because they allow you to get results almost imme-
diately after the test. Interactive learning tasks help
increase the level of digital competence of teachers
and students, as well as aimed at solving the most im-
portant task of education – to teach school leavers to
work productively in the world of global informati-
zation and in connection with global quarantine and
the transition of all educational institutions to distance
learning which is very important.
In addition to these online services, participants
were also introduced to such services as: Mentimetr,
Classtime, Plickers, ClassTools, etc during the train-
ing. The method of conducting trainings on the use of
these services in the educational process will be de-
scribed in more detail in the following publications.
At the end of the trainings, the participants were
interviewed about the general impression of the train-
ings, the methodology of their conduct and technical
and social competence of the trainers. 50 respondents
took part in the survey. The results of the survey are
presented in the form of diagrams (figures 9–11).
So, the growing role of ICT in education and every-
day life requires the formation of digital competence
of each individual. This process is entrusted to the
teacher as the main agent of action and the engine
of modern reforms. That is why there is a question
of continuous improvement of their level of digital
competence – quality, the formation of which allows
teachers at a high professional level to use electronic
educational resources to search, logical selection, sys-
tematization, use of educational material and effective
educational process.
Further research should focus on the use of other
innovative technologies, including the ClassDojo,
Classtime platform, etc., to increase the digital com-
petence of practicing teachers, as well as to find other
training topics for the development of professional
competence of educators.
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology