cation and individualization of education, due to quar-
antine measures caused by COVID-19, causes a rapid
integration of cloud and innovative information tech-
nologies into the process of training a competitive,
professionally stable specialist of the new format. The
modern technologies are present at all levels and in all
aspects of pedagogical activity – from the use of in-
formation technology in teaching a certain discipline
to the implementation of systems of management in
higher educational institutions.
Among the modern technologies, cloud technolo-
gies occupy a prominent place, they are increasingly
penetrating the system of domestic education (Kiv
et al., 2019). Until recently, cloud technologies were
considered the prerogative of large corporations, but
today they are used by small and medium-sized busi-
nesses, government and the educational system in
According to the latest statistics, about 77% of
companies have been already using or plan to use
the cloud technologies. 69% of them consider such a
transition to be a necessary condition for the survival
in a competitive changing world.
The cloud sphere, meanwhile, is actively develop-
ing and annually presents innovations in functionality
and applications. 2020 is a year of restructuring and
adaptation of a human being to the life in the new
economic, social conditions of society in the post-
coronavirus space. In the international press this year
was called “the year of cloud technology”. Market
giants IBM, Amazon and Microsoft started actively
offering cloud infrastructure and platform as a service
not only in the United States, which is the main coun-
try of data hosting, but also abroad, actively increas-
ing its presence in other countries.
The use of cloud technologies in the educational
process is one of the dominant areas for the enhance-
ment of the quality of higher education, individual-
ization and personalization of the educational pro-
cess. The educational process is not left out of the
renewal process, and one of the ways to solve the
problem of interaction of several remote systems sup-
porting the learning process, their mobility and cost-
effectiveness is the use of cloud computing, when data
resources are provided to final users as an Internet ser-
vice (Morze and Kusminska, 2011).
The Concept of Development of Digital Economy
and Society of Ukraine for 2018–2021 states the ne-
cessity of taking measures to implement appropriate
incentives for the digitalization of the economy, pub-
lic and social spheres. It also focuses on the issues
of raising the awareness of existing challenges, us-
ing tools for digital infrastructure development, and
developing digital competence. This Concept also
identifies critical areas, circles out the digitization
projects, plans stimulation of the domestic market of
production, use and consumption of digital technolo-
gies. It is noted that the integration of Ukrainian sci-
ence into the European research space will provide
an opportunity to develop advanced scientific ideas,
participate in interdisciplinary projects, focus on per-
spective ideas, technologies and innovations.
One of the important tasks is the formation of a
profound national policy of digitalization of educa-
tion as a priority component of educational reform,
and one of the key elements of the Digital Single Mar-
ket of Europe and a part of the paradigm “Open In-
novation – Open Science – Openness to the World”,
which is developing within the European scientific in-
novation space. There is also a need to develop a Eu-
ropean cloud of open science and a European data in-
frastructure. The implementation of the main postu-
lates of the Concept described above has been going
on for some time, in particular, various scientific re-
search works in this direction are being carried out in
The dynamism of national processes, taking place
in modern Ukrainian society, creates a socio-cultural
and educational situation, the way out of which is di-
rectly related to the enhancement of the quality of
training and the increase of the level professional-
ism of future professionals who are capable of self-
transformation and are ready for full self-realization
in unstable, changing working conditions.
Future professionals’ awareness of the relation-
ship between the requirements of the profession and
their personal characteristics encourages the construc-
tion of their own personality in the framework of pro-
fessionalization, consequently it creates conditions
for becoming a professional.
The issue of students’ own social mobility, readi-
ness for self-education in the new information field,
in which integration competence plays an impor-
tant role, is becoming an urgent issue for modern
Ukrainian student youth.
The issue of professional stability is also an im-
portant one, which is also a practical aspect of
a broader problem – the problem of competitive-
ness, efficiency and readiness for professional self-
realization in today’s unstable conditions of profes-
sional activity. Accordingly, it is also very important
to find priority ways to provide educational services,
taking into account the future specialist’s individual
psychological characteristics and innovative trends of
cloud technologies use in the process of future profes-
sionals’ training.
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology