of these documents, methodological approaches (sys-
temic, personal, humanistic, informational) and prin-
ciples are determined (respect for national traditions,
the priority of moral and ethical values, aesthetic in-
spiration). The model of technology reflects the need
for the implementation of the pedagogy of the heart
and the pedagogy of success, the main ideas of which
are grounded in (Łopatkowa, 1992; Sukhomlinskii,
1962). In our study, the implementation of the ped-
agogy of heart means that every child should feel the
love and care of teachers, parents and classmates: a
minimum of competition and maximum of trust, and
confidence in the success of each child; at the same
time, each pupil feels the need to help peers, older
The content component of the technology embod-
ied the theoretical and methodological foundations of
success, media education tools. The elements of the
procedural component are the algorithm of the ac-
tions of the participants of the pedagogical interac-
tion (pupil, teachers, parents) acting on the princi-
ples of partnership pedagogy; forms of education for
children (the creation of electronic books “Rules of
Success Achievement”, “Stories of Success” that en-
sure continuity in the formation of success), meth-
ods (conversations about media success, exercises,
projects “How to determine life goals”, “Sensitivity
and cruelty: which wins?”, “Rivalry or cooperation:
my choice?”, “How to overcome obstacles”, “How
to increase self-esteem”) and forms and methods of
working with parents (conversations, pieces of train-
Diagnostic tools (criteria, level indicators) make it
possible to verify the effectiveness of the technology
under study.
2.4 Organization and Analysis of the
Results of Experimental Research
In order to test the effectiveness of the designed tech-
nology, a forming experiment was carried out during
2018 (the first stage, which involved the introduction
the technology of formation of successful personality
of a primary school age pupil during media education
implementation) (MON, 2019); 2019–2020 (the sec-
ond stage, during which the improved technology of
formation of successful personality during media ed-
ucation implementation was introduced; it was based
on the use of praxeological tales as innovative me-
dia products, improving the moral and psychological
climate in the children’s team, strengthening the hu-
manization of pupil relationships).
Since it is impossible to investigate all the types
of activities involving children (someone is success-
ful in one activity, and someone else in another), we
have stopped on the leading types: studying, me-
dia education activities of the primary school chil-
dren and their self-improvement activities. Control
(106 persons) and experimental (104 persons) groups
of the third-grade pupils (four classes in each group)
of comprehensive schools and educational complexes
of Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi, Mukachevo were formed,
and the level of formation of their success was diag-
nosed (the results of the diagnosis are presented in
table 3). Traditional forms and methods of forming
success were used in control groups, in experimental,
however, the developed technology, which provides
for the strengthening of the humanization of relations
between pupils; praxeological tales as an innovative
component, was introduced.
The implementation of the technology was pre-
ceded by a preliminary work with the teachers of
the experimental classes that received a specially de-
signed educational methodological textbook for rais-
ing their level of competence in the field of educa-
tional technologies, in particular, media education, in-
formation and communication, and the organization
of successful activities (Kuzma, 2019; Łopatkowa,
1992; Yankovych et al., 2020). For teachers, collo-
quies and counseling were conducted. Students of
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical
University and Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian and Ped-
agogical Academy were involved in the measurement
of the results of the study.
As the technology provides for the formation of
a successful personality of primary school pupils,
along with the implementation of media education,
the formation of key competences for life, in the ex-
perimental classes, pupils’ knowledge of the media,
their types and functions, information search, copy-
right, safe use of digital media, media communication
ethics etc. has deepened.
Differences in the formation of a successful per-
sonality between control and experimental groups of
children were revealed during the lessons of “Liter-
ature Reading”, “Ukrainian Language”, “I Explore
the World”. In the process of studying each subject
in the experimental classes, attention was focused on
the problems of success (for which the correspond-
ing texts were selected). Particular attention was paid
to the ability to overcome obstacles and the ways to
overcome difficulties were discussed. During the ex-
periment, acute topics were considered, in particular
about envy and sincere joy for the success of friends,
whether it worth to create an ideal and follow it, etc.
The most effective forms of working with primary
school pupils were the creation of electronic books
on successful children, watching films about the suc-
The Formation of a Successful Personality of Primary School Children during Media Education Implementation (Using Praxeological Tales)