struction it is possible to achieve strong performance
in choosing the optimal routes.
During the experiment to verify the effectiveness
of the use of visualization in achieving academic com-
petencies, it was noted that about 40% of students
consider it necessary to change the curriculum in the
direction of using visualization of teaching methods.
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perimental and control groups showed that skills and
abilities to solve creative problems were higher by
40–50%. Students’ satisfaction with the quality of
teaching and the number of solved practical problems
also increased by 20–30%, which indicates the pos-
itive impact of this interactive method on the edu-
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ing disciplines. Thus, the use of active and interac-
tive methods in the process of teaching engineering
and economic specialties helps to optimize the edu-
cational process, increases the informative capacity
of the material studied, as well as improves the ef-
ficiency of learning.
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