medicine, education, etc. VR and AR applications
are already actively used as teaching aids in schools
in America and Europe. Augmented reality technol-
ogy has become especially popular due to its easy
and convenient use. The availability of smartphone
or tablet, which can be used for individual tasks, ob-
servations, research, as well as for group projects, is
enough to work with AR. With the help of AR appli-
cations with smartphones in hands, foreign and do-
mestic primary school students have the opportunity
to explore the solar system, water molecules, flora
and fauna, travel, enliven the pages of the alphabet,
visualize artistic images and the world of literature,
etc. By extrapolating the world experience of activat-
ing augmented reality in school practice, scientists-
methodologists and teachers-practitioners in Ukraine
develop their own AR applications and substantiate
methodological models of their implementation in ed-
Modern development of information and commu-
nication technologies allows to modernize the educa-
tional process in primary school as much as possible
in accordance with the challenges of the time and the
requirements of the reformed education. The linguis-
tic and literary branch of primary education was no
exception. In particular, the “Living Alphabet” has
appeared on the desks of first-graders in Ukrainian
schools, the visualization of which is provided by the
FastAR Kids application in smartphones or tablets
(iOS, Android, iPhone). The interactive edition con-
tains a game platform with special labels on the pages
of the edition, which activate augmented reality in 3D
format based on the plots of poems with amazing sto-
ries and animated characters. Some teachers use the
alternative edition of the “Kobzar’s Alphabet” in the
practice of teaching literacy to first-graders. This in-
teractive book contains works by Taras Shevchenko
for each letter of the alphabet, the illustrations of
which come to life, move and talk with the help of the
same FastAR Kids application. However, the method-
ology of teaching with the help of such books remains
undeveloped, so the use of augmented reality in lit-
eracy lessons in the first-grade is not systematic, but
rather situational.
The specificity of fiction, its imagery, organic in-
tegration into the multimedia space also suggest the
need for partial revival of the artistic picture with the
help of augmented reality technology in the reading
process. While developing lifelong learning skills in
primary school students, it is important to form an in-
terest in books, to teach to feel the beauty that is em-
bedded in the artistic word. The depth of perception
of the work depends not only on the development of
critical thinking and aesthetic sense, associated with
a sense of beauty, understanding of the values accu-
mulated in the artistic image, but also on emotional
intelligence. Therefore, the development of dialogic
interaction with works of art will be greatly facilitated
by the use of augmented reality technology, which
causes its visualization primarily emotional resonance
and promotes the activation of the creative imagina-
1.2 Literature Review
We analyzed the current state of research on the
use of AR applications in education (Chen et al.,
2017); studied the experience of combination of AR
with learning based on games in primary school
(Makhachashvili et al., 2020; Pellas et al., 2019),
the impact of integrating game approaches with aug-
mented reality on learning (osvitoria.media, 2019;
opez et al., 2019), improvement of learning ef-
ficiency and students’ motivation through the use of
AR applications on smartphones (Chen, 2019).
Possibilities of application of AR technologies
in different fields of education were considered by
Pochtoviuk et al. (Pochtoviuk et al., 2020). The au-
thors noted the great impact of presentation of edu-
cational material by augmented reality on the devel-
opment of facial expressions, attention, stimulating
thinking and increasing the level of understanding of
information. Among the benefits, scientists point to
realism, clarity, completeness, information and inter-
activity. The didactic potential of virtual information
learning environment is determined by Bondarenko
et al. (Bondarenko et al., 2020). Scientists empha-
size such features of VR and AR as immersion, dy-
namism, sense of presence, continuity, causality, in-
tensification of the process of cognition, saving time
for processing the material. While acknowledging the
effectiveness of learning with the help of VR and AR,
the authors also point out the disadvantages, includ-
ing low computerization, low number and low quality
of software products (Bondarenko et al., 2020), diffi-
culties in applying these technologies, such as: small
experience in using this technology, lack of method-
ological literature, lack of developed methods of AR
implementation (Iatsyshyn et al., 2020). Lacunae of
augmented reality educational products are filled by
practitioners who create mobile applications to vi-
sualize educational material, including the chemical
structure of water and display video data from labora-
tory experiments to study subjects of the natural cycle
in the primary school. Innovative is the experience of
developing a mobile application LiCo.SolarSystem,
designed to visualize the solar system using AR tech-
nology and study the alphabet using astronomical def-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology