teaching materials (for example, the site of distance
learning https://dfn.mdpu.org.ua), the availability of
remote assessment and the ability to dynamically dis-
play the results of work. To increase the level of in-
formation visualization, it is advisable to use broad-
casts of 3D models and examples of problem solving
during lectures. For this purpose, on the basis of the
Department of Informatics and Cybernetics, a multi-
media panel with the mozaBook application installed
on it was used, from which the broadcast for all stu-
dents of the study group took place. The task of the
teacher in terms of distance learning is the function
of the developer of educational and methodological
support and the lecturer during lectures. The main
problem is the need to develop standardized tasks that
would be interesting for “strong” students and with a
sufficient level of complexity for “weak” students. It
is important to take into account the cognitive styles
of different groups of students, to create conditions
for high-quality perception of information by all stu-
dents and to solve problems in different ways. A sep-
arate problem is the problem of low level of techni-
cal support of students and problems with the Internet
(Kruglyk et al., 2020). The solution to the problem is
the use of the teacher, in the educational process em-
bedded learning servers with the ability to teach learn-
ing materials for asynchronous interaction and per-
form or test tasks at a convenient time for the student
and teacher. However, as we emphasized the need for
synchronous interaction between teacher and student
to improve the level of information perception and
interaction with the cognitive styles of each student.
This in turn creates a contradiction between the syn-
chronous and asynchronous approach to learning. To
resolve this contradiction, there is a need to combine
both approaches and their parallel implementation in
the educational process. This decision increases the
requirements for the teacher in terms of psychologi-
cal and pedagogical training, development of univer-
sal methodological complexes and the introduction of
innovative pedagogical tools in the educational pro-
cess. An additional problem is the need to determine
the cognitive characteristics of students and adjust the
learning process in accordance with the results of this
definition, which has been studied by Sender (Sender,
Therefore, summing up the requirements of all ap-
proaches to learning in a mixed distance learning en-
vironment, we can say a partial or complete exclu-
sion of methods and means of face-to-face interac-
tion, in order to reduce the possibility of infection
with the virus. The methodical work of the teacher
should be focused on the issues of psychological and
pedagogical preparation for the educational process,
development of universal methodical complexes and
introduction of innovative pedagogical means in the
educational process. When trying to determine the
form of the general complex of software and hardware
of the educational process in the conditions of mixed
learning, it includes: means of information visual-
ization (physical board in combination with a web-
cam, multimedia board, projector), means of training
and control unit (laptop, computer computer, tablet,
training server), means and methods of synchroniza-
tion of the educational process (online testing, use
of the general training server, screen demonstration),
platform of synchronous and asynchronous commu-
nication (Discord, Zoom, Google Meet and others),
educational and methodical complexes, training pro-
grams with Internet access (distance learning site, Ac-
tivInspire, ClassFlow, mozaBook and others). We can
note that a certain set of software and hardware in
different combinations of the composition in general
solves the problem in the study. We have developed
models of three sets of software and hardware for
each of the approaches studied in the work. Each of
their complexes aims to create conditions for a quality
learning process in a blended learning environment,
but each of them has a unique and narrow link of use
and should be selected according to the unique needs
of each type of educational activity.
Thus, the interactive multimedia complex for the
younger group, which includes an interactive panel,
laptop, webcam and training software, allows you
to easily perform the lecture load in a distance and
blended learning environment. However, determining
the needs of professional education, which are noted
in (Gonchar, 2012; Malchenko et al., 2021; Tkachuk,
2018; Valko and Osadchyi, 2020), the defined com-
plex does not fully realize the possibilities of mobil-
ity and creative immersion in the educational process
by the students themselves, which in turn significantly
reduces the possibilities of its use. The use of a cer-
tain complex will require the teacher to develop more
in-depth methodological materials in order to solve
a certain problem, create conditions for group work
and artificially expand the worldview of students dur-
ing their studies. However, such a complex provides
the minimum necessary functions that fully meet the
needs of the younger group of students.
Interactive multimedia complex for the middle
group, which includes an interactive panel, laptop,
webcam, document camera, 4G modem, unlimited
internet and training software. We can emphasize
the high level of capabilities in the vector of classes
in mixed or remote mode, provided that there is a
static laboratory or office for classes. The presence
of 4G Internet units and two types of cameras, create
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology