for surgery or for experiments with hazardous chemi-
cals. Immersive technologies play the important role
in educating students with special educational needs
to create inclusive learning environment taking into
account the needs and capabilities of each.
Having analyzed the world experience of using
immersive technologies in universities around the
world, we found that these technologies are used in
quite unexpected ways:
• immersive learning technologies are actively used
during distance learning, which allows, in particu-
lar during video conferencing to improve learning
efficiency (University of British Columbia);
• to determine the level of empathy for the prob-
lem of homelessness, which allows to obtain the
social experience of a person who becomes home-
less (Central Pacific Institute in Hawaii);
• to study the effects of ocean oxidation on coral
reefs, to provide knowledge about the environ-
mental problem, so that the students understand
the damage to nature caused by human activities
(Punahou International University).
Thus, the use of immersive technologies in the ed-
ucational space of universities is applied not only in
the process of training specialists for various sectors
of the economy to obtain professional competencies,
but also to gain social, emotional experience and to
update environmental issues.
Our research does not outline all aspects of the
problem of using immersive learning technologies in
the educational space of the world’s leading univer-
sities. These and other problems today are the most
promising area of scientific pedagogical thought, and
can project the further introduction of immersive tech-
nologies in the educational space of national higher
education institutions, taking into account the positive
experience of universities.
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Implicit Potential of Immersive Technologies Implementation in the Educational Process at the Universities: World Experience