especially acutely felt by the education sector since it
required a total transfer of all educational activities
to a distance mode. According to Executive Director
of Chandigarh University (India) S. K. Tripath, “The
new coronavirus has affected employment, education,
energy, agriculture and other areas of the global econ-
omy, including the emotional state of citizens. Higher
education institutions (HEIs), including universities,
colleges and other institutions of higher education, are
no exception” (UN, 2020). According to UNESCO,
the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the largest disrup-
tion in education systems in history, affecting nearly
1.6 billion students in more than 190 countries and on
all continents. School and other educational closures
have affected 94% of the global student population,
with 99% in low- and lower-middle-income countries
(International Commission on the Futures of Educa-
tion, 2020). According to the same UNESCO, 826
million students in the world do not have personal
computers, 706 million (43%) do not have access to
the Internet (Faek and El-Galil, 2020).
In high school, the use of web-based distance ed-
ucation is expanding rapidly. This requires constant
improvement of the technological and methodologi-
cal support of the educational process. Failure in ed-
ucation is a serious threat to the entire society. There-
fore, educational institutions must respond quickly
and ensure the continuity of educational processes.
Research is underway to develop technical, organiza-
tional, and pedagogical changes that educational in-
stitutions must implement to use different methods
of interaction, ensure continuity and provide high-
quality education (Bojovi
c et al., 2020).
Research on the advantages and disadvantages of
distance education is important (www.eztalks.com,
2017). Many universities are researching to examine
the effectiveness of distance learning at universities
in light of the coronavirus pandemic and to identify
the barriers that university students face. Bataineh
et al. (Bataineh et al., 2021) is pointed out that dis-
tance learning requires an exceptional environment,
ability, and IT skills in addition to smart devices and
applications that enable video conferencing. Another
important area is the study of methods and means
for involving students in the online learning process
(Chen et al., 2021). An important step in the transi-
tion to online of many laboratories that are used in
higher education, especially in STEM fields. This
is important for students of those specialties that re-
quire access to physical objects: devices, sensors,
control devices. One of the ways to solve this prob-
lem is to use Remote Lab and Virtual Lab technolo-
gies when programming an embedded system and ap-
plying them to managing technical objects (Zub
ıa and
Alves, 2011; Sancristobal et al., 2012). A virtual lab-
oratory is a software and hardware complex that al-
lows research without direct contact with real pro-
duction or educational equipment, or in the absence
of it (Sancristobal et al., 2012). The Remote Lab in-
cludes real technological equipment, software, and
hardware for controlling the technological complex
and analog-digital conversion of measuring signals
from sensors installed on the equipment. At the same
time, it should be ensured: the operation of the equip-
ment, a reliable access channel via the Internet, access
dispatching and accounting of work performed, video
stream transmission using appropriate equipment, etc.
These tasks are solved, for example, in the GOLDi
system (GOLDi, 2021). Within the GOLDi Remote
Lab, interactive content objects can be offered to stu-
dents to digitally support learning processes. These
are digital, immersive tools that allow you to explore
learned content with predefined or self-created ex-
amples. Virtual Lab emulates laboratory equipment
through the use of mathematical models (Vasilyeva
and Portnyagin, 2017; Tarasov et al., 2020b). It is
also necessary to improve the technologies of the ed-
ucational process based on the use of IT.
To ensure a proper response to emerging prob-
lems, universities need to focus on changing not only
teaching methods but also the very approaches to
teaching, organizing the educational process, and to
do this quality and quickly. On the other hand, it
became necessary to abandon the traditional method
of planning and implementing educational programs.
A regulatory component of the educational process
during a pandemic in the Donbass State Engineer-
ing Academy was the “Regulations on distance learn-
ing for applicants for higher education at the Don-
bass State Engineering Academy in special condi-
tions” (DSMA, 2020). The implementation of this
provision is based on the expansion of distance learn-
ing opportunities through the digitalization of educa-
tion, which, on the one hand, requires an analysis of
the digital infrastructure of the academy, and on the
other, its management. This analysis led to the so-
lution of a global problem for technical universities
– how to implement a laboratory practice on special
equipment in this mode.
All laboratory work can be classified according to
the type of disciplines where they are used. This ap-
plies more to special disciplines, where the student is
often given the task of measuring the characteristics
of any process using real devices or maintaining the
process occurring in a given state. It is also possible
to set some target state, which should be achieved in
the process of laboratory experiment by appropriate
actions of the student (Tarasov et al., 2020a).
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology