The amount of the smart tools increased due to its us-
ability and transcendent performance. In 2022 may
be represented up to 1.1 billion of individual smart
instruments due to shift from 4G to 5G. That means
every seventh person on the Earth will use smart tools.
So, firstly the concrete methods, which can be used
during educational researches of STEM based process
has been introduced.
At the first time, “As is – To be” BPMN method
was proposed to evaluate the effect of the proposed
method. By using of these methods were proved that
using of personal smart tools during STEM educa-
tion characterizing by enhanced automatization and
provide developing of student’s thinking, using of
graphs, calculation and involving students to conduct
of the individual researches.
Training, health-preserving control, ergonomic,
mathematical competences, competences in the field
of natural sciences, engineering and technology and
social competence can be achieved using personal
smart tools to provide educational researches.
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tion in suspected COVID-19”, “Diet effect on body
parameters, especially on the amount of muscle, fat
and bone tissue”, “The physical activity effect on
sleep duration and heart rate”, “Physical activity ef-
fect of human muscle and fat tissue amount”, “In-
fluence of fitness zone training on resting heart rate”
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology