D augmented
Continued on next page
Features of Implementation of Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies in the Psycho-correctional Process of Development of
Emotional Intelligence of High School Students in Terms of Professional Self-determination
Table 5 – continued from previous page
Topic of the
Objectives Psychological techniques and
AR and VR
6. Positive
awareness of the relationship between emo-
tional competence, positive thinking and self-
efficacy; formation of motivation for achieve-
ment; development of positive thinking com-
art therapy, gestalt therapy, psy-
chodrama, role play, cards with
affirmations, technique of positive
processing of an unpleasant situ-
ation “Magic questions”, interac-
tive exercises, technique “Positive
language”, case-study.
CBT Compan-
ion: (Cognitive
Therapy app).
ACT iCoach:
Therapy App.
3DBear Vi-
sualize your
creative think-
7. Resources of
the past, present,
and future. Time
formation of time management competence;
awareness of the importance of a constructive
attitude to the past, present, future in order to
improve the emotional competence; compe-
tence development: being present “here and
now”, feeling and objectively perceiving re-
ality, other people; tolerance to failures and
uncertainty, ability for reasonable risk
case-study, gestalt therapy, role
play, “aquarium”, art therapy, re-
laxation techniques, “Box of Joy”
technique, art therapy.
Diarize. Paint
Draw AR
CubeAR: maze
3D & AR. VR
Player Best
video VR 360
8. Social
awareness of emotional processes during in-
terpersonal interaction; mastering skills of
social sensitivity; expanding the range of
emotions; competence development: identi-
fication, analysis, verbalization of the emo-
tions and feelings of the interlocutor, un-
derstanding the reasons for their occurrence;
emotional support; development of skills of
attentive listening
art therapy, role play, brainstorm-
ing, transformation game, aquar-
ium, interactive lecture, psy-
chogymnastics, reflection tech-
nique, moderation, community
emphasis technique, techniques
of verbalization of your own and
partner’s feelings
eQuoo: Emo-
tional Fitness
Game. Raku-
9. The golden
mean in com-
Assertiveness of
development of assertive behavior, adequacy
of self-esteem, expanding the range of emo-
tional response; development of competen-
cies: selection of an emotional reaction ade-
quate to the situation; constructive resolution
of the emotionally tense situations, protec-
tion of your own psychological boundaries,
your point of view; resistance towards ma-
nipulations; ability to refuse without offend-
ing another person
art therapy, role play, case study,
interactive mini-lecture, facilita-
tion, assertive refusal techniques,
CBT Thought
Diary - Mood
Tracker. Timia.
10. Career guid-
ance game “Tree
of professions”
activation of psychological readiness for pro-
fessional self-identification; actualization of
internal human resources for successful pro-
fessional self-realization; formation of the
ability to make a decision on choosing and
obtaining a profession; systematization of
ideas about the world of professions, devel-
opment of skills of search and analysis of in-
formation, group work
art therapy, role play, case study,
collage technique, transformation
game, brainstorming, sharing
Expeditions AR.
AR Sandbox.
Arcraft - AR No
Size Limit. VR
- Virtual Work
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology