Augmented Reality in the Literary Education of Primary School
Children: Specifics, Creation, Application
Liudmyla L. Nezhyva
1 a
, Svitlana P. Palamar
1 b
, Halyna O. Vaskivska
1 c
, Olha V. Kotenko
1 d
Liudmyla A. Nazarenko
2 e
, Maryna S. Naumenko
1 f
and Andrei V. Voznyak
3 g
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2, Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str., Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine
Mykolayiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, 4-A Admiralska Str., Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54 Gagarin Ave., Kryvyi Rih, 50086, Ukraine
Augmented Reality Technology, 3D Visualisation, Creative Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Interactive
Travel Game.
The authors worked on expanding the methodological basis for the use of augmented reality on the examples
of alphabets in accordance with the objectives of the school program of the 1st-grade of the New Ukrainian
School, namely the content lines: “Interact orally”, “Exploring the media”, “Exploring linguistic phenomena”.
The methodological aspect of the application of augmented reality on the basis of interactive art books has
also been expanded. In particular, within the line “Theatricalize” it is proposed to involve students in stage
art, in the conditions of which they gained experience of performance, tried to improvise. Observation of
artistic expression through augmented reality, work with interactive coloring pages and stickers, expression of
appropriate emotions through acting ensures the development of the child’s emotional intelligence, creative
thinking, initiative, self-awareness, self-control, ability to overcome barriers associated with uncertainty and
risks, effectively cooperate with and understand one another. The result of the research characterizes different
directions of application of augmented reality in the literary field of primary education: visualization, observa-
tion and research of artistic image, demonstration of its expression; visualization, observation and research of
the artistic world of a literary work; organization of the reader’s interaction with the literary hero; organization
of game activities in the lesson of literary reading (study of the work with the help of a game developed by
means of augmented reality); organization of theatrical performances with the help of interactive bracelets and
stickers with AR applications. This study is devoted to the creation of an augmented reality appendix to the
topic “Ukrainian folk tales”. Due to the fact that the leading activity in primary school is gaming, the AR ap-
plication based on a fairy tale as a game-trip was created. The development of the application provides for the
implementation of further tasks: analysis of the work, interpretation of the work, activation of the emotional
impact of works on the reader. The augmented reality for the accompaniment of the creative reading of the
fairy tale was created with the help of Unity programs and the Vuforia plugin. The basis of the game-trip is a
fairy-tale map with stations and special interactive tags. A specially designed program attaches a virtual AR
object to the label and activates the image of the hero, the episode of the fairy tale, the text of the question on
the screen.
1.1 The Problem Statement
New virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR) tech-
nologies have quickly gained popularity around the
world. Currently, visualized content on various top-
ics is used with the help of modern electronic devices
in various fields, such as: science, production pro-
cesses, technology, marketing, design, entertainment,
Nezhyva, L., Palamar, S., Vaskivska, H., Kotenko, O., Nazarenko, L., Naumenko, M. and Voznyak, A.
Augmented Reality in the Literary Education of Primary School Children: Specifics, Creation, Application.
DOI: 10.5220/0010930900003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 2, pages 283-291
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
medicine, education, etc. VR and AR applications
are already actively used as teaching aids in schools
in America and Europe. Augmented reality technol-
ogy has become especially popular due to its easy
and convenient use. The availability of smartphone
or tablet, which can be used for individual tasks, ob-
servations, research, as well as for group projects, is
enough to work with AR. With the help of AR appli-
cations with smartphones in hands, foreign and do-
mestic primary school students have the opportunity
to explore the solar system, water molecules, flora
and fauna, travel, enliven the pages of the alphabet,
visualize artistic images and the world of literature,
etc. By extrapolating the world experience of activat-
ing augmented reality in school practice, scientists-
methodologists and teachers-practitioners in Ukraine
develop their own AR applications and substantiate
methodological models of their implementation in ed-
Modern development of information and commu-
nication technologies allows to modernize the educa-
tional process in primary school as much as possible
in accordance with the challenges of the time and the
requirements of the reformed education. The linguis-
tic and literary branch of primary education was no
exception. In particular, the “Living Alphabet” has
appeared on the desks of first-graders in Ukrainian
schools, the visualization of which is provided by the
FastAR Kids application in smartphones or tablets
(iOS, Android, iPhone). The interactive edition con-
tains a game platform with special labels on the pages
of the edition, which activate augmented reality in 3D
format based on the plots of poems with amazing sto-
ries and animated characters. Some teachers use the
alternative edition of the “Kobzar’s Alphabet” in the
practice of teaching literacy to first-graders. This in-
teractive book contains works by Taras Shevchenko
for each letter of the alphabet, the illustrations of
which come to life, move and talk with the help of the
same FastAR Kids application. However, the method-
ology of teaching with the help of such books remains
undeveloped, so the use of augmented reality in lit-
eracy lessons in the first-grade is not systematic, but
rather situational.
The specificity of fiction, its imagery, organic in-
tegration into the multimedia space also suggest the
need for partial revival of the artistic picture with the
help of augmented reality technology in the reading
process. While developing lifelong learning skills in
primary school students, it is important to form an in-
terest in books, to teach to feel the beauty that is em-
bedded in the artistic word. The depth of perception
of the work depends not only on the development of
critical thinking and aesthetic sense, associated with
a sense of beauty, understanding of the values accu-
mulated in the artistic image, but also on emotional
intelligence. Therefore, the development of dialogic
interaction with works of art will be greatly facilitated
by the use of augmented reality technology, which
causes its visualization primarily emotional resonance
and promotes the activation of the creative imagina-
1.2 Literature Review
We analyzed the current state of research on the
use of AR applications in education (Chen et al.,
2017); studied the experience of combination of AR
with learning based on games in primary school
(Makhachashvili et al., 2020; Pellas et al., 2019),
the impact of integrating game approaches with aug-
mented reality on learning (, 2019;
opez et al., 2019), improvement of learning ef-
ficiency and students’ motivation through the use of
AR applications on smartphones (Chen, 2019).
Possibilities of application of AR technologies
in different fields of education were considered by
Pochtoviuk et al. (Pochtoviuk et al., 2020). The au-
thors noted the great impact of presentation of edu-
cational material by augmented reality on the devel-
opment of facial expressions, attention, stimulating
thinking and increasing the level of understanding of
information. Among the benefits, scientists point to
realism, clarity, completeness, information and inter-
activity. The didactic potential of virtual information
learning environment is determined by Bondarenko
et al. (Bondarenko et al., 2020). Scientists empha-
size such features of VR and AR as immersion, dy-
namism, sense of presence, continuity, causality, in-
tensification of the process of cognition, saving time
for processing the material. While acknowledging the
effectiveness of learning with the help of VR and AR,
the authors also point out the disadvantages, includ-
ing low computerization, low number and low quality
of software products (Bondarenko et al., 2020), diffi-
culties in applying these technologies, such as: small
experience in using this technology, lack of method-
ological literature, lack of developed methods of AR
implementation (Iatsyshyn et al., 2020). Lacunae of
augmented reality educational products are filled by
practitioners who create mobile applications to vi-
sualize educational material, including the chemical
structure of water and display video data from labora-
tory experiments to study subjects of the natural cycle
in the primary school. Innovative is the experience of
developing a mobile application LiCo.SolarSystem,
designed to visualize the solar system using AR tech-
nology and study the alphabet using astronomical def-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
initions (Midak et al., 2020a). According to the au-
thors of the LiCo.STEM and LiCo.SolarSystem ap-
plications (can be downloaded from a publicly avail-
able Google Play Market resource), its contributes to
the development of cognitive motivation of primary
school students and educational energy, their imagi-
nation, creative initiative and research activity (Midak
et al., 2020b).
Walsh et al. (Walsh et al., 2019) offer the develop-
ment and implementation of educational tools using
virtual and augmented reality for language learning
in primary school. Sekerin et al. (Sekerin et al., 2017)
outlined the prospects for the implementation of the
latest educational technologies that allow to increase
the effectiveness of teaching. Thus, in the course of
the study, they found that 20% of students are ready
to receive educational information from conventional
sources, and 80% of students need inter-active per-
ception of information based on augmented reality.
Carrying out lessons with the help of virtual reality
tools, according to scientists, contributes to the full in-
volvement of students in the educational process and,
accordingly, successes in the acquisition of knowl-
edge (Sekerin et al., 2017). For primary school stu-
dents in Ukraine, a textbook and universal didactic
material from AR for the integrated course “I explore
the world”, aimed at developing research skills (Hon-
charova, 2019), has already been created.
The most of the publications on the identified
problem testify to the possibility of using VR and AR
technologies in the educational field for the purpose
of visual modeling of educational material; supple-
menting its visualization; developing students’ spa-
tial ideas; research and experimentation skills; three-
dimensional design, which saves time for learning in-
formation, accelerates learning and makes the process
fun and engaging.
1.3 The Aim of the Research
Thus, augmented reality is increasingly used in pri-
mary education, special educational applications have
been developed in the field of natural sciences, AR
text-books have been created for primary school stu-
dents for the course “I explore the world”.
Among the many tools of augmented reality tech-
nologies in the educational process of primary school
one use AR applications such as “Animals 4D” in the
integrated course “I explore the world”. Encyclope-
dias of the Ukrainian manufacturer with augmented
reality iEXPLORE, which transfer the animal world
from the pages of the book to reality, are designed
to instill curiosity in children, to acquaint them with
the magical world of animals, insects, beetles and di-
The authors of this article outlined the prospects
for the application of augmented reality in the linguis-
tic and literary field of primary school. Several edi-
tions of works of art by Ukrainian and foreign writers
with AR applications, which should be used in read-
ing lessons, are named. We conducted a study of the
effectiveness of the use of AR applications in reading
lessons in primary school with the definition of their
benefits for enhancing the reading activities of stu-
dents (Nezhyva et al., 2020). However, there is a need
for the systematic development of methods for apply-
ing augmented reality in literacy and reading lessons
in 1st-4th grades and testing its effectiveness for the
development of the subject and key competencies of
primary school students.
The recommendations of the European Parliament
and the Council “On the basic professional skills re-
quired for lifelong learning” refer to the formation of
basic competencies that help individuals to socialize
successfully. For the main competencies, among oth-
ers, such reference frameworks as critical thinking,
creativity, initiative, the ability to constructively man-
age emotions are named (, 2018). We
believe that such personality qualities are formed dur-
ing reading activities, which will be enhanced by aug-
mented reality.
The study aims to develop a mobile AR applica-
tion on the Android platform, designed to organize
play activities of primary school students during read-
ing lessons while studying fairy tales and modeling
of methods of application of augmented reality tech-
nologies in the linguistic and literary field of primary
education, which can be used by teachers and students
for effective training on methods of literary reading in
primary school.
AR technologies provide a three-dimensional field of
human perception of virtual information, which can
be perceived as elements of real life. With the help
of augmented reality, images, videos, text and graph-
ics are projected beyond the screens of smartphones
or tablets with the AR function. In this way, vir-
tual objects are combined with the real environment.
With the help of a 360° picture, the boundaries of
the creative imagination of a junior school-child can
be maximally expanded. Quality augmented and vir-
tual reality content blurs the line between the artificial
world and the real one. With the help of gadgets, as
if through a window, the student observes an amaz-
ing image of the world (scientific, technical, artistic,
Augmented Reality in the Literary Education of Primary School Children: Specifics, Creation, Application
etc.), explores, cognizes its laws, learns to change
it for the better. Therefore, the use of these tech-
nologies causes maximum expression in students, and
most importantly allows them to actively interact with
various objects of study in three-dimensional space.
Thus, augmented reality technologies allow students
to perceive artistic images in an entertaining form of
the game, to get closer to understanding the artistic
world of a literary work. In this study we will take
into account the most important advantages of immer-
sive technologies, namely:
clarity, which allows to easily examine in detail
any process or object;
concentration, which allows not to be distracted
by external stimuli and focus on the lesson mate-
maximum involvement of students in the learning
the effectiveness of awareness and memorization
of important educational information, etc. (osvi-, 2019).
Primary school students have the opportunity to
begin their acquaintance with augmented reality in
the 1st-grade. Today, many Ukrainian schools are
provided with an interactive edition of “Living Al-
phabet” with the application FastAR Kids for smart-
phones and tablets (iOS, Android, iPhone). The pages
of this alphabet can be revived from the first literacy
lessons (figure 1). While working with this alpha-
bet, we offer first-graders not only to listen to poems,
fairy tales, useful information, but also advise teach-
ers to set the following tasks for students: observe the
heroes of stories, learn to interact with them, explore
their appearance and emotional state, pay attention to
the environment, orally describe what was seen and
heard, etc.
Figure 1: Demonstration of augmented reality according to
the publication “Living Alphabet”.
A more complex, but not less interesting format
of the interactive edition “Kobzar’s Alphabet” (Kyiv,
2019) with the application FastAR Kids (figure 2). In
special literacy lessons, this alphabet can be used as
an alternative. Students are invited to get acquainted
with the works of the classic of Ukrainian literature
Taras Shevchenko in an interesting and relaxed way
by means of “reviving” highquality illustrations to
these works.
Figure 2: Demonstration of augmented reality according to
the publication “Kobzar’s Alphabet”.
It is important that such an alphabet effectively
helps first-graders with different levels of readiness
to learn to read and understand words and sentences,
provides an opportunity not only to update knowledge
about the letters of the Ukrainian alphabet and cor-
responding sounds but also to hear the clear reading
of Kobzar’s poetic lines accompanied by augmented
reality. The teacher is invited to draw students’ at-
tention to the melodiousness of the native language,
to the beauty of Ukrainian landscapes, activated by
the AR application, to emphasize the spiritual val-
ues of Kobzar’s poetry. Thus, with the help of aug-
mented reality, the tasks of the main semantic lines of
study according to the current school pro-gram of the
1st-grade of the New Ukrainian School are realized,
“Interact orally”. Students perform actions to
activate augmented reality following the listened
instructions; answer questions on the content of
what is heard and seen (who? what? where?
when? how?); tell what is said in the text, ac-
tivated by augmented reality; share their feel-
ings and emotions from what they have heard
and seen; tell what has interested them; repro-
duce emotionally in roles (with students or teach-
ers) the dialogue of the characters; learn to use
non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions,
etc.) according to the communication situation;
repeat samples of coherent utterance (2–3 sen-
tences) while preserving its content and intonation
features; retell a short listened text based on aug-
mented reality; independently build a short coher-
ent statement based on the listened text or aug-
mented reality.
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
“Exploring the media”. Younger students, work-
ing with media products, learn to perceive the
content and form of simple media products,
among which there is not only the usual pictures,
comics, cartoons, but also augmented reality, par-
ticipate in its discussion; share their impressions
of listened to / viewed media products.
“Exploring linguistic phenomena”. Students ex-
plore speech sounds, their correct pronuncia-
tion by activating augmented reality applications,
learn the correspondence of sounds and letters;
observe the lexical meaning of words.
Thus, there is another effective means of teaching
literacy to primary school children – augmented real-
ity, which contributes not only to the successful study
of the Ukrainian alphabet but also a casual acquain-
tance with classical examples of literature and spiri-
tual values reflected in it, ensures the development of
speech, imagination, critical thinking, emotional in-
telligence of primary school students.
In primary school, it is appropriate to conduct in-
teractive reading lessons using art books for children
with augmented reality, in particular a series of books
“Read and Play” by the Ukrainian publishing house
Art Nation Publishing. One has confirmed the ef-
fectiveness of the use of augmented reality (Wow-
Box AR) in the process of studying of Lewis Carroll’s
fairy tale Alice in Wonderland” and “Alice Through
the Looking-Glass”, as well as the application of
The Pumpkin’s Year during the creative reading of
a short story for children called “Pumpkin Year” by
Ukrainian writer K. Babkina. In the extracurricular
reading lesson, the model of studying E. Hoffman’s
work “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King” was suc-
cessfully applied with the activation of the WowBox
AR application. The use of interactive pages of this
edition and additional bracelets contributed to the ac-
tivation of readers in the virtual art world and thus
the implementation of the tasks of the content lines of
the program of the New Ukrainian School. In partic-
ular, within the line “Theatricalize” students had the
opportunity, wearing bracelets and playing the roles
of the heroes of the fairy tale, to observe unfamil-
iar (spectator) and to express their own (actor) ex-
pression. Thus, students were curiously involved in
stage art, in which they gained experience of perfor-
mance, tried to improvise. Observation of artistic ex-
pression through augmented reality, work with inter-
active coloring pages and stickers, expression of ap-
propriate emotions through acting ensures the devel-
opment of the child’s emotional intelligence, creative
thinking, initiative, self-awareness, self-control, abil-
ity to overcome barriers associated with uncertainty
and risks, effectively cooperate with and understand
one another.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to draw the
attention of a young reader to a book in the mod-
ern conditions of informatization of society. From an
early school age, children get used to gadgets, which
are gradually becoming one of the leading ways of
learning about the world. This problem has become
even more acute in a pandemic, when the distance
learning format has become more active in the educa-
tion system. At the same time, we should remember
the importance of the art book, reflected in the fiction
aesthetic, spiritual, moral values for the formation of
the personal image of the world of the student. The
art of the word enriches with new knowledge, has a
powerful educational potential, develops speech, fig-
urative thinking, creative imagination and emotional
intelligence, promotes awareness of national identity
and socialization of the individual, causes unforget-
table impressions, gives aesthetic pleasure. There-
fore, there is a need to open the value of fiction for
younger students, to form the interests of readers, to
demonstrate the uniqueness of literary reading.
This study is devoted to the creation of an aug-
mented reality application to the topic “Ukrainian folk
tales”. Due to the fact that the leading activity in pri-
mary school is gaming, the AR application for a fairy
tale was created as a game-trip to the very same story.
The development of the application provides for the
following tasks:
Analysis of the work. Describe the place and time
of events, characters (motives of behavior, causes
of feelings and emotions, relationships between
Interpretation of the work. Conduct dramatiza-
tion, creative translation, continuation of the text;
evaluate the experiences and emotions of the char-
The emotional impact of works on the reader. De-
scribe the mood, feelings of the characters of the
work and one’s own emotions caused by reading
a fairy tale; compare these emotions with the feel-
ings caused by events in one’s own life; character-
ize the favorite character, substantiate the sympa-
thy, the reasons of empathy to the character.
Thus, with the help of the Unity program (Katsko
and Moiseienko, 2018) and the Vuforia plugin, an
augmented reality was created to accompany the cre-
ative reading of the fairy tale “Kotygoroshko” (fig-
ure 3).
The basis of the game-trip is a fairy tale map with
stations and special interactive tags – circles of differ-
ent colors (figure 4).
In order to activate the augmented reality on the
Augmented Reality in the Literary Education of Primary School Children: Specifics, Creation, Application
Figure 3: The process of the development of the application to “Kotygoroshko”.
Figure 4: Interactive map of the game-trip for the activation of the AR applications under the fairy-tail “Kotygoroshko”.
map and complete the lesson tasks, students form
groups. For convenience, students in each group re-
ceive stickers of the same color (red, blue, green, yel-
low). To animate the interactive parts of the travel
map (colored circles), one needs to download a spe-
cially designed AR application (figures 5, 6) on the
smartphone or tablet and point the gadget to the color
wheel of the command of the respective station. A
specially designed program attaches a virtual AR ob-
ject to the label and activates the image of the hero,
the episode of the fairy tale, the text of the question
on the screen. Each group of students “animates” it
with the help of AR applications on each of the four
stations of the circle of the corresponding color.
The first stop of the game-trip is dedicated to the
retelling of a fairy tale. According to the name of the
stop, it is suggested to perform the actions “Look and
tell”. Each group of students “animates” the circle of
the corresponding color and a fragment that needs to
be transferred appeared on the smartphone. The group
of students is offered the task to make a plan for the
retelling of a fragment of a fairy tale visualized with
the help of an AR application and to determine the
speakers according to the plan. The teams were of-
fered the following fragments: “Red” – a fragment of
“Brothers and sister have disappeared”; “Yellow”
a fragment of the Appearance of Kotygoroshko”;
“Green” a fragment of “Battle”; “Blue” a frag-
ment of “Betrail of brothers”.
The task of the second stop “Who is who” of the
fairy-tale travel game is the characterization. Each
team “revives” its hero from the fairy tale “Koty-
goroshko”, watches him, remembers the text of the
fairy tale and characterizes it by features: the appear-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 5: Activation of the interactive part of the travel map “Look and tell”. Fragment “Battle”.
Figure 6: Activation of the interactive part of the travel map “Look and tell”. Fragment “Appearance of Kotygoroshko”.
ance of the hero; emotions experienced by a fairy-
tale hero; positive and negative features; mistakes or
achievements of the hero; one’s own attitude to the
hero (figure 6).
The next stop of the fabulous game-trip is
“Think”. At this stop, students visualize the ques-
tions based on the fragments of the fairy tale told by
the students. While activating the red label, the stu-
dents answered the question: What happened in Ko-
tygoroshko? Explain why, after Olenka’s disappear-
ance, the brothers also disappeared? Name the rea-
sons for the return of the brothers. Why did the broth-
ers lose the battle? What advice would you give them
to win? Evaluate the actions of the brothers. While
activating the yellow label, students pondered the fol-
lowing questions: When did Kotygoroshko appear in
the family? Explain why people were afraid of his
power? In what way do you think one can use Ko-
tygoroshko’s force? Complete the preparation for the
battle of Kotygoroshka and the brothers? Explain why
Kotygoroshko was so confident in his strength? What
would you do recommend to Kotygoroshka when he
was preparing for the battle? Consider what influ-
ences the victory? While activating the green label,
the students analyzed the fairy tale in the following di-
rections: Who has Kotygoroshko met, when he came
to the snake? Explain Olenka’s behavior during the
meeting with Kotygoroshko? Consider whether Ko-
Augmented Reality in the Literary Education of Primary School Children: Specifics, Creation, Application
tygoroshko could negotiate with the snake and not
fight? Suggest possible solutions in the fight between
Kotygoroshko and the snake. How do you feel about
Kotygoroshko’s act? Name the advantages of Koty-
goroshko in contrast to his brothers. While activating
the blue label, the students answered the following
questions: Was Kotygoroshko able to free his broth-
ers and sister? For what reasons Kotygoroshkodid not
admit to the boys that he was a brother? Why did the
brothers decide to get rid of Kotygoroshko and then
freed him from their trap? Advise Kotygoroshko how
to act in the situation that developed at the end of the
fairy tale? What would you tell your brothers to do in
the current situation? Try to model the other possible
end of the fairy tale.
The presented research actualizes the use of AR ap-
plications in the practice of literary education of pri-
mary school students. According to the authors of
the study, augmented reality technology meets mod-
ern social and educational challenges, contributes to
the successful implementation of the tasks of liter-
ary education of the New Ukrainian School, allows
younger students to fully immerse themselves in the
space of art and activates their figurative thinking.
Given the specifics of fiction and the leading prin-
ciples of methods of teaching literary reading in pri-
mary school, this article describes the different areas
of application of augmented reality in the literary field
of primary education:
visualization, observation and research of the
artistic image, demonstration of its expression;
visualization, observation and research of the
artistic world of a literary work;
organization of the reader’s interaction with the
literary hero;
organization of game activities in the lesson of lit-
erary reading (study of the work with the help of a
game developed by means of augmented reality);
organization of theatrical performances with the
help of interactive bracelets and stickers with AR
In order to organize effective play activities of pri-
mary school students in the lesson of reading while
studying a fairy tale, a mobile application (on the An-
droid platform) of a travel game using AR technology
has been developed. The development of the appli-
cation provides for the implementation of the content
of the current school program of the New Ukrainian
School of Literary Reading: analysis and interpreta-
tion of the work, activation of the emotional impact
of the work on the reader. The use of augmented re-
ality objects in the methodology of literary reading
allows the teacher to deepen the emotional resonance
of reading a fairy tale, motivate to read oral folklore,
develop the creative imagination of primary school
children, the quality of their emotional intelligence,
including the ability to understand and analyze emo-
tions, empathy, interaction in a team, manage emo-
tions, etc. In addition, AR applications qualitatively
visualize the world of art, promote easy memorization
of works by students, the development of critical and
figurative thinking of primary school children in an
interesting game form, their creativity and initiative.
All in all, we see the continuation of scientific
research on a particular problem in the direction of
studying the readiness of future teachers to apply aug-
mented reality in the linguistic and literary field of
primary education.
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Augmented Reality in the Literary Education of Primary School Children: Specifics, Creation, Application